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Optik 127 (2016) 2613–2616

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A generalized convolution theorem for the special affine Fourier

transform and its application to filtering
Xiyang Zhi a , Deyun Wei b,∗ , Wei Zhang a
Research Center for Space Optical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The special affine Fourier transform (SAFT), which is a time-shifted and frequency-modulated version of
Received 1 June 2015 the linear canonical transform (LCT), has been shown to be a powerful tool for signal processing and optics.
Accepted 23 November 2015 Many properties for this transform are already known, but an extension of convolution theorem of Fourier
transform (FT) is still not having a widely accepted closed form expression. The purpose of this paper is
Keywords: to introduce a new convolution structure for the SAFT that preserves the convolution theorem for the FT,
Special affine Fourier transform
which states that the FT of the convolution of two functions is the product of their Fourier transforms.
Convolution and product theorem
Moreover, some of well-known results about the convolution theorem in FT domain, fractional Fourier
transform (FRFT) domain, LCT domain are shown to be special cases of our achieved results. Last, as an
application, utilizing the new convolution theorem, we investigate the multiplicative filter in the SAFT
domain. The new convolution structure is easy to implement in the designing of filters.
© 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the relevant theory of SAFT has been developed including the con-
volution theorem, uncertainty principle, sampling theory and so
The special affine Fourier transform (SAFT) [1–4], also called the on [16–18], which are generalizations of the corresponding prop-
offset linear canonical transform (OLCT) [4] or the inhomogeneous erties of the FT, FRFT and LCT [3,9,19–28]. Conventional convolution
canonical transform [3], is a six-parameter (a, b, c, d, u0 , ω0 ) class operations for FT are fundamental in the theory of linear time-
of linear integral transform. The SAFT encompasses a number of invariant (LTI) system [9]. The output of any continuous-time LTI
important transform in digital signal processing and optical system system is found via the convolution of the input signal with the sys-
modeling. The well-known signal processing operations, such as tem impulse response. As the SAFT has found wide applications in
the Fourier transform (FT), the offset FT [3,4], the fractional Fourier optic and signal processing fields, it is theoretically interesting and
transform (FRFT) [5,6], the offset FRFT [3,4], the Fresnel transform practically useful to consider the convolution theory in the SAFT
[7], the linear canonical transform (LCT) [8–10] and the scaling domain. However, the convolution theorems don’t have the ele-
operations are all special case of the SAFT. With the progression of gance and simplicity comparable to that of the FT, which states
LCT theory, SAFT also has evolved as an interesting tool. The SAFT that the FT of the convolution of two functions is the product of
is more general and flexible than the original LCT for its two extra their Fourier transforms.
parameter u0 and ω0 . Recently, along with applications of the LCT in Convolution theorem for a linear integral transform can be for-
the signal processing community [5,9,11–15], the role of the SAFT mulated in several ways. Recently, Xiang and Qin [16] introduced
for signal processing has also been noticed. It has found many appli- a new convolution operation that is more suitable for the SAFT and
cations in optics, signal processing, and many other applications by which the SAFT of the convolution of the two functions is the
[3,4,16–18]. product of their SAFTs and a phase factor. However, on the one
With intensive research of the SAFT, many properties have been hand the convolution theorem for the SAFT derived in [16] with
found including time shift, phase shift, scaling, differentiation, inte- the modified convolution operation also contains an extra chirp
gration and so on [3,16]. Simultaneously, as the generalization of FT, factor and hence does not exactly parallel the theorem given by
FT. On the other hand, there possesses different chirp multiplica-
tions, which are difficult to implement in the engineering based
on it is nearly impossible to generate a chirp signal accurately. In
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 18291835435.
this paper, we propose a new convolution structure for the SAFT,
E-mail addresses: (X. Zhi), (D. Wei), (W. Zhang). which is different from the convolution structure derived in [16].
0030-4026/© 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
2614 X. Zhi et al. / Optik 127 (2016) 2613–2616

Table 1 Property 1. The space shift property

Some of the specific cases of the saft.
2 /2
Parameter A Corresponding transform
S A [f (t − )] (u) = FA (u − a) e−j(ac )+jc(u−u0 )+jaω0 (4)

A = (a, b, c, d, 0, 0) Linear canonical transform Property 2. The phase shift property

(LCT)   2 /2
A = (cos , sin , − sin , cos , u0 , ω0 ) Offset fractional Fourier S A f (t) ejt (u) = FA (u − b) e−j(bd )+jd(u−u0 )+jbω0 (5)
transform (OFRFT)
A = (cos , sin , − sin , cos , 0, 0) Fractional Fourier transform Property 3. The space shift and phase shift properties
 j t

