Part 1 Grade 10 Edumate - Complex Rhythms

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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 10

Term 1
Unit 1 – Complex Rhythms
Students will understand that...

 Improvisation and composition widens one's  creativity.

 Singing and playing an instrument provide people with musical and developmental skills. 
 Critical listening is essential successful to a learning experience.  
 Collaboration  bring about a lot of positive outcomes.
 Creativity expands one's capacities.

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering...

 How should a student face a challenging task in school?

 In what circumstances should a student collaborate with other students?
 How can students spend their time wisely at home and at school?
 When is it better to create rather than to imitate?

Students will know...

 The definition of rhythm and each of its elements. 

 The proper way of pronouncing more complicated rhythmic patterns. 
 The forming complex, dotted, and/or short  notes  to complete a given time signature. 
 The Kodaly System's way of reading and clapping rhythmic
 The environment, menus and other advanced features of the software MuseScore 2.1 
 The differnce between circular and linear representation of rhythm

Students will be skilled at…

 Identifying aurally a given rhythmic pattern.

 Clapping  and reading more complicated rhythmic patterns.
 Creating  one's own rhythmic pattern for  a given time signature using short and dotted notes.
 Performing different rhythmic patterns simultaneously to create complex rhythms.
 Accompanying a song with an original rhythm.
 Using virtual drumkit in creating rhythm.
 Creating their original percussion score using MuseScore 2.1 
 Sequencing complex rhythms in GroovePizza  that can accompany actual songs


Group Performance: Accompanying a Popular Song with Original (Complex) Rhythm

This assessment tool will demonstrate how students are able to apply their original rhythm to a song. This will
highlight not only their aesthetic sense but also their deepened understanding of how rhythm  works in actual
songs. Collaborating with their classmates on this activity opens up opportunities to a deeper bond among the
members of the class and high regard for each other's contribution.

Playing Virtual Drum Set for an Acapella Song   

This activity will demonstrate the ability of the students to work together with a partner in
putting rhythm to a given acapella song. This will show how they are able recognize the beat of
an assigned song and how they are able to apply rhythmic patterns that fit the song. The activity
will also help surface their skills in managing their laptops, and finding solutions to go along
with the lesson despite some difficulties or problems perhaps in internet connection or problems
in opening a website.

Playing Rhythm on the Virtual Drum Kit

This is a group activity  wherein the students will create their own rhythm using Virtual Drum Kit to
accompany a song with it, sounding the different drums and cymbals. 

Improvising Rhythm for Accompaniment

This activity is another way of assessing the listening skill of the students and a glimpse on their
creativity. Using Groove Pizza, the students will have an  enjoyable way of creating rhythm with a clear
and speedy result which they might use in the future projects. 

Other Evidence
 Group Games on Writing Rhythm
 Aural and Visual Activities
 Clapping Challenges
 Orbit Activity with Percussion Instruments
 Chanting with Body Percussions

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