Part 5 Grade 6 Edumate Pitch

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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 6

Lesson 1 – Pitch

Period 1 - Bilingual/International 

(I) - Aural Activity (15 minutes)

The students will be provided with a paper at the beginning of the class with the following table:

Organized  Sound(OS) or
What is its source?
Sound Number
Unorganized Sound (US)
The class will listen to five (5) different audio files and after each audio file they fill out the boxes for for that
audio, determining whether for them, it is i pleasant or unpleasant, and identifying the possible source of the said

After all the fields have been filled out, the teacher will ask the studens to check with him,   if their answers are

(W/I) - A Discussion on Sound and Pitch (15 minutes)

The teacher will then discuss that the organized sound is what we usually call as music. 

The students will then be presented with the following diagram:

Then the teacher will discuss the musical term Pitch (Duration was already taken up in Unit I under Rhythm). 

The students will learn that pitch is usually applied in music when referring to the musical instruments and to the
human voice
(W) Musical Instruments with High and Low Pitch (15 minutes) 

The class will then watch video clips of orchestral instrument showing different instruments that produce high
and low pitch. 

Brass Section

1. Tuba and Trumpet 

Woodwind Section

2. Piccolo and Bass Flute

String Section 

3. Violin and Double Bass


4. Soprano and Bass

Period 2 - International 

(I) Opening Activity: Vocalization (15 minutes)

The class starts with some vocalization exercises. 

The teacher will demonstrate how to sing each pattern and then will ask the students to repeat after him, and
proceed with the exercise ascending or descending direction. 

He will then check how students are doing it to take care of their vocal chord. 

Then the teacher will ask the students how  they feel about the activity? 

The students will then see a video on famous singers vocalization routines. 

The students will then share what they think is the importance of vocalization.

(I) Voice Classification (20 minutes)

The teacher will then discuss a bit about classification of voices and their specific ranges.

Then the teacher will play videos of famous singers and ask the students to guess the specific range of each of
the singers. 

The teacher will call the students one by one and ask them to sing the  solfege  from the middle C  up to the
highest note that they can reach, repeating the  solfege  sequence (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do-re-mi-fa...). And then
the students will have to sing in descending pattern from higher do octave to the lowest note that they can reach
with correct pitch (do-ti-la-sol-fa-mi-re-do). 

(I) Posting of Voice Classification [Dream vs. Reality] (5 minutes)

The students will then be given paper with staves and will be asked to draw specific notes that they would wish
to reach or sing. 

The teacher will then ask the students to post their dream range on the board. 

And then the teacher will post the result of their voice classification earlier. 

The teacher ends the class reminding the students that knowing one's vocal range will give them an idea what
songs you can sing and until what key signature they can reach.
Core Tactic – Vocalization
This enjoyable technique engages at once the  student into singing. They may start unwilling and making
different, or shall I say weird, sounds but that is one way of being able to explore their vocal abilities. As the
activity continues, the teacher will challenge the students to make the correct sound, and will give  them
techniques as how to create the desired pitch. This techniqe also prepares the students for the other singing
activities during the class, and makes the necessary strecthing to avoid damage to the students' vocal folds. 

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