Research Topics of Current Research

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Thesis Projects (last update September 14,

The Honours Thesis research projects listed below are available only to McGill
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate students in the Honours program and
registered for MECH 403-404 courses.

If you are interested in one of the thesis projects, please send an expression of interest
to the contact email provided. Although we do our best to keep this list up-to-date, some
projects may no longer be available.

If you are a professor who would like to add or remove a thesis project, please
complete the honours project posting form. 

Projects for 2020-2021 school year:
Thesis Project 2020-1
Title: Model validation for an agile UAV
Supervisor: Prof. Meyer Nahon
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: Agile UAVs are a class of unmanned aerial vehicles that resemble
fixed-wing aircraft, but are capable of extreme maneuvering including hover,
inverted flight, etc. The Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory has been active
in the study of these aircraft for about 10 years. We have developed a
state-of-the-art simulation of the dynamics and aerodynamics of these
aircraft, and we have been using these models to develop advanced controllers
for these aircraft. We are interested in performing a systematic validation of
the models that we have developed, i.e., performing experiments and simulations
and comparing the results to ensure they are similar. This is harder than it
sounds at first glance. Model validation is normally done using open-loop
control inputs, and these aircraft are marginally stable or unstable and
flight in open-loop usually results in crashes. The challenge of this project
is to design closed-loop experiments and methods of analyzing the results
that allow us to separate the effects of the controller from those of the
dynamics. Once these experiments are designed, they would be performed and
the data analyzed. The results would then be used to help improve the
sub-models in the simulation, including aircraft aerodynamics, thruster
dynamics and thruster slipstream sub-models. For background work, see:
Contact e-mail:

Posted: January 11, 2020


Thesis Project 2020-2

Title: Wind tunnel investigation of a propeller in oblique flow
Supervisor: Prof. Jovan Nedic and Prof. Meyer Nahon
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: Quadrotors are increasingly being used in outdoor
flight with significant wind speeds. In these situations, the flow through
the propeller disc enters at an angle to the propeller axis. While some work exists in this
area, most of this work only looks at
how this affects the thrust generated by the propeller. We are interested in
measuring all three forces and all three moments generated by the propeller
under these conditions. The motor/propeller will be mounted on a six-axis
load cell to measure these forces and moments, at various flow speeds and
propeller spin rates. The data will be used to fit a model for use in our
aircraft simulations. For background work, see:
Contact e-mail:

Posted: August 21, 2018

Thesis Project 2020-3

Title: Wind tunnel investigation of propeller slipstream
Supervisor: Prof. Jovan Nedic and Prof. Meyer Nahon
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: An increasing number of unconventional platforms
are being proposed for small unmanned aircraft, in order to improve their
performance. One feature that is becoming increasingly common is the use of
the propeller slipstream (the airflow behind a propeller) to improve the
controllability or the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft. This project
aims at a better understanding of the slipstream behind a propeller, with
increasing oncoming flow. A previous study was done to study the slipstream
without oncoming flow, and we would like to investigate how this is affected
by the forward motion of the aircraft. A hot wire anemometer will be used to
measure the slipstream, and the data will be used to fit a model for use in
our aircraft simulations. For background work, see:
Contact e-mail:

Posted: August 21, 2018

Thesis Project 2020-4
Title: State Estimation on Matrix Lie Groups
Supervisor: Prof. James Richard Forbes
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: Autonomous vehicles, such as autonomous cars,
trucks, and trains, must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order
to ascertain their position, attitude, velocity, and angular velocity.
Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data and some
sort of position data, such as GPS data, or range data, such as optical
camera, radar, or LIDAR data. This project will focus on sensor fusion for
robot navigation. The first task will be the development and coding of a
matrix Lie group integrator, in the spirit of a Runge-Kutta integrator, but
tailor to matrix Lie groups. The second task will be the development and
coding of a cascaded sigma point Kalman filter to enable multi-agent
navigation (i.e, navigation of many robots). Students best fit for this
project are those interested in using mathematical tools, such as linear
algebra, numerical methods, probability theory, and numerical optimization,
to solve problems found in robotics. Experience with Matlab and/or C
programming is desired. 
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 1, 2020

Thesis Project 2020-5

Title: Shape transforming metamaterials for soft robotics
Supervisor: Prof. Damiano Pasini
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: Mechanical metamaterials are manmade materials,
usually fashioned from repeating units, which are engineered to achieve
extreme mechanical properties, often beyond those found in most natural
materials. In this project, the student will use the lens of mechanics of materials to
generate material concepts for soft robotics.
Additive manufacturing techniques will be employed to fabricate prototypes and their
performance will be examined through mechanical testing.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: May 21, 2019

Thesis Project 2020-6

Title: Development of a method for recycling fibreglass composite
wind turbines
Supervisor: Prof. Larry Lessard
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: There is growing concern about recycling of end-of-life composite
Waste fiber and other materials cannot be put into landfills so recycling
methods must be developed. Used wind turbine blades can be recycled to
recover the fibers and these fibers can be re-used to make materials for 3D
printing. So this project aims to solve two simultaneous problems: that of
growing amounts of waste and the need for stronger/more high tech materials
for the growing 3D printing industry.
The project involves experimental manufacturing based on composite materials
Contact e-mail:

