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iln*grm rHE#{ffi*mtmr"mt*
& SgFlmfumusi

Module2: Unirs3 & 4 (pp. 20-31)

ln this modulepupilswill ...

read, learn and talk about ...

r familymembers
. birthdaypresents
r food
r Cecil Mouse'sbirthday
r CecilMouse'spicnic

llsten to ...
. a song about familymembers
. a song practisingfood items

earn how to ...
r introducefamilymembers
r wish 'HappyBirthday'andgivegifts
. talk about food preferences
I distinguishbetweenand pronouncethe sounds /k/
and ltll

o Thisis
r I likeidon'tlike

,r, Thisis my mummy,Julia.
r And I love my mummyso!
o HappyBirthday!This is for you! A CD! Thankyou!
o How old are you today? I'm eight yearsold!

Pupilswill ...
r makea flowerfor their mothers

llilelcometo Britain!
Rrpils will ...
r readand talk about Mother'sDay and Father'sDay
in the UK
e readand talk aboutfish and chips,Britain'sfavourite

FroiectTime! (About Me!)

Fupilswill ...
. stick or draw picturesof gifts they want to give to
theirfamilyand write about them
o write about their favouritefood and stick dr draw a
pictureof it

Progromme (Contents
& Syllobus)

IPS CHRISTIIiAS!(pp. 4849)

h thls unit puplls wlll ...

o lbten to a Ghdsfrnassong
o makean angelfor their Ghrisfrnastree
o exchaqgeChrisfrnasgreetings

(pp. 50-5I)

h t|rb unit pupilswlll ...

o Isilento an Eastersong
o Cay an Eastergame
o nrakean Easterbunny

BlltY GOATSGRUFH(pp. 5242l.

Prpllu wlll ...

o Hr and readatradilional Englirfi story

STOP(pp. 6368)

h?lls will ...

o rwbe the key vocabularyof 6acfi unit thrwgh the

usc d slidcers

r lnilr A.fiyity Book is in full colour and aims to Activity Book. Pupils are also given a copy of the
=nsordate the languagethat appearsin the Pupil's same cassette/CDto be able to listen to these
3ccr hrough variousexerciseswhich are designed recordingsas many times as they want in order to
c -decl the pupil's sense of achievement and improvetheir pronunciationand intonation.
rntoence. At the end of each module,the pupilsand
The videocassette enables pupils to watch the
fe :#pr have the chance to recycle and further
characterscome to life and havefun while learning.
;crscrriicratethe new language by playing a Board
3d€ Lef's play!). There is also a Nurserysongs The Puppet is provided to add to the children's
rel=on" which includes some traditional songs enjoyment of the coursebook and to help lower
=r-sc*dating the themes of the units. The teacher inhibitions.Childrenfeel less threatenedresponding
:ffir ao these songs upon completion of the to a puppet and are more willing to participatein
reonding units or at any time that he/shethinks activities.The puppet can be used in a variety of
e mopriate. In the ActivityBook the pupils can find ways:
t€ ra-rd puppets of the Three Billy Goats Gruff . To present new vocabulary (e.9. holding up
r.sEters. They can use them to act out the story.
pointingto words, etc).
nn Activity Book can be used either in class or for r To demonstrateactionsfor TPRsongs and chants.
