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2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)

Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) - An

2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS) 978-1-7281-6368-0/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 10.1109/ICDCS48716.2020.243556

S.R. Jino Ramson S. Vishnu M. Shanmugam

1School of Engineering Technology Electronics and Communication Engg. Computer Science and Engineering
Purdue University, USA VFSTR, Guntur, India VFSTR, Guntur, India
2VFSTR, India

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary commu- THINGS NETWORK CONNECTIVITY CLOUD/SERVER/VM

nication paradigm which plays an essential role in the field of user
remote monitoring and control operations. This paper presents Wired
the overview of IoT based remote monitoring and control systems application
thing - 1 Zigbee servers
which potentially solve societal issues in the field of healthcare,
environment, home automation, transportation, military, agri- thing - 2
culture, solid waste management, smart metering, surveillance,
consumer asset tracking, smart grid, vehicular communication DSRC/WAVE MQTT
system and pilgrims monitoring. thing - 3 DASH 7 CoAP
Index Terms—Internet of Things, applications, environmental 6LoWPAN custom network server
monitoring, healthcare, military, solid waste management thing - 4

3G/4G geolocation visualization and

The things which have the facility to transfer data over a thing -N server data processing

network without demanding human to human or human to

computer interaction are termed as Internet of Things (IoT). Fig. 1. Network architecture of IoT
According to Gartner research and advisory firm, 20.4 billion
things will be connected to the internet [1] by 2020. Also,
the worldwide market of IoT will reach 1.7 trillion USD by monitoring and tracking. But these technologies are having
2020 from 655.8 billion USD in 2014 with the annual rate drawbacks which include limited bandwidth, high operative
of 16.9 percent [2]. This considerable amount of revenue is cost, complex infrastructure and so on. These drawbacks can
expected by developing IoT platforms. An IoT platform is be overcome by upgrading armed personnel’s health monitor-
a system which involves data acquisition from any object ing and tracking system into IoT architecture. Deployment of
using sensors and circuits, processing and transmission over IoT on the battlefield can improve the situational awareness,
a network, storage, visualization and data processing with risk assessment and response time of the military authori-
artificial intelligence schemes according to the requirement of ties. IoT based systems can assist the military in identifying
users [3]. The network architecture of IoT is shown in the Fig. the enemies, monitoring the armed personnel’s physical and
1 and the overview of various applications of IoT platform is mental state and synchronize armed personnel with defense
discussed in this article. systems [5]. Military uniforms and helmet with embedded
sensor devices can be used to acquire their locations and vital
II. A PPLICATIONS OF I OT status of the armed personnel. The command center can take
The recent advancement in sensors development, light action in real-time to save the life of the armed personnel.
weight communication protocols, open source server pro- Temperature sensor, pulse rate sensor, accelerometer, ECG
grams, web development tools and dashboards of IoT is being sensors, mobility sensors, oxygen level sensors are some of
applied for several societal problems which is shown in the the sensors which can be used to develop the smart military
Fig. 2. uniforms and helmets [6].
A. Military B. Healthcare
IoT find its critical applications in the field of military. This section discusses the use of IoT for remote health
ZigBee, GSM networks [4] are some of the wireless network monitoring, tracking Ingestible sensors, mobile health, smart
technologies which were used for armed personnel’s health hospitals and enhanced chronic diseases treatment.

978-1-7281-6368-0/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 92

2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)

Environmental Waste
Military Smart meters Healthcare
monitoring management
• battlefield things • electricity • mobile health
• air quality • ocean of things • water • remote healthcare
• water quality • tracking ingestible
• soil health sensors
• animal tracking • smart hospitals
• weather and • enhanced chronic
climate monitoring diseases treatment
• volcanic eruption
• gases monitoring
Internet of • smart traffic
Smart grid Surveillance
Things (IoT) control
• smart parking
• electronic toll
• tsunami detection
• road assistance
• forest fire
• fleet management
• vehicle control
• land sliding
• safety
• flood
Vehicular systems
• vehicle to vehicle
Home automation Agriculture • vehicle to
• smart home Consumer asset • crop management infrastructure
• elder care tracking Pilgrims • nutrients level • vehicle to
monitoring monitoring pedestrian

Fig. 2. Applications of IoT

1) Remote health monitoring: The main benefit of remote 3) Smart hospitals: IoT plays a vital role to upgrade the
health monitoring system is to lead a normal life even though hospital to a smart level. The initial step towards smart hospital
the patients are under continuous health monitoring. Generally, is taken place by developing smart phone based appointment
the remote health monitoring system is used to monitor registration according to the availability of doctor, mobile
the fall detection of elderly people, heart diseases patients, application based inquiry and test result report, etc. Further
neurological diseases and diabetic patients [7]-[8]. The sensors up-gradation established by designing medical devices that
or devices such as accelerometer, respiration rate sensors are able to send real-time signals of the blood sugar level,
[9], t-shirt with embedded sensors and Kinect camera [10], ECG, blood pressure, etc to an information platform for
wireless body sensors [11], AMPED sensors [12], defibrillator diagnosis[18]. Highly expensive equipment in the hospital
device [13], pulsometer and pedometer [14], textile based premise can be implanted with RFID chip to establish their
autonomous nervous system [15] are attached to the patient’s tracking[19].
body to acquire vital signals and the acquired signals are being
processed (amplification, filtering, packetization) according to C. Home Automation
the communication network. Then the processed data are
Internet of things redefined the way how an electronic
transmitted to the central server for storage and analysis. The
appliance is controlled in a home environment. Every appli-
doctors are able to check patients health condition by using
ances such as lights, air conditioner, media, security systems,
graphical user interface [16].
refrigerator, ovens and so on can be connected to the internet
2) Tracking ingestible sensors: Ingestible sensors are used by using a relay switch, a micro-controller and a network
to perform capsule endoscopy, in which the sensors can device. By using a graphical user interface, the user can
transmit the images of the interior part of the human body control the appliances even from remote location. A wide
to the remote monitoring application software installed in variety of sensors are developed to implement IoT based home
the hospital systems [17]. Also, the nutrient consumption of automation system . Some of the sensors are temperature
patients and the formation of different gases in the digestion sensors (DHT11/22, DS18B20, LM35), lux sensors (TSL2591,
process also can be measured using ingestible capsules. BH1750), water level sensors (HC-SR04, LM1830), air com-

