Convolution, Correlation, and Sampling Theorems For The Offset Linear Canonical Transform

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DOI 10.1007/s11760-012-0342-0


Convolution, correlation, and sampling theorems for the offset

linear canonical transform
Qiang Xiang · KaiYu Qin

Received: 17 October 2011 / Revised: 18 May 2012 / Accepted: 19 May 2012

© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012

Abstract The offset linear canonical transform (OLCT), 1 Introduction

which is a time-shifted and frequency-modulated version of
the linear canonical transform, has been shown to be a pow- The OLCT [1–3], also called the special affine Fourier trans-
erful tool for signal processing and optics. However, some formation [4] or the inhomogeneous canonical transform [1],
basic results for this transform, such as convolution and cor- is a six-parameter (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 ) class of linear integral
relation theorems, remain unknown. In this paper, based on transform. It is a time-shifted and frequency-modulated ver-
a new convolution operation, we formulate convolution and sion of the LCT [5–7]. The OLCT is more general and flex-
correlation theorems for the OLCT. Moreover, we use the ible than the original LCT for its two extra parameters u 0
convolution theorem to investigate the sampling theorem for and ω0 , which correspond to time shifting and frequency
the band-limited signal in the OLCT domain. The formulas modulation, respectively. Many widely used linear trans-
of uniform sampling and low-pass reconstruction related to forms in engineering, such as the Fourier transform (FT),
the OLCT are obtained. We also discuss the design method the offset FT [1,3], the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT)
of the multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain. Based on [6,8], the offset FRFT [1,3], the Fresnel transform (FRST)
the model of the multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain, a [9], the LCT, time shifting and scaling, frequency modu-
practical method to achieve multiplicative filtering through lation, pulse chirping, and others, are special cases of the
convolution in the time domain is proposed. OLCT. Therefore, understanding the OLCT and developing
relevant theorems for OLCT may help to gain more insights
Keywords Offset linear canonical transform · Convolution on its special cases and to carryover knowledge gained from
theorem · Correlation theorem · Linear canonical transform · one subject to others.
Sampling theorem · Multiplicative filtering Conventional convolution and correlation operations for
FT are fundamental in the theory of linear time-invariant
(LTI) system [10]. The output of any continuous-time LTI
Q. Xiang system is found via the convolution of the input signal with
College of Automation, University of Electronic Science the system impulse response. Correlation, which is similar
and Technology of China, Chengdu,
to convolution, is another important operation in signal pro-
610054, People’s Republic of China
cessing, as well as in optics, in pattern recognition, especially
Q. Xiang (B) in detection applications [6,11,12]. During past years, many
College of Electrical and Information, Southwest University studies have shown that convolution and correlation oper-
for Nationalities, Chengdu, 610041, People’s Republic of China
ations could be extended to wider domains. For example,
convolution and correlation operations for FRFT have been
K. Qin proposed some years ago [13,14]. Recently, with intensive
Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, research of the LCT, convolution and correlation operations
University of Electronic
have been further extended to LCT domain in the literature
Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, 610054, People’s Republic of China [15–17]. However, convolution and correlation operations
e-mail: for OLCT still yet remain unknown.