itrre'rork upon completion of each corresponding o To conductshort exchanges.
ffi r Fre Pupil'sBook.
. ttG Tcacfieds Book gives step-by-steplessonplans,
rsrlcrcefilent and extension activities,together with
Key Feoturesof o Unit
tE z safersto the exercisesfor both the Pupil'sBook
Each unit consistsof six pages. Each page is a suggested
ra l-e Activity Book. lt also contains extra ideas on
lesson,but the divisionis totally at the teacher'sdiscretion
rH rs presentnew words and languagepatterns,as
and dependson the pupils'individualneeds.
rd = the tapescriptsof the listeningactivities.At the
Tgrrilng of the Teacher'sbook, the teachercan find
+ogramme, an analyticalchart of the targets and VocabularSr
;D€fin es of the modules.
New vocabularyis always presentedthrough flashcards,
-- Tcacfpr's Book also provides notes on how to postersor realiabeforethe pupils open their books. This
ffie story lhe Three Billy Goats Gruff, as well as helpsthem understandthe new languagefasterand more
c ngEstons for those teacherswho wish to put on an efiiciently.
Ere-t'1/ea/ performance.
Presentation with books closed.
r fie Teacher'sBook, the teacherwill alsofind some
eis-= ctrotocopiable material.This includes: o Pin up the relevantposter/flashcards.
i >car€ word cards: They are to be used while o Pointto each pictureand modelthe word/phrase.
resenting/consolidatingthe Englishalphabet. o The pupilsrepeatafteryou.
itt lffiule lests, one per module. o Pointto the flashcards/itemson the posterin random
I *uttrcopiable material; These are templates for order and elicitthe new vocabularyfrom the pupils.
tra Craftwork,where necessary,as well as the
codes of Cecil Mouse.The Teacher's Book Presentation with books open.
lrcnnijes detailed explanations as to where and . Playthe cassette/CD.
rnen to use them. o Pupilsrepeat,chorallyand individually.
u, Phofocopiable instruments for evaluation.' For
urnative evaluation and summative evaluation.
( Rattern Fractice
Tb Pbture Flashcards illustrate new vocabulary
ers. thussupportingthe spokenwords.Throughthe Thenewvocabularyis alwayspractisedin contextthrough
r=Ftnuous use of flashcards, the teacher does not meaningfultasks
suchas drawing,guessing, countingetc.
rclr.eto resort to translationor lengthy explanations.
-1-< a greatdeal of time is savedand the pupils learn PatternPracticewith books closed.
tuody. effeclivelyand pleasantly. o Presentthe new languageorally.Pupilsrepeatafter
--,tashcards can be used for presentation,revision, you.
*n:irbonalpracticeand memory games. o Writeit on the board.
o Providepromptsandelicittherelevant
-r two double-sidedposters include the key
euhry of each modulethematically.They can be . Erasetheexamplefromthe board. to presentor consolidatethe new language. . Pointto the promptsin randomorderand elicitlhe
TtE Cassette or CD includes all the recordings for correctanswers fromthepupils.
tc hsteningactivitiesin the Pupil's Book and the

