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Give the summary for each of the following

1. The internal challenges of the National Security.
The National Security Policy encounters a lot of internal and external major issues and
challenges in our society but it is important to give much importance on the internal side as it
serves as a guarantee to the citizens that everything that surrounds them is secured. One of the
most common problems that every society is facing right now is the problem in terms of
poverty. Everything is affected because of this issue as it triggers the increase of the
unemployment rate, hunger and malnutrition, and most importantly homelessness which just
allows the government to be responsible enough and do something to lessen thin issues in order
to ensure the welfare of its citizen.
Another problem that we face is the increase of issues about communists, rebellion, terrorism,
transnational, and heinous crimes which is allegedly caused by illegal drug-related activities.
These serious issues contribute largely to our nation’s crime rate which makes us one of the
highest in Southeast and East Asia and brings significant disadvantage in terms of our overall
national development. The said issues can be resolve through intensifying our justice system,
just like remodeling and enhancing our existing laws and rules.

2. The goals of the National Security Policy.

According to the National Security Council, the primary goals of National Police Security are to:
 Fulfill the national vision and safeguard the national interests which include, among
others, the protection of the people, their ways of life, welfare, and wellbeing;
 Strengthening of the country’s democratic institutions;
 Safeguarding its territorial integrity and sovereign rights;
 Enhancing the Philippines’ role and image as a strategic partner of the international
 Strengthening public safety, law and order, and the administration of justice;
 Sustain and enhance socio-political stability;
 Bolster solidarity-based and sustainable economic development;
 Protect and preserve ecological balance;
 Advance cultural cohesiveness;
 Promote moral-spiritual consensus; and
 Contribute to international peace.

B. Essay
1. The effects of climate change in the Philippines
The Philippines is one of the countries that are highly vulnerable to the consequences of climate
change. Some of the adverse climatic conditions experienced in the Philippines are rising
temperatures and extreme rainfall. The Philippines also lies in a region that is prone to cyclones
which are among the primary causes of hazards. Some of the results of climate change in the
Philippines are; it has led to the occurrence of more tropical storms. Climate change events such
as floods and drought have also affected the Philippines water reservoirs adversely which in
return would affect future water demands for example, in the past events of adverse climatic
changes, the Angat reservoir was likely to decrease in the future and this would affect the
overall water supply in the Philippines. Climatic changes in the Philippines have also led to a
decline in the country's GDP where it is predicted to decline by 6% by 2100. Moreover, climate
changes have threatened the Philippines' natural ecosystems. For instance, grasslands have
been damaged by adverse climatic conditions. Climatic changes have also led to changes in
rainfall distribution and patterns. Due to climatic changes droughts have become more intense
in the Philippines It has also led to a decline in productivity of labor which has been adversely
affected by climate change-induced heat. Lastly, climate changes have led to increased public
health emergencies where climatic conditions such as large temperatures have increases
diseases such as malaria, dengue, and cholera.

National Integrated Climate Change Database and Information Exchange System (NICCDIES),
(n.d). What is Climate Change. Retrieved from

2. What are your thoughts about cybercrime and it being the fastest economic crime?
Cybercrime has become a rampant economic crime. Some of the nations whose corporations
have been more vulnerable to cybercrimes are the UK, the USA, and China. The crime has also
become more rampant globally where it is approximated to be at 36%. Cybercrimes have
adverse effects on the health of different economies. For instance, it leads to losses of money
through direct online theft. The money lost would have otherwise been used to create more
employment opportunities or taxed for development purposes. It also leads to loss of money
through payment of extra security costs as corporations try to combat cybercrimes. Cybercrimes
also lead to demeaning and exploitation of talented people through piracy activities and the
theft of intellectual information. As a first growing crime, nations have a great challenge to
ensure that the crime is combated. This can be achieved by putting in place a measure to deal
with the crime. Some of the measures include putting in place the necessary legislation and
designing bodies to implement the laws. Another way is by training more government-
controlled cybersecurity personnel.

Global Economic Crime Survey (2016). Adjusting the Lens on Economic Crime: Preparation brings
opportunity back into focus. Retrieved from

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