As a generalization of many other linear transforms, the A = (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 ) is given by an OLCT with parame-
OLCT has found wide applications in optics and signal pro- ters A−1 = (d, −b, −c, a, bω0 −du 0 , cu 0 −aω0 ). The exact
cessing [1–3]. It is theoretically interesting and practically inverse OLCT expression is given by [1,2]:
useful to consider convolution and correlation theorems in −1
the OLCT domain. Convolution theorem for a linear integral f (t) = O LA [FA (u)](t)
transform can be formulated in several ways. Based on the ∞
expression for the generalized translation in the LCT domain, =C FA (u)h A−1 (u, t)du, (3)
the generalized convolution theorem has been derived in the −∞
LCT domain by Wei [16], which shows that the generalized where
convolution of two signals in time domain is equivalent to 1
C = e j 2 (cdu 0 −2adu 0 ω0 +abω0 ) .
2 2
simple multiplication of their LCTs in the LCT domains.
However, the generalized convolution structure in [16] is a This can be verified by using the definition (1). Some of
triple integral. So, it is complicated to reduce the expres- the special cases of the OLCT are listed in Table 1. Those
sion of the generalized convolution to a single integral form relations can be easily verified by substituting the specific
as in the ordinary convolution expression. In this paper, we parameters A in Eq. (2).
propose a new convolution structure for the OLCT, which is A signal f (t) is band-limited to UA in the OLCT domain,
different from the generalized convolution structure. It can be which means that:
expressed by a simple one-dimensional integral and easy to
implement in multiplicative filter design. In this work, based FA (u) = 0 for |u| > UA ,
on a new convolution operation for OLCT, we will discuss where UA is called the bandwidth of the signal f (t) in the
convolution and correlation theorems in the OLCT domain. OLCT domain with parameters A.
As an application, we also investigate the sampling theorem The OLCT has many properties [1–7,17]. We present the
and multiplicative filtering for the band-limited signal in the following important space shift and phase shift properties of
OLCT domain by using convolution theorems proposed here. OLCT [7,17], which can also be easily verified by using the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 definition (1).
gives a brief description of the OLCT along with some prop-
erties. In Sect. 3, based on a new convolution operation, Property 1: The space shift property [7,17]
we derive convolution and correlation theorems for OLCT
in detail. The sampling theorem for OLCT and discussions O LA [ f (t −τ )](u)
about multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain are presented acτ 2
in Sect. 4. Section 5 concludes the paper. = FA (u − aτ )e− j 2 +jcτ (u−u 0 )+jaτ ω0 . (4)

Property 2: The phase shift property [17]

2 The OLCT
O LA [ f (t)e jvt ](u)
The OLCT with real parameters of A = (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 )
bdv 2
of a signal f (t) is defined by [1,2]: = FA (u −bv)e− j 2 + jdv(u−u 0 )+ jbvω0 . (5)
FA (u) = O LA [ f (t)](u)
f (t)h A (t, u)dt b = 0 Table 1 Some of the specific cases of the OLCT
= √−∞ j cd (u−u )2 + jω u ,
de 2 0 0 f [d(u − u 0 )] b = 0 Transform Parameters A

(1) Offset linear canonical transform (OLCT) A = (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 )

linear canonical transform (LCT) A = (a, b, c, d, 0, 0)
Fourier transform (FT) A = (0, 1, −1, 0, 0, 0)
h A (t, u) = K A e 2b [at +2t (u 0 −u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du ] ,
2 2
Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) A = (cos θ, sin θ,

1 d 2
− sin θ, cos θ, 0, 0)
KA = e j 2b u 0 , (2) Offset fractional Fourier transform A = (cos θ, sin θ,
j2π b
(OFRFT) − sin θ, cos θ, u 0 , ω0 )
and ad − bc = 1. The definition for case b = 0 is the limit Fresnel transform (FRST) A = (1, b, 0, 1, 0, 0)
of the integral in (1) for the case b = 0 as |b| → 0. There- Frequency modulation A = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ω0 )
fore, from now on we shall confine our attention to OLCT for Time scaling A = (d −1 , 0, 0, d, 0, 0)
b = 0. And without loss of generality, we assume b > 0 in the Time shifting A = (1, 0, 0, 1, u 0 , 0)
following sections. The inverse of an OLCT with parameters


Property 3: The space shift and phase shift properties [17] Definition 1 For any function f (t), h(t) ∈ W , let us define
a new convolution operation ⊗ for OLCT as follows [17]:
O LA [ f (t − τ )e jvt ](u)
acτ 2 +bdv 2 A
= FA (u − aτ − bv)e− j 2 z(t) = ( f ⊗ h)(t)
×e j (cτ +dv)(u−u 0 ) e− jbcτ v e j (aτ +bv)ω0 . ∞

= KA f (τ )h(t − τ )e− j b (t−τ ) dτ (7)

Based on the Definition 1, the expressions for the OLCT of

a new convolution of two functions can be derived.