Posted: May 21, 2019

Thesis Project 2020-7

Title: Nonlinear dynamics/vibrations of architected materials for
aerospace applications
Supervisor: Prof. Damiano Pasini and Prof. Mathias Legrand
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: When launched in space, satellites need to endure an explosive
upright boost
that generates extremely large vibrations throughout their bodies. 
If uncontrolled, these vibrations end up spoiling the performance of their
components with the risk of making them nonfunctional.
In this project we study the nonlinear vibrations of a satellite component
made of ultralight weight architected materials of unprecedented performance.
The goal is to model its dynamic behaviour and understand the geometric
factors that control its highly nonlinear response at the onset of a launch
in space. The work involves a combination of theoretical and computational analysis.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 3, 2020

Thesis Project 2020-8

Title: Increasing mechanical stability of lithium-ion batteries
through artificial SEI layers
Supervisor: Prof. Emmeline Kao
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: The development of next-generation battery materials is partially
limited by
instabilities surrounding the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer. On one
hand, this layer creates a physical barrier between electrodes and
electrolyte while adjusting the distribution of lithium, making it essential
to battery operation. On the other hand, the SEI layer grows via lithium
consumption, which is one of the reasons batteries lose capacity after many
cycles. And while many studies analyze the chemistry behind SEI formation,
growth, destruction, or stabilization, its mechanical structure and
dependence on the mechanics of battery components is still poorly understood.
In this project, the student will study the implementation of SEI suppression
through atomic layer deposition (ALD). Imaging, compositional analysis, and
characterization will be done in collaboration with University of Utah. ALD
deposition will be done in collaboration with a team of graduate students. A
successful candidate will show a willingness to learn skills in analyzing
characterization data and dive deep into new topics.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 7, 2020

Thesis Project 2020-9

Title: Multi-robot collaborative state estimation
Supervisor: Prof. James Richard Forbes
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2020 or Winter 2021
Brief description: Autonomous vehicles, such as autonomous cars, trucks, and
trains, must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order to
ascertain their position, attitude, velocity, and angular velocity.
Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data and
some sort of position data, such as GPS data, or range data, such as
optical camera, radar, or LIDAR data. In multi-robot systems, an
individual robot can also utilize information from its neighbours by
having the robots communicate their state estimates. However, the
estimates of different robots are often correlated, and without
properly modelling these cross-correlations, the performance of the
estimator might be very poor. This project will then focus on
modelling those cross-correlations for collaborative state estimation
in multi-robot systems. The main task will involve the development and
coding of a sigma point Kalman filter to enable multi-robot
navigation; however, based on the student’s interests and background,
alternatives to the sigma point Kalman filter could be considered.
Students best fit for this project are those interested in using
mathematical tools, such as linear algebra, numerical methods,
probability theory, and numerical optimization, to solve problems
found in robotics. Experience with Matlab and/or C programming is
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 14, 2020

Projects for 2019-2020 school year:
may or may not be still available - you may use contact e-mails to find out.

Thesis Project 2019-1

Title: Kinetics of phase transformations in thin films
Supervisor: Prof. Srikar Vengallatore
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2019 or Winter 2020
Brief description: Thin film materials are ubiquitous in
microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The structure and
properties of thin films are influenced by phase transformations that occur
during microfabrication. In this project, we seek to develop theories for the
kinetics of phase transformations in thin films. The research involves a
combination of analysis and computation.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: May 12, 2019

Thesis Project 2019-2

Title: Fast prototyping of Capillaric Circuits, autonomous microfluidic devices for
biomedical applications
Supervisor: Dr. Oriol Ymbern and Prof. David Juncker
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2019 or Winter 2020
Brief description: Capillaric Circuits (CCs) are self-powered microfluidic devices with
many potential applications in analysis and biomedicine. CCs propel and control the
flow of liquid using geometrically- and chemically-encoded structures, and can
implement a rich set of fluidic functionalities, such as sequential delivery of liquids for
pre-programmed assays. They can integrate on the same platform all the steps of the
analytical process without moving parts or external power supply, from sample pre-
treatment to detection. In the last few years, 3D printing and rapid prototyping have
been adopted for manufacturing of CCs, but they are not readily adaptable for mass
production. The objective of the project is to implement fast prototyping microfabrication
techniques for the CC that can bridge the gap between lab prototyping and mass
fabrication such as micromilling and hot embossing. The candidate’s task will be (i) to
develop and implement new prototyping methods for the fabrication process of
microfluidic devices, (ii) to characterize them via physical and image techniques, and
(iii) the fluidic testing and optimization of CCs in a biomedical laboratory environment
employing different state-of-the-art microfabrication and characterization techniques.

Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 3, 2018

Thesis Project 2019-8
Title: Modeling, sensing and control for forest harvesting machine simulator
Supervisor: Prof. Inna Sharf
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2019 
Brief description:  Professor Sharf is collaborating with
FPInnovations on increasing robotics and automation in tree harvesting
machinery. As part of this research, we began the development of a simulator
of the feller-buncher machine, its immediate environment and interaction
between machine and environment.  Feller-buncher is a complex articulated
machine comprised of a tracked or wheeled mobile base with an articulated
hydraulic arm equipped with a special purpose end-effector for cutting
(felling) and gathering several cut trees, before they are placed on the
ground for further processing. This topic is motivated by the need for having
a ‘digital twin’ of the system, that is a high-fidelity simulator that
can be used for visualization, development and evaluation of new control and
motion planning strategies for automating aspects of tree cutting operations.
The simulator under development is housed in the Vortex Dynamics software and
at present, it includes the model of the machine itself, joystick to drive
the machine and basic environment modeling. Initial steps have been taken
towards importing into Vortex data from a real forest,  with the  map of the
terrain and trees. In this thesis, the student will continue the development
of the forest environment in the simulator, in particular, the terrain and
forest modeling  and  interaction of the machine with its environment.
Another aspect to be investigated is the selection and integration of sensors
to be placed on the machine to collect data that can assist  with state
estimation of the machine, its localization and mapping of its environment.
Finally, developing of the capability to simulate in Vortex the externally
defined joint motions of the machine will also be part of this project. This
project builds on the work of a SURE student, whose poster is attached to
this posting.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: August 18, 2019


