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May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management



No. Student’s Name Student’s ID


Lecturer Name :
Programme Title : Bachelor (Hons) in Hospitality Management

Subject Code & Title : HH302n Revenue Management

Session : May – August 2020

Assignment Topic : Home-based Assessment (50%)

SUBMISSION DATE : 21-06-2020 ( Before 5:00 PM)


1) 1 day late from the date of submission - 25% will be deducted.

2 days late from the date of submission - 50% will be deducted.
More than 2 days late from the date of submission - ―0‖grade will be awarded

2) Plagiarism - The University will not tolerate cheating, or assisting others to cheat, and views
cheating in coursework as serious academic offence. The work that a student submits for grading
must be the student’s own work, reflecting his or her learning. Where work from other sources is
used, it must be properly acknowledged and referenced.

May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management


HH302 Revenue Management

Home-based Assessment (50%): May – August 2020

Learning Outcomes:
1. To apply various management theories learnt in class – case study and essay
2. To reflect on the students’ understanding towards the subject course
3. To identify in writing the students’ opinion about the Father of Scientific Management,
Frederick Taylor

This home-based assessment is divided into three parts namely:
 Assignment 1 – Case study and reflection (30%)
 Assignment 2 – Essay (50%)
 Assignment 3 – Internet research (20%)

Special instructions:
 Times New Roman, font size 12, allignment justified and 1.5 line spacing
 Header to indicate: Subject Code & Name on the top left and Session on the top right
 Footer to indicate: Page numbers on the bottom right
 Referencing using APA format is strongly encouraged
 Kindly save your file in PDF format
 Softcopy to be emailed to respective lecturer

May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management


Home-based Assessment (50%): January – April 2020

Assignment Marking Scheme

Assessment Breakdown Score

Individual Assignment
a) Assignment 1 /30
b) Assignment 2 /50
c) Assignment 3 /20
Total Marks: / 100 marks
Less Penalty: (-) - marks
Final Marks: / 100 marks
Convert 100% to 20% / 20 marks
Examiner Comments:

Jan-Apr 2020 Home-based Assessment HC106s Introduction to Management
and Organisation Theory


Instruction: Answer below items in essay format. Please ensure proper referencing is done
for this assignment [APA referencing format]

Q1 Read case study below and answer the following questions;

How Red Bull’s Content Strategy Got Its Wings

(Article was published on January 24th, 2012 by Erica Swallow)

When you think of brand journalism, a number of things come to mind: blogs,
social media channels, off-site branded content. However, one thing that usually
does not come to mind is the idea that a brand could own an entire media
network. Red Bull, the popular energy drink, supports its content strategy with
just that foundation, though, owning its very own Red Bull Media House.
Red Bull Media House was launched in 2007 and produces just about every type
of digital and traditional content you could image. It operates a TV station; prints
one of the biggest magazines in the world; produces documentaries, movies and
music; and runs a very thorough digital strategy, the focus of our interest here.

The Beginning
Red Bull’s content creation process centers on sports and cultural events and
projects, and its strategy has been in the making for nearly 25 years. The Red Bull
team has created a multimedia experience from the start, incorporating film,
photography and stories built for broadcast, print and digital media partners.

It was not until 2007, though, when the brand formalized the content production
process by launching Red Bull Media House. Headquartered in Salzburg, Austria
with a North American base extended to Santa Monica, Calif. in January 2011,
the media house controls the production, collection and distribution processes for
all Red Bull content. Today, Red Bull Media House employs more than 400
people around the world.

Going Big with Digital Content

When it comes to digital media, Red Bull Media House runs more than 900
domains in 36 languages under the umbrella of
covers all of its digital bases, with an offering of web TV, web radio, online
games, newsfeeds and digital databases. In addition, if you are curious about
where all of Red Bull’s iPhone and iPad apps come from, you guessed it; the
Media House is in charge of building and launching Red Bull’s mobile apps. Stop
by the App Store some time to check out the Red Bull TV iPhone app or the Red
Bulletin and Red Bull Illume HD apps for iPad — with them, you will have in-
depth look at some of the visual content created by Red Bull’s very own media
empire. For a look at one of its mobile app games, check out Red Bull X-Fighters.

