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… An effort to seek peace

… An attempt to protect Humanity


With all the regards to the people of Jerusalem, people living in Palestine, Israel and

elsewhere in the world, we hereby present a solution, respecting the beliefs of Jews,

Christians and Muslims all over the world.

The solution presented here is basically divided into nine points:

1) Security of City.

2) International Border

3) Administration of the Holy Shrines

4) Basic Administration of the city

5) Basic Infrastructure of the city

6) Economic Reforms

7) Educational Reforms

8) An all Faith Jerusalem Flag and Peace Day

9) Sovereignty

As we know the holy city of Jerusalem is claimed by two countries (Palestine and Israel)

and is a holy place for the people of three religions (Muslims, Jews and Christians). It is a

disputed land, we can never say that the city lies in Palestine or in Israel, but as according

to the prevailing political scenario, there is majority Israeli occupation in the city. The

city is divided into two basic parts as we know western Jerusalem and eastern Jerusalem,

the western part being a thriving metropolis and the eastern being an old established land,

quite less developed. The western part is completely occupied by Israel and the eastern

part by Israel and partly by Palestine (According to 1949 armistice agreement line). As

according to our point of view the main problem faced by the city is ‘security threat’, ‘the

growing hatred between people of different religions’ and ‘the future of the people living

in that area being in dark’.

The suggested solution being presented by us basically deals with, the security of the city,

the social, economical and educational development of the city and safe access to the

religious places located in the city to the people all over the world.

In our suggested solution we have let the existing political situation prevail in the city, as

we know asking one country to withdraw and the other to advance would be practically

impossible and perhaps unjust too.

We have focused on ’the security measures’, which will provide a safe and peaceful life

to each and every inhabitant of the city and ‘the basic development of the city’ and ‘the

future of the people living there, providing them with education, giving them

employment and obviously the liberty to practice the religion they want freely’

We have suggested the involvement of “UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION” (and

not the United States of America) as vigilant body, in order to let the best of the justice be

done and in order to make the people feel that their interests are being taken the best care

of and no unjust at all is being done to them.

We have made sure that the people are stopped from doing the suicide bombing as they

are done justice with, we have provided the people a safe city to live in, we have

provided them with the best of the education, foreign investment (and thus employment),

a curriculum of faith in humanity (which promotes brotherly love and communal

harmony), a system of law and order, and freedom to practice their religion with

complete liberty.

Let’s have a look,

(We sincerely apologize if, intentionally or unintentionally, sentiments of any

community or any individuals are hurt with what we have written)


We owe our sincere thanks to Google Earth which enabled us to capture high resolution

aerial views of the city of Jerusalem. We also owe our sincere thanks to Google Search

Engine to help us in getting the required latest updates about the prevailing conditions of



1. Security of the City

We propose to have a security system for the city, which will be divided into three

constituent organizations, each headed by UNO. The three constituent organizations will


• The Security Cell

• The Global Police

• Special Task Force

The Security Cell:

Main purpose to establish a security cell is to maintain security at holy places like

shrines, mosques, churches, temples etc. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Dome of

the Rock and the Al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount are important among them. The

security personals will be specially trained to take immediate actions against militants

and suicide bombers. The organization will be divided into two sections. First section

will comprise 30% of the organization and will have UN appointed and sponsored,

trained personals. Second section will comprise remaining 70% of the organization. The

second section will be further divided according to the population of the city (e.g.

Muslims – 30% , Jews – 40% , Christians and Armenians – 40%).

The function of the organization will be under the scanner of UN. The security personals

will be posted in the same ratio at each post. This will also help in developing religious

tolerance, temper and hence harmony.

The Global Police:

The job of ‘The Global Police’ will be to maintain the civilian governance, law and order

in the city. This organization will also be divided into two sections. First section will

comprise 40% of the organization and will have UN appointed and sponsored, trained

policeman. Second section will comprise remaining 60% of the organization. The second

section will be further divided into 50% Israelis and 50% Palestinians. The whole

organization will also be divided into 85% men and 15% women officials.

A central jail will also be governed by the organization, which will be used for the

imprisonment of the criminals, convicts and defaulters of law.

The organization will also have a unit which will be trained for maintaining the traffic of

the city (i.e. traffic police).

