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EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 132411 NORME EUROPEENNE, EUROPAISCHE NORM iy 2008 Englch version Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Product, standard - Part 1: Products without fire resistance o: smoke control characteristics, ‘ha Eanes a at b/ Oon 2 3 cet nantes nur sane Ain, ag Cat Rpt. Ons STEELS SS hero a Sol EN 19241-1:2005 (€) Contents page 8 $008 nn - = 6 fa Sener a ' : 8 12 Sxelusona 2 on ——— € 13 Specie epsicatione oom a 7 2 Normative references. a 7 3 Teeme and detintons 7 os — sean 4 : se maa a Ne aa : = : a 413 2 on : 3 415 Mesnania! cure = — 3 444 Geometry of glaunglans component, 2 mt 445 Protection agunat euting srescerenssscooe Ss. 418 Protection agaist tiping — ——- 0 447 Sifeopenings.- — mm 10 418 Release of dangorcussubsiancee ' ee Sue 42° Power operation. — on “0 421 Protection again crthing, sheeting and drawing Sune 422 Opeming rene aa : 19 423 Gletnat eat. —— —— i" 424 Electromagnett compaily (ENC). 4 425 Allemative requirments /senr vn : a 425 Upgrding ofmaruay esa dsr “Som a onal requirements for specie pecormance characterises... a 234 Wetrtnuess, : es = a 432. Reclotance to windioad co ——— ae 435, Nolwsernceen enn mo ci 434 Thormal rsisance I oy 433. Alrpermesaity, . ———s a 438 Durabity of te porismance charac : 1a 44° Instructions for instalation, operatian and man an 7 5 Marking an abet = ~ sent Evaluation of conformity, ee er 81 Ganenl = mm = —— oe 52 Inia type oa —— ee : Cs 83 Teston ste nnn 2 cote 84 Prodvcton cone a “ 8 [Annex A (oforma:ve} Form for designation and cassia! 7 Annex B (core) Procedure forthe determination of values fr therm oy 8 ntroduetion ———— ‘8 B2 Procedure nnn come z eae ‘Annex €(ntaratve) Safety faciors tobe considered in dar design in respect of her resistance to Wit oedema : a ne ‘Anox ZA (normative) Relationship ofthis European Standard withthe Construction Products Dirtive nn nnanens cnn nee a EN 419241-1:2008 (6) ZA1 Clauses ofthis European Stancaréaderessing the provisions of EU Construction Products Directives ee = ecrestt 2A2 Procedures forthe ateitin of sonformly af industla, commercial and gamge doors ond (ledeerencn = “ — eR 2024 General nnn — Ls 2422 Procedure ascording to system 3 NT | 2R3" Cemarking and labeling. nna cou a) ‘Annex 28 rernatve) Relationship of his European Standard with the Machinery OF EEN nnn 28 ‘Annex 20 (nara) Relationship ofthis European Standard withthe EMC Direct. 2 Bibtogrephy, = : : nen Foreword ‘his document (EN 1524-12008) res been grapared by Techical Commitee CEN TCS, “Door, windows ‘Tidzon Boing Faronore and extn wang sae of wha Pls By AFNOR. ‘This Eutopann Star shal be given the sai f¢naon tora eer by pubsion of anita tex eect hells oy lanary dbs, asd corti atonal sanders sal bs wndrann eto ls Dy danvary 2008 “This Ewopetn Standard issn of sera of produc: landarc fr indus, commer and garage do Tee et et tanout fr etnance or smote coll characieracs (see BBcQreph) “This docuect nae been srapres under & mandate ven 19 CEN by Ine Europena Commision andthe Ewer Free Tao Assooton, abd supports essai aqurerient of EU Orectvets). Foe relalonhip with EU Diective(}, 868 ifomative annexes 2A, 28 and 2C, which ae rtegral pars ofthis acumen [Ansanes And Care infortatve Acoex 8 ormatve, “his cocuent ince a Biiearaphy: No ening European Standard supersedes, ecorang to the CENIGENELEC Iniernal Repustors, he natonal standards orgarzsions of the folowing ecard inplemert ine Euroaean Sndart: Ausra Baigum, Czech Renuthe, Onnmar Friars er ee ep, tsara, Weer, tly Tsembau. Maka, Nefetans, Norma, Poros Slovan Span Sedan, Swizarand ane he Una Kingsem. 2N 13241-4:2008 (€) Introduction Was the sm of elarhng the iertane of his Exopean Standart and evoiing doves woen reading tte fotewing atounstons ware mate wnen soi 5) components hau speaicraquaments — designed i accordance wih the usual engineering practes and eaininion code, ncuting a fire of scund mechan en cies conto: mesa. mate's wth aseqotestersth and of sulle aust ~ over eletica bazar dso wih scoring elec sly stance surat EN 602061, 1b) component ke i ood ‘conorical orkng fe desis wear and working order, £0 thal the requires characetes remain durng the ©) wih tw exception ofthe ts Sas elon, a mechanical devin is bit acerang goed pracica andthe ‘equremens of is Evepan Sanda “= negotiations occur bewean the manctacurer and the purchaser concrning patedar canon forthe Uke artpaceso use othe cer rll to heath ard salty — tne place of usinstataion cust ne pace of sentation atow ste ue of te dor . “These essumptens dnt este nad for adequate ifort fr ut in Pi Eopeb Saran EN 49261-1:2009 (E) 1 Scope 4.4 General ‘his Eurpeen