2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)

position sensors (MiCS-5525, MQ-8, MQ135), and humidity through the cloud server. The main advantages are, continuous
sensors (HIH6100, Dig RH). Some of the works in IoT based monitoring can be done from a remote place, real-time visibil-
home automation are cited here. An optimized and ambient ity of a person entering and leaving a place is possible, security
intelligence-based lighting system is presented in [20]. A alert messages will be delivered to a particular mobile device
cloud-based intrusion detection system is presented in [21] based on motion detection, face detection, number plate of
which will detect intrusion and give alert to the nearby police vehicles to take immediate action if there is any theft process.
station by acquiring the accurate geolocation of the nodes Also, it manages and directs the labors at workplaces in real-
in the home automation system. A gas or smoke detecting time.
system which is able to send an alarm in critical conditions
via email/SMS to the fire safety department which is also G. Consumer Asset Tracking
presented in [22]. One of the characteristics of IoT is providing a unique
identity to the physical objects. This characteristic makes use
D. Solid Waste Management of IoT in the development of a consumer asset tracking system.
The crucial problems in handling solid wastes are, if the Currently, most of the mobile phones are equipped with a GPS
solid wastes are scheduled to be collected on everyday basis, tracking system that allows locating the lost phones easily.
if the trash bins are not filled, then it leads to wastage of Similarly, IoT is enabling this facility to the consumer assets
manpower, fuel and time. Also, if the trash bins are scheduled by providing a unique identity and internet connectivity to the
to be collected on weekly basis, if the trash bins are filled assets. E-commerce companies can trace the status of their
which leads to overflow and pollutes the environment. IoT products in transit to ensure the proper delivery of their prod-
based trash bin level monitoring systems resolves the critical ucts. Accelerometer, GPS, vibration sensors, RFID constitute
problems in handling solid waste management. [23] and [24] the sensing part of the system. Nano network processors are
presented sensor networks based bin level monitoring systems. used to establish internet connectivity with cloud services.
The end sensor node consists of an ultrasonic sensor to monitor
the unfilled level of the trash bin, a micro-controller to process H. Smart Grid
the unfilled data, solar panel to charge the battery and a radio Low reliability, high outages, carbon emission, safety and
device to transmit the unfilled data to the central monitoring so on are the drawbacks associated with the conventional
station over the internet. The central monitoring station uses electricity grid. A technological uplift can be made on the
an application to monitor and manage the level of every bin. conventional power grid by incorporating IoT to transform
it into a smart grid. A smart grid can be defined as an IoT
E. Smart Metering system that can sense from different components of the grid
Water, gas and electricity are the essential resources for and establish a power management system by controlling the
every house. Receiving the bills at the end of every month power supply with respect to the demand [27]. IoT based
through mail is the common practice. IoT based smart meter- smart grid provides accurate and quick interactions between
ing helps the service provider to monitor the usage of essential customers and grid corporations. Due to continuous online
resources from a central station and also helps the user to monitoring, the automatic recovery can be done upon failure
monitor the day by day usage. Smart meter acquires the usage by acquiring pre-control [28].
information and uploads the information to the central server
through internet. Central monitoring stations such as electricity I. Vehicular Communication System
distribution center, gas and water distribution centers process Internet of things opens a new dimension towards the ve-
the information and send back to the customers through hicular communications, which includes vehicle to the sensor,
internet. The customers can view the day by day usage and vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to internet communications
upon receiving the paperless bills through internet, the users [29]. Further vehicular communications can categorize into
can log-in into their electronic account and pay the bills two; intra-vehicle communications and inter-vehicle commu-
electronically [25]. nications. Intra vehicle communication systems consist of a
network of sensors to monitor road conditions, drivers fatigue,
F. Surveillance Tyre pressure and water temperature in the cooling system and
Monitoring of human activities and behavior are important so on. Such a big quantity of sensors needs to be connected to
in many aspects. Surveillance system is needed for tracking the the ECU (Electrical Control Unit) which uses protocol such
activities of any labor, observing the facilities in the workplace as CAN (Controller Area Network), FlexRay and Tethernet
and observing the places where security is a concern. In other and so on. Since the sensors are stationary and it is powered
words, surveillance allows the user to manage and direct the from the vehicles power system, the topology, deployment of
people and hold the occurred process as a material of evidence the sensor systems and its connectivity to ECU can establish
during an investigation. IoT based surveillance system is with the conventional short-range protocols. Another aspect
presented in [26]. The surveillance device connected to the of vehicular communication is inter-vehicle connectivity in
internet consistently captures and gathers data. The data can which vehicles can communicate to other nearby vehicles to
be audio or video form. The captured data is shared remotely prevent accidents, convey lane changing information and so

2020 5th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)

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