Special Task Force:

Special Task Force will have the modern arms and equipments to handle situations like

militant attacks, natural calamities or disasters, emergency etc. The organization will be

divided into two sections. First section will comprise 50% of the organization and will

have UN appointed and sponsored, trained personals. Second section will comprise

remaining 50% of the organization. The second section will be further divided according

to the population of the city (e.g. Muslims – 30% , Jews – 40% , Christians and

Armenians – 40%).

Another job of this organization will be to regulate the inflow and outflow of the people

in the city. The Special Task Force will be deployed on the check posts established at

regular intervals of 2 km on the city periphery fencing. There will be 11 entrance gates, to

enter into the city by road. This organization will issue the ID Cards to the residents of

the city and also to the people entering into the city. The ID Card will have the bar codes

which will provide all the information of a particular person. The data will be retrieved

by the bar code reading machines from a central data center connected by a city intra-net.

The bar code reading machine will be kept at all the entrance gates of the city, police

stations and at the public places i.e. mosques, temples, churches etc. where the Security

Cell personals will check the status of the person and then allow the entry.

2. International Border

As we know there’s no international border between the two countries as such, the border

existing after the armistice agreement line of 1949 will be regarded as the line of control

between the two countries.

As we have seen, be it “India-Pakistan border near Kashmir or the Russian border near

Chechnya it has never been a practical possibility to create an international border and so

is the case in east Asia, realistically it will be impossible to make the two countries, Israel

and Palestine, agree on one border, thus we basically decided to let the border or rather

the line of control intact (as the armistice agreement line). Thus in short the situation will

be like “let Jerusalem belong to both the nations”

3. Administration of the Holy Shrines

Now comes the point of administration of the holy places, “holy places, for which the

ancient city of Jerusalem is known for”. The holy city of Jerusalem as we know is known

for its piousness and the diversity of the culture it has bred for tens of centuries. The city

is pious to Jews, Christians and Muslims living in the entire world. Thus holy places will

be administered by the people belonging to the same religion. The church of holy

sepulcher and Via Dolorosa will be administered by a committee belonging to the

Christians living in Jerusalem and headed by their religious leaders. Western Wall

(HaKotel HaMaaravi) will be administered by Jews living in Jerusalem and on similar

lines the mosques by Muslims, churches by Christians and Jewish temples by the Jews

and when it comes to “ Temple Mount (Al-Haram al-Sharif)” it will be governed by a

body comprising Jews, Christians and Muslims in equal proportions, from Israel and

Palestine and there will be a UNO’s body which will be there to “vigil” only to make sure

that the place is accessible to people belonging to all the religions across the globe. There

will be security check at each and every gate of each and every holy shrine of the city,

local people will be allowed only with valid I cards and foreign nationals will be allowed

after their passport check, thus no anti social element will be eligible to come inside at


The UNO’s vigilance body will also make sure that the funds coming into the shrines

from the entire world are not going into the wrong hands.

Thus every Christian or Jew will be able to freely visit masjid-e-aqsa and every Muslim

“church of nativity, Bethlehem”

4. Basic Administration of the City

• According to famous quote, “sharing of power will significantly reduce the

conflict in any country”, democracy is the best policy to share power, by each

class of society. Taking Indian system of panchyats (or rather the system of

metropolitan municipal corporation governing the cities), we proposed to have

following development to be taken in place:-

 “Jerusalem Metropolitan Corporation” shall be constituted based on the

lines of such similar organizations in other countries. It will set up as a full

fledged arm administered by UNO (United Nations Organization).

 After we issue identity cards in Jerusalem city, it will be divided into

wards of equal population. Assuming population of the city to get little

more than double from the present day population (as the calculated data

says, keeping in mind the rate at which the population is growing) the city

will be divided into 40 wards each having population of around 35000

(taking the population in 2050 as 1.4 million). Wards will be divided only

on the basis of the population, e.g. denser the population lesser the area

and likewise.