Stacard spas ie safety and seormance requirement for doo, ga68 ae baer intended ‘orinsaation i teas Ine reach of persons, ano when ie ag oss gu eae Io {hous and velces accompanies or ven ay neon ndueal commer of reeerel premises. ‘This Cuepean Standard as covets commercial dears such 8 cing shuters anny gis use ata [remses nich area) prodos fo" he secesso petson ae’ an veils 0” Gea ese doors can Ince oaks oars InrgraeG Ir he door Wal rich are aa cinerea by this Eucocean Standart —yfrose secs can be manual or ower aperai0g ) Tis European Stancard coos not cover operation in mironmenss wre the elecvonagraic Seubances ae Gusie the range of hese soatesn EN 6100083, isn 4.2 Bxelustons ‘This Euopeen Standard geese! apvto he olowing wnch ar intende ora aileetut: = oe gatas ane dock gate: coats on its = doors on voices: = doors mai fr he tion af arias — eave este curs: _— oronaly moving maualy operates pedetaa door wih alas se las nan 8.5 _— hosonialy moung power operated door ats then 25m wide ens &,25! aot, designed pecially for pdestian usein zesoance win oreN 12650 = re¥ehieg soos of ay see — aay bares — serra utes slay foros This European Siendard ces not cover the ado part. of coos. a ado Operating sie used, te rlevat ES standaras sroud Ge apes naasion ‘nis Euopeen Standard ctes not conan any specie caquraments for fe resiance of smoke conzl Charatan which ate covered pyEN 132402) Tins Euopean Standard doesnot conan any specie equtement regarding noise ented by @ door in wason wi he Wachnery Brest ‘his European Stands ous na canta any spe requiem fe coor uhh are marng because of eneegy ‘ore by detested moans om hurnan govern 26 manually ensoned song a 2003 (€) ‘This Euopssn Standard does natcontan any spec reqramanis lr doors on escape rites. Th aby to ook ‘ne doo let salty end easly cant nomaly e achieved by Indu, converte! on garage cost se fee. weight andor ze of 8 ator 113 Specific applications Speraon 1 an irsaled manual So" reapoa a he rtvan requirements, anne 2A dots et Sob fend 3 door fs European Standard shoud 880 aly to power operated dors which have been cise by ho aditon of 1 ako ents requrements and classes of pearance fr abitonal caralertis considers to te of ‘price tothe wae, nen door is ofthe ad caring suture othe bulking the requirements ois Euopean Standard an ‘app ona vlutay basis in dion whe vequrements for te lond earning srlure ihre rol coat wih {8S Esopean Slandart, Anes 24 doa not 999) be he ot Soo 2. Normative references ‘This European Standard Inciporates oy deco: undo relronce,provieene tam afer publeslon. Tete ‘joralve referees ave creda te approptat laces the tnt athe pobtatone ae fist Meese” aid references, svossauert wvandmarie fo ortavsins of Sy ofthese publcalons apy fo ths Eucoean Standard ony ween eorpraes in by amendven 0: reson For undated references theta eco of Te publestenrlereato apples ncisng amendmen), EN418, Safety ofmachinay — Emergency stp agupmon, intonal aspects — Prine fr design, 1007, Safebrofmachnen’— Prevention of unexpected att WV 1001-24, Euocade 1” Basis of sign and schon on sctures— Par 2-4: Actors on suctrss Wine 124262000 indus commercial and gasege dows angles — Resistance to wind bad — Cassia, EN 12425, cst camer ana garage doors and gas — Resistance to wate pererater — Ciasctcn EN 12426, oust commer ana garage doers and pals — Ar prmesity — Clasicaton £5 12427, oustel commer ana garage dears and gatas At permesbity Test mthoa EN 12428, Indust, commercial and garage cots and gales ~ Thermal varemiance — Requamens fhe sslelaton ° EN 124334, Inoustial commerce and garage door and gles — Teminoogy — Pat Type of doors 385126582 Induseiel comme and garage coor ans gates Temialogy ~ Pa 2: Pats of doors EN 12444, Instat comme and garage ober and palss~ Resistance 0 wins Ines — Testng EN 124482000 Inui, commer and garage dors and gates — Safety nue o wer operated doors — Tost methods. EN 124582000, aus, commercial and garage ders and gates — Safety in Use of ver operated doses — Fequrements EN 12488, naustiat camer and garage ders and gatos — Resta © waterpererator — Test mt HEN 128042000, asia, commercial and garage dors and gts — Mechanical sspats— Requrments EN 43269-1:2009 (E) “£1 2608:2000 indusnal commercial and garage dos and gat — Mechanica ssscis— Test metioae EN 126362002, insur commer and gage doors end gales — insainion anes, EN 129762003, indus. conmere ang garage dco and goles — Salty dovces for ron costed doors and gates — Requtomanss an tat motes ~ EM 60204-1887. Safety of machinay— Eletica! eupment of machies — Pan 1: Genera’ requremens (08 60204-11857). ~ EN 61000-62, Etecromagnate compatbiy (EMC) — Pat £2. Gonere standads— nmi for indus lrwonments 0EC 81000-65 1868 