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- under guidance of Prof. Karan Sood


N I K I TA I Y E R – 4 2 2 2 8
P R AT E E K S H A R M A – 4 2 2 2 4
S U RYA R AU R V K M – 4 2 3 4 5
A P U RVA R A J – 4 2 1 4 3
S H A S H W AT B A C H C H A N – 4 2 2 7 6
ARTEFACT 1 • On December 31, 2019, outbreak of Coronavirus
disease was announced by the WHO office in China. In
less than a month it was declared a pandemic
• While waiting for treatment and vaccine, it is essential

that the transmission of the disease is prevented by
means of maintaining public health measures

IMPROVE ACCESS TO IN-HOUSE • A study by University of Birmingham (U.K.) revealed a

correlation between the size of COVID-19
HAND WASHING FACILITIES IN transmission in a country to the weakness of its
handwashing culture
RURAL PARTS OF INDIA. • The study was done across 63 countries and India, at
40%, was among the lowest ranked countries
• Inadequate drinking water, sanitation and hygiene
(WASH) facilities have been linked to cause diarrhea,
which is estimated to cause about 3 Lac deaths of
children under the age of 5 worldwide
• Diarrhea is the biggest attributed cause of infant
and child mortality in India
• Despite the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, and Prime Minister
Modi’s promise to bring piped water to every rural
household by 2024, the rural parts of India are still
faced with the issue of not having a proper hand
washing facility available in their homes.

• A study conducted by WaterAid India

named “Spotlight on handwashing in rural
India” found that 27% of the respondents
rely on handpumps or wells (kuan), which
needs to be addressed in the wake of
COVID outbreak to maintain social
• Industry: Hygiene
• User : Rural Population
• Need: Maintain hygiene by keeping hands clean
• Why the need: In the wake of the COVID19
pandemic, UNICEF & WHO have indicated that
good water, sanitation and hygiene practices are
bound to play a critical role in blocking
transmission, particularly hand hygiene.

Limited hand washing facilities accompanied by

high population densities compounds the risk of
transmission of the virus and thus a solution must
emerge that provides universal in-house access to
hand wash facility and sustainability of the practice.
PERSONA Housewife
She wishes to provide accessible hand
washing facility for her family and help
her friends in the village achieve the
same at minimum cost and sustainable.
About Pain Points
•She is 42 and has been married for 19 years, mother to •No proper infrastructure in the
4 children of the age 15-22 of which two are girls and village for maintaining health
two of them are boys. measures, especially hand washing Main Goals
•Has had education till 8th standard. Had to leave facility.
studies because of financial reasons. The most educated •Children are more prone to diseases •I want my household and
women in the village in terms of practical understanding caused by lack of proper sanitizations. village prevented from
and how the world works. •Women have to go miles before they transmission of the virus.
•Her equation with the women in the town stands to can get clean water resources. •I want children in my village
reason that she can influence their ways of establishing •Village cannot forward as it is a main to concentrate on than studies
affordable and sustainable hand washing solution. hindrance. rather than falling sick.
•I want all people in the
•Responsible for cooking, cleaning and taking care of all Needs village to have access to well
needs of my husband and 2 children. •I need proper infrastructure for clean maintained health facilities
•Responsible for imparting basic writing skills to the water and sanitation in the village. and alcohol-based hand
other uneducated women in the village. •I need an awareness drive for the sanitizers to start with.
•Spends more than half of her time in household and people in the village for safe sanitation •I want the women to not
concentrating on her children so that they can have good and maintaining public health have to go miles to access
education. measures. clean water resources.
•I need proper sanitation facilities in
close proximity.
ARTEFAC T 2 Rajesh
“I would like myself, my family and
friends to not get sick every day , go to
school and play cricket ”

About Pain Points

• 9, Mother- a homemaker and Father – • There is no proper sanitation / hand
works in a shop. Has 1 elder brother and washing facility in school and houses.
1 younger sister. • Students and staff waste a lot of
• Likes to study a lot. He is a first ranker in water. Main Goals
• The soap used to wash hands is so
his class. • I want my household and village to
dirty and gets wasted a lot.
• Loves playing Cricket with his friends. have access to proper sanitation
• No proper clean water source around.
• Would like to become a doctor when he facilities to be prevented from the
grows up. transmission of the virus.
Needs • I want my school to have proper
• Responsible for taking care of his
younger sister at home • I need proper infrastructure for clean water hand washing facilities.
• Responsible for heading the cricket team and sanitation in the village. • I don’t want my mother to go so far
of friends in the village and winning any • I need facility in schools and houses to have to collect water.
inter village matches. clean hand washing systems. • I want to become a doctor and
• I need proper sanitation sources near our treat this village of any such
village. diseases.

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