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Name: Polycarp C.

Nieves Date: October 4,


Subject: Educ 5 – Principles and Methods of Teaching


Task no. 17
1. Learning Objectives:
1. Name the characters of the story, “Little Red Riding Hood.”
2. Retell the plot of the narrative.

1. Explain the resolution of the story
2. Summarize the selection using a story board

1. Modify the ending of the story
2. Choose a meaningful event from the story that can be applied in real life.

1. Compare and contrast the antagonist and the protagonist of the story.
2. Analyse the importance of villain in the story.

1. Evaluate the actions done by Little Red and how it affects the other characters
around her
2. Rank the characters based on their importance in the story.

1. Mount a role play based on the climax of the selection
2. Create a poster slogan based on the values depicted from the story
Task no. 18 and 19
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading 2
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. name the characters of the story;
B. explain the plot of the selection, and;
C. create a poster slogan based on the values depicted from the story.

II. Subject Matter/Topic

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
A. Concept/s
 Goldilocks and the Three Bears- Goldilocks wanders far from home
and stumbles upon the house of the three bears. First sitting in all
of their chairs and tasting all of their porridge, then lying in all of
their beds, she finds the little baby bear's item to be the most
suitable for her in all three cases. This classic fairy tale was made
by Coronet films and stars real life bears.
B. 21st Century Skills
 Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication
C. Valuing
The pupils apply the values in showing the need to respect others’
privacy and property.
D. References
E. Instructional Materials
 Paper strips, boxes, LCD projector, laptop and PowerPoint

III. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Routine
Okay, let’s start this day with God’s Dear God,
blessings. Let us pray, all together. You are good and wise
I will praise you when I rise.
Jesus, hear this prayer I send
Bless my family and my friends.
Jesus, help my eyes to see
All the good you send to me.
Jesus, help my ears to hear
Calls for help from far and near.
Jesus, help my feet to go
In the way that You will show.
Jesus, help my hands to do
All things loving, kind, and true.
Jesus, guard me through this day
In all I do and all I say.

Good morning class. Good morning Teacher Poy. It’s nice

to see you.

It’s nice to see you too. Please pick up Yes teacher.

pieces of papers and be seated in your
proper seat.

May I know who are still not around? The pupils enumerated those who
Those who are absent and the late- are late and absent.
comers as well.

B. Motivation
This morning we are going to play a

Who are excited to play a game here? Me, teacher!

Are you ready now? Yes! (The pupils are excited for the
We want to win the game teacher.
We will ace it!

Okay! Let’s play Charades

I will group you into two (2). We will call
the first group “Hep-Hep” and the
second group will be “Hurray” Each
group will have a representative to act
the title of the children stories and the
members will guess it. Each group will
have 2 minutes to guess all the words
inside the box. After the first group, we
will proceed to the immediately to the
other group.

The pupils have fun with the game.

C. Presentation of the Lesson
What have you noticed during the Teacher, most of the words are
game? bedtime stories.

Very good! Thank you. That’s a good Teacher, all of them are children’s
observation. What else have you favorite story books.

That’s right! Now, what do you think is Teacher, our lesson for today is all
our lesson for today? story books.

Excellent! And the story we are going to Yehey! I like that story. My grandma
have is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. used to tell me that.
D. Discussions
Great! Our lesson today is about The pupils read the objectives in
Goldilocks and the Three Bear. Kindly chorus.
read first our objectives for today.

Before you name them all, I would like The pupils attentively watched the
to show you this video. video about bears and how they

What can you say about the behavior of Teacher, they are scary but cute!
the bears?
Yes, maybe they are scary in real life That is exciting!
but in the story I am going to tell you,
they are different. They can even talk.
This type of story is what we call
Fables. The characters like animals and
plants can talk like humans.

Okay, this time I will share to you the Yes, teacher! (very excited of the
story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. story)
But, I want you to be a smart listener.
Zip your mouth and put your hands on
your table. Is that okay?

Very good!
Story Time:
There were three bears who lived in the
woods. There was a big bear, medium
bear, and a wee bear. One day when
they left their house, a little girl named
Goldilocks walked into their house. The
bears had made porridge. Goldilocks
tried the big bear's porridge but it was
too hot; she then tried the medium
bear's porridge but it was too cold. Then
she tried the wee bear's porridge and it
was just right, so she ate it all. Then,
she sat in all of their chairs. The big
bear's chair was too hard, the medium
bear's chair was too soft, but the wee
bear's chair was just right so she sat
there until the bottom came out.
Goldilocks felt tired so she went to big
bear's bed but it was too high at the
head, the medium bear's bed was too
high at the feet, but the wee bear's bed
was just right so she fell asleep there.
The bears returned home and realized
someone had eaten some of their
porridge (and all of wee bear's), sat in
all of their chairs (and broke the bottom
out of wee bear's), and lied in all of their
beds (and was still in wee bear's).
Goldilocks did not hear the big bear's
voice because it sounded like thunder,
the medium bear's voice sounded like a
dream, but the wee bear's shrill voice
woke Goldilocks up and she saw the
three bears sitting on the edge of her
bed and ran out the window. The bears
never saw Goldilocks again.
The end.