modiad, -£NS100083, Elearomegrote compatblty EMC) — Part 63: Generic standres— Enision stance tor Vesisenat conmeraal ae igrindusnal enonmanss (Ie 80008) 1988 moaned EN 180 140°, Acoustics — Measurement 2 sound neuatan in bultrgs and ef burg elements — Pet $ {aboraton/ measurements of sbame aud euiaton cuter elemens 80 Tab 085) EN 180 717-1, Acoustics — Rang of sound meuaon in buitings and of uleing ekments— Far 1: Avowne Sound isulaton (80 717 1006) EN 150 12887-1, Thermal peramance of windows aed doors — Osteminaton ot hanna Yanamtiance by rt ‘box method — Pa 1” Compote windows and doa 180 12987 12000) 3. Terms and definitions For te purposes ofthis Euovean Stand tems and defini given in EN 1263-1 and EN 124352 end the along sep a ‘operating force ofthe door {ore exerted bythe power ered doar eat whan coming i corac witha person ror a cbaace 32 ‘erally moving door {ny dor were the main closing eageremeins paral! othe rund foo rng ts movement horizontally moving door {ny coor where tne ain closing age remains perpen lo he rou oes ding ts nacomant 4 Requirements 44 General re cle of ne door type adits sacii:aton reeds oe mada ar aking no account where te doc ‘tales and the opraingvequremmis expend tary Sey ih Use” cash ch une toe Uwe Senet od Iroqueney of maintenance ode of aperaten equeny.f eperaten. degree o aumascn peut sae soars and postion ef the dcor wihin tho buting, ete are at ined to be crate of he dour hoe Sent Spactcatons may incade requirements Tor prtomaresfeatices unc ahal se Gemensaled by he Parsace Gon inte rowing aes. ness ne manulacrer is supsying fo fle sara lates or vais of pefrsanee charscisis for ‘essanoe to wale penetaton esltance to wnd ns, inatmalesitance ok permecslly. ressarsee Geo ‘esttance 19 smoke as notid bythe purnase Ine manufacture shal Colas te leva pearance ee Doors shal be olnned, designe and constructed n acordance wth the fllowieg reqvament 19 ensue thee fststactoy ena safe operation ner meres stuation ana unde er expesieg ovens ef une ano ot te ‘hartenance, ep ana damarting. 4.2 Mechanics! aspests Al dors, man an pve cra, sal bane designed ord certo a scrsaes wth in parlicular, 8f doors shall mee! tna following requeements. Salo 422 Force for manual operation Maximum vats forthe force far manual opereton ae pecan EN 12608-2900, 6.49, imu vuae cf the fore for emergency manual operation due Io power oF dive ature are speced in suizsssg0on §35 ‘Vente ne ore for anv parton shat be cared at naatodance within wat mete sees in 423 Mechanis! resistence ~-Deers shal bs designed ord cararucag in accordance wth EN 125042000, 422 and 423 so that in ove! ‘persion the Imposed frees. impale ana stesees reser damoge the oo nor mpl Ne ecanios poromance “Tee macharical sng shal be vied in ascordance witht tet manade specie EN 12808 2000.81 1 The mechanical pertormans ‘peratonal cys 1 be Secret by Ine maniaenrern accordance wi °F » oor shal be ensued, subject to prescribed mairerece, far @ umber of eDuTG0 aves © Mechanical cab sal verted in accorcance withthe tst methods specie in EN 605 2009.82 NOTE Th mnae at cedaten ty crema andro ack onthe compere ich maybe heaeraec Irth lst tecnen ce nese! cuabltytosng, aren ey ee raceiny hele cosines So a ot Sareaity Yeon wale beneraionsuiy isa 6, ae ae sce Tee cross cg sete ‘ioe, gure 425, Geometry of glexingylse components nee transparent materi ae uso ie eeors ey shalnotbecoma dangerous, any beage shoul cur oer leaves which are pms ma of vansparent meri sta be casi visi. ‘>See raguremenis a spced in EN 12606-2000, 4.25, which shal ne venflegby ie rlaed test meas Spaced nN 12005 200087 425 Protection agsnet outing cowie pans of coos shat rat create any cuaghazaré, Shay edges tall be emt in ascorderce wth EN raeod'2000, 45 cand EN 14592000, 5.113 EN 13241-1:2008 (€) 427 Protection against tipping Pars ef oor shal rot cause ay ign haat. Haight erences up oS mm wien ecu a neato are Potoonsdered dangerous a en height ciarances ges an 5 won ee needed sue to lacs reason. rests of pats cars, thevelsad pars shal becleay vibe nonsates or shallbe made co by warnngsigs.e yew ack sip. Pressure snatve mate aro winch may vae roping hezrd shall comply winEN-10T8200.6.242. 