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Hotel Rwanda Summary:In 1994 almost one million people werekilled in a systematic genocide in

the centralAfrican country of Rwanda. As the world stood by,a handful of brave, resourceful and
inspiringindividuals did all they could to save Rwandansfrom brutal deaths. Paul Rusesabagina,
whosestory is portrayed in the powerful and hopeful filmHotel Rwanda, reminds all of us what one
personcan accomplish when moved to act. As the filmshows, while people and governments chose
toignore the 1994 Rwandan genocide, one individualbravely risked his life and stood up to the
horror,calling upon all of his resources to first save hisfamily, then ended up saving 1,268
helplessrefugees. Terry George, Hotel Rwanda’s director, takes us on Paul’s journey, showing the
country’sstruggle and how the world turned a blind eye. He leads us in the end to a place of hope
and promise.

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