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Middle School English Syllabus

A Middle School
Miss. Barfield
Course Description:

Course Expectations:
1) Respect yourself, the teachers, others, and the facility.
2) Be prepared for class and learning!
-Everyday you should bring: a MASK, a college ruled notebook or binder with college ruled
paper, a pen or pencil, any homework, novel/text or assignments that need to be turned in or
worked on in class, and an open mind ready to be filled!
-When asked, be prepared to bring in basic art supplies such as colored pencils/markers, glue,
and scissors.
- I suggest you have multiple writing utensils, a highlighter, a colored pen for occasional in-
class grading, and a planner!
3) Pay attention, participate, and ask questions!
4) Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy!
-Any of these will not be taken lightly. If found cheating in any kind you will earn an
automatic zero for the assignment, a call home, and a report to the office.
5) Be polite and appropriate.
6) Try your hardest and turn in your work on time.

Late Work Policy: If a student turns in an assignment after the time I have listed the due date of
the assignment, the student's work will be marked "late". From there the grade goes down by one
letter grade, each day it is not turned in (one day: B, two days, C, etc). I do accept excused late
work with proper written notes, emails, or phone calls from guardians or doctors. Please email
me if you have any questions!

A= 100%-90%
B= 89%-80%
C= 79%-70%
F= 50% and below

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