The Dynamics of Motivation

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The dynamics of motivation

Dynamics means force motivation is highly dynamic construct and is constantly changing in reaction to
life experience. Needs and goals change and grow in response to an individual physical condition,
environment, interactions with others and experience. As individuals attain their goals, they develop
new ones. If they do not attend the goals, they continue to strive for old goals order develop substitute
goals. Some of the reason why we need driven human activity never c e a s e s include the following:

1. Needs are never fully satisfied

Most human needs are never fully or permanently satisfied. For example at fairly regular intervals
throughout each day individual experience hunga needs that must be satisfied.

2. New nets emerge as old needs are satisfied

For example a man who is basic psychological needs example food, housing, etc. Are fairly well satisfied
may turn his efforts to achieving acceptance among his neighbours by joining their political clubs and
supporting their candidates. Once he is confident that he has achieved acceptance, hidden mein seek
recognition by giving lavish parties building a larger house.

Marketers must be attuned to changing needs.

3. Success and failure influence goals

A number of researchers have explored the nature of the goals that individual set for themselves.
Broadly speaking, they have concluded that individuals who successfully achieve their goals usually set
new and higher goals for themselves; that is, there is the level of aspiration. This may be due to the fact
that their success in reaching lower goals makes them more confident of the ability to reach higher

On the other hand those who do not reach their goal sometimes Lower their level of aspiration. So we
can say that goal selection is often a function of success and failure. For example, a college senior who is
not accepted into medical school mein try instead to become a dentist or a podiatrist. So yeah we can
see how a person has changed his decision based on his success and failure of goal.

 Substitute goal

When individual cannot attain a specific goal or type of coal that he or she anticipates will satisfy certain
needs, behavior may be directed to a substitute goal. For example a woman who has stopped drinking
milk because she is dieting may actually began to prefer skim milk.

A man who cannot afford a BMW make convince himself that a new sporty Chrysler Sabring hasn’t
image he clearly prefers.

 Frustrations

Failure to achieve a goal often results in feeling of frustration. At one time or another, everyone has
experience the frustration that comes from the inability to attain a goal.
 Defence mechanism

People who cannot cope with frustration of and mentally redefine the frustrating situation in order to
protect their self images and self esteem. For example, a young woman may yearn for a European
vacation trip to Disneyland auto National park. The person who cannot cope react with anger towards
her boss for not paying her enough money to afford the vacation she prefers, aur may persuade hot self
that Europe is unseasonably warm this year. These last two possibilities are examples of agression and
rationalization, defence mechanism that people sometimes adopt to protect the egos from feelings of
failure when they do not attend the goals.

Arousal of motives

The arousal theory of motivation suggests that people are driven to perform actions in order to maintain
an optimum level of physiological arousal.

1. Psychological arousal

Bodily needs at anyone specific moment in time are based on individuals or psychological condition at
that moment. A drop in blood sugar level on stomach contractions will trigger awareness of a hunger
need. Secretion of sex hormone will awaken the sex need. A decrease in body temperature will induce
shivering, which makes the individual aware of the need for warmth. Most of the psychological cues are
voluntary; However, they arouse related needs that cause uncomfortable tension until they are
satisfied. For example, a person who is cold me turn up the heat in his bedroom and also make a mental
note to buy a warm cardigan sweater to wear around the house.

2. Emotional arousal

Sometimes daydreaming results in arousal or stimulation of latent needs. People were bored or were
frustrated in trying to achieve their goals often engage in daydreaming, in which they imagine them self
in all sorts of desirable situations. These thoughts tend to arouse dormant needs, which map reduce
uncomfortable tensions that drive them into goal oriented behaviour. A young woman who daydreams
of a torrid romance may spend her free time in internet single chat rooms: a young man who dreams of
being famous novelist may enrole in a writing workshop

3. Cognitive arousal

Sometimes random thoughts can lead to a cognitive awareness of needs. an advertisement that
provides reminders of home might trigger instant yearning to speak with one’s parents. This is the basis
for many long distance Telephone Company campaigns that stress the low cost of international long
distance rates.

4. Environmental ( or situational) arousal

The set of needs an individual experiences at a particular time are often activated by specific cues in the
environment. Without these cues the needs might remain dormant.
For example, the six o’clock news, the site or smell of bakery goods, fast food commercials on
televisions, the end of school day- all of these may arouse the “need” for food. In such cases,
modification of the environment may be necessary to reduce the arousal of hunger.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is self explanatory

A trio of needs


The power need relates to an individuals desire to control his or her environment. It includes the need
to control other persons and various objects. This need appears to be closely related to the ego need, in
that many individuals experience increased self-esteem when the exercise power over objects or


The affiliation need suggested behaviour is strongly influenced by the desire for friendship, for
acceptance, for belonging. People with high affiliation needs tend to be socially dependent on others.
They often select goods they feel will meet with the approval of friends.


The achievement need is closely related to both egoistic need and the self actualization need. People
with high need for achievement tend to be more self confident, enjoyed taking calculated risk, actively
disses the environments, and value feedback.

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