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Cardenal Sancha School

Science and Virtue

Sanchina Family building a better world
Cheerful Sanchinos by the unit, in service and fraternity
Foreign languages department
Grade: Eighth - KET
Teacher: Robinsson Gómez Olaya

Final Competence: The student shows level A2 according to CEFR. He / She understands, expresses
and justifies concepts about changes of the environment comparing life situations and doing plans
for the future. focused on KET preparation as an international test.

Name:_SOFIA MENDEZ MONTENEGRO_Course:_8A_Date:_23/07/2020__


1. Write the answer to the hours below:

It’s half past three.

It’s quarter to five .
It’s quarter past seven.
It’s one o’clock.
It’s five to twelve.
2. Look at the city map and answer the questions below:

1.Where is the police station?_The police station Is between the bank and the store.

2.Where is the library?_The library is located in the first street .

3.Where is the hospital?_The hospital is in front of the church .

4. where is the restaurant?_The restaurant is behind the drugstore and the movie theater.

5. where is the school?_The school is next to the restaurant .

6.Where is the bank?_The bank is on the left corner of the Main Street.

7. Where is the post office?__The post office is in front of the school .

3. Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box:

Afraid – hungry – thirsty – angry – surprised – tired

1- The teacher was_angry_because the children didn’t study.

2- When I was a child i was_afraid_ of the darkness.

3- I was so _hungry_that my mother made me a big sandwich.

4- After the exam I was so _tired_ that I went to bed early.

5-I’m really _surprise_that he remembered my birthday.

6- Can I have a glass of water? . I’m very thirsty.

4. Match words with definitions, there is one extra-definition.

1.Afraid: _2_ relatively low temperature

2. Cold: _6_ to go to the bottom, submerge

3. Poor: _4_ young person especially between infancy and puberty

4. Children: _7_ an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance

5. Rich: _3_ lacking material possessions

6. Sink: _1_ filled with fear

7. Accident: _8_ transportation by water

8. Ship: _5_ having abundant possessions

____have a meal in a restaurant

5. Reading comprehension

My name is Imogen. When I was twelve, I lived in the North of England. One
day, I walked along a street. A plant fell on my head! It fell from an upstairs
window. I saw a woman at the window. My head hurt! I ran home and told my
mother. She was angry. We went to that house. A woman came to the door.
She said her cat did it! The plant was on the window sill. The cat jumped up and
knocked it off. The woman was sorry. She gave me a bar of chocolate. I went
to school and my mother went back home.

Write answers for these questions:

1) Where did Imogen live? _She lived in the North of England.

2) What happened to her as she walked along the street? A plant fell on her head.

3) Who did she see at the window? She saw a woman at the window.

4) Who did she tell about it? She told her mother.

5) Where did Imogen and her Mum go? They went to that house.

6. Complete these statements with some or any:

1. Do you have _any _cousins?

2. I have _some _books in my library
3. Does she have_any _pets in her house?
4. I want _some_water, because I’m thirsty.
5. Do you have_any_question?

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