 Free and fair election will take place under the vigilance of the United

Nations Organization. Anyone with an age of more than 21 years will be

able to contest and everyone with the age of more than 21 years will be

allowed to vote (as the same eligibility criteria exists successfully in the

worlds largest democracy India). People securing the largest number of

votes will be declared winners and will be awarded a post in the municipal

corporation of the city (or JPC, The Jerusalem municipal corporation)

 Refugees living in the refugee camps will be provided Jerusalem

Metropolitan Corporation identity cards (provided they have been living in

the place for more than 5 years now and are considered as the citizens of

Jerusalem) and they will be allowed to vote but not to contest, but once

they complete 20 years of their existence in Jerusalem, they will be

allowed to contest too.

 Corporation will consists of 40 elected members and 10 nominees from

United Nations Organization. These nominated candidates will come 5

from Israel and 5 from active Palestinian organizations (including hamas

and al-fatah). And one person from these 50 candidates will be elected as

mayor, obviously the one supported by most of the others via a simple

open vote.]

 A local court will be set up, in which the mode of justice will strictly

adhere to the international law of justice. This court will comprise of 4

judges 2 appointed by the United Nations one belonging to each Palestine

and Jerusalem.

5. Basic Infrastructure of the City

For any development to be take place, for any establishment to remain for centuries, as

well as for the prosperity of any land in the current time, it is necessary to have basic

infrastructure at a place.

Keeping in mind the current status of Jerusalem & predicated growth up to year 2050 the

recommendations for infrastructure development are as follows:-

• As per the current statistics available Jerusalem is running short of power supply.

Making Jerusalem self-dependent in electricity by 2050, generating power from

wind can be taken up as a viable option. Geography of Jerusalem is well-suited

for installing such power plants. Mount scopus will be a suitable place. Accurate

analysis can pave way for the installation of wind-mill power generating stations.

• Jerusalem being situated near the equator receives good amount of direct solar

radiation. Hence solar power generation on small scale can be useful to meet the

needs of people for space heating and other heating purposes.

• Not only electricity, Jerusalem is falling short of water supply too. Based on the

average rainfall received per year by the Jerusalem city (49.75 mm per year), it is

suggested to equip city with rain water harvesting systems. Water harvesting will

help to recharge ground water and hence will make up for the shortage in water


• Waste water treatment policy adoption will be on the agenda. In order to keep

city clean and green and to manage the waste produced by the city, solid waste

management plant must also be established.

• Jerusalem lacks in a proper sewage system. Hence a modernized sewage system

must also be adopted for meeting the needs of an increasing population.

• Increase in traffic by 2050 will create lot of problem. To over come this problem

city bus will be a viable option. Ring road can also be constructed on the

circumference of the city to avoid overflow of traffic in the main city.

• Being prone to suicide bombing & raids by Israeli armies, ramping up the basic

medical facilities must be given highest priority.

Current medical facilities do not match even the standards of a developing

country. Hence a number of primary medical clinics or health centers must be

established to provide timely relief to the suffering people.

6. Economic Reforms

As the history has always witnessed no country in the modern world has ever developed

without a big powerful economic reform. Economic stability is more than necessary to

keep marching with the time and other nations of the world. For rapid pace of

development of the city following economic reforms are proposed:-

• Jordanian dinnar is more frequently used in the eastern side as compared to the

western side where foreign currency is banned. For effective regulation and ease

of the people, both Jordanian dinnar and Israeli Dollar will be permitted within

the boundary of Jerusalem. Any other foreign exchange will be banned.

• An effective monitoring set up will be established under the banner of UNO

(United Nations Organization) for the funds coming from all over the globe in the

form of Aid, Relief etc for the benefit of the habitants of Jerusalem. Its main aim

will be to stop from funds going in wrong hands, and to make sure that every

investment is done for the benefit of the local population only.

• All the revenue being generated from the tourist spots, will be monitored by the

united nations vigilance body and proper documentation will be done, which

finally will go in the hands of the JMC (Jerusalem metropolitan corporation)

which will decide how and when the money is to be used.

• a local bank will be set up in the city by the “world bank” and it will give loans to

the citizens, whoever wants to start their own business, but only after making sure

whether it is meant for the same or not. And it will also let the people open their

saving bank accounts in the same.

• Further more high investment is needed in Education sector, for the improvement

of Medical facilities and developing Basic Infrastructure. An investor friendly

policy will be made containing both social and business aspects.