vl l
listento dialoguesand shorttexts in orderto perform
a task.
ii) skim and scan texts and dialogues to locate the
, . :' = - - 1sat the end of the book containing necessaryinformation.
: :.: '-- l-, stmasandto Easter. iii) developtheirwritingskills.
iv) familiarisethemselveswith Britishculture.
v) recordand assesstheirprogressthroughthe Module
- : j -e:s Gruffis a story told in rhymeand
; : r :, ,,ely songs to provide maximum - Social skills
--: s:-^-.,consistsof very basic vocabulary Uponcompletionof each modulethe pupilswill:
, ::+-.--:. to helpthe pupilsunderstand and i) want to read fudher in English,encouragedby the
=': s also a PictureDictionaryto be used enjoyableadventures of CecilMouse.
-' .' '='.-.1ce. The story and the songs are ii) experiencebeing part of a group and obeyingrules
' ' .-:*sette/CD, in two versions.One with a throughthe games.
- - : :. 1- r ole withthe wholestoryon one track. iii) becomemore responsibleby keepingand updating
::::ri 3D the teacher will also find the their Language PortfoIio.
: - -: : rf the songsin caseheishedecidesto iv) havea good understandingof Britishcultureand way
-' : :'-,:a: oerformance. of life.
-r,!':-er s Book. the teacher will find useful
- : : -: .vantsto stagethe story. - ClassroomManagement
Establisha pleasantenvironmentin your classroomfrom
the start.Alwaysarrivea few minutesearlyto welcomeyour
pupils and have somethinginterestingto do for the early
comers.For example,they can listento the songyou taught
them the previoustime, they can view the video again,or
= : -cils recyclethe keyvocabulary
of each
they can play with the pictureflashcards,identifyingthe
=- " + -se of stickers.In the Teacher'sBook,
- , -::::::-rs as to whento do theseactivities. vocabularyitemsyou havealreadytaughtthem.
Establishyour policiesfromday one.Remindyour pupilsto:
. cometo classon time,
o bringtheirPupil'sBook,LanguagePortfolio, etc
3 , -'. " cP r i n c i p l e sof We l co me S to rte rb e raisetheirhandswhentheywantto ask a questionor
- - : -:':- ansedapproachcatersfor the holistic answerone,
- .-' i' :ne pupils. The activitiesare specially . wait for their classmatesto answeryour question(s),
*: : --: the needsof all kinds of learnersand beforethey raisetheir hand to give their answer.
.n the pupils'linguistic,
learning-to-learn Empoweryour learnersby:
:.,---3 o teachingclassroomlanguage,that is, the Teacher's
instructions,such as open your books, close your
- - :r-:-': SkillS books,work in palrs etc, the Pupil'sinstructions,that
. : ::- :c the followinguponcompletion
of each is,the rubrics,and the pupils'questionsand answers
to the teacher.
:::::. . :-i : ltureswith newvocabularywiththe helpof Classroomlanguageis the languageof communication
- in theirbooksas well as throughthe betweenthe teacherand the pupils in the classroomand
- -- :-,- J,ctureflashcardsand/orposters. needsto be taughtfrom day one.
: -:: :-: sounds,pronunciation and intonationof o Give brief and clear oral or written instructions.Always
- - .. ,=: a-rguage.
give or readthe instructionsyourself.The pupilsshould
- - - - late withtheirpeersin English,exchanging
not be askedto read the instructionsto the activitie in
.- . -':'ration about everydaymatterssuch as
the book aloud. Read them at a slower pace yourself,
- . : - : -: themselves,identifyingschool items,
providingexamplesand elicitingexamplesfrom the
- : ::c-rt food,clothes,etc.
pupilsso thatthey are sureof whatthey haveto do.
-:':-:''lC dialogues, Shortexchanges, etc on tape o In caseyou decideto assignhomeworkmakesureyou
: - :: :-e set patternsin multi-sensorytasks. do it 10 minutesbeforethe end of the vou can
' i : :'ai competencythroughthe reproduction of
' - ==:-3ngesand songs. a) read the instructions,
b) give adequateexamples,
c) elicitexamplesfrom the pupils,and
--.=r-"-E-lG learn Skills d) ask them if they haveany questions. '
.: : .a- co the followinguponcompletion
of each
Onlythen can we be surethatthe pupils will know how to
- ,:-"::e betterand longeras they are trainedto do theirhomework.

