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Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Dr. M.P. Singh Clases

whaB is Distiaukon kad-

(NaTngts Dismhuhion Lauo)
whEn a salus t added to two immisuiblt biqics
(In bot d which soluts is Aolubla

Re ouks disbibute itaf b/w tR two

uqwdls I'n Auch a way

hat tR xakio o ih tonun hraton

in two qw'd phoss i COnstant
au a quwwn tempAraburA .

By-Dy Mahendha PraBab Sing

x 4 0 Aolue x diaibuted taalf bJw tooimmi»ikl
Aouents Aand a constant temp. and X
Insam molu l o r Condihon in boh soluants,

on Comunrahon x inA

Com on hroiom o X in B
4f C C Con cenhahion d soluto in soluent A and
CC2 Cwnentraton abolus în &akuont 8

4 Can bo xprad a
C Diahbubom (ouhiuurt or
uh Kp Or aimplyK t callud forhlicn caulfiuent or
Dishibuwhcn xato
T i an equilibmum Ja-
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Dr. M.P. Singh Claeks
$olvent A C

Solunt 3
O C2

hun ob'atoibuhon ad soluk X uachud dy ramit

h aks (R,) af uhich moluauls x þaus trom
Aaluant A to B is propahanal t rit Comunrahcn
Cin A
R, d C
RI K C1.
wheu K o comstant.

T ale (R) af uhich mal cales qX paus om

AoJuenf 8 to A b propohional to ita lon cenhahan
By-Dr Makundro Prala Sin
Ro C2
R Ka C2
uhn K9 o ConaBont

Sinu a equil bnum

K C Ka C2
C2 K

KD NMnats Dixmbuhion Jad.
Aplicatons oDiaibuton Luo
Dr. Parjanya Shukla

() SolunB Exhachion Dr. M.P. Singh lassus

Dshibuhon Jaw is wadfOT gporaHon oorganic. albstonus
Tom qunous Aalutions.

A So.luhon shakan wih

quauss immi^ublu organic
Aolunt u ch as ethan or hemn
m stparabingunnd)
ehevaal layen Aapovatad orqanicAehttnt þams into
by dishlafon orual JaykY
orqanic Aubsanu is fh bahind

(8) Partition Chromoatoqrabhy y-Dy.mahurdra Praob Sing

A asta mixtua i appbied al top otR column

Ab'ca Aoakod in water

immisuikb Aolunt (Rexonu) ts allowad

to Mow down th coumn

Each (ompament omixtura

pho L
orHiond b/w
btaianany auid, uoatay and mabil quid
phosA huxont
(3) Danilvarizaton q Laad (lorkes rous)-
when molten 2i'nc is added to moltn lsad
Contauning Ail vY

Zinc and Jsad om immiubls layevs

ond i l r disihutsd bataen m .
xTh dismbuton Haho i l e r 300 Im tavo
nc a 800° (mox iJur i in zinc) Dr. Parjanya Shuhla
Dr. M.P. Stngh Clasus
On (ooling zinc Jyer alloy of Al'urY and
inc baparatas
2in alloy i dishlud and
8ilueY is 30p0rakad

Lad layar shU contains Ailuer is traatsd oi ash

quantitids molfen zinc.
to ucouT moat of K Bllver
(4) ConiTmaony Tst for Bromide and Iodid
k Th sal solui'on is traaked wi chlon'n wator

Amall quanhity of bromint or iod'nu

Rus bbaraled
Mahe th Aoluhion tRen haken wik chlorofom
TK u bromune or iodine mors Aolublu
n thlorofom
making it ud or bromin
violut OT od'na

5) Detorminaíon Aouahon'-
ien ub slanu ik asouakad
i'n a &0olunt A and oxis 0 Ampl moluul in soluent 8.
Disibuhion lao is modited as

CalCb = K
n i numbov mol aules which fom an avMouabd molh tuls
6) Determinakton o Diksociakion'-
Dr. Parjanya Shuhla

Suppose Subatonu X i di«ouialadin Dr. M. P. Singh ClassMs

aqurous ayer and exibhh as Aingl moltuuls.

f% s Re dag7e o dimo uaion Cov inisahon)

R distrihukon Jauo t modiid a -

C kd
C2 (1-c)
h C Conunhai om dX in ether
Ca onuntraHon x in wotay

tK can be datorminud rom com duthivity masunmunts.

By-Dr Mahandro Rratab Singb
7) DakzY minaHon o Solubtiy
Smppor K solubi'Luty iodin I'n ban 3enu to ba

odint is shakan oik waBer and benzen

a pquubbnum od/'nt in bement (Cb)

and waeY ( Co)

Cb Kd
Sh = kd
lih Sh =salubikity in ben 3eht.
Sw Aalubiiy in water.

'mitakima of Diati bulion Lauo-
Dr.Parjanya Shukla
Drlute doluion , Tk comc. s0uto muut
b Jo Dr. M. P. Sinqh Classes
in tuo boJ usntr..
Constant temperatura Temperalurs shold bs kaph
Comston througaut k x
dam molu culoY Atate Sohuto mus ho in Aam
malu uloY state in boh Aaluunt.

equulibium COnunaHion Ts ls achizuud by

TK mixturA for Jom
Non- miscibiby od Solunh- Soluunt should hi non
misubu AoHat con h
By-D1. Mohundho Praklb Sing

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