FA3 - Article Review 2 - Sustainability Ethical Issues

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Klarence Manguiat GOVRISK

AIS3C Article Review 2

Formative Assessment 3 – Sustainability Ethical Issues
The article “Environmental Sustainability: Ethical Issues” by Reena Patra focuses on
environmental sustainability and the ethical issues associated with it. In this article, it talks about
the ethical aspects of environmental sustainability which has certain philosophical issues
attached to it. The article argues that the logical and so,
the ethical premise in environmental sustainability is upheld by the conception of nature as an
environment instead of nature as a simple question for sustenance. Such conception of
nature suggests the concept of sustainability as a positive esteem inside the society. Inside the
case of nature as environment, nature gets to be the normal territory of man and
is regularly supportive of human presence. Also, another topic tackled on by this article
concerns with the ethical sustainability of the environment which, according to the article, is
based on the commitment willing to take by people whenever environmental issues occur. With
this, environmental ethics and environmental sustainability is also concerned with personal
conduct of an average person and their responsibility towards it.

The article’s main premise is environmental ethics and sustainability is concerned with
the issue of responsible personal conduct of each individual who benefits off the environment to
the environment and all of its elements. This premise is significantly and timely true. A lot of
industries/practices/products nowadays has become global. It is true that globalization has its
advantages, but it also brings a lot of challenges especially ethical challenges and with this, one
of the challenges are related to the environment and its sustainability. Its basic knowledge that
human beings are the ones who benefits off the most from the environment. They use it as a
source for anything that they will use or do in their everyday life. Naturally, they are also the
ones who weighs the responsibilities to the ethical issues attached to it and its sustainability. All
actions done by each individual to the environment could either positively or negatively affects it
and its sustainability. Ultimately, the situation could either bring a progressive and abundant
environment or fundamental environmental injustice.

To relate the article to the topic of ethical issues of globalization, just like how it was said
the topic, globalization comes with ethical challenges that are performed by human beings. In
order to be aligned with the trends that globalization has brought human beings in industries
made it a mission to do everything to fit in with what would sell and what would be marketable.
As a response, the environment has become damaged and would soon become a nightmare to
us human beings. In relation to this, the article talks about how “when man live in harmony
environment, everything was regarded as good but when man started manipulating nature, the
relationship turned sour”, which brings us back to what was said earlier that upon globalization,
man has done everything under their power to fit in with the trend of what is global which
ultimately affects the environment negatively. Along with the discussion of “ethics”, the topic of
ethical issues of globalization also talks about ways to improve globalization by global business
ethics and shared responsibility of all actors in the global economy. The article, also, talks about
how the concept of environmental ethics plays a role in influencing the growth of ideas and
opinions, representing something new in global governance of human being with respect to the
environment, that should ideally govern decision-making for the benefit of humans and the
environment itself.

Taking everything that was stated into account, I can say that the article was very
informative with regards to what the relationship of human conduct and responsibility is to ethics
and sustainability. It is well related to the topic of ethical issues of globalization seeing as to how
it discusses how certain situations makes human beings manipulate the environment to bend to
what is in trend. Also, the article discussed environmental ethics and its governance to how
human beings should decide with regards to the environment, which is again related to the topic
stated earlier about globalization. In addition, I would like to say that the article has also opened
my mind on how a person acts towards the environment is directly concerned to moral
philosophy which means that the relationship of man and nature can change just by what virtues
ad ethics a man believes on. Moving on to the last judgement for this article, it has done god job
to inform that sustainability ties with the social challenges that faces humanity. These
challenges are the ones that pushes humans to re-design and abuse the environment. With this,
it can be said that sustainability can be achieved by creating ways to cater the need of humans
to fit in the trends brought by globalization while respecting the environment.


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