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1) The ‘Masque of the Red Death’ does not differ from the dark and eerie tone that

Poe’s work is best

known for, however, this passage contains an underlying sense of tranquility, possibly to satisfy a feeling
of tension and foreboding. Poe establishes the setting as a party for Prospero’s companions within his
castle. Within Prospero’s palace lie seven suites, each corresponding with a color. The most significant of
these rooms is the seventh room: the black suite. Poe describes the windows in the seventh suite as
“scarlet -- a deep blood color.” This simple, yet effective description symbolizes the symptoms of the red
death, which include the bleeding of the pores. This connection between the windows and the
symptoms of the red death further the suspicion and doubt the audience may host when debating
whether the scene is as pleasant as it seems. Poe’s choice to describe the monotonous clang of the
clock, is another facet in establishing his eerie tone. The clock, of course, represents the inevitable
march of time; it is an impending doom that faces all of us, even the likes of nobles such as Prospero.
With the addition of this symbolic choice, the atmosphere is heightened. At this point, the reader can
almost be absolute in the idea that a tragedy will unfold through the analysis of Poe’s language. A sense
of dramatic irony is nearly created once one is able to understand the symbolic choices Poe makes to
issue such an unsettling tone.

2) What We Could Learn from Poe

Edgar Allen Poe’s short story Masque of the Red Death no longer feels grounded in the realm of fiction,
rather it parallels the world we live in today and can even serve as a prophecy of some sorts to those
who trivialize the effects of COVID-19. What seems to a major facet in the rise of COVID-19, other the
infectiousness of the virus itself, is the arrogant and nonchalant behavior that many of us host when
addressing the chance of being infected. Prospero, the main protagonist of Masque of the Red Death,
seems to represent many of those who continue to disregard the mandatory lockdowns, facial
coverings, and social distancing. Prospero and his court of nobles remain indifferent to the toll of the
dead and engage in masquerade ball. Within in the same night of the party, the Red Death comes and
reaps the lives of everyone in the ball almost instantaneously. Of course, this disease is obviously
exaggerated in its effects and is nowhere as lethal as COVID-19, but it still possesses some truth in how
we should respond to this pandemic. If we are to act like fools, only gawking at the death around us but
not truly acknowledging it, then we fall under the same fate as Prospero. Social distancing, wearing
facial-coverings, and staying inside our homes is not a difficult task. For some, however, resisting the
truth is. To prevent the least amount of causalities, it is essential that we let our ego aside to not only
protect the longevity of ourselves, but also to those around us.

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