3 Convolution and correlation theorems for OLCT A

Theorem 1 Let z(t) = ( f ⊗ h)(t) and Z A (u), FA (u), HA (u)
In this section, we derive convolution and correlation theo- denote the OLCT of z, f and h, respectively. Then
rems for OLCT based on the definition and properties of the
O LA [z(t)](u) = Z A (u)
OLCT. Some of the well-known results about the convolution j
= FA (u) · HA (u)e 2b [−du
2 +2u(du
0 −bω0 )] (8)
and correlation theorems in FT domain, FRFT domain, and
LCT domain are shown to be special cases of our achieved
results. Proof From Eqs. (1) and (6), we see that both O LA [ f (t)](u)
and O LA [ f (t − τ )e jvt ](u) depend on the same parameter if
3.1 Convolution theorems for OLCT we choose τ and v such that

aτ + bv = 0 (9)
In the general framework of convolution theory (see [18,
Ch. 4]), it is known that to every integral transformation , According to Eq. (9), we get
one can, at least theoretically, associate with it a convolution
operation, , such that a
v=− τ (10)
( f g) = ( f ) · (g).
Substituting (10) into (6) and making use of ad − bc = 1,
Let be W that subspace of the space of all integrable func- Eq. (6) can be reduce to
tions with the property that f (t) ∈ W if and only if the FT  
aτ aτ 2 τ
of f (t) is also in W [13,14]. Let us consider two functions, O LA f (t − τ )e− j b t (u) = FA (u)e− j 2b − j b (u−u 0 ) . (11)
f, h ∈ W , the conventional convolution operator for FT, is
given by [10] Then, using the definition of the OLCT, we have
FA (u) · HA (u)
f (t)∗h(t) = f (τ )h(t − τ )dτ . ∞
K A e 2b [aτ +2τ (u 0−u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du ] h(τ )dτ .
2 2
−∞ = FA (u)
And the convolution theorems for the FT are as follows: −∞
ψFT ( f (t)∗h(t)) = F(u)H (u),

where ψFT (·) denotes the FT operator and F(u), H (u) According to Eq. (11), we get
denotes the FT of f (t)andh(t), respectively. In this paper,  
τ aτ 2 aτ
the FT is defined as follows [10] FA (u)e j b (u 0 −u) = e j 2b O LA f (t − τ )e− j b t (u). (13)
F(u) = ψFT ( f (t)) = f (t)e− jut dt, Substituting (13) into (12), we can obtain
FA (u) · HA (u)
∞ ∞
f (t) = F(u)e jut du. =
K A e 2b [aτ −2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du ] h(τ )
2 2

To obtain the convolution theorem for OLCT, we first define j aτ
− j aτ
a new convolution operation for OLCT. × e 2b O LA f (t − τ )e b t (u) dτ. (14)


Next, we derive the expressions for the OLCT of a prod-

uct of two functions. This leads to the following convolution
Theorem 2 For any function f (t), h(t) ∈ W , let FA (u),
HA (u) denote the OLCT of f, h, then

O LA [ f (t)h(t)](u)
Fig. 1 A new convolution operation for OLCT 1 j
e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]
2π b u
HA (u)e− j 2b [du
2 −2u(du
× 0 −bω0 )] ∗F . (19)
Using the definition of the OLCT, we rewrite (14) as b
FA (u) · HA (u) Proof Let y(t) = f (t)h(t), then
j aτ 2
= K A2 e 2b [−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du
ej b h(τ ) YA (u) = O LA [y(t)](u)
−∞ ∞
⎛ j
K A e 2b [at +2t (u 0 −u)−2u(du 0−bω0 )+du ] f (t)h(t)dt.
2 2
∞ =
×⎝ e 2b [at
2 +2t (u
0 −u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du
−∞ (20)