Thesis Project 2019-9

Title: Finite element research and evaluation of impact on skull in
simulated contact with a hockey helmet
Supervisor: Prof. Mark Driscoll
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2019 or Winter 2020
Brief description: Concussions are dangerous and are common
occurrence in Hockey.  In collaboration with Bauer and the hockey research
lab at McGill this project will seek to simulate the stress and forces
conveyed to one's skull when wearing a hockey helmet with different foam
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 10, 2019

Thesis Project 2019-10

Title: Design and assembly of a robotic spine V4
Supervisor: Prof. Mark Driscoll
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2019 or Winter 2020
Brief description: According to Statistics Canada, 4 out of 5 individuals will be affected
lower back pain or spinal disorders at some point in their lifetime. Lower
back pain places a massive economic burden on health and welfare systems in
developed nations such as Canada, and more locally, Quebec, often resulting
in the need for medical consultations and work absences. Mechanically, spinal
disorders represent flawed spinal stability, however, the etiology of lower
back pain is often unknown which inhibits the diagnosis and understanding of
spinal dysfunctions.
To further the understanding of spinal disorders and instability, a robotic
spine model was designed complete with analogue bones, artificial cavities,
and pneumatic muscles (McKibbens). Muscular activity on the spine model can
be controlled through a control system by inflating the pneumatic muscles and
artificial cavities while studying the reaction of the spine when subjected
to a load. The control system integrates automatic valves, a position
tracking system, and pressure sensors to study the movement of the spine.
The role of this year’s honours student will be to improve the spine model
and to study the effects that varying intra-abdominal and intramuscular
pressures have on spinal stability and on intradiscal pressure. The spine
model will aim to help further understand the musculoskeletal system of the
spine and potential causes of lower back pain.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 11, 2019

Projects for 2018-2019 school year:

may or may not be still available - you may use contact e-mails to find out.

Thesis Project 2018-11

Title: Dynamics of photon-driven lightsails for interstellar flight
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: The use of lasers to propel sails via direct photon pressure has the
potential to achieve very high velocity spaceflight, greatly exceeding
traditional chemical and electric propulsion sources, and enables the serious
consideration of interstellar flight.  However, the dynamics and stability of
thin sails (lightsails) under intense laser illumination is an outstanding
problem.  This project will examine the dynamics of very thin membranes both
theoretically and experimentally.  The response of a lightsail to
perturbation will be analyzed both analytically and via computer simulation.
Use of gasdynamic loading techniques (shock tube) will enable the same
driving load to be applied in the laboratory, but without the use of
megawatt-class lasers.  Experimental diagnostic techniques (photonic doppler
velocimetry, 3-D digital image correlation) will be developed to study the
lightsail dynamics that will eventually be applied to a laser-driven sail
proof-of-concept facility.
Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space
exploration concepts, with general background in physical optics, numerical
simulation, and experimental techniques.
Skills involved:  Experience with photography and high-speed data acquisition
would be helpful.  Completion of Mech 321 (Mechanics of Deformable Solids)
and Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for the project.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-12

Title: Dynamic soaring on a shock wave
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: Dynamic soaring is a technique exploited by birds and sailplanes to
their flight speed by exploiting differences in airspeed of different masses
of air.  This project will explore this approach by examining dynamic soaring
of a hypersonic glider on a shock wave.  In essence, the technique consists
of “bouncing” back and forth from either side of a shock wave via a high
lift-to-drag turn, increasing the net velocity of the glider.  The ability to
“surf” on a very strong blast wave (such as resulting from a
thermonuclear blast or asteroid impact) from ground all the way to space will
be explored. The use of the technique on shock waves that occur in
interplanetary space (coronal mass ejections, etc.) that might enable
spacecraft to be accelerated to very high velocities “for free” will also
be explored.
Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space
exploration concepts and flight dynamics, with general background in
numerical simulation.
Skills involved:  Completion of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for the
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-13

Title: Rapid transit within the solar system via directed energy:
laser thermal vs. laser electric propulsion
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: Directed energy in the form of a ground or space-based laser
providing power
to a spacecraft is a disruptive technology that could enable a number of
rapid-transit missions in the solar system and interstellar precursor
missions.  This project will compare two different approaches for a
spacecraft to utilize beamed laser power:  (1) laser thermal propulsion,
wherein a laser is focused into a chamber to heat propellant that is expanded
through a nozzle and (2) laser electric propulsion, wherein a laser  directed
onto a photovoltaic array generates electricity to power electric propulsion
(ion engine, etc.).  These two concepts will be compared for a number of
missions of interest, as defined by NASA:  (1) Earth orbit to Mars orbit in
no more than 45 days and (2) Traversing a distance of 125 AU in no more than
ten years.
Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space
exploration concepts, with general background in physical optics and
numerical simulation.
Skills involved:  Prior exposure to spacecraft mission design (e.g.,
experience with Kerbal Space Program, etc.) would be helpful.  Completion
of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) and Mech 346 (Heat Transfer) is required for the
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-14

