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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 10

Term 2
Unit 2 – Music and Media Technology

The students will understand that ...

 Music softwares eliminate some difficulties in composition and makes it possible to produce a
more accurate and  professional-looking music sheets
 There are still many innovations and original styles that can be introduced in music writing
 Things they have learned earlier serve as building blocks for more complex endeavors and projects 
 Every indiviudal student of HIBS can contribute to the development of the history of music using

Essential Questions
Students will keep considering ...

 Why is it important to explore new forms of technology that can be useful in music education?
 How can one maximize his/her knowledge about music software?
 In what ways can composers collaborate through technology?
 How can a student enhance his or her potentials in music writing?

The students will know...

 The ideal length of a song title  is from one to five words.


Students will be skilled at...

 Using MuseScore2 in creating their own music sheets and original composition
 Creating complex rhythms through available softwares
 Revising earlier versions of their composition to create a better sounding melody
 Applying the principles of composition they learned in the discussions
 Giving constructive comments regarding others' work

Performance Tasks
Other Evidence

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Music and Technology
Period 1

(I/W) Review of Activities for 2nd Student-Led Conference (10 minutes)

The students will be asked to recall things they have done in Music class after the first SLC. 
Then the teacher will present some pictures and activities in the class to help the class recall the activities
and lessons. 

(G) Group Seatwork (15 minutes)

Pairs will be asked first to read all the statements in the worksheet and try to understand them. They
may highlight or undersline important words, important words and phrases.
The pairs will be given the answer sheet and be given time to answer it as pairs.
The score will be a group-score.

(W) Discussion on Adding Depth to Composition (15 minutes)

The class will then learn the correct answer in the discussion to be given by the teacher. 
Explanation of concepts that can help add depth to their composition will be underscored.

Period 2

(I) Introduction to Media and Music Technology (20 minutes) 

Pictures will be flashed on the screen and the students will have to name them. The pictures are of things
connected to Music and Technology. 
Students will write the names of the musical equipments flashed on the screen. 
The teacher will then give the correct answers to the questions for the activity and will ask the students if
they know how those equipments/gadgets work.
Videos will be shown to show how these things are used or how they work. 

(W) Discussion on Media and Technology (20 minutes)

The teacher will then give a discussion on the role of technology in music through the decades.
Core Tactic – Group Reporting
This tactic gives the students an opportunity not only to explain things but to share with their classmates things
about their culture and their music. It also gives the reporting group the chance to show their classmates how to
properly pronounce musical terms. Finally, it gives the students the feel how it is to be the teacher even just for a
period that will hopefully improve all the more the way the behave during class time. 

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