× f (t − τ )e− j b t
dt dτ. (15)
According to the inverse OLCT expression (3), we get
According to (7), we get ∞
∞ h(t) = C HA (u)h A−1 (u, t)du

z(t) = K A f (τ )h(t − τ )e− j b (t−τ )
dτ −∞
−∞ 1
HA (u)e− j 2b [du +2u(bω0−du 0−t)]
∞ = C K A−1

= KA h(τ ) f (t − τ )e− j b (t−τ )
dτ . (16) −∞
− j 2b [−2t[a(bω0 −du 0 )+b(cu 0 −aω0 )]+at 2 ]
−∞ ×e du
HA (u)e− j 2b [du
2 +2u(bω
Substituting (16) into (15), we can obtain = C K A−1 0 −du 0 −t)]

j −∞
FA (u) · HA (u)e 2b [−du
2 +2u(du
0 −bω0 )]
− j 2b (2u 0 t+at 2 )
= O LA [z(t)](u) = Z A (u). (17) ×e du, (21)

The proof of Theorem 1 is achieved. where

From (16) and (17), we see that the function z(t) could be 
j 21 (cdu 20 −2adu 0 ω0 +abω02 ) 1 a
e− j 2b (bω0 −du 0 )
a good candidate to be a new convolution of f (t) and h(t) C K A−1 = e
for the OLCT. Further, based on the conventional convolu- − j2π b

tion operator, we can express the new convolution operation 1 d 2
(7) as = e− j 2b u 0 .
− j2π b
z(t) = ( f ⊗ h)(t) Substituting (21) into (20), we obtain

− j at2b j at2b j at2b
= KAe f (t)e ∗ h(t)e . (18) ∞
K A e 2b [at
2 +2t (u
0 −u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du
YA (u) = f (t)
See Fig. 1, a realization of the new convolution operation −∞
for OLCT. Equation (8) shows the OLCT of a new convolu- ∞
HA (v)e− j 2b [dv
2 +2v(bω
tion of two functions is equivalent to simple multiplication ×C K A−1 0 −du 0 −t)]

of their OLCTs, multiplying by a quadratic phase function −∞

(linear chirp).This may be particularly useful in filter design 1
− j 2b (2u 0 t+at 2 )
and applications as will be shown later on. ×e dvdt


1 d 2 j 3.2 Correlation theorem for the OLCT
e− j 2b u 0 e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]
= KA
− j2π b
Correlation, which is similar to convolution, is another
1 important operation in signal processing. Since the correla-
HA (v)e− j 2b [dv −2v(du 0 −bω0 )]
tion of two functions is no more than their convolution after
−∞ one of the two functions has been axis-reversed and complex
⎛ ⎞
∞ conjugated, the property of the new convolution results in the
×⎝ f (t)e− j b (u−v) dt ⎠ dv
property of the correlation. Making use of the new convolu-
−∞ tion structure (7) for OLCT, we can present a new correlation
1 j operation in the OLCT domain as following
e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]

b u
Definition 2 For any function f (t), h(t) ∈ W , let us define
HA (u)e− j 2b [du
2 −2u(du
× 0 −bω0 )] ∗F , A
b a new correlation operation ⊕ for OLCT as [17]
where F(·) denotes the FT of f (t). Thus, the proof of The- A
orem 2 is achieved. These results of the above-derived theo- z(t) = ( f ⊕ h)(t)
rems are extensions of convolution theorems of the FT and ∞

LCT to OLCT domain. = KA KA f (τ )h ∗ (τ − t)e j b (τ −t) dτ , (22)
Corollary 1 If the parameter of OLCT changes to (a, b, c, d,  d 2
− j 2b
u 0 , ω0 ) = (0, 1, −1, 0, 0, 0), then convolution formulas of where K A∗ = − j2π 1
and superscript “∗” denotes
Theorems 1 and 2 reduce to conventional convolution for- complex conjugation, which is also used in the following
mulas in FT domain as follows: content of this paper. Further, based on the conventional con-
volution operator, we can express the correlation operator
f (t) ∗ h(t) ←→ F(u)H (u), (22) in the OLCT domain as follow:
and z(t) = ( f ⊕ h)(t)
FT 1 ∞
f (t)h(t) ←→ F(u) ∗ H (u). = KA KA ∗ at
f (τ )h ∗ (τ − t)e j b (τ −t) dτ