428 sete openings Vericaty moving doors sal ce seleguaras in the eve of fale ofa sil comgonen: in Utheucng geo" ves) cr basterg sation apaine roping er uncaneolec ou of balrce movamen. suspension Reqitemerts ate species ix EN 126042050, £24. These “equtements sal be wiles in accrdance win EN2g082000, 842 anes 43 orizonaiy moving coors sal te safeguard again! dersinen: RRequvements are spectiag in EN 128062000, 43.1. Theee requrements shal bs vied i accordance wih EN 26052000, 8.200 S42 429 Release of dangerous substances Produce sn ct leace any dangprous substances in excess a he masimum perite eves seed n he ‘elevart Ewopeet Standard > oer speticaions, 4.3 Power operation 434. Genera ‘Al power cpaated doors shal ill fn aon to meeting the rquomants 2 42) theraqutements of EV 12459, Inport, bower operate’ oer hal ll te folowing regurer ans 4.32 Protection agains crushing, shearing and rawingin Cortina shearing and deving-n points garerated By the dor lal cutog normal use she eiminsted ‘sstouarde. Reauierenis for salety atures ee species in EN 126582000, 61.9, ‘he oectveness of thas measures sha be sod in ecortance with EN 124452300, 61.1 Saley devices ¢9,pressresenstive cr slacro-senstive potesive doves, whch ae inated compliance Sash Sacuronats ties sbove sal be dengned ara leies m ccovarce wi EN 124532000, 8116 and EN i2e78 423 Operating forces ‘Operating forces exer by 2 ae let of powar operated dems, nora pow aerate pass dos, where SPSSG® Starnes impart nazres ao salepvarded oy lnwston forces, shal bap os ete vel" Urs Se pBitee in 'ew taass2060, S76 ara 813. Complarco shal te vetied oy texte spaces in x #2448:2000; douse 8 ara? : For ower operad doors wich are oped in tne held to rn mde of epson the sloping Satan ater Fone of Se eowator anal Be epl sn con ‘0 EN t3241-4:2009 6) ‘Specie raquramants are ghsn in EN 124532000, Compliance shal be ved by tts specie En iawn et 4 me ‘Safely devices, og, pressuresonstve or eecvoeentie potecive devices, which a nied ia conpance wi the raqurements Isto abo shellbe designe’ ana Testes m accordance win EN T2450 2000, S78 ond EN 8 434 Sactca efaty Becta ve ayes, conta! unis and tne components shal be degnad and ansucted so that wen Instatlec, clocncalrazarée aa sa and fresaaabic mise are avosed or safeguarnd EN 12489 2000, 524 and 522 as wall ab EN 125782008, 41.2, 4,19 and 41 dine spec reireents anc ‘Seay te eleanl ost method obese for vereion 435. Electromagnetic conpatblty (EMC 2) 4351 Elecvomaprtic compatty reales EMC recive The elactomagnoticdlsurbances genera ty he power operate dcor shal ro enced he loves species in {£3151000.8.3.The power ope door shal nave suet mmm fo elcromegneic turbans ees \o operate as inended ntor exoosa tothe ovals snd tyes of Salubance a spaites i ENS1900E2. The mmanulacer of te power cputates dor shel deg, sat ens wate Ie equipment and euessembies fohg ‘no accocn te reccrnmentacns of e suppers) of a aubsesembes, Yo ertta hat the secs o ‘lecromagnetc astutances eran shart leaé io unerdes paralon sae lr danger. (sparta ne flowing oe of pramancear segradation of parrmarce shal naa. — speccin oxc08s 01 20% of designed peromanes = inion of person sieaockng does —reducton in fet detectoncapabity. NOTE, emanation anions ae mates oie ee etic For tose tess specie In EN 6190082, any dopadatin of perfomarces oles furan alowed wih gare ‘opatomences tara A and. shel be docirod oj the maruactr Ary emporay beso une Mowe ‘ih rare performance erea,C’shallte cele by he marwachrer 4352 Evcromagnatc compavbity ate to MD Drectve The cower operate door shat have sutier many lo slecomagneic dalubarceso enable to opeste Zalety as orced an eal fo darget wn exgoked fo he aval an peso cebancee os specs £EN 910008.2 Tne manufachrr oth pove”oerios door sha design, instal and wre he sumone ut [ssembies taking ino avons the rararmensalrs othe supplenay of he aum-asserdige, 1 chore oe the ‘Met of elocvomagnets Sstbanon heres shal aa lunes operation andre ‘The olovngparermance cir ehl be uted te detemine ie el (pats of EMC inmunty este 3) Fer hse tests specie i EN 61000452 he pararmance era as spin in EN 6100042 sha! apn, 1») Win rgard wo all the pavooance err spacied in EN 6100046-2 (A, 8 ee). Be shat be roles of Dertrmance oc depacston of partomane eich sous load 10 anger In paru te low bes ot Pofomarce or dgrauston ef seromance sal el cccur — unexpected sar-up 628 EN 1057) EN 19241-1:2008 (E) = tacking of an emergency stop comma et rasating of tt emergency sop fneton (500 EN 16 and evembe — nition of te operation af any steyneocking dove — sryreuction in faut deecion capi il wectomaynn smunarces anne pve crraa ae han 4353 Vertiaton 42524 Vatteaion of BMC rela othe EMC recive “Compliance with the ENC requremants in 435.1 shall be checks in sccorance wth EN61000-52 and {EN ro0D8.2 I tostng ol hs conpeee ps ope'atad coors ot reasonably presale dust the ze ce racine the menuacire eal very ta al appropriate equprmen subosserbies cova th 43.51 anc ae [ieby setae! and wired to moins uranses svar ter facts accordance wih Sy recommercsion ‘the spl) of he su-aeserses. 