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#8 Reverb


Yippee for free instruments and gear
 They give INSTRUMENTS AND GEAR (this could mean
things for marching band…things to hold the drums and
whatever other things marching band needs)
 Go to their site and look under WHO WE SUPPORT and
apply for a grant.
 The principal needs to fill out and sign off on the money
part. They will be happy to do that if it means the kids
getting instruments!
 It looks like an easier process than some of the others
 If selected, music program gets REVERB BUCKS and a team
of customer support experts
 They help you walk through a process of purchasing
instruments and hear from 30,000 different stores
 On all of these you need to make
sure they know you are doing two
age groups TWO schools…this way
you may get more for each program.
#9 Mr. Hollands Opus Foundation
(may I suggest you watch the movie)
You meet all the criteria
 Low income
 Little to no budget
 Serve the highest % of school population with music ed (which you do)
 65% of students must be on free lunch
 You need to apply for two…Middle and High School
OK the LAST for now, drum roll please ….

#10 NEA National Endowment for the Arts

It is too late for this year
This is one I think you can but on the burner and let it simmer. It’s too early -

I think the only way you are going to get anything from NEA will be for anything
you do with Navajo music….
They are looking for fairly large project based endeavors so:
Look under Project Types and that will help you see what kinds of things they are looking for
Here are some things I saw

 Develop and perform new musical compositions (?)

 Festivals (?)
 Master class (with who?)
 Workshops (again with who?)
 Domestic touring (on the road again)
 Residencies…workshop with artist (this could mean that perhaps you could get a
native American Indian to come in and work with the kids but at the end there has to
be something to show…a performance.

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