Title: Impact of dust grain on lightsails for interstellar flight
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: Laser-driven lightsails are a promising technique for interstellar flight,
however, sails will experience impacts of dust grains in the interplanetary
and interstellar medium.  The impact of a sub-micron grain can deposit as
much as 1 J of energy into the sail when travelling at speeds necessary for
interstellar flight.  This project will examine the subsequent dynamics of
the sail and the damage incurred.  This problem will be modelled both
analytically and numerically, and experiments will be performed in the lab
with gas gun-launched particles onto candidate thin-film materials.
Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space
exploration concepts, with general background in materials and stress/strain,
numerical simulation, and experimental techniques.
Skills involved:  Experience with ANSYS would be very enabling for the
project. Experience with photography and high-speed data acquisition would be
helpful.  Completion of Mech 321 (Mechanics of Deformable Solids) is required
for the project.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-15

Title: Percolation model for detonation in a system of discrete energy sources
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: Detonation waves propagating in combustible gas mixtures exhibit
very complex
dynamics, with transverse and longitudinal shock waves that sweep across the
front.  This project will attempt to model this process by treating
detonation as an ensemble of interacting blast waves.  Approximate, analytic solutions
blast waves will be used to treat the problem.  Results
will be interpreted with the assistance of percolation theory, a branch of
statistical physics.  Results will also be compared to reactive Euler
simulations using supercomputing resources.
Skills required:  Strong coding skills (language of your choice) and
awareness in advanced mathematics is of interest.
Personnel sought:  Completion of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for this
project. Interest in nonlinear physics and pattern formation in nature would
provide helpful motivation for this project. Exposure to concepts in
statistical physics (Ad. Thermo) is also desirable.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-16

Title: Pellet stream propulsion for interstellar flight
Supervisor: Prof. Andrew Higgins
The term(s) to begin:Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019
Brief description: A promising approach to deep space propulsion that may enable
flight is pellet stream propulsion, wherein high velocity pellets (with
velocity exceeding that of the spacecraft) are used to impart momentum onto a
spacecraft.  Such a pellet stream may be able to be collimated and focused
over much greater distances than a laser beam, making it an attractive
alternative to laser-driven directed energy.  This project will examine the
ability of a charged particle to be steered and re-directed via a static
magnetic field (e.g., quadrupole beam steering, etc.), both via computer
simulation and experimental testing in the lab.  The ability to steer a small
(mm to cm scale) pellet via magnetic field of rare earth magnets at speeds of
~1 km/s would be a significant validation of the concept.
Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space
exploration concepts, with strong background in electromagnetism and physics.
Interest in or familiarity with conventional, fundamental particle
accelerators would be desirable.
Skills involved:  Basic coding skills (language of your choice) and numerical
simulation is required. Experience with basic electronics and
microcontrollers (Arduino, etc.) and 3-D printing would be very helpful for
the project.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: September 12, 2018

Projects for 2017-2018 school year:

may or may not be still available - you may use contact e-mails to find out.

Thesis Project  2017-2

Title:  Device fabrication for the imaging of protein secretions from live tissue
Supervisor: Prof. David Juncker
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2017
Brief description: Powerful tools have been developed to spatially quantify the
expression of multiple proteins in cells within tissue. However, spatial information about
the secreted proteins has remained elusive as these proteins are typically measured in
supernatant fluid. The Honours candidate will work with a team of graduate students
developing a detection method for secreted proteins from live cells with spatial and
temporal resolution. The candidate’s task will be to develop the fabrication process of
the hydrogel-based device, and characterize it via confocal microscopy. Major activities
of this project include: (i) 3D printing, (ii) design and fabrication of microfluidic devices,
and (iii) confocal microscopy of fabricated devices.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: August 16, 2017

Thesis Project  2017-3 
Title: Research on detonation
Supervisor: Prof. John Lee
The term(s) to begin: Fall 2017 or Winter 2018
Brief description: A number of research projects in the general area of detonation are
available. Details will be provided in person.
Contact e-mail:

Posted: August 16, 2017
Research Topics of Current
Research-Option M.S. Students
Name Advisor Year Report/Publication/Thesis Title

Cao, Jiaming Kainerstorfer 2017 Multimodal Measurements of Brain Activity with

Near Infrared Spectroscopy and

Che, Chengqian Galeotti 2017 Ultra-High Frequency Ultrasound In-Plane Vessel

Cheng, Ya-Wen Whitehead, 2017 Aligned Vegetable and Fruit Derived Cellulose
Feinberg Scaffolds for Myocardial Engineering

Cooke, Alida Cook 2017 In Vivo Testing of Artificial Lung, Surface-

Focused Anticoagulation Using a New Bicyclic
FXII Inhibitor

Lien, Jui-Chien  Wang 2017 Development of A Stretching Device for

(Raychien) Investigation of Cellular Behavior and Migration
Under Cyclic Strain

Parody, Nicholas Riviere 2017 Investigation of Methods for the Reduction of

Hand Tremor Amplitude in Micromanipulation.