A = (0, 1, − 1, 0, u0 , ω0 ) Offset Fourier transform (OFT)
S f (t − ) e (u)
A = (0, 1, − 1, 0, 0, 0) Fourier transform (FT) 2 +bd 2 /2
A = (1, b, 0, 1, 0, 0) Fresnel transform = FA (u − a − b) e−j(ac )+j(c+d)(u−u0 )−jbc +j(a+b)ω0
A = (1, 0, 0, 1, u0 , 0) Time shift
A = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ω0 ) Frequency shift (6)
A = (d−1 , 0, 0, d, 0, 0) Time scaling

2.2. The convolution theory

Based on the expression for the generalized translation in the SAFT
Convolution and correlation operations are fundamental in the
domain, the generalized convolution theorem can be derived in
theory of LTI system. Moreover, convolution and correlation are
the SAFT domain, which shows that the generalized convolution of
widely used in signal processing, as well as in optics, in pattern
two signals in time domain is equivalent to simple multiplication
recognition or in the description of image formation with inco-
of their SAFTs in the SAFT domains. This result is an extension of
herent illumination [16,24–30]. The convolution operation in FT
the convolution theorem from the FT to the SAFT domain, and can
domain is defined as
be more useful in practical analog filtering in the SAFT domain. We
also show that the convolution theorem in FT or FRFT domain can 

be looked as special cases of our achieved results. f (t) ⊗ g (t) = f () g (t − ) d (7)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
we provide a brief review of the SAFT and convolution theory. A
new convolution theorem for SAFT is derived based on general- FT
f (t) ⊗ g (t) ←−F (u) G (u) (8)
ized translation in Section 3. In Section 4, the multiplicative filter is
investigated in the SAFT domain. The paper is concluded in Section where ‘⊗’ denotes the conventional convolution operation.
5. Recently, the convolution theorem has been derived in the SAFT
domain by Xiang [16] as follows:
2. Preliminaries  
1 j(d/2b)u2
z (t) = e 0 f () g (t − ) e−j(a/b)(t−) dt (9)
2.1. Special affine Fourier transform (SAFT) j2b
2 +2u(du −bω )
The SAFT was introduced by Abe and Sheridan [1,2] who studied S [z (t)] (u) = FA (u) GA (u) e(j/2b)[−du
A 0 0 ] (10)
a transformation in phase space that was associated with a general,
inhomogeneous, lossless linear mapping. The SAFT of a signal f (t) The SAFT of the convolution of the two functions is the product of
with real parameter A = (a, b, c, d, u0 , ω0 ) is defined as [1–4] their SAFTs and a phase factor. However, the convolution theorem
⎧ +∞
doesn’t have the elegance and simplicity comparable to that of the
⎨ f (t) hA (u, t) dt, b=
/ 0
FA (u) = S [f (t)] (u) =
⎩√−∞j(cd/2)(u−u0 )2 +jω0 u 3. New convolution structure for the SAFT based on
de f [d (u − u0 )] , b=0
(1) generalized translation

where In this section, we seek to modify the ordinary convolution

   structure using the generalized translation based on the kernel of
1 j(1/2b) d(u2 +u2 )−2u(du0 −bω0 )+2t(u0 −u)+at 2
the SAFT. We will derive the new convolution theorem for the SAFT
hA (u, t) = e 0 (2)
j2b based on the generalized translation. The new convolution theorem
has the elegance and simplicity comparable to the classical result
a, b, c, d, u0 , ω0 are real numbers satisfying ad − bc = 1. We only
for the FT. Some of the well-known results about the convolution
consider the case of b = / 0, since the SAFT is just a chirp multipli-
theorem in FT domain, FRFT domain, LCT domain are shown to be
cation operation if b = 0. And without loss of generality, we assume
special cases of our achieved results.
b > 0 in the following sections. The inverse of the SAFT is given by
parameters A−1 = (d, − b, − c, a, bω0 − du0 , cu0 − aω0 ) as follows:
3.1. Generalized translation and general framework of

+∞ convolution theory
f (t) = S A [FA (u)] (t) = C FA (u) hA−1 (u, t) du (3)
Generalized translation is necessary in dealing with the signal
−∞ transforms with non-exponential kernels to have the translation

or shift property of comparable simplicity to that of the Laplace or
j(1/2) cdu2 −2adu0 ω0 +abω2
where C = e 0 0 . This can be verified by using
Fourier transforms [31].
the Definition (1). The SAFT can model a number of optical opera- If we consider a general signal transform and its Fourier-type
tions such as rotation and magnification (see Table 1). inverse given by
The SAFT has the following important space shift and phase shift 
properties [4,16], which are used to derive the new convolution f (t) =  (ω) F (ω) h (ω, t) dω (11)
theorems for SAFT in this paper.
X. Zhi et al. / Optik 127 (2016) 2613–2616 2615

F (ω) =  (t) f (t) h∗ (ω, t) dt (12)

