How My Idol Influence My Identity

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How My Idol Influence My


By : Siti Shalihah, Elvi Agustina & Masitha



Content List


A. Background

B. Problem Formulation

C. Aim


A. The Reason Someone Choose Idol

B. Idol Effect on One’s Personality





1. Background

Idol is someone who has more value for fans, in terms of appearance, achievement, etc.
So many people especially the teenagers who adored the public figure, both artists, heroes, and
other. Idol has significance for fans. Therefor a lot of fans who emulate their idol of the dress,
hairstyle, etc. It’s a lot happening in society around us, such us women who dyed their hair with
an assortment of colors that almost look like a rainbow.

Idols can have a considerable influence on teenagers, especially if the idol is a figure in
society, meaning able to attract a number of people in large numbers. According to Erik Erikson,
at the time of this identity crisis, significant social relationships that affect a person is a model of
leadership. In this case the model of leadership is an idol. An example, if there are a bunch of
bands that managed to attract many teenagers, so the teens succeed "hypnotized" by it in the
sense of the song give comfort to someone, then gradually people will start to identify all the
things that exist in the band, starting from the clothes worn by her hair.

Effect of an idol to someone not affected by the boundaries of the status, religion, race,
education, economic status and so forth. A teacher who has the authority to affect the students
may not necessarily be a role model for students. Parents who provide care to their children
every day is not necessarily a role model for his son. However, someone who is able to give
strength to others, which is developing one's teens then that person would succeed become an
idol for teenagers (Maxwell, 1995). Teens develop means to help teenagers to overcome the
identity crisis experienced. Wherever As described earlier, it can be concluded that an idol
occupies a strategic position in influencing teens to the identification of his idol. Identification
includes all matters contained in the idol ranging from hairstyles, models of clothing, symbols,
even to the way of speaking and behavior.

However, as has been mentioned earlier that to be attached to the teen idol, requires an
effort mentoring inspirational and have the emotional strength when relate to adolescents.
Inspirational relationship and have the emotional strength involves a high degree of leadership
that empowers teen, namely to help develop the potential of adolescents themselves.

2. Problem Formulation
a) Why the teenagers choose those idol?
b) What is the effect on one’s personality?

3. Aim
We identify some challenges related to How My Idol Influence My Identity. First, to
explain the reason why the teenagers choose the idol. The fact that most teen choose their idol
because of physical appearance, lifestyle, skill and intelligence, and attitude of these idol. The
second challenge is What is the effect on one’s personality. The influence can be positive and
negative. These condition depends on how a person puts themself and their idol at the
appropriate portion. At the next section will be will further discussed the reason why the
teenagers choose the idol. And for the last part will be presenting of concluding remarks of this


Many reason why someone would choose that person becomes his idol.
The reason, includes:
1. Physical appearance
Many reason why they don’t care what brought her idol. As long as the idol looks
beautiful and handsome or cool then people will idolize. Physical appearance is very
important for a person. The performances can applied in everyday life, includes dress
style, fashion model, until the details such as accessories or hairstyle.

2. Lifestyle
Lifestyle idol that usually effect a person’s personality can be seen from the way
they dress, hairstyle, and also other habits that often does in everyday life

3. Skill and Intelligence

The idol who has a particular skill can amaze people who idolize. Then example,
Habibie’s skill or intelligence are idolize by some quarters.

4. Behavior
Teenagers idolized figure because of his behavior in society. They consider that
these figures are very suitable as an example for him. Even though physically less
( less handsome or beautiful) an simple lifestyle.
McDougall and colleagues found personality traits are levels where it is usually the
nature of the higher level has a decisive influence. While Gordon W. Allport states that the
person as a dynamic organism in the system that determines a person’s physics adapt to the
Of both the above understanding can be seen that the personality has 3 important point
that is influenced, unique, and dynamic.
The influence can be positive and negative. These condition depends on how a person
puts themself and their idol at the appropriate portion.
 Positive Effect
1) As a Motivator In Term Of Goodness
Idol can be a motivator for adolescents both in terms of making the spirit of
worship and the spirit of achievement.

2) As a Source Of Inspiration Goodness

Idol can be used s a source of inspiration for the youth to empower potential in
themselves. For example, a Muslim teenager who idolized artist Oki Setiana Dewi so
that teens are inspired by the appearance of the idol was inspired to make a bouquet
of many books like his idol make a book of his own, also her attitude can be
mimicking by the teenager who idolizer.

3) Grow the Spirit Of Leadership

Idols can serve as role models to foster the teenager’s leadership adolescents, so
it will grow in vision. In this case being an ideal leader for others. For example, a
Muslim teenager who idolized the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakar As-Shidiq,
Usman bin Affan, etc. So that it grows in the soul of the adolescents wishes to follow
it’s lead.
 Negative effects
1) Mimicking the Wrong Idol
This is the negative influence of the most important because if a wrong Teens
already make someone an idol in the teens tend to follow the style or the way of life
of his idol though style or way of being who he idolize is far form Islamic values.
For example idolize and imitate female artist who dressed indulgence genitalia, male
artist with a punk-style hair style and so on.

2) Adored the legendary excessive

Often because of his love for the idol, the teens to worship him like a god
descending from the sky. They were willing to leave prayers and lessons for the sake
of present to watch the concert idol. Even to cry hysterically because he wanted to
shake hands or just a photo together with the idol, of course it is contrary to Islamic

Idol is a figure who is perceived to have a position in a society that has an influence on
others. Someone called an idol if it is able influence others. Some who idolize someone figures
for reasons of appearance, there are also reasonable because of the behavior and
In idolize someone, there are positive and negative impacts that must be borne. The
positive impacts is certainly good for yourself. While the negative impact we have to be very
clever to avoid.

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