43532 _Verfcaon of EMC lata othe MarNneny Oreste Comptance wth the EMC requssmons i 4362 stale checked by caying ot praia testing anduncion (Gang: I'tesing of be completed ponar operat oor te ebsorasy pracicabe due fo ne sue othe ‘SoutBy the aruforurer shal vrly tata) appropriate eqvomert subassemblies cry wi 4382. The Popular svat ao very Ina hose sub assemslies ae sutaby mst and wie tein sete lect Gatrtances on he equpmon and are in ccarance win any recommandatan af fe Suppl) of te tb For power operat garage dacs for ona hovsahst ny wien at vercaly operating wor-stomatic nish do ot open ona pubis acs mobs 421 10435 tb) be supesedoa By Ine roqurerents of EN 12459200, 437 Upgrading of manually operated doors Power operate dors whch are produced by he subeaquet dion o's deve ut can cevit rom 1 wa the frceptants2.90nd 428 ‘44 Additional requirements for specific perfermance characteristics, 444 Genera - vn adton to complying wih he requramants In 4.2 ang 43, seformance of tre folowing enutonnent ‘Gharactonsce, anare osuied, hal be detarmined and apaed accordance We lwngreqaremnts 442 Water tig essance 10 vale peretiaon sal be bases upon test massuemens cared cut ov completely essenbis bos o vidal rpresortave pars accordance wih EN 1489. ‘Te classified tat results may be deriva For att specimen wh he maximurydmevsions of he procuct ° Tonia teat specimon wich fs repraeoatne of Ie lent sesenaiy win the mnimum dimensions sete In EN 12489 wniceve Is more onerous. 13244-4:2009 (€) ‘Ta est rue shal show, ta hee is no water leskage tncugh th doo he aepiad we pressure ung ne {ine sbedtegin hp reavan sare nEN 12425, 442 Resistance to wind ‘The estan owindlad oe doors capaiy to winsans specie dort wissprestre. Doors sna be dosiged in oer to stil & specified deen! wind presse, ard shall be classed a Sccooance wh hewn ond oasses specified EN 12028 The roqueneets of his cause api othe ably of ne closes doors and otto te sbity o be cpened a: Closed under wnd 980 8 Tos tegucemen a doo are abst cpeal unde wi a, NOTE the casino he car doen ith eg arene 9 nave face sg 9, the mine Wind speed onispte nt nee etn, HORN Basan tape fe Suan, ar heaton hth Goethe Mattos for setermiring the wins arassue at bulking element suchas a dor hs by itatand He wed ) speed and ome aa, are rot covered by is Evopean Stands These methods ae gi eg. INENV 1391-24 Gromer avant atonal appsaon document NOTE? nies of ese domuners the hase nd speeds ofr sed aban averape Souda 2 peed one nd nen celine wins oad castes o pressures ae ot sited bythe specter, doos shat dasigned to wihstans ovtve ond regatve afereta! resewes n accordance win EN T2e04 2000, 424 n viento Te fquterent, deers tobe Maeda apace sha eles cont wih cass 2 of EN T28za Whe der hast resis ferent we las a ferent highs, may be designed ta achave diferent wi as dlasees at fret oe, EN r2aaa, by flecae test bya Neal es orby a component pa est erent potion or by calcuton Diteon salty fotos shall be uses depending on whether Last or cacuaton i the bats of he deson These {ators spetiadin N 12604, EN 12448 an EN 12424, af crete nen 704 C ) NOTES tis veemmanded het wer insrucion shou arian « waning ling ta the opeson fe dor be ‘Seis aay onan Nise Ho Theteetr ie shal be alts in acordance wi EN 0717-1 ‘emal resistance fr # comply assembled door ena be ea or claulte in aesidance wth EN 12426 ardamexe “Thamal resistence expressed by tne U-valve Win) ae esl ne testo he eeuton NOTE the enleaan ea go ot tke i aout any fle of ar radaton o at Panter caused oy pameaoiy, 448 Air permesbiity Al pares or compte assed door lated othe ovat erea ane considering te opening Jats shal Delestad a cnousiegn aseordance wth EN 12027 EN 13261-1:2009 (€) mo a crcl lasses sec EN 12428, EN t324t-1:2003 (6) Replacement components which ae identical of orignal anes used fr the type tentg may be exchanged ‘witout acing ne evluaon of contrty Wher aarnatvaanaoracdtonl compere sre a hwo Say est he deciarad characortcs, ze eraluain of canfrmity sel be revewer or pola 62 Initial type test An il ype es sha e-noarate conory of to tnt epson wth a ne reuters aed in 42, re for ower operated doors wih tose estez nani: scctons chr acr ates wt the aver pare oté = oa type tose of« specimen or spacrans ropresertative oft roduct one produ pe shal demonstrate that the recure values and groseton aro chen ‘Specimens io bs tste stat 2 seca such aay ha te lt resus ae vai forthe produc ype ‘nen test resus detve for ass carmas ont on products of dmensons diteret or thoes‘ ne ta Sspoceen(s) he relevart es mtn nab otearieg, others the Fang soos 1) General: Tos the nce ufoicrele sn the mast unavourable rangement ie wih winds arg pat ‘oor eerporaad in the rung door lea. ee foreach roduc ype. Tho tet resis caine can ther be appled io all mere favourable rergerors ado al smal ssa nthe parcur poaiel Sesion ©} Resistance to nar penaaton ard a pemeebiy: Test esute dering tom Me mast uncured rangement what ea! be minimum st sected fi tna Euoawan Standera sl be appicatle io oes with mote favourable sagen ano al sate aha lager door or he pare design ces ane proait ype ©) Thermal resto: Space nernaton are ghe in annex. 