Replacing parameters A = (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 ) with A =
(0, 1, −1, 0, 0, 0) in Eqs. (7), (8), and (19), respectively, the 2
at aτ 2 a
K A K A∗ e− j 2b h ∗ (−(t −τ ))e−j 2b (t−τ ) dτ
proof of the Corollary 1 is achieved. = f (τ )e j 2b

Corollary 2 If the parameter of OLCT changes to (a, b, c, d, at 2 2
j at2b
− j at2b
= K A K A∗ e− j 2b f (t)e ∗
∗ h (−t)e (23)
u 0 , ω0 ) = (a, b, c, d, 0, 0), then convolution formulas of
Theorems 1 and 2 reduce to convolution formulas in LCT
domain [15] as follows: A
Theorem 3 Let z(t) = ( f ⊕ h)(t) and Z A (u), FA (u),
   HA (u) denote the OLCT of z, f and h, respectively. Then
1 − j at 2 2
j at2b
j at2b
e 2b f (t)e ∗ h(t)e
j2π b O LA [z(t)](u) = Z A (u)
= K A FA (u) · HA∗ (u)e 2b [du
2 −2u(du
LC T du 2 0 −bω0 )] .
←→ F(a,b,c,d) (u) · H(a,b,c,d) (u)e− j 2b ,
 u Proof Let us rewrite (23) in the form
LC T 1 j du 2 du 2
f (t)h(t) ←→ e 2b H(a,b,c,d) (u)e− j 2b ∗F ,
2πb b A
z(t) = ( f ⊕ h)(t)
where F(a,b,c,d) (u), H(a,b,c,d) (u) denote the LCT of f (t), 2
− j at2b
j at2b ∗ ∗
2 2
− j atb j at2b
h(t), respectively. The proof of the Corollary 2 is similar to = KAe f (t)e ∗ K A h (−t)e e .
the proof of the Corollary 1 and is omitted. (25)

In addition to the FT and LCT, convolution theorems for the And let g(t) be such that
specific OLCT cases FRST and FRFT shown in Table 1 can
at 2
also be obtained from the above-derived theorems [9,13,14]. g(t) = K A∗ h ∗ (−t)e− j b . (26)


Substituting (26) into (25), we obtain domain is further investigated. In particular, the formulas of
A uniform sampling and low-pass reconstruction are obtained.
z(t) = ( f ⊕ h)(t) Firstly, we define the uniform sampled signal as follows:
at 2 at 2 at 2
= K A e− j 2b f (t)e j 2b ∗ g(t)e j 2b . ∞

fˆ(t) = f (t)sδ (t) = f (t) δ(t − nT )
According to Theorem 1, we get n=−∞
j ∞

Z A (u) = FA (u) · G A (u)e 2b [−du
2 +2u(du
0 −bω0 )] , (27) = f (nT )δ(t − nT )
where G A (u) denote the OLCT of g(t). Using the definition n=−∞
of the OLCT, we have
∞ where T is the sampling period and sδ (t) is the uniform
K A e 2b [at
2 +2t (u
0 −u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du
G A (u) = impulse train. Using the definition of the OLCT, we have
at 2 F̂A (u) = O LA [ fˆ(t)](u)
×K A∗ h ∗ (−t)e− j b dt
= K A e− b [2u(du 0 −bω0 )−du ]
2 j
K A e 2b [at +2t (u 0 −u)−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du ]
2 2
⎛ ∞ =
×⎝ K A e 2b [at +2t (u 0 −u)]

