Course Outline Level 2

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Course Outline for 4 – 5 year, (Level – II)

1st Semester (Qaida – 1, 2, 3)

S. No Key Learning Areas Concepts/Learning Outcomes
1 Personal and Social Children will be able to:
development  Follow directions
 Demonstrate discipline while performing their
daily tasks.
 Experience cooperated learning and will be
promoted among them.
 Learn good moral words and will practice in their
daily routine and conversation.
 Recite first “Kalma” and will learn the “dua” to say
before eating
 Demonstrate listening to each other and wait for
their turn
 Learn “dua” to recite before eating.
 Learn second kalma “shahadad”.
 Learn the use of and say “Thank you”, “Excuse
Me”, “Sorry” and “Thank you”.
 Learn the use of courtesy words.
 Differentiate between “sad” and “happy” feelings.
 Name five prayers and tell it timings.
2 Language and Literacy Children will be able to:
Development  Learn and recognice upper and lower case for
“Cc”, “Dd”, “Ee” and “Ff” and name things
beginning with these letters.
 Recognize write and name things beginning with
english letters “Gg till Jj”
 Recite poems and enjoy it as well.
 Talk and comment about pictures while listening
to stories.
 Express themselves during discussion.
 Recognize the Urdu letters and its sound from
“Jeem till “aray” and will name and write things
begin with these letter.
 Recognize the Urdu letters and its sound from
“zay till zuad” and will name and write things
begin with these letter.
 Tell story by looking at a picture.
3 Basic Mathematical Children will be able to:
Concepts  Count orally numbers from “0” till “10”
 Recognize, count, order and illustrate the
 Count from “1” till “20” orally and write from “1” till
10” and able to illustrate quantity.
 Identify geometrical shape “rectangle” and
compare it with other shapes and find shape in
the environment.
 Recognize and understand the concept of “full
and empty”, “short and tall”.
 Make patterns
 Mix “yellow, red, blue” colours to make new
 Classify different objects according to its
 Recognize and draw shapes “oval and “triangle”
 Tell difference between the shape, length, width
and size of things.
 Identify “green” and “orange” things.
4 The World Around Us Children will be able to:
 Express about their likes and dislikes.
 Tell colours from the environment.
 Name few animals in English.
 Name their body parts.
 Understand “life cycle of a butterfly’ and will
compare its growth with human development
 Differentiate between “day” and “night”
 Tell name of fruits
 Introduce family members.
 Tell and name capital of Pakistan
 Name different parts of the face and name of
 Name vegetables in English language.
 Talk about basic information and importance of
5 Health Hygiene and Children will be able to:
Safety  Demonstrate activeness during moving their
limbs, running and play.
 Understand the significance of washing hands
and will practice.
 Understand the importance of keeping their body
 Learn about germs and harmful effects of not
washing hands before eating.
 Practice toss and catch ball.
 Move as per instructions.
6 Creative Arts Children will be able to:
 Practice “Collage”
 Make model with clay.
 Express themselves through colouring
 Make puppets and express through role play in
dramatic corner.
 Make face masks.
 Mix primary colurs (Green and Orange) to get
secondary colours.
 Colour different pictures

2nd Semester (Qaida – 4, 5, 6)

S. No Key Learning Areas Concepts/Learning Outcomes
1 Personal and Social Children will be able to:
development  Share about their favourite activity in the pre-
school class.
 Learn cooperation while working in groups with
class mates.
 Name their religion and recite first “Kalma”
 Recognize happy and sad events.
 Recite short “Dua” and know the the reason to
recite it.
 Do small class chores with confidence.
 Help older people and class mates in learning
 Think and play their role in problem solving.
 Recite second kalma.
 Take care of other’s feelings.
 Will learn share things.
 Learn to do and take care of themselves on their
 Share about their home and family members.
 Recite surah “alkausar”
 Name things in the environment.
 Learn to treat animals in a good way.
 Name five prayers and its timings.
 Use respectful words while sharing things.
 Recite “dua’ before eating meal.
2 Language and Literacy Children will be able to:
Development  Recognize English letters from “A” to “J” and
Urdu letters from “Alif” till “Laam”, its sound and
name of things beginning with it.
 Learn half shape of Urdu letter “bay” family.
 Converse in English and urdu using complete
 Recite poem with actions
 Demonstrate improvement in reading skills.
 Narrate events in sequence from a story.
 Write, its order, know its sounds of the letters
from “Jj till Qq”
 Know the shape and write the urdu letters “Kaf”
and “Ghaf” and know the phonemes.
 Tell stories using vocabulary and pictures.
 Re-tell stories in their own words after listening to
 Recognize vowel in their names.
 Recognize the sound of ‘at” and “ot” in similar
sounding words.
 Speak complete sentences.
 Read pages 26 till 30 from the readers.
3 Basic Mathematical Children will be able to:
Concepts  Recognize numbers“11” and “12” and write digits
in English, 1, 2, 3 and able to illustrate quantity.
 Recite counting from 0 till 50 orally.
 Do skip counting from “1” till “10”
 Do in-formal measurement
 Make pattern using different basic shapes.
 Recognize and understand the order, quantity
write numbers from “0” till “17”
 Write number “1” till “6” in English language.
 Write backward counting from “10” till “1”
 Understand the concept of “addition” using
 Make sets according to the size, and concept of
near/far, similar and different objects.
4 The World Around Us Children will be able to:
 Get familiar with animal names.
 Know about insects
 Know about the characteristics of magnet.
 Name few vegetables grown in their environment.
 Name few sea animals.
 Name different means of transportation in Urdu.
 Make few sentences on Pakistan.
 Know about different professions.
 Differentiate between living and non-living things.
 Understand the concept of five senses, its
importance and use.
 Know about the means of transportation.
 Get familiar with names of seasons and its
5 Health Hygiene and Children will be able to:
Safety  Express through different body movements
 Understand benefits of eating washed fruits and
 Enjoy participating in various physical activities.
 Understand the importance of eating healthy.
 Practice body balance while playing actively.
 Understand the rules to protect themselves.
 Understand the importance of balance diet and
 Understand that we need to take care of plants
and tree and its benefits.
6 Creative Arts Children will be able to:
 Fold paper to make various thigs.
 Use colour in different ways.
 Develop things using low cost no cost material.
 Cut and paste pictures and use colours to make
different models.
 Paint or colour in given pictures.

