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Engineering personal statement

More professionally written personal examples will be added in the near future. YOU ARE ADVISED

Example 1
"I believe this is an incredibly exciting and empowering subject that will allow me to make a
difference to the world and change it in a positive way. I feel that I have always been an engineer at
heart, as a youngster I was regularly taking mechanical things apart and trying to find out how they
were built and worked. I was constantly looking to satisfy my curiosity of the physical world around

To me engineers have helped to shape the world that we live in and for centuries have been
instrumental in building structures that have served communities. Their work goes on around us
every day and continues to make a huge difference to the quality of people’s lives and the
environment. In my opinion being a successful engineer is all about using imagination, creativity and
tenacity to tackle unique problems. These are qualities that I believe I possess along with the
required discipline, enthusiasm and the willpower not to give up.

At school I studied hard to understand and master related subjects and had the opportunity to take
part in several interesting projects that allowed me to see at first-hand what engineering was all
about. Throughout my college years I have also been fortunate enough to have family and tutors
around me who have been there to support me in my career goals. They have assisted me to make
decisions that I am sure will have a positive and great effect on the rest of my life. All things
considered I am confident that the education and personal experiences I have had to date have
prepared me fully for a degree course at your university.

Over the summer months I held a part time administrative job at a engineering firm, my work
colleagues there have served as exceptional role models and provided me with invaluable advice.
The experience also gave me an insight into other aspects of engineering which can only benefit me
in the future.

Currently I’m looking for a course that will teach the entire core programme and give me a head
start when looking for a job. I am aware of your universities very good reputation and its strong
industrial links that attracts many top companies to employ your graduates. All of these factors have
convinced me that your institution is where I need to study to become a successful engineer."
Example 2

"Engineers belong to one of the greatest professions in the world, and are responsible for many of
the human races greatest technological achievements. Well that’s my view anyway and it’s partly for
this reason that I aspire to become a qualified, professional and successful engineer. In constantly
changing environments ranging from space travel to automobile manufacture, the role of the
engineer is crucial. I have a strong desire to be involved in these exciting industries and to help come
up with practical solutions to the challenges that communities, businesses and individuals face.

To me engineering is an interesting and absorbing subject where there is always something new to
learn. I’m attracted by its dynamic environment in which new materials, technologies and processes
are being developed all the time. As a hand on person I am driven to work in an industry where I will
be able to come up with ideas and then be involved in developing and implementing them. For me
personally there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from challenging yourself and then achieving.

Demand for good engineers is always high with unemployment amongst experienced professionals
lower than many other professions. There are a vast number of career opportunities available, with
graduates in demand in almost every sector of the economy. Looking at all the facts there is no
doubt in my mind that the world of engineering offers superb opportunities to ambitious graduates.

At college I studied Civil Engineering and excelled in the subject. My time there helped me to gain
more confidence in my academic ability, with my teachers constantly challenging me to achieve
more and set my goals high. I learnt the correct procedures to analyse problems, evaluate findings
and develop solutions to determine the best course of action.

After college and during the summer months I got a part time job as a junior assistant with an
engineering company. This experience helped to give my academic studies an industrial perspective.
I got to work alongside some superb people and had the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of
putting into practice some of the theory learnt in my college lectures. I worked as part of a team that
had to produce drawings for a wide range of civil and structural engineering projects to tight
deadlines. The team encouraged me to put across my own views and suggestions on the projects we
were working on in industries that included Automation, Power Generation, Communications and

I really enjoyed my time at the company and am happy to say that whilst there I learnt something
new every day. I now fully understand the importance of listening to and understanding the
requirements of clients, as well as appreciating how vital it is for engineers, technicians and project
managers to work together as part of a group.

All my work experience and academic achievements to date now make me feel fully prepared to
start a degree course. I believe that I can easily fit into any engineering programme as I already
possess substantial knowledge of the subject, am able to handle an intensive amount of coursework
and can manage my study time effectively.

Having researched multiple Universities, it was your institutions very good reputation for
engineering and strong industrial links that sealed the decision for me. I am also greatly impressed
when I found out that many leading engineering companies look to employ your graduates. I feel
your course is ideally suited to the field that I want to study in.

I very much look forward to the challenge of university and to a varied and exciting career in

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