Team Project Proposal 1

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PREP 1300 Assignment

Team Project Component Weight Due Date

Select Project Team & Topics Week 6

Assigned Week 6, Due Assignments

Part: Team Contract & Proposal 5%
in Week 9 Folder

Part: Project Delivery 10% Week 12 & 13 In-class

TBD – Dates in DC Assignments

Part: Self & Peer Evaluations 5%
Connect Folder


● Include a profile of each team member including their full name, phone number, and preferred e-
mail address.
● Clearly identify the specific topic of research.
● Include an ordered breakdown of the topic, with main topics and subtopics
● Clearly identify the specific assignment of tasks each team member will complete.
● Identify at least three preliminary research sources, and list them in APA citation style
(reference list citation). Note: Consult the APA Guide posted on DC Connect or Google ‘OWL
Purdue APA’ for help, if needed).
● Include 2 one-hour periods per week during which each Team member is available and agrees to
meet (may be online).
1. Team Profile & Contact Information
Team Members: First & Last Phone Number Preferred Email Address
1. Jorden Grady
2. Brittany Glaspell
3. Megyn Hartford
4. Ajibike Isijola
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2. Identify your topic and create a preliminary outline (create at least three main topics and at least
three subtopics, point form notes are fine). This preliminary outline will guide your presentation
preparation and allow your Team to fairly distribute work. Note: Feel free to add more main topics
and subtopics.
Remember that your project is engaged with one of the following categories:
● Solves a Problem
● Argues or Persuades the Classroom
● Provides a Teachable Moment
● Explores a Research Question

Each team member should have a clear portion of the project.

State the Overall Topic Approach:

The overall topic approach is to provide a Teachable moment to our audience with clear and
broad understanding on Child Obesity in our society.

Problem? Argument? Teachable Moment? Research Question?

Outline topic #1 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
Causes, symptoms and
consequences of Child Obesity The point of this research is to explain the causes and
symptoms a child could experience with Obesity and further
elaborate on the consequences if the child does not seek
medical help. I hope to discover and teach others the
seriousness of this medical condition.

Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
The point of this research is to explain the behavior and
habits associated with child obesity. Along with the
data/statistics. I hope to discover and influence others on how
this can be prevented, as well as show how important the
physical well being of children is.

Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
Complications of Child Obesity
The point of this research is to discuss the effect Obesity has
on children both physically and mentally and how it can be
managed / controlled. I hope to discover how much Obesity
has affected children in our society.

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Outline topic #2 What is the point of the research and what do you hope to
The point of this research is to explain different ways child
obesity can be prevented, how diet affects children’s weight,
and bring awareness to this growing problem. I hope to
discover new promising solutions to this problem.

3. Three preliminary sources in APA citation style (reference list citation):

Scholarly Source #1:

Scholarly Source #2:

Scholarly Source #3:

4. Include 2 one-hour periods per week during which each Team member is available and agrees to
meet. Note: You may use any communication tool (e.g. online) as long as it is agreed upon by each
Team member!

Date # 1: Thursday, October 29 Date # 2: Friday, November 13

5. This project is worth 20% of your final mark. What mark do you expect to achieve? Have a detailed
discussion about this as a team.

Team Mark Goal (%): 100%

Is this a reasonable goal? How will you ensure success?

We intend to achieve a 100% as a team through consistency and commitment. Each member
will have a task to complete, all research and contribution will be evaluated as a group
during scheduled meetings and every content analyzed to build a strong project.

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6. Please indicate four commitments (i.e. short-term goals) agreed upon by all Team members to
achieve the aforementioned mark. For example: All Team members will dedicate at least 1-2 hours
per week to their assigned tasks.

Commitment #1:
As a team we created a group chat on WhatsApp, for easy access anytime so we can easily
communicate with ourselves.

Commitment #2:
We agreed to meet at least once a week for a minimum of 1 hour until the completion of the

Commitment #3:
We agree to help each other with supportive and constructive criticism when necessary, to
help each

Commitment #4:
We agree to respect and listen to others when discussing our research and to communicate
our opinions in an ethical manner.

7. Please indicate who is responsible for what in terms of planning/preparing for your Team

Team Members: First & Last Assigned Tasks


1. Brittany Glaspell Preventions/awareness/diet

2. Jorden Causes/symptoms/consequences

3. Ajibike Complications of Child Obesity

4. Megyn Behavior/habits/data/statistics

8. Identify 3-4 characteristics of what will make your project engaging, informative, interesting, and
effective. Note: Please use full sentences and discuss.

1. Our project will be presented in PowerPoint form including proper visual representation.

2. We are going to make an introduction video introducing ourselves and explain our point of the

3. Our project will include descriptive videos from each team member explaining their research
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4. We will have an activity/quiz at the end of the PowerPoint to engage with the audience and
verify their understanding on the project

9. What types of materials, visuals, activities, or components of the project do you foresee using?

Component # 1:
We foresee using graphical representations to display and analyze the rate of Obesity in

Component # 2:
We foresee using reliable sources to provide strong information and evidence for our

10. Please have all Team members sign (or type your names) and date below this line:

Date: November 13, 2020

Team Members:
Ajibike Isijola
Megyn Hartford
Jorden Grady
Brittany Glaspell

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Clearly structured project outline (i.e. problem statements, research questions,
main topics and subtopics).
Detailed discussion of grade desired and related commitments (i.e. short-term
Schedule of checkpoints and assignment of tasks clearly identified. 1

Three preliminary research sources listed in APA citation style (reference list

In-depth discussion regarding materials and expectations. 1


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