S A [f (t) × g (t)] (u) = FA GA (u) (20)

then the -generalized translation of signal f (t) denoted by f t

Proof. According to the expression for the generalized translation
is given by [31]
 in the SAFT domains obtained in (17), we have

f t =  (ω) F (ω) h (ω, t) h∗ (ω, ) dω (13) 

j(a(t 2 − 2 )/2b) j(1/b)u0 (t−) 1

g(t) = Ne e √ GA (u)e−j((t−)u/b) du(21)
where  in the argument of the function f t is the generalized −∞
delay operator for the generalized translation, h (ω, t) is the ker-

nel of the transform, h∗ (ω, ) stands for the complex conjugater of where N = 1/ (j2b) 1/ (−jb), the generalized convolution
h (ω, ), and  (ω) is the weight function. The shift property for the defined as
FT expressed below

−jω f (t) g (t) =

f (t − ) ←−F (ω) e (14) f () g t d (22)

is consistent with the above definition of the generalized transla- −∞

tion as can be easily verified. Substituting (21) into (22), we can express (22) as
In the general framework of convolution theory (see [32,Ch. 4]),
it is known that to every integral transformation I, one can, at least 
2 − 2 )/2b
theoretically, associate with it a convolution operation, , such that f (t) g(t) = M f ()ej(a(t ) ej(1/b)u0 (t−)

I (f  g) = I (f ) I (g) (15) −∞

For example, the convolution operation associated with the 


Hankel transform is too complicated to be stated here, but the × GA (u)e−j((t−)u/b) dud (23)
interested reader can find the details in [32,Sect. 21.6].

3.2. New convolution theorem in the SAFT domains where M = 1/ (j2b) 1/ (−j2b). This expression in (23) can
be simplified to
In this subsection, we consider the extension of the generalized
convolution [31] using the SAFT kernel given in (1). Based on the SAFT
f (t) g (t) −→FA (u) GA (u) (24)
generalized translation, for the special case of the SAFT, with the
weight function  (ω) taken as unity and the kernel h taken equal Similarly, we can get
to the kernel of the SAFT given by (1), the generalized translation
in (13) can be expressed as f (t) × g (t) −→FA (u) GA (u) (25)

The proof of this Eq. (25) is similar to the proof of Eq. (24) and is
f t =  (u) FA (u) hA (u, t) h∗A (u, ) du
−∞ (16) According to (24) and (25), we can obtain
2 − 2 )
=M FA (u) ej(a/2b)(t ej(1/b)(u0 −u)(t−) du
−∞ f (t) g (t) ←−FA (u) GA (u) (26)

where M = 1/ (j2b) 1/ (−j2b), alternatively, We have introduced expressions for the SAFT’s of a convolution

+∞ and a product of two functions. Based on generalized transla-

) ej(1/b)u0 (t−) √1
2 − 2 )/2b tion, their convolution formula generalizes very nicely the classical
f t = Nej(a(t FA (u) e−j((t−)u/b) du
2 result for FT. This shows that the generalized convolution of two sig-
−∞ nals in time domain is equivalent to simple multiplication of their
(17) SAFTs in the SAFT domains. Eq. (26) is particularly useful in filter
design as discussed in [16]. Moreover, some of well-known results
where N = 1/ (j2b) 1/ (−jb). This is the required expression

about the convolution theorem in FT domain, FRFT domain, and LCT
for f t , the -generalized translation of signal f (t) by amount

domain are shown to be special cases of our achieved results.
. This expression for the f t in (17) will be used to derive an
expression for the generalized convolution theorem in the SAFT Corollary 1. If the parameter of SAFT A = (0, 1, −1, 0, 0, 0), then
domains. Theorem 1 reduces to the conventional convolution in FT domain
as follows:
Definition 1. For any signal f (t), g (t), let us define a new convo-
lution operation  for SAFT as follows: f (t) ⊗ g (t) ←−F (ω) G (ω) (27)

where ‘⊗’ denotes the conventional convolution operation.
z (t) = f g (t) = f () g t d (18)
Corollary 2. If the parameter of SAFT A = (a, b, c, d, 0, 0), then
Theorem 1 collapses to the generalized convolution for LCT.

where g t is the -generalized translation of signal g (t). LCT

f (t) g (t) ←−FA (u) GA (u) (28)
Theorem 1. Let z (t) = f g (t) and FA , GA , ZA denote the SAFT of
f, g and z, respectively. Then The proof of Corollary 1 and Corollary 2 is easy and is omitted.
In addition, convolution theorems for the specific SAFT case FRFT
S A [z (t)] (u) = ZA (u) = FA (u) GA (u) (19) can also be obtained from the above-derived theorems [25–28].
2616 X. Zhi et al. / Optik 127 (2016) 2613–2616

H A (u ) Acknowledgements

This work was supported in part by the Natural Science Basic

rin ( t ) S A ( .) × −
S A ( .) rout ( t )
Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant nos. 2014JQ1037
and 2015JM6339), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Cen-
Fig. 1. Multiplicative filter in the SAFT domain. tral Universities under (Grant nos. NSIY181413 and JB150711).

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