--{ -qrson 1 Extenslon
,hr ilirilriltMtrrr9 oneself, greetings, introducing Say a letter from a to f. Ask a pupil to look at the
d ile +habet aJ. Alphabet poster and say the correspondingword.
Repeatthe procedureas many times as you think is
lrrfiilr'nmnu c,.. A G br apple. This is Masid. Who's
IMm _ta.r boks. Drawa big 2 on the board, point to it mime and say:
Open your books at page tilo.
Er...* Apple, boy, cat, dog, egg, fly.
Pupils' books open. Readand mime the instructions.
mtu tuppet (Warm-up), the Alphabet
Makesurethe pupilsunderstandwhat they haveto do.
;l@@il'E( - $s of paper with the letters a-f and
Playthe chant on the cassette/CD.Pupilslistento the
lttfi r oilryAE words, twelve clothes pegs
chant the first time. Then, play the chant again,
E:M@G C sfiilg (Follow-up).
encouragingthe pupilsto join in. Pointto the lettersand
words ontheAlphabefposteras they are beingspoken.

rn ilntii"$-Up Extension

muttum a Mucelreacquaint with the characters, Once the pupilsfeel confidentenough,invitethem to

repeat the chant without the cassette/CD,while you
'nmlr@ucE d and greet others.)
point to the letters and the words on the Alphabet
riltltlk@ur rElrE on the board and introduceyourself poster. Keep the rhythm by clapping your hands or
m thc ffi. Foirt to your name on the board and to snappingyour fingers.
q@r{Ed rd ry Hello, I'm (MrssRoberts). Say Hello
ryn *en repeat,chorallyand individually.Have . (Ex.D Troceond colour.
mruLnftse at a time, stand up and introduce
ilhMrir,@|eswhile the rest of the class greets them (An activity to consolidate lettersa-f.)
Tta Readand mime the instruc'tions.Make sure the pupils
r,,{: >-d lldlo,l'm Mark. understandwhatthey haveto do. Pointto the first letter
lgss fbrrrr, Mark. and ask: Whichlefteris iP Elicil:A/el Ask them to trac€
r :r
the lettersand colour in the picturesusing a different
coloured pencil each time or using a colour from the
ifumtTe ilppet of Masid to introduce the exchange ones in the respectivepictures.Allow the pupils some
Wrhm'Ennarne? My name's.... Hold upthe puppet time to completethe task.Go aroundthe class,helping
trlrtrF- n the role of Masid, What'syour name? (fry them and commentingon their work.
@ =ra'r€ your voice so it's apparent that it's Masid
wfr{rlltTfq: Extenslon
Arr$ver:My name's (MrssRobeds). Holding
lFc 1rE€t address the question to a pupil and Ask pupilsto look at their completedtask and say:A
iltrar4e them to answer.Do the same with the rest is for apple, B is for boy, etc.
nr fE Jass. When you think that the pupils are
iw,rmiirfrr rnugh with the question and answer, give
1lE f,-ots tlte puppet in turn so that they can both ask lc. ronow-up
ilittr i'srer. (MY ATPHABET

& PRACTICE Betorego,nginto class
Prepareslips of paper with the letters a-f and their
Er T) Llstenond chont. Oapescript
01) correspondingwords. Bringto classthe right number
to prcsentlpncfise /effersa-t and theirwords.)
ilArlnni"ircs of clothespegs (12)and a pieceof string.
T o Hang up the string somewherein the class where it
qC: will be easily accessedby the pupils. Hand out the
books closed. Pin up the Atphabetposteron
tlE Erd. Point to the picture of and read the word slips of paper with the letters and the words in
random order. Ask the pupils to get into pairs (the
uB€ Say: opple tepal/. Invite the children to
E@trxcl.firstas a class,then individually.Pointto the letterwith the correspondingword). Then, ask them
fi6F a and say: a /a/. lnvite a choral response to to hang them on the alphabet washing line in
leqr rnh. then an individual response. Write the alphabeticalorder.
N6F. on the board so that the pupilscan see how it
$ Erred. Repeatthe procedureand presentthe rest
r t€ €ters and their words (b-f).

Pupils' books open. Readand mimethe instructions.
Makesurethe pupilsunderstandwhatthey haveto do.
-, '-'rii : : - : - I :ne lettersof the alphabet n-s.
Playthe chanton the cassette/CD. Pupilslistento the
* -:-.i:+ 'f':-s: \ is for nose. chant the first time. Then, play the chant again,
- i[*-]= ,",o*ta.y: encouragingpupilsto join in. Pointto the lettersand
Nose, orange, pen, queen,
wordson theAlphabetposteras theyarebeingspoken.
: r--. -E-3ea s: Tne Alphabet poster (Warm-up, Extension
: ':':::: es, one per pupil,of Blngo grids
Oncethe pupilsfeelconfidentenough,invitethem to
repeatthe chant withoutthe cassette/CD,while you
point to the letters and the words on the Alphabet
poster.Keepthe rhythmby clappingyour hands or

- -: ::c'and greetthe pupilsas theyarrive. . (Ex.6) Recdond complete.

":: ',- '3. tew lettersg-m.) (An activityto consolidate lettersn-s.)
Readand mimethe instructions.Makesurethe pupils
understandwhatthey haveto do. Do an examplewith
j- .; -: :rers fromthe previous lesson.Pinup the the pupils.Allowsometimefor them to completethe
* : - :.--n'::,r:r,'on the board,pointto eachletterand task.Then.check their answers.
' : :-: s :c say the letterand, if you wish, the
I r r / n7A
1 nose 3 pen 5 orange
i - ! rrvrv,

