B6 FreeBreeze

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Section B

Group No. 6
Group Members 1. Adit Shah (P41065)
2. Arun Kumar P (P41073)
3. Anusha S (P41070)
4. Ruchi Sharma (P41103)
5. Vishal Vishal (P41122)
Name of the Free Breez
List of jobs/tasks being performed in the organization
1. Procurement Department
2. Manufacturing & Assembling Unit
3. Research & Development
4. Quality Control Department
5. Marketing and Sales Department
6. Human Resource Department
7. Service Department
8. Application department
9. Accounts departments
10. Logistics

What combination of skills, knowledge, techniques, and task relationships, do the employees
Technical Skills regarding the windmill and its manufacturing process. Knowledge about the quality
of the material used. Project management and planning. Leadership skills. decision skills. Flexibility
in the team. Electrical Engineering

K​nowledge​: Process knowledge and Technical Product knowledge

Skills​: Decision-making skills, Leadership skills, interpersonal skills, Flexibility, Team player,
Integrity, Adaptability, Listening skills,
Technique​: Manufacturing technique, TQM
The basis of grouping/kind of structure the organization has? You may depict the organogram.

Free Breez has an Organic design because of the small size(50 employees), high need for
innovation, regularly changing environment, the intense need for adaptation, and as they are
service-oriented. the employee roles can be redefined based on the organizational needs here.
communication is better and mostly informal

Refer organogram at the end of the document.

What kind of core technology (in case of manufacturing technology use Woodward's framework
and in case of service technology use exhibit 13.8 from Daft) are you using? How does it impact
the OE goals of the organization? You may also like to consider the contingency/congruence
model and incorporate analysis of the environment and competitive strategy frameworks
discussed in sessions 4 &5.

Manufacturing: Small Batch and Unit Production

Service :
Structural characteristic- decentralized decision making, with lower formalization and little
geographical dispersion.
Human resources - higher employee skill level with Technical skill emphasis.

The organization will have high flexibility and less control. Separate divisions will have their own
responsibility for the work they do. This will improve the effectiveness of the Internal process and
increase technical competence. This flexible structure is better for high environmental
uncertainty. They wish for stability and equilibrium with human relationships.
Strategy, environment, technology, size, and culture are the contingency factors affecting
organizational design. The firm focuses on research and values that build customer relationships.
Close supervision is possible due to less number of employees and routine tasks can be assigned.

What kind of departmental (non-core) technology is being deployed by the organization in

different units of the organization? Please specify the units and the departmental technology for
each of the units.

The departmental technology (non-core) being deployed by the organization in different units is a
mix of Craft and Engineering where there is a presence of high and low Analyzability and Variety.
For example departments like Design and Draft where customized turbines are designed and
assembly lines are high on craft technologies due employees respond to intangible factors on the
basis of wisdom, intuition and experience.
On the other hand, Legal and Accounting departments are high on both variety and analyzability
i.e. engineering technology (non-core) due to following an established set of formulas, procedures
and technologies.
What kind of workflow interdependence exists among the different units?

Sequential workflow interdependence would exist among the units. Starting from the individual
orders coming via the sales team, the application engineer will visit the site and along with R&D
executives complete the design of the customised wind-mill. This design will be next passed on to
the manufacturing team which will procure the necessary material, complete the manufacturing in
the stipulated time. The finished product will go under Quality Check and will be ready to deliver.

Workflow Interdependence in Free Breez

Please list the assumptions, if the group made any, for carrying out the class discussion.

We have assumed that for the manufacturing purpose we already have the preparatory site and
infrastructure, also third party transportation facility is available to us for carrying out the raw
materials and finished goods.
Organogram of Free Breez:

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