7. Educational Reforms

According to famous quote “Capability of judging of what is wrong and what is right can

stop thousand misunderstandings”. Education can put a seal on the cold blooded hearts of

people and can pave the way to develop religious and communal tolerance, temper and

hence harmony among people.

To bring back the glorifying days of Jerusalem, we proposed to have following

educational reforms.

• First step towards providing basic education will be kicking off with an

improvement of basic infrastructure. It includes establishing schools with well

furnished buildings, adequate library facilities, laboratories and well trained

faculty and staff.

• Primary education for children will be provided free of cost which will be

administered by UNICEF.

• Second step is to modify existing curriculum. It will reduce the educational gap

between western side & eastern side. Curriculum will be prepared by a

committee formed by UNO( United Nations Organization) comprising of people

from the following backgrounds:-






Newly designed curriculum will be focused on empowering knowledge about the

cultural richness, spreading brotherhood, catering the needs of a modern society.

• Third step includes education for adults and working people. Such programs can

be extended to old inhabitants at a later stage. These “Adult Education Centers”

can be established on a similar pattern or in accordance with the guidelines of

“Prone Shiksha Kendra” in India. As timings and places of such centre will be

decided keeping in mind the convenience of pupil, it is going to be a path-breaker

in this field.

• Next step will be the opening of ITI (Industrial Training Institute) for the youths

to train them as per the requirements of modern industries. Adequate man power

with in depth knowledge and hand’s on experience are mandatory to cope up with

the comforts of technological advancement and industrial training institutes will

play key role in such situations.

• Fifth and major step includes setting up a University for imparting quality higher

education to the youth of the city. The higher education will be provided on

subsidized fee structure for below poverty line people.

• Other methodology of education reforms includes spreading awareness among

people of ‘Adult Education Centers, Industrial Training Institutes’ through the

local media like radio, national television channel and NGO’s (Non Government


8. An All Faith Jerusalem Flag and Peace Day

The day we implement our plan will be termed as the “peace day” in Jerusalem as on that

day entire Jerusalem will pledge to promote communal harmony, brotherhood and peace.

People belonging to all the religions will come out and celebrate the victory of people of

Jerusalem. A flag will be given to the people of Jerusalem hoisting which will always

remind them of the agreement of mutual respect and love they have signed with each

other. The flag will comprise signs from the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity,

depicting the unity of the three religions and showing a sense of respect to the people

living in the city. Thus whenever the flag will be hoisted it will remind the people of

Jerusalem that the city belongs to them, the city doesn’t belong to Jews or Muslims or

Christians but actually to the people of Jerusalem. Every year on the peace day

celebrations there will be cultural exchanges in terms of various functions done by school

going children and people working in government offices and army and police and

several other organizations of the city. This peace day will certainly act as a binding force

between the three communities and will clear many of the misconceptions present in

people’s heart regarding people of other religion, and will certainly provide everyone

with a platform to add to the cause doing his bit.

The feel good flag will be somewhat of the kind as shown:

Thus we can say the question of sovereignty more or less becomes meaningless, and as

far as the question of Jerusalem is concerned, it belongs completely to the people living


9. Sovereignty

Jerusalem has been the epicenter of the three major religions of the world i.e. Judaism,

Christianity and Islam. As we know, it started long ago in B. C, the Jews alone used to

live in Jerusalem (during and after then time of prophet musa), then came the Christians

and then the Muslims, we all know how holy is the place to the people of all these three

religions. None can deny the fact that “Jesus Christ was crucified in the same place” and

no one can say that prophet Mohammad didn’t make the holiest Muslim shrine of the era

in Jerusalem. Thus terming the land to be more of one community and less of the others

would be completely wrong. This land certainly and undoubtedly belongs to Muslims as

well as Christians as well as Jews, thus here the question of sovereignty doesn’t arise at

all. None can question to which the land belongs to. None of the three can claim a larger

right on the place, larger than the other too.

Moreover in such an era where a mere click of the internet explorer takes you from one

end of the globe to the other, one single call from a mobile phone let a person sitting in

northern America talk to a person in say, somewhere in Africa, this entire world is fast

become a global village or rather we should say the entire world community now seems

to be finally fusing into one single family.


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