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Chapter 1. Definitions of and Relations between Quantities used in Radiation Theory

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Radiant Flux or Radiant Power
1.3 Variation with Frequency or Wavelength
1.4 Radiant Intensity
1.5 "Per Unit"
1.6 Relation between Flux and Intensity
1.7 Absolute Magnitude
1.8 Normal Flux Density
1.9 Apparent Magnitude
1.10 Irradiance
1.11 Exitance
1.12 Radiance
1.13 Lambertian Surface
1.14 Relations between Flux, Intensity, Exitance, Irradiance
1.15 A = πB
1.16 Radiation Density
1.17 Radiation Density and Irradiance
1.18 Radiation Pressure

Chapter 2 Blackbody Radiation

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Absorptance, and the Definition of a Black Body
2.3 Radiation within a Cavity Enclosure
2.4 Kirchhoff's Law
2.5 An Aperture as a Black Body
2.6 Planck's Equation
2.7 Wien's Law
2.8 Stefan's Law
2.9 A Thermodynamical Argument
2.10 Dimensionless Forms of Planck's Equation
2.11 Derivation of Wien's and Stefan's Laws

Chapter 3. The Exponential Integral Function

Chapter 4. Flux, Specific Intensity and other Astrophysical Terms

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Luminosity
4.3 Specific Intensity
4.4 Flux
4.5 Mean Specific Intensity
4.6 Radiation Pressure
4.7 Other Integrals
4.8 Emission Coefficient

Chapter 5. Absorption, Scattering, Extinction and the Equation of Transfer

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Absorption
5.3 Scattering, Extinction and Opacity
5.4 Optical Depth
5.5 The Equation of Transfer
5.6 The Source Function
5.7 A Series of Problems
5.8 Source Function in Scattering and Absorbing Atmospheres
5.9 More on the Equation of Transfer

Chapter 6. Limb Darkening

6.1 Introduction. The Empirical Limb-darkening

6.2 Simple Models of the Atmosphere to Explain Limb Darkening

Chapter 7. Atomic Spectroscopy

7.1 Introduction
7.2 A Very Brief History of Spectroscopy
7.3 The Hydrogen Spectrum
7.4 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
7.5 One-dimensional Waves in a Stretched String
7.6 Vibrations of a Uniform Sphere
7.7 The Wave Nature of the Electron
7.8 Schrödinger's Equation
7.9 Solution of Schrödinger's Time-independent equation for the Hydrogen Atom
7.10 Operators, Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues
7.11 Spin
7.12 Electron Configurations
7.13 LS-coupling
7.14 States, Levels, Terms, Polyads, etc.
7.15 Components, Lines, Mulitplets, etc.
7.16 Return to the Hydrogen Atom
7.17 How to Recognize LS-coupling
7.18 Hyperfine Structure
7.19 Isotope Effects
7.20 Orbiting and Spinning Charges
7.21 Zeeman Effect
7.22 Paschen-Back Effect
7.23 Zeeman Effect with Nuclear Spin
7.24 Selection Rules
7.25 Some Forbidden Lines Worth Knowing
7.26 Stark Effect

Chapter 8. Boltzmann's and Saha's Equations

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Stirling's Approximation. Lagrangian Multipliers.
8.3 Some Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
8.4 Boltzmann's Equation
8.5 Some Comments on Partition Functions
8.6 Saha's Equation
8.7 The Negative Hydrogen Ion
8.8 Autoionization and Dielectronic Recombination
8.9 Molecular Equilibrium
8.10 Thermodynamic Equilibrium

Chapter 9. Oscillator Strengths and Related Topics

9.1 Introduction. Radiance and Equivalent Width

9.2 Oscillator Strength
9.3 Einstein A Coefficient
9.4 Einstein B Coefficient
9.5 Line Strength
9.6 LS-Coupling
9.7 Atomic Hydrogen
9.8 Zeeman Components
9.9 Summary of Relations Between f, A and S.
Chapter 10. Line Profiles

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Natural Broadening (Radiation Damping)
10.3 Thermal Broadening
10.4 Microturbulence
10.5 Combination of Profiles
10.6 Pressure Broadening
10.7 Rotational Broadening
10.8 Instrumental Broadening
10.9 Other Line-broadening Mechanisms
Appendix A Convolution of Gaussian and Lorentzian Functions
Appendix B Radiation Damping as Functions of Angular Frequency, Frequency and
Appendix C Optical Thinness, Homogeneity and Thermodynamic Equilibrium

Chapter 11. Curve of Growth

11.1 Introduction
11.2 A Review of Some Terms
11.3 Theory of the Curve of Growth
11.4 Curve of Growth for Gaussian Profiles
11.5 Curve of Growth for Lorentzian Profiles
11.6 Curve of Growth for Voigt Profiles
11.7 Observational Curve of Growth
11.8 Interpreting an Optically Thick Profile
Appendix A Evaluation of the Voigt Curve of Growth Integral

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