SASE 322 Lesson Plan Tyler McCann

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Lesson # 1 Tyler McCann Date of Lesson: 10 December 2020

Grade/Course: 6th Grade General Music Lesson duration: 50 minutes

Unit: Reading Music Notation Topic of Lesson: Note Values

Central Focus: Students will learn and understand various note values used in musical notation.

Essential Question(s): What is the importance of musical notation when reading music?

State/Disciplinary Standards:
Clap, sing, or play on pitch from basic notation in the treble clef, with consideration of pitch, rhythm,
dynamics, and tempo.

Identify the elements of music in response to aural prompts and printed music notational systems.

Content Objectives: Students will understand how to read and comprehend basic musical notation.
Students will be able to read rhythm and clap the rhythms presented.

Language Objectives: Students will be able to discuss the different types of musical notations using proper
terminology. (whole note, half note, quarter note, etc.)

Academic Language – Skills: Students will practice their musical language skills by matching musical
terms with their respective notation. They will work in groups and discuss the which term belongs where.

Academic Language – Functions:

Describing ability This is a quarter note because it is worth one beat.
Matching ability This is a whole note because it looks like a circle.
Asking for advice How can I tell the difference between a quarter note and a quarter rest?
Offering to answer Can I give my answer?
Giving an opinion I think this is wrong because a rest does not have a stem.
Agreeing I agree with your answer.
Disagreeing I don’t think that’s the right answer.
Asking for help Can I have some help describing an eight note?
Prior Knowledge Resources: Students prior knowledge will come from previous personal experiences
within their lives. Prior knowledge to reading musical notation may come from a previous class that has
discussed similar subjects.

Key Vocabulary:
Treble Clef
Quarter Note
Half Note
Whole Note
Eight Note
Quarter Rest
Half Rest
Whole Rest
Eight Rest
How many beats is a quarter note worth?
What is a rest?
Are beats and counts the same thing?
Where does the treble clef go?
How many lines are on a treble clef?
How many spaces are in a treble clef?
What type of note is this?
What is the difference between a quarter note and a quarter rest?
Where does G belong on the staff?
How would you clap this rhythm?

Strategies and Accommodations for ELs:

Students who have a stronger understanding of the language of musical notation will be paired with students
who are struggling.
Relevant vocabulary words will be listed on the walls of the classroom.
Cheat sheets with references to prior academic language used will be provided.
Students will fill out a survey at the end of class to judge their understanding of the subject. They will choose
“I get it!”, “I almost get it”, “I do not get it” to show their level of understanding.
Students with IEPs/504 Plans (add rows as necessary):
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
IEP 3 Students are given extra resources to help with their
assignments. They are given modified assignments with guided
questions. Each student has an aid that assists them throughout
the day.
504 Plan 1 Students with a 504 plan are given modified worksheets that
serve their needs. They are also given extra time as needed with
tests and assignments.

Students with Specific Language Needs (add rows as necessary):

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, and Elements of
Students Universal Design
Newly arrived with limited 2 Students with a lack of formal schooling work with a buddy
formal schooling throughout class that can help provide understanding between
L1 and L2. They are given modified worksheets that provide
key terms in both languages.

Materials and Preparation (supplementary and/or adapted materials, visuals, resources):

 Rhythm Tree Reference Sheet
 Key Terms Worksheet
 Musical Recording with visual notation
 Rhythmic matching cards
 Cut-outs of each musical note
 Vocabulary Graphic organizer
 Exit Survey
 Do Now question sheet

Assessment/Evaluation—note: all lessons must include checks for understanding

 Formative
Students will work in groups to match the types of notes values to the corresponding notation. I will
monitor and evaluate students understanding based off of the number of correct matches they make.

 Summative
Students will receive a quiz at the end of the lesson to grade their understanding of the materials
presented. A quiz with no incorrect answers will show great understanding. A quiz with a couple
answers wrong will show some understanding but could use more practice. A quiz with many wrong
answers will indicate a lack of understanding for the subject.

Lesson Progression (add rows as necessary): Instructional strategies and learning tasks (including what you
and the students will be doing) that support diverse student needs. Please note all assessments that were
described in the previous section.
Duration: The teacher will… The student(s) will…

5 minutes Present academic terms that have to do Interpret and discuss the given terms
with the lesson. Open discussion for what based off of context clues or prior
the terms mean. knowledge.
10 minutes Present a video showing what musical Listen and write down any questions.
notation looks like while listening to the
20 minutes Present the new terms along with what Use their reference sheet to compare
they look like. what they see presented to what they
see on the sheet.
15 minutes Students will split into groups to match Work together to correctly match the
the new terms with their respective note term with the notation.
value. Teacher will observe and answer
any questions.
10 minutes Go over the correct answers and repeat Participate with any questions about
the terms with the class. the answers.
5 minutes Go over the homework assignment for Listen to the directions for homework
tomorrow. and display any questions.
5 minutes Pass out “Exit Slip” that asks for level of Complete the “Exit Slip”
understanding of the new material.

Homework: The homework will be similar to the matching worksheet completed in the class, but with
the notation of rests.

Notes / Reflection
The most important part of this lesson is to introduce the language of the subject and check for
understanding anyway possible. Students are encouraged to question the subject and are welcome to
show a lack of understanding if the material is difficult.

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