Interactive Read-Aloud

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Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes

Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
Cover Letter

I have chosen the book A Bad Case of Stripes the author and illustrator for this book is David Shannon. This book is a level 38
when it comes to DRA reading levels. Although this is way above the reading level of the students in my second-grade classroom, I
believe that it is still a great book to do a read aloud with. This book allows for text-self connections; since, the moral of the story is
to feel confident and comfortable in your own skill and to embrace the things that you love. This allows for comprehension to take
place; since, students can recall information presented to them with the book and allows for students to relate that information to
their selves. Based on my observations from the DRA2 testing that took place with second graders, they tended to struggle with
comprehension resulting in having to lower their independent reading levels. Choosing a text that deals with text-self connections, it
allows for them to build those connections a little easier. I have also decided to have a focus on character traits within the main
character. As well as problem and solution, as this is what the story starts with and ends with. Being able to recall the problem and
how the solution took place is a comprehension ability that second graders should be able to discover.

My host teacher left it up to us on what book we wanted to read for our read alouds. At first, I couldn’t decide what book
would be best to read as a read aloud. One of the books I was deciding on was below the reading level of second grade, so I decided
that wasn’t a very good option. I then went with my childhood favorite, A Bad Case of Stripes. I wanted to be able to share my
favorite book with the students in the classroom. After rereading this book to refresh my memory I realized the main area of focus is
social-emotional development. There is also the problem and solution area to focus on. With this being said I then began to look at
the Common Core Standards to find a standard relating to problem and solution based on the second-grade standards. Also, another
source that I consulted when looking at standards is the Michigan health standards to find one that fit with social-emotional
development within second grade. Looking back on my childhood I remember reading this book in school and remembering that it is
important to embrace who we are, and it is just as important for other people to accept us for who we are. Due to Covid-19, my
lesson did have to be adapted slightly, I used two platforms PowerPoint and Zoom. I decided on this approach so the students could
be more engaged and see the pictures, instead of trying to show the pictures through a recording after I read the page. This way
students can also follow along as I read the story.

The content of this story relates to the content standards relating to English Language Arts and Michigan Health Education
Content Standards. This book deals with character traits, and how characters respond to major events in the story. To further
explain the problem in this story is that Camila, the main character, worries so much what other people think of her, that her body
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
reacts to these feelings. Camila finally eats lima beans, which she had a fear of what other people thought of her eating them. But
when she eats the Lima beans, she becomes cured from the stripes. This also relates to problem and solution, relating to
comprehension. As for the Health Education Content Standards, expressing feelings and understanding how other people are feeling
a large portion of this story.
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____

 Common Core State Standards
 English Language Arts
 RL.2.3: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges
 RL.2.5: Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story
and the ending concludes the action.
 RL.2.7: Use the information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
understanding of its characters, setting, and plot.
 Michigan Health Education Content Standards
 Stand 4: Social and Emotional Health
 Standard 1: Core Concepts
 4.2 Analyze the importance of identifying and expressing feelings to maintain personal health and
healthy relationships.
 Standard 7: Social Skills
 4.7 Demonstrate ways to show respect for feelings, rights, and property of others.


1. Students will be able to make connections to the story. Formative:

2. Students will be able to recognize the problem and  Informal:
solution in the story.  Listen to the students’ ability to retell the story using
3. Students will be able to participate in comprehension their own words. When retelling the story, the
questions asked throughout the story. students should be able to start at the beginning of
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
4. Students will be able to draw social-emotional the story and hit the elements until the ending of
connections to the story. the story. Some of these elements include, Camila
being covered in stripes, Dr. Bumble coming to check
on Camila, Camila turning different patterns (red,
white, and blue with stars), having to stay home
from school, specialist came, turning into a pill,
experts came, Camila began to change, news outside
the house, turning into her bedroom, old lady
coming to the rescue, and Camilla eating lima beans
that cured her.
 Students should be able will explain the central
message of the story, that we all should be
comfortable and confident in our own skin. Listen to
their responses, and if they are able to connect the
story to their lives.
 The informal assessment can be noted through
anecdotal notes, based on the topics the class is