Ravikumar, Sadhana Chase 2017 Tracking Chronically Recorded Neurons Using

Pairwise Cross-correlograms

Wang, Jingyi Murphy 2017 Automated basal bodies alignment and growth
pattern measurement

Yin, Yue Weiss (Weldon) 2017 Instrumented Hip Implant to Detect Loosening
Using Acoustic Impedance Analysis

Zhang, Yan Whitehead 2017 Therapeutic Application of Lipidoid Nanoparticles

in The Treatment of Bone Loss Associated with

Zheng, Ruohui Schneider 2017 Segregation effects in rapid gel-free

electrophoresis of kilobase DNA

Kim, Young Suk Yang 2017 Supervised classification of gene expression in


Li, Songyang Feinberg 2017 3D printing of multifunctional hydrogel using

(Noah) freeform reversible embedding of suspended

Sharma, Abhinav Chase 2017 Design of a split-running wheel for studies of

locomotor learning.

Acharya, Kenji Shimada 2017 Increasing Compliance Using Custom-Fit3D-

Deepshikha Printed BiPAP Mask for ALS Patients

Chaturvedi, Akhil Kenji Shimada 2018 Optimizing feature representation of deep learning
methods for snore sound classification

Dhamotharan, Antaki 2017 Development of an automated aqueous im mersion

Vishaal surgery system for feasibility tests in micro-
gravity environments

Hao, John Kenji Shimada 2018 Material Characterization and Selection for 3D-
Printed Spine Models

Kumar, Ritesh Kelly Shawn 2018 Ultra-high-density scalp EEG outperforms

localized invasive ECoG grids in inferring depth
of seizure foci

Petersen, Robert Kelly Shawn 2018 Wireless Power and Two-Way Communication
over a Loosely Coupled Inductive Network for
Implantable Retinal Prosthesis

Shi, Delin Burak 2018 Study of Correlation between Acute Brain Tissue
Ozdoganlar Damage and In vivo Insertion Condition of
Miniature Neural Probes on rat models

Sonmez , Utku LeDuc 2017 Chemotactic Responses of Immune Cells in

Microfluidic Flow-free Gradient Chambers

Wijesekara Dahl 2017 Controlled Delivery of Anticancer Drugs to

Kankanange, Piyumi Tumor Cells Using Ternary Complexes of Single-
Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Zhong, Baxi Howie Choset 2018 Coordination of back bending and leg movements
for quadrupedal locomotion

Bian, Ge Kenji Shimada 2018 Medical Training Model Construction for

Ultrasound-Guided Intravenous Needle Insertion.

Kim, Sun Uk Robert Murphy 2018 Learning Spatial Pattern of Neuronal Activity
from c-Fos expression

 Ph.D. Research Topics

We would greatly appreciate receiving any corrections or missing information from our alumni.

Research Topics of Former

Research-Option M.S. Students
Name Advisor Year Report/Publication/Thesis Title

Albrecht, Campbell, 2016 Quantification of Protein Deposition and Binding

Nicholas Weiss Retention Using I125-Bioinks
He, Jia Whitehead 2016 The In Vitro Development of a CHOP-resistant mantle
cell lymphoma cell line

Jeon, Brian Chase, 2016 Design and Testing of a Closed-loop Brain-Computer

Kuhlman Interface System for Operation by a Mouse

Kerr, Charles Campbell, 2016 Non-Covalent Immobilization of Fc-Fusion Proteins and

Weiss Antibodies for Localized Delivery

Madhusudan, Cohen-Karni 2016 Synthesis and Assembly of Large Single Layer

Atul Graphene Films for Flexible Sensor Arrays

Netemeyer, Tracy Kelly 2016 Characterization of Retinal Tissue Damage Limits under
Sub-Retinal Pulsed Electrical Stimulation

Pawar, Pooja Cook 2016 Endothelial Mimicking Surface Containing

Thrombomodulin and Super-Low Fouling Zwitterionic
Polymer for Blood Processing Applications

Robb, Sarah Dahl 2016 Environmental Influences on the Mechanisms of

Interaction between Graphene Oxide and Membranes

Vellala, Pragna Dahl 2016 Consequences of Nuclear Structural Changes in

Sastry Progeria in Cells under Force and Confinement

Zhang, Kairui Feinberg 2016 Characterizing Mechanical Properties of ECM Protein


Garg, Raghav  Cohen-Karni 2016 Nanowire Templated Growth of 3D Fuzzy Graphene as

Functional Electrodes
Han, Ligong Marios 2016 An Automated Blood Cell Detection and Segmentation
Savvides System

Mou, Chenchen  Bettinger 2016 Poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate)-based Zwitterionic

Hydrogel Coatings for Managing Local Inflammation in
Cortical Brain Machine Interface

Raghavan, Yang 2016 Computational and Experimental Analysis of

Guruprasad Organization and Interactions of Organelle Networks at
the Whole Cell Scale

Srinivasan, Yu 2016 Short-Term Motor Learning in Larval Zebrafish


Yu, Zhixuan Stetten 2016 PalmSight: an assistive technology helping the blind to

(Peter)  locate and grasp objects

Mataev, Elnatan  Cohen-Karni 2016 Synthesis of group IV nanowires on graphene – the case
of Ge nanocrawlers

Bone, Jennifer Cohen-Karni 2015 Nano-Bio Interfaces: Towards the Fabrication of

Graphene-Graphite FETs for Elucidating the Electrical
Activity of Excitable Cells

Dewerd, Jonathan Bruchez 2015 Data Mining to Improve PNA Thermodynamic Models

Gao, Yang Zhang 2015 3D Shape Comparison of Cardiac Geometries Using a

Laplace Spectral Shape Matching Approach

Lee, Daniel Whitehead 2015 Effect of Mixed-Tailed Lipid Nanoparticles on siRNA

Mediated Gene Silencing
Lorentz, Campbell, 2015 A Methodology to Characterize the Spatial Distortion of
Katherine Weiss Fluorescent in vivo Imaging Systems