−∞ × f (nT )δ(t − nT )dt
⎞∗ n=−∞
· e 2b [−2u(du 0 −bω0 )+du ] h(t)dt ⎠
2 j
= K A e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]

f (nT )e 2b [a(nT ) +2nT (u 0 −u)] .
j × (29)
= K A e b [du
2 −2u(du
0 −bω0 )] HA∗ (u). (28) n=−∞

Substituting (28) into (27), we can obtain

Equation (29) shows how to obtain the OLCT of a discrete
Z A (u) = K A FA (u) · HA∗ (u)e 2b [du
2 −2u(du
0 −bω0 )] . time signal f (nT ). We refer to it as the discrete-time OLCT.
Using the definition of the FT, we have
The proof of Theorem 3 is achieved. By substituting with the
specific OLCT parameters of A in Eqs. (23) and (24), corre- ∞
2π  2π
lation theorems for the special OLCT cases FT, FRST, FRFT, Sδ (u) = ψFT (sδ (t)) = δ(u − n )
and LCT [9–17] shown in Table 1 can also be obtained from T n=−∞ T
the above-derived Theorem 3.
According to Theorem 2, we can obtain

4 Sampling and filtering for the OLCT F̂A (u) = O LA [ fˆ(t)](u)

1 j
e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]
Sampling and filtering are two basic theoretical problems in =
2π b u
signal processing. In this section, the above-mentioned con- 1
× (FA (u)e− j 2b [du
2 −2u(du
0 −bω0 )]
) ∗ Sδ
volution theorems will be utilized to resolve these problems b
associated with the OLCT.  ∞ 
1 j 2π u 2π
e 2b [du −2u(du 0−bω0 )]
= δ −n
2π b T n=−∞ b T
4.1 Sampling theorem for the OLCT
∗ FA (u)e− j 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]

The sampling process is central in almost any domain, and  ∞ 

it explains how to sample continuous signals without alias- 1 j [du 2 −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]  2π b
= e 2b δ u−n
ing. The sampling theorem expansions for the OLCT have T n=−∞
been derived in [2], which provide the link between the con- 1

∗ FA (u)e− j 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )] .
tinuous signals and the discrete signals, and can be used to (30)
reconstruct the original signal from their samples satisfying
the Nyquist rate of that domain. Here, utilizing the convolu- From (30) we find that FA (u) replicates with a period of
tion theorem, sampling of band-limited signals in the OLCT 2π b/T , along with linear phase modulation depending on


the harmonic order n. When n = 0, we obtain So the output of the low-pass filter is as follows:

F̂A (u) = O LA [ fˆ(t)](u) A

f (t) = ( fˆ ⊗ h)(t)
1 j 2 1
= e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )] FA (u)e− j 2b [du −2u(du 0−bω0 )]
at 2 at 2 at 2
T = K A e− j 2b ( fˆ(t)e j 2b ) ∗ (h(t)e j 2b )
1 ∞
= FA (u). at 2 aτ 2
T = T C K A−1 K A e− j 2b fˆ(τ )e j 2b
The expression above shows that the part of F̂A (u) with n = 0 −∞
modulates the amplitude of FA (u) by 1/T , but it does not − j b1 u 0 (t−τ ) 2b sin b (t − τ)
×e dτ
modulate the phase. If f (t) is a band-limited signal in the t −τ
OLCT domain, in other words, the support interval of FA (u) ∞ ∞
T − j at 2  aτ 2
is [−UA , UA ], then no overlapping occurs in F̂A (u) after = e 2b f (τ )δ(τ − nT )e j 2b
sampling only if n=−∞ −∞
2π b − j b1 u 0 (t−τ ) sin b (t − τ)
≥ 2UA , ×e dτ
T t −τ

