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Tutorial 1: Static Characteristics

Q1 (from Bentley 2.1)

The emf at a thermocouple junction is 645 µV at the steam point, 3375 at the zinc point (419.58 oC and
9149oC at the silver point ( 961.93 oC). Given that the e.m.f. –temperature relationship is of the form
E(T) = a1 T + a2 T2 + a3 T3 ( T in oC) find a1, a2 and a3.
This can be done by hand as a set of simultaneous equations. It is quicker to set up a MATLAB procedure.
Show the steps and find the result.
Q2 (from Bentley 2.2)
The resistance R(θ) of a thermistor at temperature θ K is given by
R(θ) = α exp (β / θ)
Prove that there is not a linear relationship between R and θ.
Given that the resistance at the ice point ( 273.15 K) is 9.00 kΩ and the resistance at the steam point is 0.50
kΩ, find the resistance at 25oC.
Q3 (from Bentley 2.3)
A displacement sensor has an input range of 0.0 to 3.0 cm and a standard supply voltage of Vs = 0.5 Volts.
Using the calibration results in the table , estimate
(a) the end-point straight line approximation
(b) the maximum nonlinearity as a percentage of f.s.d.
Displacement (cm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Output voltage (mV) 0.0 16.5 32.0 44.0 51.5 55.5 58.0
Q4 (from Bentley 2.4)
A liquid level sensor has an input range of 0 to 15 cm. Use the calibration results given in the table to
estimate the maximum hysteresis as a percentage of f.s.d. Use MATLAB. Outline steps.

Level h (cm) 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0
o/p volts h 0.00 0.35 1.42 2.40 3.43 4.35 5.61 6.50 7.77 8.85 10.2
increasing (mV)
o/p volts h 0.14 1.25 2.32 3.55 4.43 5.70 6.78 7.80 8.87 9.65 10.2
decreasing (mV)
Q5 (from Bentley 2.5)
A PRT is used to interpolate between the triple point of water (0oC), the boiling point of water ( 100oC) and
the freezing point of zinc ( 419.6oC). The corresponding resistance values are 100.0 Ω, 138.5 Ω, and 253.7
Ω. The algebraic form of the interpolation equation is
RT = Ro ( 1 + α T + βT2)
where RT Ω, resistance at ToC, Ro Ω, resistance at 0oC, α, β are constants.
Find the numerical form of the equation.

1. [ 5.84023 0.006363 –0.000002647], 2.α = 0.18. R(25oC) = 3643 Ω.,3.O= 19.3 I, 25.9%,4.13.2%,5. 3.9 e-3, -

Tutorial 2: Dynamic responses
Q3.1Look at the output responses in the Figure below. The input step sizes were 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5
respectively. Find the value of K andτ for plots 1,2 and 3 and compare the values of K and τ for each

Output response

Plot 3

Plot 2

50 Plot 1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Time (Minutes)

Figure: Different magnitudes of step size into the same system

The Figure shows the output response to a negative step for two different systems. It is suspected
that they can both be modelled by first order systems such as:
GA (s) = GB (s) = .
τAs+1 τBs+1
Given that the step sizes were –20 and –3 respectively, determine KA and τΑ, and KB and τΒ .
Output response
-25 Plot B
-35 Plot A
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (seconds)
Q3.3 Identify the gain and time constant of the following first-order system transfer
3 6 2
(a) G1 ( s ) = (b) G2 ( s ) = (c) G3 ( s ) =
s + 10 s+1 s+3

Q3.4 What is the steady state value of the output from the following systems when a step of
magnitude 3 is injected?
10 3 10
(a) 2s + 1 (b) s + 4 (c) 2s +3

Q3.5 Sketch the output time response for the system represented by the transfer function:
G(s) =
3s + 1
to a step input of magnitude 2. Show clearly the time constant of the system on the sketch.

Q3.6 Assuming a first order model and a step input of 3, find the values of K, τ and τd.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time, seconds

Q3.7 First order systems can be described by a gain and a time constant. A first order temperature
measuring device has a gain of 2 mm/oC and a time constant of 0.3 seconds. What is the
differential equation defining the system? What are the input and output of the system? Draw a
block diagram of the system, labelling the input and output clearly.
Q3.8A mercury thermometer has a time constant of 0.8 secs and the oven it is being used with has
a time constant of 3 hours. Will the time constant of the thermometer have an effect on the plot of
temperature against time for the oven?

