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Name: Polycarp C.

Nieves Date: October 4, 2020

Subject: Educ 5 – Principles and Methods of Teaching


Task no. 22
What happened after the big bad wolf blew the first house down?
Compare and contrast the difference between the house of sticks, hay, and bricks.
What characteristics do the wolf and the 3rd little pig have in common?
If the first two pigs built their houses differently, what might the outcome have been?
Sketch a picture of what your house would look like to protect you and your family.
How would you have built your house if you were one of the pigs?
Drill no. 3
1. What are the common problems why benchmark outcomes were not met?
What are the teaching practices which are used by most teachers?
How do you perceive a change of direction in terms of teaching strategies?

2. The educator can lead the group by showing evidences of the problem and the need
for an immediate solution.

3. The educator can first listen to the defences of the traditional teachers and emphasize
the need to revolutionize the teaching-learning process.

4. The educator should limit the speaking time of each teacher and everyone is
encouraged to speak.

Task No. 23
1. The qualities of a good lecturer include (1) simplicity of the lecture plan, which means that the
lecturer is directed towards the learning of the input by providing content in the most
contextualized and practical manner. (2) Abundant use of examples, examples are provided to
concretize abstract thoughts and ideas. With these examples, attendees get a clear picture of
the content provided.
Task No. 24
1. Low- literate students should be given more opportunities to engage more in computer
technology. They should be abetted by joining seminars and workshops about computer
literacy. This will aide them out of their comfort zone and will arouse their interest to learn more.
The intimidation of computers will transform into a platform of interest to students who suffered
from illiteracy. Since it diverges from the traditional way, it can be a strong weapon to upkeep
education. The digital world is maybe daunting but can be a prodigious help if it will be utilized
or exploited its full potential.

Task No. 25
1. Academic educators have truly experienced a higher degree of plagiarism when students use
the Internet for sources since information is readily available and easily accessible. We can
prevent it by constantly checking whether the answers given by the students were plagiarized
or not. Since technology is developing so fast, there are online sites where you can easily
check if their works were plagiarised. This will give them an impression that their teacher is
really monitoring the source of their answers. Informing the students also to properly use
citations if they copied information from the internet is a practice done to acknowledge of the
original thought. But, the most important of all is giving integrity to your work.

Task No. 26
1. I would choose to still take courses on campus. Although it may be deemed too traditional as
compared to online and ITV, but it allows simultaneous and real-time interaction to the teacher.
Also, learning input can be verified right away and can be probed by the teacher. Furthermore,
the teacher can easily assess your level of understanding since nonverbal cues can be
observed to either denote agreement, disagreement, learning, or confusion.

Task no. 27
I. True or False
Write T if the statement is true and F is the statement is false
________1. Like the narrator in the story, de Saint Exupery was an aviator who crashed
in the desert.
________2. The little prince was originally written in Spanish.
________3. The narrator's mind and the desert alike because they are both endless
and barren.
________4. Chapter one of the Little Prince focuses upon the different perspectives that exist
between adults and children.
________5. Despite the vision of the adults who viewed the narrator's drawing in chapter one
of the Little Prince, the narrator remained focused upon his desire to become
an artist and continued to hold the opinion of adults in high.
________6. The Turkish astronomer told the little prince that "no one is ever satisfied
where he is." and "only the children know what they are looking for,
Only the children are flattening their noses against the window-panes."
________7. The narrator's drawing was influenced from reading the book true stories
from nature.
________8. In the little prince, the narrator is six years old when he made his drawing of a boa
constrictor eating an elephant.
________9. The Little Prince died because of dog bite.
________10.The fox ask of the little prince to tame him and to form a relationship with him.
Task no. 28
Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. The little prince's flower has a personality. She is __________.

A. sweet and cheerful.
B. extremely helpful and thoughtful.
C. very worldly and intellectual.
D. vain and demanding.

2. The six-year-old child gave up being an artist and chose to become a/an _____________.
A. zoo keeper.
B. engineer.
C. gardener.
D. pilot.

3. What tree is the Little Prince afraid of allowing to grow on his planet?
A. an oak
B. a redwood
C. a cherry tree
D. a baobab

4. Which character torments the little prince with her vanity?

A. a rose
B. his mother
C. a cat
D. a bird

5. Who is tamed by the little prince?

A. fox
B. hound
C. snake
D. elephant

6. When the little prince leaves his planet, he says goodbye to the flower and goes to put her
glass globe on. Why does she says she doesn't need the protection anymore?
A. The flowers wants to make him feel guilty for leaving.
B. The flower is too vain to be covered up.
C. Because the flower no longer wants to live and hopes something would soon eat her.
D. Because the flower wants to become acquainted with the butterflies.
7. The imagery of water is used in "The Little Prince" to represent the life-giving force, whether
it is physical or spiritual. What then does this thirst-quenching pill represent?
A. The way we falsely feed our thirst with things that do not give us life.
B. The great advances of technology.
C. Progress in problem solving.
D. The power of science.

8. From his perch on the mountain, what does the little prince think of the world?
A. That is it a magnificent and noble place.
B. That it is dangerous and dark.
C. That it is all together dry, pointed, harsh, and forbidding.
D. That is quite exciting and glorious.
9. The stranded pilot is woken the next morning by a funny little voice, asking him to do what?
A. fetch some water
B. share some food
C. give directions
D. draw a sheep
10. How did the little prince return home?
A. a flock of birds carried him
B. the snake killed him
C. he clicks the ruby slippers together
D. he didn't return - he decided to stay
Match the characters in column A to its description in column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer before the number.
Column A Column B
___1. The Little Prince A. He asks the little prince to tame him.
B. He claims to rule the entire universe.
___2. The Fox
C.  The only one the prince thinks he
could befriend with
___3. The Narrator D. A lonely pilot who, while stranded in
the desert, befriends the little prince.
___4. The Rose E. The first character the prince meets
on Earth.

___5. The Snake F. A caricature of grown-ups who is the

fourth person the little prince visits.
G. He is the first human to discover the
___6. The Businessman
prince’s home
H. He symbolizes the hope, love,
___7. The Baobabs innocence, and insight of childhood that
lie dormant in all of us.
___8. The King I. Simultaneously vain and naïve and
occupies the prince’s thoughts and
___9. Lamplighter J. Harmless trees on Earth
K. The sole resident of the second
___10. The Turkish Astronomer planet the little prince visits.

Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences.
1. If you were The Little Prince, would you choose to go back to your rose or not? Why?
2. Explain the symbolism of the snake in the story and how it affects one’s perception of life
and death.

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