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a Putone suitable word in each space. 2 Putone suitable ‘word in each space. 3 Rewrite each sentence, starting as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. Unit 26 Progress Test (Units 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) Unlikely as ic may seem, there has now been expert confirmation that wild pumas and lyxes are (1) Jarge in parts of Britain, rather than being the figments (2) .--soni Some Wild imaginations. Previous sightings (3)... such large jungle cats had been put down (4) exaggeration. (5). «all, the argument went, some people are prone (6) flying saucers and Loch Ness monsters, particularly when (7) influence of one drink too many. Some newspapers were suspected (8) r-nn= having made (9) tories such as that of the Beast of Exmoor, an animal which is responsible (10) the deaths of hundreds of sheep over the past ten years, But experts have new come (11) se... With proof that such stories were (12) nore €aRnest afterall. The animals are (13)... likelihood pets which have escaped (14) «nme Small 2008, or been abandoned (15) sss their owners. Because the keeping (16)..u.......... such animals is severely restricted (17) the Dangerous Wild Animals Act of 1976, owners of unlicensed animals might not report an escape (18) enon fe0r OF prosecution. Britain’s only surviving native feline species, the wild eat, is confined (19) Scotland. After examining hair samples, experts now say. that the Beast of Exmoor in the South of England is (20) he shadow of adoubt a puma or lynx, both of which animals are normally native to the Middle Bast and Asia, 2) My cousin George is obsessed ssn b) Many frozen foods are deficient ¢) They say that thereis an exception every rule. d) Iwas very good Sue to drive us to the airport. ©) Breaking his lega second time putPeter’s football career £) Don't worry, the whole situation is control. g) The same rule applies, irrespective how much you have paid. h) With complete disregard . yer own safety, Ann jumped into the sea to rescue the dog. i) P'mafraid you are not elig:bl j) There were no ripe apples keeping fit. . vitamins. pension until you are 68. reach, so I moved the ladder. a) You think Lam someone else You are confusing .. b) Gary is proud of the fact that he is never late. Gary prides ©) On this ship passengers cannot get onto the bridge. Passengers have no Advanced Language Practice 4 Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 5 Put one suitable word in each space. 4) This should work, theoretically. In. : . A ©) Whats the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? How exactly does £) We cannot solve this problem. ‘There on . ) Onis way home Terry had an unfortunate accident. Terry met «» bh) The result was just as you predicted. You were . r 4) An electrical failure was said tobe the cause ofthe fire. They blamed er j) Lately Ihave thought of nothing but work. Thave been rather . 2) this plan sess Off promise you you'll get the credit for it Adlets B) goes c)comes _D) gets b) Tjuse couldn't .nusnen over how wel the ream played! get sjturn c)make —_-D) put ©) The policeman me off with a warning as it was Christmas. A)sent ——B) gave olet D)set 4) Please don't. yourself out. A sandwich will do. ajlet B)take cleave bp) put ©) Thope there are enough glasses to. round. a)drink ——)set ©)go p)lay f) Tes time You s..n0n-s+ about organising your revision programme. A) got )set ©) wok p) put g) Tony has. for the same trick that I did. ‘fallen B)stood —c)made__—_—D) looked bh) Tean't quit _-.out what the sign says. a)make —_B)read c)get p)carry i) Half the meeting was over to reading the minutes. a)taken —B)lefe c)got ) given We have wenn up a huge bill at the grocer’s across the road. A) set B)run c)ended —_D) paid a) Ttlooksasif the front door lock has been n-th, b) The people were protesting... the closure of two local factories. ¢) The captured bank robber nthe bank manager in the robbery. d) Weall ‘atthe way Kathy did so well in her exams. ¢) The hotel... me$4 for phone calls I had not made. f) Charlesis always ...... about how much money he earns. 2) The new television channel tries 0 mw forall tastes. 1) Teould’t from laughing atthe president's remark. 6 Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. 7 Complete each sentence witha suitable word or phrase. 