63 Test on site eyes on te ore asset pon ete pore when are eraducd by ne nowecuor aston la io Un ors Ye daca ently Be naledprodur win he oguremerte safes n 622428 oe a 64 Production control [permanent nial contol roduc shale exes by te mana ‘NL oloments, equrements and rovisons adopied ay the manvfackxer shall be ccouneries In a systematic ‘mater ie fem often poles, roceds and Inu, ‘The adopted preducion core! stom sal orsre a commen understanding of cul saturance I aha also enable the ragostedecMeveret othe requted characoncs, ‘Al remit of Factory Production Coir (FPC) tle and inspectors cried out accord eta plan shal be ‘ecerded: These records shal saw desl whee the prodorta ule ha dened axepance cera, Whats {hs prod fsa fo fol te ssatanee measures. be povisone for nan-saring pods 97 ‘The adopted producton conc! system shel feremors ensue the efectve opaain fhe produto sono ‘tam tobe checkee ‘The FPG system documentation shal at as aes he folcwing 1) ebeofcsbon otis and tons 8) spectestion oa structure of me gyter documentation: ©) speoteston and veriaon ora mate an canpenans: 1) ident ication anc acento roxas: 1s EN 49261-4:2003 (E) ©) documented prosecute ane arte eats to FPC contol of FPC related eco 2) devin conta 1) sdantfeation of inspectns ana tats be cared out 1) sdentcaton of necessary equeeart or nspectons antes |) treatment f non canorsing products camming out comectne actions, race of system habe etoresin a Ste an proper wey fra minimum peed “0 year ‘The insaaton cont syten sal bo gst ofthe factory production corr when mandatuers comet fi NOTE Wheninalsr wh be ned rings le eared by a spate oganznton an nee Fav tua na prsomans posi ion eesbesoeredoy a ane cone sem EN 43241-1:2003 (6) Annex A (informative) Form for designation and classification of performances ‘Table At — Designation end classication of pertormances cies | caracteeico | unt Peformance value desnation 733s ama ‘oad csr [ol] t 2)3 4 s eae ay fiesta or [ome EN 19241-1:2003 (€) Annex 8 (normative) Procedure for the determination of values for thermal resistance B41 Introduction na tai mothod ansireaelaton of the thamaleesisance cf door covarec ty clause ef ins Ewopean ‘Standart spaced in. tn earose'a EN 2128 “Th parclar tet meted and calculation ped EN 12428 may not aad oan eqalane f cele vee iauaten ag the eterereas menos ar more sppleble lo windons and pedesan Gore's where a caterer! frame ry aoa eto te me or coe spare. For Ins reason, he flomng pwd. ! evalu, Sabad OMEN 12428, shal be flowed o enable comparable declared vaesto be ahievee B.2 Procedure ‘The otowing step sale taken Step 1+ Tost in aczaterce wn EN G0 12567-, a compat es spacinen of oor ar sesocatd rece, fuings and veal erp ul exe companents but ecnevuces tthe neared ae of loo bond a preps fopenng between ine ze 20m wide % 20 righ and 2m wide 25 hgh Theat specrnon eal be ‘ours with oben be prepared pening ma manner in whenhvieus nora be Hela ‘Stop 2 Test, 6 accadance wth EN ISO 12667-%, he door est eacton ony 8 spel sap 1. Fo nit ‘ae the oe al shal be round wine tne uti apbure an corte soled foto opening Certs prevent any ep leakage. Ths can be evaluated os ea los of Ph fe ear totes ‘tap: Duco he ta oe a8 rato test 2 tom tat of tat. This wl iv he atlecve heat os ‘hugh the erete doa feat! nets doa 1. Th resutarchea bes Canter oe evalua {De haat oe Win? ore pete — Stop & Some door yze are Hel te require ho supply of windows 36 pa of hort. The iret na lone Crug the window ang ls supporing frre stucra shal be eveuec mtg. in sesordance wi EN'SO taser" cao” © dala X Er when incororte avindow 9 nos si, ed and sabes ‘snarmal mente’ Ths econ ol the do laat ral be compltaly seled an wore inne same mana Setorteet2 The erat hat ss canbe evaluat Ie © vim ere = stap 5 Some doo: pes ae kl t0reque the sup of pas dco Blt othe main dor tes. Ta Sierert het ise OU" he bask door an ts suroundeg fama ect shal te neauatas ty tetra ‘ttorcanae wth EN (9 122671, pace of oor laa YF len moors pe secret toma sie ‘ted and soies ne noma! manner. The secon of dot eet sabe cong sas mo an aperte th same manner eset 2 The esUare net lus con be eventos 9 [in| feta Y ce From tne rsuts of the ate ve sles ine hems Ofte azetasteg wth od pas resstnoe of any eof produ nary mbar ef wins ocr ofthe sietetos, can be ovate, EXAMPLE _Adoar Sm wee $7 Mh ot ihr wicoms noe pas er: — peiratanerinnionsermear6(S+8=4 4 B= 108 ~ momalwanerison o! 0 wncowsetonsla 2G X= 26K thems ranenien olen pit soo sacton 8x = DY Hence fotne compete dant ‘harmalranemissen i thermal rnemigson afb dor ieat + snermal waneision trough perimeter thermal wersmission of oe wa ars to be elec by window sacons + thermal wanemission of wo wndow sesons thermal eramitsion of elon ora ta be replaced by pass doo" sections when results nthe folowing emus: 204 + 188.