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Evidence: Cultural literacy around the world

"When I was 32 I had the opportunity to travel and live in Honduras for 1 year. I
lived and worked there while I was studying English. Honduras is part of the
Central America. Their culture is very rich an interesting. During the baptism
ceremonies, which are their most important activity, they demonstrate their roots in
Catholicism, but they like to celebrate with folk dances typical of the region.
Another aspect I found strange is that the indigenous culture is evident in all the
activities they carry out, since a birthday to a graduation, including a marriage, the
women dance traditional indigenous dances who stand out for their harmony and
transmitting their culture to their family. This aspect is quite different in my country
where women don’t dance the typical indigenous dances.

Regarding religion, despite being Catholics, they believe in idyllic gods which is
their maximum god. Therefore they pray daily to the sun and moon god in his
house, which is like a temple where the family gathers to pray. This is also quite
different as in my country people usually pray at night before they go to sleep and
most people only go to church on Sunday. Finally I learned that the weekend they
use to go to the beach, but not to go to pray on the church. This was quite difficult
for me at the beginning as I was used to go to the church on Sundays.

When I like a hot dog, it was prepared only with sausage, bread and tomato sauce.
This is also different as in my country, because there people adds cheese and
other additional sauces.

I really enjoyed my time there and had the chance to learn some English. I also
learned to see the world from a different perspective. It was a great experience.”

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