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Consistency is not regarded as an important characteristic of IMC.


Employees should play an integral role in the development of IMC.


IMC is about:
  co-ordinated promotional tools
harmonised messages
support for the marketing strategy
a strategically coherent blend of internal and external messages

Which of these is a possible disadvantage of IMC?

Co-ordinated brand development
Communications synergy
Customer focus

Internal and external communications should be:


Which of the following is NOT a driver for IMC?

  Societal based drivers
Organisational drivers
Market based drivers
Communication base drivers

Integrated agencies are the best bet for clients wishing to adopt fully
integrated marketing communications.

A major reason for the development of IMC has been:

  the move towards relationship marketing
increasingly little difference between products
the Internet
a more collaborative approach to strategy

IMC has emerged as a reaction to the:

  structural inadequacies of the industry
demands of clients
demands of agencies
demands of shareholders

Generally it is not understood who in client organisations should be

responsible for IMC.

MCPF stands for:

  message coherence and planning formularies
marketing communications planning framework
media committee for promotional formats
marketing channel for product fulfilment

The context analysis should be done:

  early in the marketing communications planning process
late in the marketing communications planning process
at all times in the marketing communications planning process

Communication strategy should always be:

  media oriented
product oriented
customer oriented
audience oriented
When planning marketing communications, events are scheduled:
  in parallel
in rough order

In reality marketing communications planning activities occur:

in rough order
in parallel

Marketing Communications, Brand Equity and Sales

1. _________ can be defined as the way by which organizations attempt to inform,

convince and remind customers indirectly or directly about the brands and products they

a) Marketing communications
b) Marketing plans
c) Marketing strategies
d) None of the above

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2. The marketing mix is made up of _______ types of communication.

a) Seven
b) Six
c) Eight
d) None of the above.

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3. Any paid type of non-personal promotion and presentation of goods, services or ideas
by an identified sponsor is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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4. Numerous forms of short-term incentives to promote trial or buying of a service of

product is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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5. Company sponsored programs and activities planned to create special brand related
interactions is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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6. Several programs planned to protect or promote a company's image or its products is

known as

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

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7. The use of email, fax, internet or telephone to communicate with specific prospects
and customers is

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Advertising
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8. The online programs and activities designed to engage prospects or customers and
indirectly or directly generate awareness, enhance image or support sales of services
and products is

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Advertising

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9. People-to-people oral, electronic or written form of communications that associate

with experiences or merits of buying or using services or products is

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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10. The face-to-face interaction with prospective buyers for the objective of answering
questions, procuring orders and making presentations is

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

1. Marketing communication activities lead to brand equity.

a) True
b) False

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2. Billboards, motion pictures, audiovisual material, print and broadcast ads are
examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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3. Fair and trade shows, exhibits and demonstrations are examples of:

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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4. Street activities and sports are examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Advertising

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5. Seminars, Annual reports, publications and press kits are examples of

a) Sales promotion
b) Direct marketing
c) Events and experiences
d) Public relations and publicity

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6. Catalogs, blogs and websites are examples of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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7. Chat rooms are an example of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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8. Fairs and trade shows are an example of

a) Interactive marketing
b) Direct marketing
c) Personal selling
d) Word-of-mouth marketing

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9. From the view of creating brand equity, marketers need to be

a) Media sensitive
b) Media neutral
c) Media biased
d) None of the above

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2. The communication process models
1. A macro-model in the communication process includes __elements.

a) Nine
b) Ten
c) Seven
d) None of the above

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2. In macro-model of the communication process there are __ parties and ______

communication tools.

a) 2, 2
b) 2, 3
c) 3, 2
d) None of the above

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3. In a macro-model of the communication process, there are ______ functions.

a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) None of the above

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4. Micro-models of marketing communications focus on ______particular

responses to communications.
a) Customers
b) Organization
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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5. When the audience has greater participation with a product group believed to
have high differentiation, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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6. When the audience has greater participation but perceives no or little

differentiation within the product group, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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7. When the audience has low participation and perceives little differentiation
within the product group, the appropriate sequence is

a) learn-feel-do
b) do-feel-learn
c) learn-do-feel
d) None of the above

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8. Attention, interest, desire and action are the four tasks in

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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9. Awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and purchase the tasks in
same order are in

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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10. Awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption are the fives tasks in the

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

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11. Exposure, reception, cognitive response, attitude, intention and behavior are
the tasks in the

a) AIDA model
b) Hierarchy of effects model
c) Innovation adoption model
d) Communications model

1. The process of developing effective communication involves _____ steps.

a) 7
b) 8
c) 6
d) None of the above

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2. Creating a service or product category as necessary to eliminate or satisfy a

seen discrepancy between a desired emotional state and a current motivational
state is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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3. Ability to recall or recognize the brand within the group in sufficient details to
make a buy is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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4. Assessing the brand with respect to its seen ability to fulfill a currently relevant
need is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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5. Self-instructions to buy the brand or to take purchase related action is

a) Category need
b) Brand awareness
c) Brand attitude
d) Brand purchase intention

