Fracture 01

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Introduction to Fracture Mechanics

Ashraf -F. Bastawros

Aerospace and Engineering Mechanics
Iowa State University, X4-3039
Howe Hall Rm. 2347

Spring 2005
Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Utilization of Fracture Concepts

• Pharos utilized fracture in cutting huge lime stone.

Carve a starter wedge
Fill it with wood, and add water
• Everyday practice:
- Cutting glass sheets
- Cracks around drainage holes
- Cracks around window frames

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Design Concepts

• Applied stresses < Tensile strength

• Applied stresses < Endurance limit (S-N curve)
¾ 20th Century Disasters
Titanic (1912)
*Chemistry: low residual nitrogen and manganese content,
and higher levels of sulfur, phosphorus, and oxygen
*Microstructure: very large grains
*Service temperature: —2°C on the night the ship collided with the iceberg
The ductile-brittle transition temperature (using 20 lbs.-ft. for the test)
was found to be 20°C in one direction and 30°C in the other
*Processing: Rivet holes were cold-punched

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Design Concepts

Believing that the Titanic was invincible, many passengers were

willing to board lifeboats only after the bow began to sink below
the water's surface.
Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Design Concepts

• Applied stresses < Tensile strength

• Applied stresses < Endurance limit (S-N curve)
¾ 20th Century Disasters
- Titanic (1912) Large grains, Sulfur contents, high GTT
- Boston Molasses Tank (1912)
- Liberty ships (1940’s) temperatures
- Aloha Airline (1988) corrosive environment
- United—Sioux city crash (1989) hard phase inclusion
Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Fatigue Failure

Aloha Airlines, 4/28/1988. The aircraft lost 1/3 of its roof

due to a stress fracture while cruising at 24,000 feet.


Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Inception of fracture mechanics

• Griffith energy criterion (1920)

Change of strain energy, G = Gain in surface energy
G = Gc at the moment of fracture
Gc Critical energy release rate
Measure of material fracture toughness
• Irwin (1956) πσ 2a πσ 2f ac
G= Gc =
σ f ∝1 a , Gc = constant

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Design Concepts for Fracture

1. Applied stresses (service)

2. Minimum flaw size (material microstructure)
3. Material fracture toughness σ 2 > σ1
4. Crack growth rate, σ
FG da IJ FG da IJ
H dN K H dN K
Crack length, a

a1 ,σ 2 a1 ,σ 1

= f (loading) a

σ Cycle N
Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros


• Proceeds in two stages

– crack formation and crack growth
• Ductile fracture
– extensive plastic deformation
– slow crack growth - called “stable”
• Brittle fracture
– almost no plastic deformation
– very rapid crack growth - called “unstable”

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Classify Materials from Toughness Mechanisms

Brittle Semi-Brittle Ductile

Ceramics BCC-HCP Metals
Inter metallic LiF, MgO Polymers

Brittle Rock Salt


Focus on microstructure point of view

Sub µm µm Macro
Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

Basics for fracture

1. Size effects (plastic zone, annular J or K dominance relative to

microstructure size scale).

2. Microscopic deformation mechanisms

control fracture toughness

3. Microstructure surprises.

4. Environmental surprises (chemical or thermal)

Iowa State University Fracture Mechanics, Spring 2006 Ashraf Bastawros

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