Miller, John Cook 2015 Quantitative Analysis of Thrombus within Artificial


Patil, Prarthana Feinberg 2015 Fabrication of Micropatterned Bifunctional Alginate

Microfibers for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering

Rastogi, Sahil Yang 2015 Influence of Particle Size and Surface Modification on
Uptake Efficiency of Nanoparticles in Live Mammalian

Saxena, Harsh Yang 2015 Kymograph-Based Single Particle Tracking of Axonal

Cargo Transport

Sherman, Washburn 2015 Influence of Degree of Modification on Print Fidelity

Katherine and Mechanical Properties of Photo-Crosslinked
Hyaluronic Acid Gels

Wu, Tsung- Cook 2015 The Effect of Artificial Lung Fiber Bundle Porosity on
Hsuen Clot Formation and Device Failure

Yerneni, Campbell, 2015 Bioprinted BMP3 Inhibition of BMP2-Induced

Saigopalkrishna Weiss Heterotopic Ossification

Zhao, Jingsi (Iris) Bettinger 2015 Ultrasound-Mediated Disruption of Bio-Inspired

Metallic Hydrogel

Agarwal, Kovacevic 2014 Automated Detection of Colitis Using Computational

Sanchita Methods from Histopathology Images
Bapst, Gilgunn, 2014 Explanted Pt and SIROF Microelectrode Arrays:
Aleksander Wang Correlation of Structural Characteristics and Stimulation
Conditions with Electrode Impedance during Chronic

Tembulkar, Tanuf Cook 2014 Right Ventricular Function Is Delimited by Oxygen

Metabolism during Pulmonary Hypertension

Guo, Yue Choset 2014 Image-based Localization for Wireless Capsule

Endoscopy in Small Intestine

Iftikhar, Aimon Bettinger 2014 Genipin-Crosslinked Polymeric Networks for Vascular

Tissue Engineering Grafts

Lin, Weichun Dahl 2014 Deformability and Rheologic Character of the Nucleus
and Cytoskeleton in HFF and Human

Majumdar, Kovacevic 2014 Stain Separation and Normalization of Histology Images


Mathai, Tejas Galeotti, 2014 Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) Accelerated Corne-al
Sudharshan Stetten Tissue Surface Detection in Optical Coherence
Tomographic (OCT) Images for Real-time Surgical

Montidoro, Tyson Antaki 2014 Characterizing Pressure and Flow Rate for Aqueous
Immersion Surgery (AIS)

Rangarajan, Shimada 2014 Automated Method for Identification of Sleep Apnea

Anusha Alathur and Quantification of Snores Using Support Vector
Rautji, Kanika Feinberg 2014 Measuring the Contractility of Engineered 3D Muscle
Tissue Using an Integrated Stress Sensor

Wells, Trent Riviere 2014 Hybrid Position/Force Control of an Active Handheld

Micromanipulator for Membrane Peeling

Zhao, Yao Chase 2014 An Extended Latent Kalman Filter for Nuisance
Variable Removal in Brain-Computer Interface
Decoding Applications

Zhou, Yu Kovacevic 2014 Automatic Tissue Classification in Histopathology


Aggarwal, Rabin 2013 Tracking of Heterogenous Ice Formation During

Sowmya Vitrification Process using Image Processing and
Analysis Methods

Brackett, Jaclyn Antaki 2013 Methemoglobin Erythrocytes as a Model to Study Early-

Stage Infected Plasmodium Falciparum Erthrocytes

Durvasula, Geyer 2013 Standing Balance Control in Humans


Fok, Kevin Riviere 2013 Improved Locomotion for the HeartLander for Injection
of an Anti-Remodeling Hydrogel

Ganesh, Sairaam Dahl 2013 The Tail Domain of Lamin B1 is More Strongly
Modulated by Divalent Cations than Lamin A

Gunalan, Pallavi Ozdoganlar 2013 One Dimensional Fluorescence Characterization of

Carboxymethyl Cellulose Dissolution
Guo, Jia Rohde 2013 Supervised Filter Design for Texture Classification
Based on Optimized Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis

Hinton, Thomas Feinberg 2013 Freeform, Reversible Embedding of Suspended


Hsu, Chia-Wei Hollinger 2013 Inhibition of rhBMP-2-induced ALP Activity by

Intracellular Delivery of SMURF1 in Murine Calvarial
Pre-osteoblast Cells

Huang, Hu Rohde 2013 Cancer Diagnosis by Nuclear Morphometry with Spatial


Jayagobi, Kovacevic 2013 Computational Methods for Automated Diagnosis of

Lakshmi Dhevi Otitis Media

Kalra, Arush Pekkan 2013 ePTFE based Valve Conduits for Pediatric Right
Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction: A
Comparative Study of Three Designs using in vitro
Testing & Analysis

Sahu, Amrita Feinberg 2013 Single Cell Extra-Cellular Matrix Scaffolds

Watt, Chin-Shu Hollinger 2013 Determination of Commercially-Available Polymeric

(April) siRNA Transfection Reagents for Reduction of mRNA
Protein Expressions in Murine Calvarial Pre-Osteoblast
MC3T3-E1.4 Cells