at 2 a(nT )2
or the sampling frequency = e− j 2b f (nT )e j 2b

ω≥ . 1 T sin ωbc (t − nT )
b ×e− j b u 0 (t−nT ) . (32)
π(t − nT )
Thus, FA (u) can be recovered, and the other replicated spec-
trums are filtered out through a low-pass filter H̃A (u) having Equation (32) is the reconstruction formula of band-limited
the gain T and the cutoff frequency ωc in the OLCT domain, signal in the OLCT domain. Let ωc = UA in (31), the inter-
whose transfer function is shown by (31). The original signal polation formula (32) can be presented as follows:
f (t) can be reconstructed without any distortion by inverse
OLCT of the recovered FA (u). ∞

at 2 a(nT )2
 f (t) = e− j 2b f (nT )e j 2b

T, |u| < ωc n=−∞

H̃A (u) = , ωc ∈ [UA , bω − UA ] . (31)
0, |u| ≥ ωc 1 T sin UbA (t − nT )
e− j b u 0 (t−nT ) (33)
The expression of the above-mentioned reconstruction signal π(t − nT )
can be obtained by Theorem 1. Assume
From the above-derived results, we can conclude uniform

j T, |u| < ωc sampling theorem for band-limited signal in the OLCT
H̃A (u) = HA (u)e 2b [−du +2u(du 0 −bω0 )] =
0, |u| ≥ ωc domain as following

then Theorem 4 Let signal f (t) ∈ W is band-limited to UA in

h(t) =
O LA [HA (u)](t) the OLCT domain with parameters A = (a, b, c, d, u 0 , ω0 )
−1 j and b > 0.Then, the signal f (t) can be exactly reconstructed
= O LA [ H̃A (u)e 2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )] ](t)
from its sampled version f (nT ), n ∈ Z , providing that the
ωc sampling interval satisfies
e− j 2b [du +2u(bω0 −du 0 −t)+2u 0 t+at ]
2 2
= C K A−1
−ωc T = . (34)
2b [du −2u(du 0 −bω0 )]
×T e du
ωc The reconstruction formula is given by (33).
1 t
e− j 2b [2u 0 t+at ] e j b u du
= T C K A−1 By exchanging the role of the signal and its OLCT, the
−ωc sampling theorem of time-limited signal in OLCT domain
ωc derived in [2] can be easily obtained from Theorem 4. Equa-
1 2b sin b t
= T C K A−1 e− j 2b [2u 0 t+at
. tions (33) and (34) are the sampling theorem expansions of
the classical results in OLCT domain. Previously developed
According to Theorem 1, we have sampling theorems for FT, FRFT, and LCT [19–22] can also
be obtained by substituting with the specific OLCT parame-
F̂A (u) H̃A (u) = O LA [( fˆ ⊗ h)(t)](u). ters of A in Eqs. (33) and (34).


Fig. 2 The multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain

Fig. 3 The method of realizing the multiplicative filter in the OLCT
domain by convolution in the time domain

4.2 The multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain

Making use of (18), the convolution function g(t) in Fig. 3
Many papers [6,8,15,16] discuss the use of the multiplica- can be designed as
tive filter designed by the FRFT or LCT to remove noise or
at 2
distortion. Here, based on Theorem 1, we can discuss the g(t) = h(t)e j 2b . (38)
design methods and the performance of the multiplicative
filter designed by the OLCT. According to the inverse OLCT expression (3), we get
The model of the multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain −1
h(t) = O LA [HA (u)](t)
is shown in Fig. 2. The effect of the multiplicative filter in
Fig. 2 can be written in the following equation: 1 u
HA (u)e j 2b [−du +2u(du 0 −bω0 )] e j b t
= C K A−1
rout (t) = O LA RA (u) · H̃A (u) (t), (35)
− j 2b (2u 0 t+at 2 )
×e du