As it has carved a niche in the sports arena, Red Bull is associated with
competitiveness and games—thus, it has launched a number of games accessible
via Facebook or, where the games are hosted. One of the more
visually pleasing and simply adorable offerings in the line-up is the Soapbox
Racer game.
Getting Social
May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management

The Media House also takes care of Red Bull’s social media strategy, including
the brand’s presences on Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram, YouTube and its
plethora of Facebook Pages.
YouTube is perhaps Red Bull’s biggest social strong suit. It joined as one of
YouTube’s inaugural action sports content producers. And to date, nearly 300
million YouTube views have been generated from Red Bull content, making Red
Bull Media House one of the top five sports content producers on YouTube
globally. Across the rest of the social verse, Red Bull stays active, interacting
with tweeters, checking in to sports events and of course, disseminating content.
Red Bull seems to be benefiting from operating its very own media company.

1. Which other platform can Red Bull use to capitalize on its revenue in the
context Nepal? Mention at least three platforms and clarify why you chose it. (15 marks)
2. How does the external environmental factor affect the revenue of Red Bull in
Nepal? Be precise to the company and consider the current situation to the (15 marks)

May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management


Instruction: In a range of 500± word counts, answer each of the below items in essay
format. Please ensure proper referencing for this assignment [APA referencing format].

Q1 Why was it difficult to adopt Yield Management in Hotel industry initially? List (10 marks)
and explain four major reasons.

Q2. What is Customer Centric Approach? Explain four strategies on how a restaurant (10 marks)
can practice Customer Centric Approach during and after COVID 19 pandemic.

Q3. Mention four Opportunities and Threats to your college? How could your college (10 marks)
develop a strategy to turn the potential Opportunities into Strengths?

Q4. (i) A business traveler visits Pokhara 5 times a year and stays two nights each time. His
company has negotiated a rate with Hotel Barahi at NPR 1500 per night. For each visit,
the traveler always eats only one dinner at the restaurant during his stay at an average
cost of NPR 500 per meal. Each of the two mornings of his stay, he takes a quick
breakfast at the hotel at an average cost of NPR 200 per meal. The hotel’s acquisition
cost of obtaining this individual business traveler is NPR 100 per visit. Calculate the
Total Customer Worth of this business traveler to the hotel. (5 Marks)

(ii) A couple values the Valentines’ Day candle light dinner package offered by a high-
class restaurant at $500. They are willing to drive 1 hour to and another hour from the
restaurant which is 60 miles away. The car consumes 20 miles per gallon and a gallon of
gas costs $3. The couple also values their leisure time at $15 per hour. They consider the
dining time to be equal in value to its cost, so do not factor in this amount. So what is
the total customer value to the couple of this candle light dinner? (5 Marks)

Q5. (i) Calculate the elasticity of demand (Ed) of the rooms of Princeton Hotel with the
following data given:
Room Rate ($) Number of rooms
430 200
500 150

(a) What is the Ed when the room rate increases from $430 to $500? (2.5 Marks)
(b) What is the Ed when the room rate decreases from $500 to $430? (2.5 Marks)

(ii) We are taking a 1,500-mile flight with a yield of 80 cents per mile. There are 100
seats on board which are 75% full. The total passenger revenue generated by this flight
would be: (5 Marks)

May-Aug 2020 Home-based Assessment HH302 Revenue Management


Instruction: In a range of 1000± word counts, answer below question in report format.
Please ensure proper referencing is done for this assignment [APA referencing format].

Choose one hospitality provider in travel industry in Nepal and perform a strategic revenue
management planning based on it. Your report should include the elements as listed below:

1. Introduction
a. The background of the firm
b. Establishment, Idea Generation behind the start-up, Type of Business, Nature of
Business, Partnerships
2. Customer Knowledge, Market segmentation and Selection
a. How company is identifying and analysing their customer
b. How Customer Centric Approach is practiced in the organization
c. Analysis of potential impact that changes occurring in consumer behaviour (new
trends) may have on products and services, type of customer, current trend of
customer, customer habit, behaviour in Nepal
d. Analysis and selection of market segmentation: how the market has been divided
and segmented, is the segment profitable?
e. Identify and assess new market segments: potential new market coming up
3. Internal assessment & External Assessment
a. Organisation SWOT analysis: strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats of the
b. PESTLE Analysis

4. Channel Analysis and selection

a. Analysis of optimal channel of distribution (cost efficiency), how the product or
services are being distributed, highlight on the marketing channel, product
distribution channel and overall business model

5. Conclusion
6. References and Appendices


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