Wu, Chenyang Fedder 2013 CMOS MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor for Left
Ventricle End Diastolic Pressure
Xue, Yongqiang Dahl 2013 Mechanical Coupling of the Endothelial Cytoskeleton
and Nucleus with VEGF Stimulation

Yu, Yao Przybycien, 2013 Sustained Release of PEGylated RNase A from PLG
Tilton Microspheres Prepared with Butyl Acetate as the
Organic Solvent

Albal, Priti Pekkan 2012 Novel Fenestration Designs for Controlled Venous Flow
Shunting in Failing Fontans with Systemic Venous

Barbaric, Lidija Hollinger 2012 Injectable Hydrogels for rhBMP-2 Delivery: Release
Kinetics and Bioactivity Assessment

Jiao, Yuanfeng Zhang 2012 Estimating Equivalent Wall Thickness and Material
Directions of Patient-Specific Cerebral Aneurysms
through Mesh Deformation and an Anisotropic Spring

Johnson, Gregory Murphy 2012 The Autophagic Response Under Different Starvation

Kustra, Stephen Bettinger 2012 High Throughput Arrays for Rapid Characterization of
Solution Processable Transparent Conducting

Lee, Randy Stetten 2012 The Hand Held Force Magnifier for Surgical

Liu, Albert Sitti 2012 Chemotactic Behavior of Bacteria Propelled Microbeads

in Linear Microfluidic Gradients
Rintoul, Stefanie Lösche 2012 Binding Kinetics of Neurotransmitters: Evidence for a
Membrane-Mediated Mode of Action

Singhal, Abhinav Antaki 2012 Microfluidic Device Development to Separate Malaria

Infected Red Blood Cells using High Gradient Magnetic

Sukumar, Dahl 2012 Nuclear Stiffening Reduces the Metastatic Potential of

Aishwarya Melanoma

Wang, Jihang Stetten 2012 Real-Time Registration of Video with Ultrasound using
Stereo Disparity

Alvarez-Urena, Hollinger 2011 Growth Factors and Craniofacial Surgery


Engel, Daniel Schneider 2011 Length Based Separation of DNA in Microfluidic Chips
Using Oxazole Dyes

Friedrich, Emily Washburn 2011 Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Conjugation on Anti-TNF-α

Inhibition of Burn Progression

Kellogg, Ryan Zappe 2011 Decoding Immunomodulatory Function of Neural

Progenitors through NF-kB Dynamics

Loghmanpour, Finol 2011 Assessing the Impact of Distal Protection Filter Design
Natasha on 30-Day Outcomes of Carotid Artery Stenting

Mohanty, Khyati Yang 2011 Quantitative Fluorescence Live Imaging of Axonal

Transport in Drosophila Segmental Nerves
Short, Philip Dahl 2011 The Mechanics of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Effects on Cellular Mechanisms

Street, Reva Hollinger 2011 Biocompatibility Assessment of Three Sodium Alginate

Gel Compositions for the rhBMP-2 Delivery and the
rhPGDF-BB Delivery for Orthopedic Applications

Taylor, Richard Dahl 2011 Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells: Injection Response
and Socio-Economic Hurdles to Clinical Utility

Hoffecker, Ian Wang 2010 Assessing the spatial resolution of cellular rigidity
sensing using a micropatterned hydrogel–photoresist

Liu, Peng Finol 2010 A Volume Meshing Strategy for Patient Specific
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Sharma, Aditi Hollinger 2010 Synergistic Effects of BMP-2 and PDGF-BB on

Proliferation and Differentiation of Human
Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Chu, Bur Campbell, 2009 Bioprinted Growth Factor Patterns to Control

Weiss Heterogeneity of Stem Cell Differentiation

Chung, Cheng- Finol 2009 Design Optimization of a Novel Catheter for Rheolytic
Shiu Thrombectomy

Wang, Yajuan Pekkan 2008 Aortic Arch Morphogenesis and Flow Modeling in the
Chick Embryo

Gasbarro, Di Martino 2007 Atrial Mechanics


Smith, Meghan Van Briesen 2006 Natural Growth Variance and Reproducibility of
Reactor Biofilms

Rani, Vamsi Kumta 2004 Novel Synthesis and Characterization of Carbonate

Substituted Hydroxyapatite for Non-Viral Gene

Scotti, Christine Amon, Finol 2004 Computational Modeling of Patient-Specific Abdominal

Aortic Aneurysms

Brisson, Vanessa Van Briesen 2003 Ethylenediaminetetracetic Acid and Vancomycin

against a Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm

Petricca, Sarah Marra, Kumta 2003 Synthesis and Characterization of Novel

Polymer/Ceramic Biodegradable Composites for Bone
Tissue Engineering

Redmond, Jerald Piehler 2000 Retrieval Analysis of Ultra-High Molecular Weight

Polyethylene in Prosthetic Knee Joints

Levin, Miles Chigier 1999 Investigation of a Microemulsion as a Pulmonary Drug


Akcelik, Volkan Ghattas, 1998 An Automated Way of Three Dimensional Orthogonal

Jaramaz Mesh Generation for Anatomic Structures

Biros, George Jaramaz, 1998 2D Contour Smoothing and Surface Reconstruction of

Ghattas Tubular CT-Scanned Anatomical Structures
Gartner, Mark Amon, Antaki 1992 Device Using the Spectral Element Method: A
Feasibility Study

Lund, Laura Borovetz 1992 Evaluation of Flow Methods as a Design Tool for Lung

Johnson, Greg Borovetz 1987 Calculation of Wall Shear Rate Acting on a Canine
Carotid Artery Perfused in vitro