Students should already be able to…  Activate their prior knowledge
 Participate in group discussion  Engage them in connections with text-self
 Listen during a read aloud  Engage the students by asking questions
 Be engaged in the reading and ask questions  Highlight new vocabulary (contagious/veterinarian)
 Recall important information  Allow for wait time, so all the children can think
 Understand their own feelings and the feelings of those  Students who have a hard time sitting still, can sit in
around them their desk chair at the end of the carpet
 Hearing and vision impairments can sit in front, so they
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
are able to hear and see the book better.
 If a microphone is available this can be used for those
with hearing impairments.
 Projector to enlarge the pictures for vision impairments.
 A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon  Students will be assigned to move to the carpet. They
 Microphone (if hearing impairments) will be assigned based on their rows; this will avoid
 Projector (for vision impairments) everyone getting up at the same time and causing chaos.
 If completed Virtual  Students will sit on the carpet and keep their hands to
 Computer with internet access themselves.
 Zoom  If this is done virtual then the students will be in their
 PowerPoint homes viewing the read aloud.

Utilize HLP, incorporate principles for UDL, and development of SEL as appropriate
A. Introduction – Engaging Students, Activating Prior Knowledge, and Setting Lesson Goals three minutes needed.
 Universal Design for Learning Guidelines:
 Engagement: Checkpoint 7.2: Optimize relevancy, value, and authenticity.
 Representation: Guideline 1: Provides options for perception.
 Physical Action: Checkpoint 4.1: Vary the methods for response and navigation.
 Introduction:
 Hello everyone! Today I am going to read one of my favorite stories from when I was your age (Show cover of
book). This book is called A Bad Case of Stripes (point to the words in the title as I read them). David Shannon is
both the illustrator and author. Which means he wrote the words in our story and drew the pictures. This book is
all about a girl named Camila Cream, the main character. Camila is so worried what other people think of her, that
her body begins to react to these feelings. Let’s find out exactly what happens to Camila Cream.
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
 Activate Prior Knowledge/Questions
 Based on the cover of our story does anyone have any ideas what our story could be about?
 Have you ever wondered what other people have thought of you?
 How did those feelings you had affect you?
 I wonder how you would feel if you had stripes just like Camila.