Did you like the story? Yes, teacher.

E. Drills
Since you already knew the story, I The pupils raised their hand to
want you to tell me the names of the answer.
characters. Who would like to share
his/her thoughts?

Okay, Aldrin! What are the names of the The characters in Goldilocks and the
characters? Three Bears are Goldilocks, Papa
Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear.

Very good, Aldrin! Thank you, teacher.

Now, who can tell what happened in the The pupils raised their hand to
story? answer.

Yes, Yelle? One day, A girl named Goldilocks

goes for a walk in the woods. She
stumbles upon a house and knocks
on the door. No one answers so she
goes inside.

Inside, she finds 3 bowls of porridge

Excellent! Who would like to continue (one hot, one cold and one just right
the story? Yes, Queencess? that she eats), three chairs (one big,
one small and one just right that she
sits in and breaks) and three beds
(one hard, one soft and one just right
in and falls asleep).The three bears
come home. They find the empty
bowls, the broken chair, and they find
Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear’s

Goldilocks wakes up to find herself

Great! Now, I want Ailene to continue it. surrounded by bears.
Goldilocks runs out of the house and
out of the forest, never to return

Lovely, I am happy that you can retell

the story.

This time, I want Japheth to give us his I learned that we should not be rude
thoughts what he has learned from the and invade someone’s property. It is
story. not good for us to be like that.

Very good, what about Juver? Same with Japheth teacher, never
invade someone’s property. It’s really
not right to get inside a stranger's
house. Goldilocks should have
waited the owner of the house and
not just entered in it, have eaten and
ruin everything.
F. Values Integration
If you were Goldilocks, would you do Teacher, no! We should give respect
the same? to someone’s property. And besides,
if you really want something, ask for it
and never steal it. What Goldilocks
did is clearly stealing not just

Very good. I am very overwhelmed

because you understood the values lies Thank you, teacher!
from this story.

The moral of “Goldilocks and the Three

Bears” is that individual actions can hurt Yes, teacher.
others, especially when one person
uses or destroys another person’s
property. In addition, the popular fable
stresses the importance of self-control
and respecting others.
Did you get it?
G. Evaluation
Get the materials I asked you to bring
and make a poster slogan that tells the
moral lesson of Goldilocks and the
Three bears.

IV. Assignment:
Read the story, “The Gingerbread Man” and write three values you can
get in a short bond paper.
A Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading 2
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

I. Subject Matter: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

II. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
A. name the characters of the story;
B. explain the plot of the selection, and;
C. create a poster slogan based on the values depicted from the story.

III. Instructional Materials:

A. Reference: (Baraceros E., 2007) English for a Better World. 2007. RBSI.
pp. 228 – 232
B. Values: Respect someone’s property
C. 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication
D. Visual Aids: Paper strips, boxes, LCD projector, laptop and PowerPoint

IV. Teaching Procedure:

A. Routine: Prayer, Greetings, and some classroom reminders
B. Motivation: The teacher will facilitate the game Charades
C. Presentation: The teacher will show the video of the bear’s behavior and
ask the pupils how bears behave, and connect it to the reading of the
story. The teacher will start telling the story using the PPT. (Story time)
The teacher will ask his pupils to retell the story and ask the moral lesson
they can get from it.

V. Evaluation: The teacher told the class last meeting to bring materials for their
activity. They will make a poster slogan about the value they have learned
from the story.

VI. Assignment: Read the story, “The Gingerbread Man” and write three values
you can get in a short bond paper.

Task no. 20 Case Study

1. The resources I can use are the following:
 Electronic devices such as Laptop, LCD projector, and even cell phone for
internet materials like pictures and video clips.
 Information from Health Agencies on the effects of smoking or status of
smoking in the locality.

2. Cognitive: Identify the corrupt effects of smoking to human body

(Pre-test and Post test)
Affective: Internalize the importance of not smoking to oneself and the
community. (Oral Recitation)

Psychomotor: Perform a situation showing the effects of smoking cessation.

(Role Playing)
3. Cognitive Domain
Define smoking cessation and it benefits.

Give examples of the effects of smoking in public.

Demonstrate how smoking severely affects the lungs.

Compare and contrast the non-smokers and smokers lifestyle.

Create a text banner supporting smoking cessation.

Assess the targeted educational intervention focusing on smoking cessation.

4. The Teaching methods I will use will be game-based learning for the motivation and
Direct instruction for the discussion of the essential content about smoking

Task no. 21
1. In general, only one affective domain objective is used since it should not over power
the cognitive objectives. Although affective domain objectives are as important as
cognitive objectives, input in the lessons should be given more importance unless the
session is centered on values formation and enrichment of the input.
2. As I interviewed the novice teachers, teaching strategies are mainly based on the
theories they learnt from their previous schools where they graduated. However, the
seasoned teachers adjust their teaching strategies depending on the needs and the
capacities of the learners. Basically, the novice teachers are more idealistic in terms of
choosing teaching strategies, thus the seasoned ones became more practical in doing
so. Even both are following the said patterns, it varies due to their experiences.

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