Neuman, Steven Borovetz 1987 Application of a Mathematical Model to Experimental

Data of Arterial Wall Transport

Osborn, James Davidson 1986 Characterization of Airborne Trace Metal and Organic

Lue, Wen-Jeng Stern 1984 Transient Speech Feature Extraction and Recognition

Rebar, Victoria Jain 1984 Rheological Properties of Normal and Neoplastic Cells

McHugh, Bahill 1983 A Bioengineering Model for Adaptation of the Human

Douglas Eye Movement System

DiGioia, Anthony Whittaker, 1982 A Contact Coupled Finite Element Analysis of the Hip
Brown Joint and Porous-Ingrowth Prostheses

Kaiser, Donald Stern 1982 Interaural Time Discrimination in Tonal Maskers

Philippart, Nancy Davidson 1982 Relationships between Environmental Lead Exposure

and Blood Lead
See, Michael 1982 A Microprocessor Based Monitoring System for the
Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit

Brendel, Gary Bahill 1981 Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation of a Model for
Saccadic Eye Movements

Dabos, Peter 1981 Coupled Source Autoregressive Modelling of

Multichannel EEG Signals

Fan, Clayton 1981 Signal-to-Noise Index of a Fetal Electrocardiogram

Hafford, Preston 1981 Use of Cellular Logic Transforms in Three Dimensional

Kimberly Reconstruction and Skeletonization of Images of
Serially Sectioned Nerve Cells

Kallman, Jeffrey Preston 1981 Predicting the Endpoint of a Saccade

Lieberman, Jon Bahill 1981 Development of a Computer Based Analysis Package

for the Human Movement Systems

Peloso, Robert Tuma, Jain 1981 In vitro Dilectric Properties of Several Neoplastic
Tissues during Normo- and Hyperthermia

Sack, Andrew 1981 On the Flow of Endolymph and the Energy of

Transduction in the Human Semicircular Canals

Siegel, Julian Sanderson 1981 Variability and Estimation of EEG Signal Models Using
Karhunen-Loeve Spectral Expansion

Walk, Bruce Briller 1981 An Analysis of P-Wave Detection Algorithms for

Application to Primitive Extraction in 24-Hour

Deneault, Lee 1980 ERGs in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats under Different

Insulin Regimens

Donahoe, Theresa Longini 1980 A Noninvasive Method for Measuring Net Oxygen

Olisar, David Longini 1980 Noninvasive Fetal Heart Rate Variability Measurement

Azevedo, Stephen 1979 Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Improved

Fetal Heart Rate Measurement

Carroll, Terrence Detwiler 1979 Two Fetal Cardiovascular Components in the

Abdominal Electrical Impedance Signal

Duggins, Jain 1979 Effects of Insulin and Glucose on the Interstitial pH

Elizabeth Differential between Normal and Tumor Tissues during
Normo- and Hyperthermia

Iandolo, Michael Bahill 1979 Spectral Analysis of Human Smooth Pursuit Eye

Latimer, Jose Bahill 1979 The Horizontal Extraocular Plant: A Modeling Study

Muratori, Donald Boston 1979 Miniature Piezoresistive Transducers for the

Biomechanical Studies of Human Joints

Toback, Michael Bahill 1979 An Eye-Movement Communication Device

Way, Margaret Boston 1979 Biomechanical Aspects of Legg Perthes Disease

Yorkgitis, David Preston 1979 Automatic Computer Classification of Human Liver

Biopsy Digitizations from Two Different Diseases and
the Normal State

Baden, Halbert Bahill 1978 Importance of Mechanical Stressing for in vitro Growth
of Cartilage Tissue

Khosla, Vinod Boston 1978 Scaling the Neurological Status Index - An Application
of Psychometrics

Ainslie, Paul Boston 1977 A Laboratory Facility for Research in Evoked Response

McKown, David Wong 1977 Early Detection of the Mentally Retarded by

Computerized Dermatoglyphic Analysis

Bickerton, Longini 1976 Detection of P-R Electrical Activity Using a Non-

Michael Invasive Technique

Weiss, Lee Detwiler 1976 Non-Invasive Measurement of Dawe''s Fetal Breathing

in utero Using Fourier Analysis of Heart Rhythm

Crowley, Jerry Longini 1975 Variations of Phase Measurements in the


Hirschman, Alan Longini 1974 An Application of Orthonormal Functions in an

Electrocardiographic Pattern Classification Experiment
Lenart, Robert 1974 Spectral Sensitivity of Visually Evoked Potentials and
Single Neuron Activity in the Superior Colliculus and
Pretectal Area of the Cat

Young, Lawrence Baumann 1974 Nutrient Conversion Process

Davis, Lawrence Longini 1973 A Testing and Developmental System for Spelltalk

Davis, Richard Longini 1973 Detection of Abnormal Ventricular Heartbeats Using

Vector Phase Delays

Helfer, Joel Wong 1973 An Identification of Over-Users of Out-Patient Facilities

Malaiyandi, Hung 1973 An Experimental Study of Flow Past Artificial Heat

Ramalingam Valves

Bernard, Thomas Hung 1972 A Study of Blood Flow Through a Micro-Constriction

King, Janice Wong 1971 Computer Analysis of Transcranial Sonotomographic B-


Schuessler, Hung 1971 Computational Simulation of Incipient Accelerated

George Blood Flow Past Heart Valves

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