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PFM Case Development Progress Report

Mitali Jadhav & Kirti Sinha – Diad No. 6

Completed topics:

 Introduction
Since 2012, companies all over the world have been moving away from old-fashioned annual
appraisals and towards continuous performance management. More than ever before, human
resources executives and line managers alike understand the human need for regular feedback,
effective coaching and human interaction.
Companies the world over are adapting their performance management practices and readjust-
ing their once-firmly held beliefs regarding performance ratings and annual performance
 What is Performance management, Components of performance management, performance
 Introduction of company – ABC – IT company
 Problems faced in the company
Team conducted a survey and found that majority of the people believed their system was not
driving performance.
Their next realization was that assessing someone's skills is always subjective. The process says
much more about the evaluator instead of the person being evaluated.
 Previous performance management process
With 360 feedback, goals were set once a year and reviewed once a year. The problem with this
approach is that annual goals are too “batched” for real-time situations and a lot of time is
wasted on performance ratings. Instead, this time should be spent on talking to people about
their performance and careers consistently.
People rate other people skills inconsistently, but they are highly consistent when rating their

Pending topics:

 Recognizing performance, seeing performance and fueling performance

 Introduction of Check-in system
The team begin searching for new ways to empower managers to have more continuous
conversations with their team throughout the year – leading to more coaching opportunities
that support growth and development.
They decided to put frequent feedback and conversations at the heart of its new process and
focus on performance development, rather than performance rating.
Written Expectations at the start, Ongoing Feedback and Development to be the components of
Check in process
 Challenges faced by the company in implementing the new process
 Outcomes of the change
 Conclusion/Learnings

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