8 Putone suitable word in each space. Unit 26 Progress Test (Units 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) i) Could you... on what you said? We need to know more details. j) Tthink that you would both ....u«. from a few days holiday. a) What exactly do the letters AM and PM mean? STAND, j’sall amatter of money, intheend. COMES ) Wehad to stop building when there was no more money. GAVE, 4d) Carol pretended that she hadn’t understood my request. MADE ¢) His smooth manner didn’t deceive us. TAKEN f) Thave decided to ask my solicitor to prepare my will. DRAWN ) How is the decorating going? "GETTING hh) What exactly is happening? GOING i) Thetotal came to just under £4000. “ee WORKED j) Thaven't realised whatit means yet. “SUNK a) Don't mention the missing money to George. I'll... with him in the morning. b) Dawn was given amedal.. c) Imust.. 4) Youare under ©) Thecollision f) Everyone turned up, g) Pm sorry. Lwas under ssn h) IfT were you I'd have the brakes i) They sent us the goods on had to pay for them. i) When I saw the house it. of her services to the government. q "aul. Lam sure he didn’t mean what he said. _to order any more books unless you wish to. inthe death of a 64-year-old woman passenger. of Jack, who was ill. _ that this seat was free. vn to before you cause an accident. . for three weeks, but then we of the one I grew up in. a) It’s safe to hide here. We won't give you 1b) My mum told me wru.memonefor comirg home late from school. ©) Sorry I'm late. Something cropped atthe office. 4) You can rely on her. She won't let you.. ¢) Nick was taken to court buthe got. ) Itwas surprising how quickly that fashion caught. g) Don't worry. I'll sortic... 149 Advanced Language Practice 9 Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 10 ‘Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase. aa Rewrite each sentence so thatit contains the word in capitals, and so thatthe meaning stays the same. h) Idon’t really hitit.. with my new boss. i) Don’teat that sausage. I think its gone sm j) She'll come round when the anaesthetic wears . a) Wendy’s speciality is heart surgery. Wendy specialises .. b) Inthe end we walked to the nillway station, We ended —— ¢) There was acollision on the motorway between abus and a lorry. Abusanda lorry 4) Don't make me suffer because of your problems! Don't tak ionataleanes €) Martin left the committee after arguing with the chairperson. Martin resigned... f) The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers. The Mountain Rescue Team doesn’t hold svnsnsnininsonensnse 2g) Sally persuaded me not to sell my car. Sally talked hy A truestory isthe basis of the novel. The novel is i) Yesterday Lmet your brother atthe shops. Trar i) They said the accident was Mary’s fault. They blamed _-with her friends’ parents. ractice. to the facts, occasionally! _ over his emotions. postponing the meeting for a week. sithe moment but we ean a) Julie's parents were very tolerant in b) Boris played badly, and said he was ) Be sensible! You have to ) The psychiatrist told Jack to have more . ©) Most of the members werein £) Pmafraid that book is out orderit for you. g) Guess who... h) Tan wason i) Diana's prize... j) We started saving with a up ac our party last night? Your ex-boyfriend, Harry. forall her earlier disappointments, . buying a house. a) Many customs restrictions within the EC have been abolished. AWAY b) The manager promised to have the goods delivered atonce. DELAY ©) This situation is rally not funn} BEYOND 4) What are you implying? ‘i aT 150 of giving up, when he found what he was looking for. mea 12 Choose the most suitable word or phrase. Unit 26 Progress Test (Units 21, 22, 23, 24, 25) ©) Joe gets on very well with hismother-in-law. TERMS {) These rainy Monday mornings make me fel miserable. GET BEHALF hy How can you bear to work. “Wiaivallchis noise? uP i) ‘Theres nothing strange about this. ouT i) Flic Heea unemployed torsix months. i ouT a) Gerry isn’t fat she's quite skinny. a) Inany ease 8) By rights )In practice _D) Onthecontrary by A huge crowd nn in the pouring rain to cheer the president, a) turned out ) held up c)saw off) droppedin «) This machinery will have been by theend of the decade. a)brokendown 8) setout ‘c)phased out D) made off with 4) Fiona decided not t0 en». the examin December. a) take on 8) goin for ‘¢) get round to D) make for @) We hadn't non for sues heavy traffic, and we were delayed: Adexpected ») bargained calculated b) supposed ) Whatever Jean ‘odo, she finishes. A)getson 3) sees to )setsout_ _D) looks for ) This conservation project looks promising, but i's stil : A) intheearly stages 8)in advance ‘c)understress.D) at firstsight hh) Has Tony's new Book sre YOU? ‘4) published )come out c)developed D) drawnup 4) The smel of the kippers cooking «mee my breakfast. A) putme off s)cameupagainst c)gaveoff —_) held up j) Derek was om military service on health grounds. A)ejected B) barred c)earmarked D)exempted

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