where RA (u) denotes the OLCT of received signal rin (t). 1 d 2
There are many possible types of multiplicative filter by = e− j 2b u 0
− j2π b
designing different transform function H̃A (u), such as low
pass, high pass, band pass, band stop, and so on. In practi- 1 u
HA (u)e j 2b [−du
2 +2u(du
× 0 −bω0 )] ej bt
cal application, if the received signal rin (t) comprises two
parts of the designed signal f (t) and noise n(t), then the −∞
×e− j 2b (2u 0 t+at ) du.
desired signal can be reserved and the noise can be discarded (39)
to a large extent for increasing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
through a multiplicative filter in the OLCT domain. For Substituting (36) into (39), we can obtain
example, we are interested only in the frequency spectrum of  ∞
the OLCT in the region [u l , u h ] of the designed signal f (t). 1 d 2
− j 2b 1
u 0 − j 2b (2u 0 t+at 2 ) u
h(t) = e e H̃A (u)e j b t du
We also suppose that the OLCT parts of the received signal − j2π b
rin (t), FA (u) and NA (u), have no overlapping or minimal  
overlapping. According to Theorem 1, we choose function j2π − j d u 2 − j 1 (2u 0 t+at 2 ) t
= e 2b 0 e 2b h . (40)
HA (u)e 2b [−du +2u(du 0 −bω0 )] in (8) as the transfer function of
b b
the multiplicative filter. So, H̃A (u) in Fig. 2 can be expressed
as From Eqs. (38) and (40), we get
j j2π − j d u 2 − j 1 u 0 t t
H̃A (u) = HA (u)e 2b [−du
2 +2u(du
0 −bω0 )] . (36) g(t) = e 2b 0 e b h , (41)
b b
We can design the transfer function, H̃A (u), so that it is con-
where h(t) is the inverse FT of H̃A (u). According to the
stant over [u l , u h ] and zero or of rapid decay outside that
requirement of filter or the time-frequency distribution [2,
region. Passing the output of the filter yields that part of
6,15] of received signal rin (t), the transfer function H̃A (u)
the spectrum of f (t) over [u l , u h ]. By inverse OLCT, the
of the multiplicative filter should be designed in the OLCT
designed signal f (t) can be obtained.
domain first. Substituting (41) into (37), we can obtain
The above-mentioned multiplicative filter in the OLCT   
domain can also be achieved through convolution in the time 1 at 2 at 2 1 t
rout (t) = e− j 2b rin (t)e j 2b ∗ e− j b u 0 t h . (42)
domain. Figure 3 shows a method of realizing the multipli- b b
cative filter in the OLCT domain by convolution in the time
According to Theorem 1, it will be easy to prove that the
domain. From Fig. 3, the output of the filter is expressed as
output of filter shown in Fig. 3 is same as that in Fig. 2. In
at 2 at 2
an actual application, the method shown in Fig. 3 has less
rout (t) = K A e− j 2b [(rin (t)e j 2b ) ∗ g(t)]. (37) computational complexity than that in Fig. 2 for the reason


that the major computation load of the former method is con- reconstruction are obtained. Moreover, the multiplicative fil-
volution, which can be done by the classical FFT, while the ter in the OLCT domain has also been discussed in this paper.
latter method needs to calculate OLCT twice, and there exists A practical method to achieve the multiplicative filter through
still no satisfactory fast digital algorithm for OLCT so far. In convolution in the time domain is proposed, which can be
the following paragraphs, we will analyze the computation realized by classical FFT and has the same capability, but
complexity of the multiplicative filter achieved in the time less computational complexity compared with the method
domain from (42) in detail. achieved in the OLCT domain.
According to the conventional convolution theorem,
Eq. (42) can be written as Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the editor and the
anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that
   improved the clarity and quality of this manuscript. This work was sup-
1 − j at 2 2
j at2b − j b1 u 0 t t
rout (t) = e 2b rin (t)e ∗ e h ported in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni-
b b versities, Southwest University for Nationalities (No.11NZYQN18),
1 at 2 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60672029).
= e− j 2b F −1 [F[ϕ1 ](u)F[ϕ2 ](u)] (t), (43)
j at2b − j b1 u 0 t
where ϕ1 (t) = rin (t)e , ϕ2 (t) = e h( bt ), F −1 (·)
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