-2AX + 26X- AY + DY o “ito Wma 108s W aha be evlatod apes the Ske of he svuctral aperture fo ge 2 dacled alu (wing @ If atecratve sizes of winders or gs doors or oe indusons are ceed, then tach shall be tesa in accordance win the prncties ost EN 49261-1:2003 (€) ‘Annex C (informative) Safety factors to be considered in door design in respect of their resistance to wind load ‘able ehows te alates et oa, uma ere ose appeals ony) an he clean los foreach csign clase gven MEN 12424: ‘Table — Safety factor for wind loa Gu | Banton | Testo! Usman telne cocatonoe oo ipa ra oo [se a na = 2 eas rm 7a es 3 aro0 70 7 Tm a seer en na ie amcor | corn | sem | ir via ms “Tha nme are undertoe 2 flow jon led etrenca wn ae clesscaton values a tated in Tele 124242000 et fe: oad to be applied when esting witout permanent efermation which resut in 2 clssfeavon sacar 1.1 (nee EN 12608) = trate fore tad 104 to be seples when testing wih parmsrant defamation, bt he door Saye 0 ‘ion resus taeeicason fase 1,125 aoe EN 12894 and BN 12428) = cticimion loa, as be consitered for calculation basa on yield sess wien resus sess fea lope tactor™ 5 sea EN 12604) (pn EN 1324 2008 () Annex ZA. (informative) Relationship of this European Standard with the Construction Products Directive | Clauses of thie European Standard adressing the provisions of EU Construction Producte Directive ‘his European Slanard hasbeen orepared under Vandatas M01 Exara andintera do an windows rot “penngs andro! ign (netdng fee Seors and shes) amencee by Wi26 "Amendment (Annax I) 2 4 scaly (eral Pauising Pofues, doors, wheats and rales products, marbranes, precast concrete SPTist Std tad “amerdrent (annex Iv) to? mandates (baal neusing prow. fore whens 32 ss poaucks, membranes, proces concrete prods, cherneys. fuss and relata prooic, gypsum prc veh iting ete gent CEN oy the European Common an the European Fes rade Associaton. “he relevant cavss of it SutopaanStandae,ehown in Table ZA ful he eaurmens the Manca given “artne EU Conmtuston Presets Dreatve (SS"08EEC) ice win tose nutes confers a presumption of finss of he consructon orc covered by this 1 Sneha forts tone vet, ‘NING — other roqulements and other EU Oectves, not afectng the Mines of tended use(s). can bw apaleable tothe consivtion product falng within he azape of ths European Stancrs ‘able 2A1 — Clauses relevant for the CEemaring Tndosia, comarca an gage dows and goes acovangio the cope \ondod uses) In declared spaciic uses aor of ues subject speci oguremens.n parc rose, shor, nics ane ste us, 1 ssentl charoctesto Requirements] Mandated | Teatreaults (cluseeintnie [level analor | axpreaseain European Standard) | "classes ialeaghness aa —__ | sieal ase Release of dergorous substances "28 | =| See nOTES + ara Resistance own ead eas = [srnia eos “veal esance (whee lean 445 [erate Pesrestiy aae = [iii asses ‘fe Daring Wr vercaly morng doo) 428 = [ss ta _efnson of gee of glass camgoneris 228 = Jessie Mechaniealvestance ara pity 423 = [ea 6 ‘Operating are or power operated oo). 333 = fst hy of waleighiness, thermal Teg ent er pemeasiy apsmat | 447 =| tes an —_ EN 13241-1:2003 (€) NOTE sion wey ‘epuston and ai le sasee an edger wainces pean nbs Zuo Sanda bee ney 2 (Bodin vin We seep eg vassots Eutoean Sone Sea retin Borda) eer to Meet be pours ote BC Cone ee ee “Ssrevetonnabie on EURO®A CREATE. ashuee heauge Ms Tevoge eo Mike eeeca nea ase at Moila\op es mscammrapronrerachono oe 086 ember Sites where ragustions f Ins ase, manuacureswetng to ps produce an he mart of ‘elgmine nora deco he these Mane Sistoe ara rt etiged = Barermaree of ner precucts wih regards to is choclate ane a sae oe 'sfermaton accompanying ha Gener may ee ve 2A2 Procedures forthe attestation of cor nformity of industrial, commercial and gerage doors and gates, 2A24 General doors xd gates, in secoreace with rable MIO mene by I end Table ZA2 ~ System) of attestation of conformity Product | Systema? tence nt ‘ater | ent, conform co Fetsrokeconariantaton ~ ith or hoe rea [oer decared specs uses andor vasa] = subject o cher Specie tequrcmeri a Paris noise, energy, torres in afey sm comers tee no mnesieeeerrece (RHE) remo Semperranston is col. semust this Eumoten Siaard. Thera sri 3 2A22 Procedure according to system 3 fora ee pes se he agra boty anno maracun rte oe tal ge ‘est anc ne acry production conra wre cescnbeaie Paseo ef