I , *= ,-a^: t,,omLesson2 (Iapescript02) and ask 2 robot 4 queen 6 sun

-- : -: .:: singalong.
Once the pupils feel confidentenough, write the
-.-ii ri+l 'j & FR A C TIC E words they were taught in this lessonon the board in
random order. Each word should have one letter
i -sten and chant. Oopescript
03) missing- preferablynot the one missingin Ex. 6.
:;i :r oresentand practise/effersn-s and their Also. draw a box on the board and in it write all the
lettersmissingfrom the words at randomorder.Invite
the pupilsto cometo the boardand fill in the missing
letters,choosingfrom the lettersprovidedin the box.
r"-E s oooks closed. Pin up lhe Alphabetposteron
-+ :,:.:': Pointto the pictureof and readthe word tl
' .. - Say:nose.Invitethe childrento respond
:: r r :SS Pointto the lettern and
tnen individually. -!, /._-
g:Yg -- -l
: - :- Invitea choral responseto begin with, i' _9:j"f: :lY "t"-1-i
i Draw a grid, four squaresacross and four squares j
: : :': s.: ihat the pupilscan see how it is formed.
:=:=:: :re procedureand presentthe rest of the i down (16squaresaltogether)and photocopyone grid
r per pupil.
:-:-: :^J theirwords(o-s).

i ::eeS iOn o Handout the grids.Ask the pupilsto write8 letters(a-s)

in any squarethey like.Saythe letters(a-s)in random
l. : ener.from n to s. Ask a pupil to look at the
order.The first pupil to cross out his/hereight letters,
- ---::€: posterand say the correspondingword.
:.:.::: :he procedureas manytimesas you think is callsout Bingo and is the winner.
,;j_-="t lf you wish,you can revisethe lettersa'm

a cig 4 on the board,pointto it, mimeand say:

,cur booksat page four.

-{ JueSSOn 1 Pupils' books open. Hold up your book, pointto and
-io sridfy coloursand shapes. elicitthe shapesand the colours.
e.g. Teacher: What'sthis?
'sE What'sthis? Show me blue! Class: A red heaft. etc
:@mil s -(? What colour is your triangle?
Play the cassette/CD.The pupils listen and point to
'4rmilil the shapes in their books. Play the cassette/CD
th4r Afarp A red heart.A bluetriangle.A again, making pauses.The pupils listenand repeat,
ffirlrncs I geen square.A pink circle. chorally and individually.Check their pronunciation
m,tn ffi and intonation.
The Coloursand Shapesposter
,B; -'. l:o,red pencils.Photocopiesof a grid
urumm il srtqrred shapes(Follow-up). ? Gx.2) Listen.Draw.Talkwith gour|riend.
(Activitiesto practiseshapesand colours.)
dlt *,,,r
A"i\!-UP Pupils' books closed. Point to the shapes on the
poster,one at a time.Ask a pupil: Whatcolouris your
illtd rl tu cbor and greet the pupils as they arrive. (triangle)?Elicitthe answer:(Blue!)Writethe question
ffirury b tetiew the alphabet.) and answeron the board.The pupilsrepeat,chorally
and individually.Repeatthe procedurewiththe restof
turnqtE atshabet song (Iapescript 05) from the the shapes.
$umtrnllodrb, encouragingthe pupilsto sing along.
Puplls' books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
a x.(tl to come to the board. Spell a word. The pupils listenand follow the exchangein their books.
munl ar{gs tfp word. Then,ask the pupilto read the Play the cassette/CDagain, making pauses. The
mrc. Reped the procedure with as many pupils as pupils repeat,chorallyand individually.Check their
?rimlRsi*rlle pronunciationand intonation.
r.{: A-P-P-L-E
F.-ptl: (Writes fhe /effers and reads out the Referthe pupils to the pictureand explainthe task.
word apple.) Ask the pupilsto drawshapeson a sheetof paperand
colourthem.Allow some time for the pupilsto do so.
Then,the pupils,in pairs,ask and answerabout their
& PRACTICE drawings.Go round the class while the pupils are
doing the task to provideany necessaryhelp. Then,
Ar;ru'6festo presentand activate the vocabularyof the ask some pairs to report back to the class.
l@ss6tr1j e.g. Pupil 1: Whatcolour is your (circle)?
Pupil2: Red! etc
I Er. l) Listen.Point. Repeat.(Topescript
+ J-' :
=H lc. rouow-up (sHnpe
Aryfs' books closed. Pin up the Colours and
Sases poster on the board. Point to the head and Before going into class
sq4the word.The pupilsrepeatchorally.Do the same
#i!- all the shapes (square, triangle, star, circle). Preparea grid as shown below and photocopyone per
aan. point to the shapes at random and elicit the group.Preparea set of colouredshapes,one per group.
mopriate word from the pupils. Now, point to the A blue heart
.wt again and say: Red! A red heart. The pupils
Eed chorally.Presentthe rest of the colours in the A yellowstar
sarr'le way (a blue triangle, a white star, a green A red square
ta-a,re, a pink circle). Then, point to the shapes at A white triangle
?lTdom and ask the pupils to say both the correct
taoe and colour. A green circle
= g. Teacher: (pointingto square)What'sthis?
Pupil: A squarc. o Divide the class into groups. Pin up the sets of
Teacher: Whatcolour is iP colouredshapes in jumbled order around the walls.
Pupil: Green. etc Handout one grid per group. Explainthe activity.The
}aw the shapes in the air and say the appropriate pupils,in groups,go aroundthe classto find a shape
rqd for each one. Repeatone more time. Then,say that correspondswith each phrase on their grid.
a shapeand ask individualpupilsto mime it. Everytime they find one they put a tick next to the
correctphrase. \
Draw a large 6 on the board. Point to it, mime and
say: Open your booksat page six.