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1. There are ______steps in designing the communications.
a) 3
b) 5
c) 4
d) None of the above

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2. While designing the communication, how to say it part is termed as

a) Message strategy
b) Creative strategy
c) Message source
d) None of the above

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3. Information appeal focuses on

a) Service or product related attributes

b) Non product related benefit
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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4. Transformational appeal focuses on

a) Service or product related attributes

b) Non product related benefit
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

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5. Fear appeals work when

a) When source credibility is high

b) They are not so strong
c) When the communication promises to relieve
d) All of the above

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6. _____ can be defined as the specialized knowledge the communicator has to

support the claim.

a) Expertise
b) Trustworthiness
c) Likability
d) None of the above

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7. Message source credibility depends upon:

a) Expertise
b) Trustworthiness
c) Likability
d) All of the above

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8. If a person has negative attitude towards a message and a source, or a positive

attitude towards both, a ________ is said to exist.

a) State of congruity
b) State of diversity
c) State of convergence
d) None of the above

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9. Advocate channels are a form of

a) Personal Communication Channels

b) Non-personal communication channels
c) Commercial
d) None of the above

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10. Expert channels are comprised of

a) Independent experts
b) Dependent experts
c) Any of a and b
d) None of the above

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11. Sales promotions, events and experiences and public relations are forms of

a) Personal Communication Channels

b) Non-personal communication channels
c) Commercial
d) None of the above

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12. Affordable method in establishing total marketing communications budget

ignores the role of promotion as an investment.

a) True
b) False

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1. This form of marketing communications tool was once formally referred to as a 'non-personal
form of communication, where a clearly identifiable sponsor pays for a message to be
transmitted through media. This is referred to as:
Personal selling.
Public relations.
2. Packaging and point of purchase display are categorised within what media?
3. The use of entertainment material delivered through paid or owned media and which features a
single company or brand is referred to as:
Branded content
4. Although the content and quality can be controlled as direct mail, response rates of this
medium are lower because of the lack of a personal address mechanism. This media format is
known as:
Care lines.
Direct mail.
Door to door.
5. Users are able to create content and become more involved with a brand through:
Door to door.
Online communities.
Direct mail.
6. A commercial activity, whereby one party permits another an opportunity to exploit an
association with a target audience in return for funds, services, or resources is referred to as:
Public relations.
7. This is a marketing communication tool that uses non-personal media to create and sustain a
personal and intermediary free communication with customers, potential customers, and other
significant stakeholders:
Direct marketing.
Public relations.
Sales promotion.
8. This is the planned and deliberate use of brands within films, television and other
entertainment vehicles with a view to developing awareness and brand values.
Product placement
Film branding
Product films
Film value
9. These are events when groups of sellers meet collectively with the key purpose of attracting
Sales promotions.
Mass media advertising.
Press conference.
10. This is a marketing communications activity concerned with providing support for the sales
force and merchandising personnel:
Store marketing.
Field marketing.
Sales promotions.
Personal selling.
11. For a long time, commercial media have been used to convey messages designed to develop
consumers' attitudes and feelings towards brands. This is referred to as:
direct response.
behavioural response.
attitudinal response.
call-to-action response
12. POEM reflects the increasing scope of contemporary media and the range of media
opportunities to engage audiences. What does POEM stand for?
paid-for, owned, and earned media
paid-for, owned, and engaged media
planned, outset, and earned media
planned, outset, and engaged media
13. ______________ are characterized by the provision of a contact mechanism, such as a
telephone number or web address, and increasingly through search activities on the Internet.
These mechanisms enable receivers to respond to messages.
Direct-response media
Direct programmes
Media sources
Media channels
14. This marketing and communication tool offers a direct inducement or an incentive to
encourage customers to buy a product/service:
Public relations.
Sales promotion.
Direct marketing.
15. This is the use of inter-personal communications with the aim of developing positive feelings
and stimulating behaviour.
Direct marketing.
Personal selling.
Sale promotions.
16. This is a marketing communication tool that uses non-personal media to create and sustain a
personal and intermediary free communication with customers, potential customers and other
significant stakeholders.
Direct marketing.
Public relations.
Sale promotion.
17. This is the unpaid peer-to-peer communication of often provocative content originating from
an identified sponsor using the Internet to persuade or influence an audience to pass along the
content to others:
Viral marketing.
Word-of-mouth marketing.
Direct-response advertising.
Peer-to-peer marketing.
18. A means of orchestrating the tools of the marketing communications mix, so that audiences
perceive a single, consistent, unified message whenever they have contact with a brand, is
referred to as:
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).
Personal Selling (PS).
Direct Marketing (DM).
Customer Service (CS).
19. What type of media helps advertisers demonstrate the benefits of using a particular product
and can bring life and energy to an advertiser's message?
Broadcast media.
Interactive media.
Print media.
Support media.
20. ___________ refers to the use of entertainment material which features a single company or
Brand management.
User-generated content.
Branded content.
Celebrity endorsement.

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