En 13264-1:2003 (€) able ZA3-~ Assignation of waluation of conformity tsks for non elsmoke doors under system 3 Tek rant ofthe tank Clauses to . s = abot se] Feciory procusion| Parameters romiea © al veavanl charecarana o/lEo rturer contol PG) [reba Za (2) aap The flowng carastanaicn ez + Geometry oF aes + _Mechanea resistance torte | (intel ype tosing | The floving chaadersten ee ae + Watersightness | i + Release of dangerous substances + Rositance to wind load 1 + Thermal esate + Air peemasbtty + Durabity of wate tightness, thermel resistance and er pemasbity + Sate opening J+ Operating or moanca oy neta cl tesa of conomiy is ethieves the maroc sal caw up Ja.ghgenfory (ES decraien of contort wien mrss he anooere ate eas "atte fobung eration ame a adoss ofthe manta, o is auhorsed represen eablahedn he EEA and pice of sreaucton, lescritin of e product (ype, entaton ute et ony at inrmatcn accompanying the CE-nssing ©) provisions which ne product confor (e.g, Anes ZA is European Stance): ‘cul condone appicabe one use fhe pote fant aasess of ne aperovesanoatonys): 2 oan pasion ned by. the person empowered a sgn te declaration on behalf of be nia~fscurer ar of Ns authorised represents “eltaon ol confermity shat be presented in he oc tnquae or lnguage of tw Manber Sil fhe “vane pout use 24 3:cS-marking and labeling salar cette SE-mark sa be done on he don Ns ert BoE, con be co he aces ing bbl or onthe 2eeomparyng docu "EY _Temandacorr oh aunorserepesensive wih EEA s esgoneoe freeing te CE rar, “5 canfomty marking to aie sta be in accordance with he European Oreetine SUEBEC and shat be ‘panes bye folowing norman 22N 43244-1:2003 (€) 8) name or carting mack of roduce: ») registered adoras oft producer ©) te aso cit of ne yearn ain te marking i tvs €), reference cis aan ofthe European Stance ) infomation on the mandaied charslaistce: volume to be declared. sles, shore pesebie.sngor: megan may be given. This deagraien aul rform on he chwactrsten al eat coves rer ‘ales forthe not covred shall be saaonay giver STE2 | Powe 2A) ove an euaia a CE maring and ning abe ka oe man! Ht Resse gv ZAZ unee earoe of CE mangers power epee oat NOTES Inaction ay ote norman etng 1 sangts subaru sa lobe arson beans where reauod arin apres. eacumaton gy ates legality erparas a ooarces ‘Sec conpieen ir clamad ogame wih any amber eqoee oa IOTES _Exrootan ogiaton wou aoa desir’ rees abe manored ‘AnyCo Lid, PO Box2, 8.1080, Grasse Name o int /ng me and register acess of ‘he paaucer cy Las 2d of year inten tne marnng i en raze umber of ne Evepean Stancar> Marval operates door Descnpsen ane petuet and inna se Sevies er unave nt Leenicaton number vate tightness (echoes! cats} Resistance to wind losd (technical cass) loemation on eguite charactors of me Thermal asiatance (value) Pret Air permesbiity URechnieal aes cE CE conor matting consisting ofthe CE symte! ‘poonin Gece Saarcee ed Reference omatée Ovecive igre 28.1 — Example label tora mervaly operates dor Py ‘os, PO Box, 81050 Brae a EN ret Series or nique * Sghtness technica cts] =, "towing ows ~ (echnical cess} Ja vosatance (value) srmaabity echnical elas Figure 24.2 || Name or ideotying mark an opseredadass of ‘to erodes 1251255 of th yar wnch ne marking is fe Nambe of he Exopear Stansars Deserta tne procus an intended use (contest nurser !nlormation on eguinted characteris othe prose! (CE contort maring,consiinge the CE sy) ‘van n vse aesee eterno freed Ovectve Example of abo fora power opetted door EN 19241-1:2003 (E) Wace Annex ZB (informative) Relationship of this European Standard with the Machinery Directive Tis cseuren has been gtcares under a mandate van fo CEN by ih European Conn seen aneite Eoree” igen Aerosnon ano spoon extenval equemenis TEC Stee stshney Dracve SA7IEC, amend by Drectve 9678 ih te excentons f 18,41 (2 poasaph, 43.7, 44,8 with he exception 51 (1% paragrat. sone ror 6 and annex € campos ah document provides se means of covering wt he spe essa ‘equramerte of the Guacive coneemas ans associated EFTA regustons WARNING Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable tone products fang within the scope ofthis dosument 6 13261-1:2003 6) Annex Zc {informative Relationship ofthis European Standard with the EMC Directive Renan aed tr Tad han oC ye Eopean ‘Commss on ang he Evepean Asset adap rial regan SE Be Fhcomeyree Cerpatity Dractve c36E6 Pd 6353 2 Os Europe of Dreciveconcee SENEar Bovis one meane of creming wih te aed EFTA repute, EN 43241-1:2003 (€) Bibliography (1 iN 2680-1, ten hardware — Powered padeatan door — Par 1: Frode! raquroments ers tst| reads | Prog! Stand - Par 2 2] BIEN 13241-2, ints, commeaal and garage dar and goles

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