Q3.9 A system comprises a tank of liquid heated by a coil containing saturated steam, as shown in
the figure.



The energy balance is given by:

ρcpV dt (TLIQ) = UAcoil(Tsteam – T LIQ)
V = volume of the tank
cp = liquid heat capacity
ρ= liquid density
Acoil = Heat transfer area
U = overall heat transfer between steam and liquid respectively. Tsteam,
TLIQ = temperature of steam and liquid
Explain the energy balance equation on which the model is based.
(a) Determine the purpose of mixer in this tank
(b) Identify system input and output variables
(c) Identify the associated time constant.
(a) The initial liquid temperature is 20oC, and the steam is supplied at a constant temperature of
200oC. Explain with suitable sketch graphs the behaviour of the liquid temperature TLIQ.

Answers: Q3.2: KA = 2, τΑ = 5 seconds.

Q3.3(a) K = 0.3 τ = 0.1, K = 6 τ = 1, (c)K = 0.667 τ = 0.33
Q3.4 (a) Kro = 10 * 3 = 30 (b) Kro = 0.75 * 3 = 2.25 (c)Kro = 3.33 * 3 = 10
Q3.6 K = 2 τ = 3 τd = 2.
Q3.7 0.3 + x = 2u(t) . Input u(t) representing actual temperature oC
Output x(t) in mm representing measured temperature.
(a)Mixer maintains even temperature (b) Input : Tsteam Output : TLIQ
(c) τ = UA (d)After transients have decayed TLIQ = Tsteam = 200oC

Simple systems: first-order behaviour

M3.1 What are the gains of the following transfer functions

3 10
G1(s)=4s + 1 G2(s) = 4s + 2
(a) 0.75, 10 (b) 3, 10

(c) 3, 5 (d) 0.75, 2.5

M3.2 What are the time constants of the following transfer functions
2 6
G1(s)=0.5s + 1 G2(s) = 3s+2
(a) 0.5, 1.5 (b) 0.5, 3
(c) 4, 2 (d) 0.5, 2

M3.3 What is the gain and time constant of the following transfer function?
G1(s)=bs + c
(a) a,b (b) a/b, b/c
(c) a/c, b/c (d) c/a, c/b

M3.4 The standard first order linear differential equation is given by

(a) K dt + τ y(t) = u(t)
d2y dy
(b) K dt2 + τ dt = y(t)
(c) τ dt + Ky(t) = u(t)
(d) τ dt + y(t) = Ku(t)

M3.5 The plot shows the unit step response of a first order system. What is the transfer function of the system?
2 1
(a) 3s + 1 (b) 5s +1
2 1
(c) 15 s + 1 (d) 15s +1
Step Response









0 5 10 15 20

Time (sec.)
M3.6 The value of the time constant is found at what percentage change in output value?
(a) 50% (b) 66%
(c) 63% (d) 100%

M3.7 For an input step of ro to a first order system of standard form, what is the steady state level achieved?
(a) ro (b) K
(c) Kro (d) K/ro

M3.8 A free response of a system is when

(a) the value of u(t) is zero
(b) the value of u(t) is constant
(c) the system is allowed to respond freely to input signals , u(t)
(d) the system has zero initial conditions

M3.9 G1(s), G2(s) and G3(s) have the same gain but time constants of 3, 4 and 5 seconds respectively. Which responds
more quickly to a step input?
(a) They all respond the same since the gain is the same
(b) G1(s)
(c) G2(s)
(d) G3(s)

M3.10 Another name for a process time delay is

(a) the time constant (b) the integration time
(c) the dead time d) the Pade time

Multiple choice questions

M3.1 c, M3.2 a, M3.3 c, M3.4 d, M3.5 a,
M3.6 c, M3.7 c, M3.8 a, M3.9b, M3.10 c

Tutorial 3
An engineer measured the temperature of an industrial boiler and collected them in the following table.


1. write the frequenct table for the data

2. sketch the histogram
3. find the mean, variance and standard deviation.
4. approximate the histogram with a gussian pdf.

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