B. Instructional Sequence: Engaging Students in Actively Constructing Deep Understanding 12-15 minutes needed
1. Dismiss students to the carpet by calling their rows.
2. Review the expectations when on the carpet during a read aloud. (Hands to ourselves, use our listening ears, be respectful
to our classmates’ questions and comments).
3. Reread the title of the book.
4. Read the book with expression to keep the students all engaged.
5. After each page is read, show the book to all the students so all the students can see the pictures.
6. When asking a question allow for plenty of wait time for all the students to have time to think of an answer or connection.
Be sure to make observational notes based on the student’s responses.
7. On the first page pause and say; “I wonder why she screamed?”
 Allow for students to predict why Camila screamed when she looked in the mirror.
8. On page five stop and say; “I wonder how you would feel if you had stripes and had to go to school?”
 Allow for students to respond. This relates to the Health standard relating to the importance of identifying and
expressing feelings.
9. On page seven after reading ask the students “I wonder that the other kids are feeling about Camila?”
 This question relates to the Health standard based on respecting the feelings of others, which these students were not
10. Page 11 allows for the students to make text-self connections. “Lima beans make Camila feel better. What makes you feel
better when you are upset?”
 This page also allows for some vocabulary instruction. After reading the word contagious, explain that contagious
means you can easily catch it, sickness that spreads very easily.
11. Page 15 relates to the Health standard and the English standard of using the illustration to determine the understanding of
the characters.
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
12. Page 22 relates to the English standard of describing the events of the story and how the beginning introduces the story.
Pause after the page is read and say; “I wonder what would make Camila feel better”. Students should be able to recall
that in the beginning of the story Camila wanted Lima beans.
 When reading the list of professions. Stop and explain that a veterinarian is a doctor for animals.
13. On page 25, allow for some predictions to take place prompt the students with: “I wonder how she can help, what do you
think she’s going to do.”
14. Page 27 stop and pause at the end of the page, mention the predictions that thought about the lima beans. Then have the
students give a thumbs up if the lima beans are going to work, or a thumbs down if they don’t think they are going to work
on Camila.
15. Have a class discussion based on what the students liked in the book. (What their favorite part of the book was)
C. Closure –Summarizing and Synthesizing Students’ Learning 15 minutes needed.
1. Review the discussion we had at the beginning of the story (being worried about what other people thought of us).
2. Mention that Camila overcame her fears of eating lima beans and worrying what other people thought of her for eating
lima beans. Have a short discussion on why she overcame these fears.
3. Tell the students that it is important to know that we are all unique in different ways. And we need to be nice to our
friends and respect their feelings.
4. Have a class discussion based on the standards being addressed. Prompts as followed:
 What was our problem in our story?
 Camila was so worried what other people thought of her that her body began to react to these feelings.
 Camila was covered in stripes from head to toe.
 She was sent home from school.
 No one had a clue or a cure of Camila’s stripes.
 Camila turned into her bedroom.
 How was our problem solved?
 A little old lady came to their house and said she could help Camila.
 She had a bag of beans and Camila’s parents thought they were magic beans, but they were just lima beans.
 Camila said she didn’t want any lima beans, because she doesn’t like lima beans, no one likes lima beans she said.
 The women began to leave, and the Camila told her to wait, because she really wanted some lima beans.
 The old lady tossed some lima beans in her mouth.
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
 The room began to swirl around, and there was Camila, without any stripes.
 How should we handle our feelings when we are worried?
 Talk to our friends
 Talk to our teachers
 Stop and think about why we feel worried
 What are some ways we can express our feelings?
 Happy, mad, sad, frustrated, or overwhelmed.
 I wonder how you would feel if someone made fun of you for eating a food you liked.
 Sad or maybe mad

Lesson Evaluation
I was unable to receive any feedback from my colleagues, due to my lesson being cancelled due to Coivid-19. However, with this
being said I did learn a great amount from completing this lesson. I noticed some strengths I had as well as some weaknesses that
could use a little bit of improvement. As for one of my strengths I thought I did a great transition of my lesson from in person to
online. I was able to turn my book into a PowerPoint and then share the screen using Zoom. By doing this I was hoping that students
would be more engaged if they were to view this. Due to the fact that they could see the pictures; since, they were right there and
didn’t have to wait for me to show them the pictures. It also allowed for students to follow along as I was reading the story, almost
as if they had their own copy of the book. Another strength that I thought I had was reading with expression, as well as changing my
voice. This is something that I have been working on when it comes to read alouds. And I think that I was able to change my voice, so
students could tell when someone else was talking in the story. Another strength that I considered was the questions that I was
asking, I asked very open-ended questions. By doing this I was able to see where the students were and if they were able to make
connections within the text. One weakness that I have noticed and have been trying to work on is speed. I tend to read really fast
and need to remember to slow down. Another weakness from doing it by recording myself it was hard to do wait time, as no one
was there to answer my questions. Another weakness I recoded myself reading and then noticed I had a few errors in my reading.
However, if it would have been in person, I wouldn’t have been able to re-watch my video and then redo it if I didn’t like it. So, I
Teaching Candidate Name: Nichole Glaza Students’ Grade Level: Second Grade Time needed: 20 Minutes
Subject/Content Area of Lesson: ElA/ Social-Emotional Lesson Identifier (title) Interactive Read Aloud: A Bad Case of
Stipes ____
submitted it since I wanted it to be as realistic as possible. Overall I thought that I did this read aloud in a great manner, and adapted
my lesson well, and have learned from this as far as virtual learning.

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