LEGAL WRITING ESSAY 1 by Balite, Adonai Jireh Dionne A

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Adonai Jireh Dionne A. Balite Atty.

Riza Ocampo
Legal Writing September 16, 2020

My name is Adonai Jireh Dionne Autentico Balite. I am 23 years old, currently

living in the City of Tagbilaran, Bohol. Though I grew up with a lot of siblings, I am quite
a shy person. For as long as I remember, I could hardly express myself to people,
especially when I’m in the presence of a large crowd; It has long been my weakness. Be
it as it may, that weakness never stopped me from entering a seminary; and thus
becoming a seminarian, of which are expected to be sociable. Being in the seminary
helped me a lot in conquering such weakness, it made me who I am right now (a tad bit
of shy but not that much anymore). I actually have gained a lot of hobbies in the
seminary: reading novels, playing many kind of sports (like football, basketball and table
tennis). Cut the story short, I was pretty much trained in many aspects of life whilst
studying in my Alma Mater.
After having graduated in the seminary, I decided not to continue my studies
becoming a priest. I instead looked for a job and thus becoming a Philosophy Educator
in one of the schools in Bohol. Subsequently, I decided to enroll in law school since it
has been a childhood dream. Prepping for law school was a bit of a challenge though, I
mean it took me a lot of time thinking, “Am I ready for this?”. With such anxiety, I’ve
been asking members of my family who are lawyers, on what things I should be doing
when entering law school. They gave me advices, and then I ended up in law school.
Currently, I am in my 2nd year of the said course (irregular). I took up this course,
not only because it is my childhood dream, but also because I find the said profession
interesting. Interesting in a sense that, it is a very intellectual and a demanding course
of which requires a lot of analysis and investigation. More so, I took the law course, in
order for me to know more regarding the legal activities in our country and thus to be a
part of it.
Passing the BAR is my ultimate goal in attending this school. I intend to pass it
doing everything I can. Once I pass the BAR, I foresee myself practicing the profession;
making myself a law office, defending clients, making legal documents, etc. Well pretty
much be satisfied with the achievement I have done. However, before day dreaming
about passing the BAR, I need to work on many things, especially my problem on facing
a huge crowd. I am in need to make my penmanship a good one, I am in need to work
on my study schedules, I am in need to hone my reading comprehension much better
than when I was a Philosophy student. I have to be fully prepared if I really expect
myself to be a part of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
Legal writing for me, as the name suggests, is the writing of legal related
documents, like, affidavits, contracts, etc. It is one the things a law student should learn
because it is a part of the law profession. It a part of the things a lawyer is expected to
know. More so, it would help a lawyer understand legal documents that are presented to
them, and thus not creating any misunderstandings. After taking this subject, I hope that
I could fully understand its essence and I expect myself to be able to write and
understand a legal document.

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