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Background: In the year of 2112, The United States finds itself no longer being a world power.

other developing nations of the past have now surpassed the United States in almost every possible
way. To combat these issues, a reevaluation of the country’s principles was established. The values that
are now first and foremost are competition, conscientiousness, knowledge, persistence, and open-
mindedness. Men were no longer viewed as equal. If society was to achieve success, then the individual
was to also to achieve successful for a perfect union. A change in politics, media, and overall culture had
occurred over the millennium. A class system was established that radicalized the previously established
values to a new extreme. Six classes were created to distinguish the higher-man from the lower-man.
The general belief is that if the higher-man and lower-man were to interact, it would lead to the
corruption of the more highly valued individual. The lower individual is united by a desire to leech off
the success of others those who are superior to him, while the higher valued individual seeks a power
from himself. A statewide assessment is delivered to people at the age of 22. From the results, they are
granted into one of the rankings for life. Everyone below the age of 22 resides in the same ranking as
their parents. The assessment measures Intelligence, physicality, mental health, and general character.

The Herd/Cattle (0-10 score): If a person receives less than the national average, they are automatically
sent to the Farm, the location in which the Herd reside and are treated to the same degree as cattle. The
general thinking comes in the belief that because of their lack of ambition and innate ability to
transcend themselves, they are animals. They beings with the mentality of cattle in the form of a
human. The males of the Herd are castrated to prevent any offspring. These animals are not allowed to
breed because they are less likely to provide able-bodied children. Those who resided in the herd can be
used in federal or state testing for various purpose such as vaccines or group studies. They can also be
rented by public or private sources from those in the Superiors. If the members of the Herd are killed or
severely injured in the custody of their temporary owners, then the owner is fined based on the damage
given to the cattle. After the death of one of the cattle, their organs are used for transplants. When the
cattle are sent to the farm, they are treated with sedatives and psychological practices to keep them in

Official Name: The Herd

Nick Name: Cattle

Location: The Farm

Color of representation: White

Average IQ: 90

The Dregs/Benthos (11-30 score): The Dregs are the absolute lowest form of humans there possible are,
thus they do not lack all rights like the Herd, but they have the least amount of rights given to humans.
The Dregs reside in the Ghettos, a place with poorly built structures, cold temperatures, and coal mines.
The Dregs are forced to perform hard labor. They either reside in the ghettos where they work, or are
issued out to other districts to perform the lowest levels of work ex. Garbage collection, storage, grave
digging, etc. For their work they are granted supplies for their survival ex. Food, water, clothing etc. They
are not issued any form of actual currency. When being used for work they are required to wear a black
burka to hide their presence from those who are higher than them.

Official Name: The Dregs

Additional Names: The Benthos

Location: The Ghettos

Color of Representation: Black

Average IQ: 105

The Rabble/ The Ill (31- 40 score): The rabble can be described as a class that is in rehabilitation for
scoring a certain score, or for committing a violent crime. The rabble is the only category of the lower
men that can be transferred into a higher class. Treatment is typically done for 2 years. If they receive a
low score once more, they are sent to either the Ghettos or the Farm depending on their score.

Official Name: The Rabble

Additional Names: The Ill, The Sick

Location: The Sanitorium

Color of Representation: Red

Average IQ: 116

The Moderates (50-89): The moderates reside in the Subdivision, a massive stretch of land that houses
all the moderates. The moderates are known for their consumerism and vanity. The moderates and
above are the only classes that can breed. The women are taught to choose their men wisely and base
their partners based on how successful their offspring will be with them. Men are taught to present
themselves are providers and able-bodied beings. Moderates cannot travel outside of the country
without federal permission. Moderates are the only class that can engage in military affairs as soldiers.
Moderates cannot engage in any religions because of the divide it may bring. The federal government
does not trust something so polarizing as religion or politics in the hands of the Moderates, but they do
in the hands of the Superiors.

Official Name: The Moderates

Additional Names: N/A

Location: The Subdivisions

Color of Representation/burka: Blue

Average IQ: 120

The Superiors (90-99): The Superiors are the only class that can practice religion and politics. The only
class that can vote for federal and state positions in the government. Moderates are not given an
identity of who represents their state or federal government, they just know that are being led by higher
men. Can take positions as governors or mayors. Can rent out the members of the herd for research or
entertainment purposes. Can travel outside of the country but only to western and specific eastern
civilizations. Cannot join the army due to the risk of them dying and wasting their potential. Must be an
expert in 1 field of Art, Culture, philosophy, or language, then 1 STEM field. Can freely travel into any
part of the country but must where a burka to conceal their greatness from those who rank lower than

Official Name: The Superiors

Additional Names: N/A

Location: Eden

Color of Representation/burka: Purple

Average IQ: 140

The Shepherds (100): The most important members of this society and the smallest number. Can travel
anywhere outside of the country. They are the leaders of this society and are strong advocates of the
principal values this society was based upon. Are the only ones that can own their property. Are not
violent or prone to committing crimes, but if they were to commit a crime, they would be most likely
acquitted of any of their crimes. They reside within the Ether. When going to the other districts they are
not required to wear a burka like the other classes, but still do. They typically where the color gold,
which represents their class.

Official Name: The Shepherds

Additional Names: N/A

Location: The Ether

Color of Representation: Gold

Average IQ: 160

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