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Name: Kellen Gerrard

Subject/Grade: English Language Arts/Grade 1

Indigenous Lesson Design and Delivery

READ ALOUD Lesson Plan Template

Outcome(s) of Lesson (Outcome number and description verbatim from POS) :

1. (2.2a) Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural
traditions and genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons
How will I know students have achieved the learning outcome(s)? Be specific.

Students can show they understand the perspective in this book by discussing the book and interpreting and reflecting on the perspective of
the main character

Hook: Introduce book and author to students, discuss David Bouchard’s background. Introduce this idea that everybody has a gift to share
with people and ask students to consider what their gift might be while they listen to the story.

Learning Opportunities:

Time Learning Opportunity

1. Introduce book and author:

- About the author: introduce David Bouchard to students and share some facts
about him and his book
- Introduce book “Nokum is my Teacher” and some background behind what the
book is about; explain meaning of “Nokum”, which translates to “Grandma”
- Share some facts about David Bouchard: his Metis background, he is Canadian, born
and raised in Saskatchewan his view that everyone has a gift to share

Materials Needed
2. Read “Nokum is my Teacher” “Nokum is my Teacher” by David

3. Reflection questions:

- Discuss some reflection questions about the book, such as:

- What did you think of this story?
- What do you think the boy’s Nokum was trying to teach him?
- How do you think the boy could use the reading and writing he is learning at his
school to share his culture with others?
- What parts of the boy’s culture did you see in the illustrations? What parts of your
culture did you see in the illustrations?
- Consider the difference in language: “We learned a Cree word: Nokum, which
means ‘Grandma’. What are some names you have for your own grandparents?
How are these names special to you?”
- Think back to David’s idea that everyone has their own gift to give. What do you
believe your personal gift is?
- How do you think you could use this gift to recognize the differences between
people and their cultures?

Transition: (what will students do when they are finished?, how will we move to the next learning opportunity?)

How do I differentiate for ALL learners? Accommodations (ISP’s)


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Name: Kellen Gerrard
Subject/Grade: English Language Arts/Grade 1

Achieving: As per above lesson



Discuss reflection questions with students and ask them to share their thoughts with the class.

*If I were actually teaching this, I might ask the students to write a short personal reflection, or have them do an activity where they explore an
aspect of Indigenous Culture that saw in this book that they would like to learn more about. *

Lesson Plan Analysis: Using your lesson above, describe the following: (This information MUST be in your lef Iarning opportunities)

Cooperative Learning
Strategies used

Movement Breaks

Learning Activity

Higher Order

Reflection and Revisions:

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