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History of Indonesia

CHAPTER 15 : JAVA WAR 1825 – 1830

1. Who become Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies in 1819? N 2001

A. De Kock C. Van den Bosch
B. Du Bus de Gisignies D. Van der Capellan

2. Who was the Dutch commander-in-chief during the Java War, 1825-30? J 2002
A. Dekker C. Van den Bosch
B. De Kock D. Van der Capellan

3. Who led the revolt against the Dutch in the Java War (1825-30)? N 2002
A. Dipo Negoro C. Raden Kartini
B. Mohammad Hatta D. Sukarno

4. What was the cause of the Java War in 1825? N 2003

A. Indonesians had to work 200 days a year for the government
B. the Dutch king died
C. the Dutch were defeated in war by the Belgians
D. Van der Capellan ended land-leasing

5. What action by the Dutch was a cause of the Java War? N 2007
A. They built a road across Dipo Negoro’s land.
B. They encouraged Europeans to lease land from local chiefs.
C. They ended the policy of using Chinese tax farmers.
D. They executed Dipo Negoro.

6. Why did Van der Capellan forbid Indonesian landowners to lease land to European
(1823) ?J 2008
A. He believed the Europeans were treating the peasants on the land badly.
B. He did not think the Europeans should have to pay for the land.
C. He thought keeping the land in Indonesian hands would increase the production
of crops.
D. He wanted all the land to be used for coffee growing.

7. Which one of the following was NOT a cause of the Java War of 1825?
A. Cancellation of the land lease by Van der Capellan
B. Sepuh being chosen as the Sultan
C. High tools on native goods crossing boundaries on government property
D. Mangku Bumi and Sentot deserting Dipo Negoro

8. Which one of the following did NOT cause Dipo Negoro’s resentment towards the Dutch?
A. The Dutch build a road across Dipo Negoro’s land.
B. The Dutch rejected his rightful to the throne.
C. The Dutch rejected his rightful claim as “ Prince of Liberator”.
D. The cancellation of the land lease .

9. Which Dutch Governor General ended land-leasing in Java in 1823? J 2004

A. Baud C. du Bus de Gisignies
B. Dipo Negoro D. Van der Capellan

10. Who led the Dutch forces in the Java War? N 2004
A. De Kock C. Van den Bosch
B. Du Bus de Gisgnies D. Van der Capellan

11. Who led the rebellion against the Dutch in the Java War? N 2004
A. Dipo Negoro C. Prince of Madura
B. Mangku Bumi D. Sentot


History of Indonesia

12. What caused Dipo Negoro go to war with the Dutch?

A. He was recognized as being a sort of liberator
B. The Dutch recognized him as the religious head of Java
C. He was a prince who got a lot of influence
D. The Dutch build a road through his land which contained a scared tomb

13. Who led the Dutch Army against Dipo Negoro’a rebellion? J 2005
A. de Kock C. Van den Bosch
B. Du Bus de Gisignies D. Van Hoevell

14. When did the Java War begin? N 2005

A. 1825 C. 1845
B. 1835 D. 1855

15. Who led the opposition to the Dutch in the Java War? J 2006
A. Amangku Buwono IV C. Sentot
B. Dipo Negoro D. Sepuh

16. What was the immediate cause of the Java War of 1825?
A. the cancellation of the land-lease contracts by Capellan
B. the construction of a road across Dipo Negoro’s land by the Dutch
C. the establishment of Dutch schools in Java
D. the cancellation of high tolls in Java

17. Why were the Dutch able to win the Java War?
A. The Dutch imposed high taxes.
B. King William signed the Kew Letters.
C. The prince of Madura and the ruler of Surakarta helped the Dutch to fight the rebels.
D. Dipo Negoro was a weak ruler.

18. Where was Dipo Negoro exiled?

A. Menado C. Boni
B. Palembang D. Surakarta

19. Which was one of the effects of the Java War on the Dutch?
A. Loss of territories C. Financial difficulties
B. Many deaths D. Starvation

20. Approximately how many Javanese died in the Java War? J 2007
A. 2,000 C. 200,000
B. 20,000 D. 2,000,000

21. When did the Java War end? J 2008

A. 1830 C. 1850
B. 1840 D. 1860



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