3rd Semester (Qaida – 7, 8, 9)

S. No Key Learning Areas Concepts/Learning Outcomes
1 Personal and Social Children will be able to:
development  Recite surah “Ikhlas”
 Recite dua for the increase in knowledge
 Demonstrate rules to talk in group.
 Use of decent words while during conversation.
 Use vocabulary to express.
 Share basic information about “Pakistan”
 Express their feelings.
 Imitate different characters.
2 Language and Literacy Children will be able to:
Development  Name few things starting with these letters.
 Recognize English letter from “Aa” to “Zz” and
practice writing. Name few things starting with
these letters. Recognize and practice writing
upper case and lower case letters.
 Predict up-coming events in the story.
 Carefully hold, open and turn pages of the book.
 Write their names and recognize it in print.
 Tell stories with the help of pictures.
 Differentiate various parts of the book.
 Write their name in English and recognize it in
 Know about their culture like national game is
Hockey, provincial dances.
 Know that English is written from left to right and
Urdu from right to left.
 Enjoy the intonation of the words.
 Make words using “un”, “en” and “it”
 Describe a scene
 Recognize English letters “Uu till Xx”, write, its
sound and words beginning with these letters.
 Recognize and write half shape letters for “Alif”
and “Yey”
 Join half shape letters family of “Bay”, “Jeem”
and “Jeem” with “Alif”
 Use ‘a’ and “an” with other words
 Tell whole letter.
 Recognize Urdu letters from “Alif to “yey”, its
order, words beginning with these letters. Join
and break “Alif’ and “wao’ with these letters.
 Copy day, date and sentences from the black
 Make complete sentences by looking at a picture.
 Speak in English using complete sentences.
 Tell about “singular” and “plural”
 Write and read words by joining “ot”, “at”, “an”,
“it”, “un”.
 Write and share sentences using “That is”, “This
is” and “I like”
 Learn about “vowels “.
 Practice reading using readers on “Peter and
 Learn counting from “1” till “10” in Urdu.
3 Basic Mathematical Children will be able to:
 Recognize numbers from “1” till “100” orally.
 Write in order numbers from “1” till “50” illustrate
 Recognize “big”, “bigger” and “biggest” and
differentiate between them.
 Order sets
 Write 7, 8, 9 and 10 in English, learn spelling and
illustrate quantity.
 Add number of things together. (Addition)
 Make different shapes using basic shapes.
 Tell words beginning with “th”
 Understand how to make plural by adding the
letter “s”
 Practice reading through “readers” and talk about
 Skip count from “1” till “20”
 Write orally numbers from “1” till “10” in English
 ‘Add” by looking at the pictures.
 Understand the concept of “more” and “less’
 Draw 5 basic shapes and recognize colours in
 Recognize currency and its use.
 Learn one digit addition.
 Learn the concept of “big/small”, long/short”,
“thick/thin”, “full/empty”, more/less”, “near/far” and
”big/bigger/smallest” and differentiate between
 Write backward counting from “1” till “10”.
4 The World Around Us Children will be able to:
 Tell about autumn season and observe tree in
the environment.
 Name different professions in urdu and English
and talk about their role in the society in few
 Name few wild animals and imitate voices.
 Name important places in their village or city.
 Group and compare “domestic” and “zoo”
 Talk about their family members.
 Name birds and its characteristics.
 Name means of transportation in English and
Urdu and its use.
 Name their country and its capital.
 Name villages and cities.
 Know about the characteristics and difference of
living and non-living things.
 Talk about things in the environment
 Name fruits and vegetables in English and Urdu.
 Name insects and animals in the garden.
 Name wild, farm and sea animals.

5 Health Hygiene and Children will be able to:
Safety  Talk about different aspects of their health.
 Learn about ways to get protected from fire.
 Learn about the rules of walking.
 Practice balance and coordination between
hands and eyes.
 Understand the importance of keeping body and
teeth clean.
 Learn about the importance of keeping the
environment clean and the bad effects of litter.
 Talk about the importance of play and exercise
for healthy body.
 Name body parts and talk about the importance
of keeping body clean.
 Talk about balance diet.
 Tell traffic rules.
 Listen and follow instructions.
 Practice coordination among body parts while
running, jumping and hopping.
 Talk about the importance and protection of
plants and animals.
6 Creative Arts Children will be able to:
 Use colours to express their feelings.
 Do thread printing.
 Make models using cotton and clay and colour it.
 Share ideas on the use of low cost/no cost
 Copy and draw an object placed in front and
colour it.
 Colour and trace leaves.
 Thumb printing
 Draw and colour pictures.
 Make collage using different materials.

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