Four, five, do the /Ve. (holding hands with your
-: partnertouchone shoulderthenthe other)
.\,rr-ns; cresent/revise numbers 1-10. To
Sri seven, eight, wait, wait, wait! (make a stop sign
:r = :: =ening comprehensionskillsthrough a
,,.,'l -: sng a song and do the actions.To withthe palmof your hand)
Nine,ten, /et'sstafi again! (beckon)
- ': - --: s:': ai skills.
Playthe song.The pupils,in pairs,sing and do the
focus: one, two, me and you. Numbers
-fl-r3t-ta,ge actions.
- '-,: srnissing?
-$-3m uocabulary:Numbers1-10. Variation
1r,T? Photocopiesof stars(Varm-up).A The pupilsare in pairs.Thefirstpupilsaysand shows
-- :r:-aterials:
=:'ow-up). the numberson his/herfingersand the other pupil
does the actions.Then,the pupilschangerolesand
the activityis resumed.

(Ex.5) Let'sptag!
(A Circle-Timeactivityto consolidatenumbers 1-70.)
:'' :," ::'redoor and greetthe pupilsas they arrive.
:- ?::',-:i to reviewcolours.) Referthe pupilsto the illustration,
read the question
and explain/elicit
what it means.Explainthatthey are
l-n '-.t photocopystars (as many as the pupils). goingto play a game.Havethe pupilssit in a circle.
-:,-': :'-: one star to each pupil and ask them to Tellthe pupilsthattheywillclosetheireyesand count
: : :,-r-:-eq-lany colour they have learned.Play the to ten out loud with you. Whilethey havetheir eyes
i:--: -:,"i Lesson2 (lapescript08) and ask the closed,you will pat someoneon the shoulderand
: *;iis :c hold up their star when they hear the he/shewill go out of the class.Whenthey open their
:r:'--:,3iding colour, Play the song again and eyes againthey will haveto tell you who is missing
+fcr:,,-a3ethe pupilsto sing along. fromthe circle.Playthe gamefor as longas you wish
e.g. Teacher: Whois missing?
' Whocan it be?
:li ffi 4,1;p,7:4[.{lf-"[i
Who can count to ten with me?
Teacher& Class: One,tvvo,... ten.
d--:i':es to presentlrevise
Teacher: John, who is mrsslng?
John: Mary.
ir 4) Sing ond do. (Tapescript
09) Teacher: That'sright. etc
>:o,ils'books closed.Writethe numbers1-10on the
:,:,a': one at a time.Pointto and say each number. i ( l i i l " i ', '', 'r l 1 ''
--+ :-oils repeatafter you. Point to the numbers l l r . , ', -

=:=-- and say them fasterthis time.The pupilsrepeat

r:':'=-.r' Pointto the numbersin randomorder and
:*ii :-e pupils to say the appropriatewords. Then,
r.,. rdrvidualpupilsto countfirstfromone to ten and Bringa soft ballor prepareone out of paper.
:-+- cackwards.
l'-=,,,a large8 on the board.Pointto it, mime and Have the pupils stand in a circle with you in the
;=, Cpenyour booksat page eight. centre.Throwthe ball to a pupil and say a number.
$.rpils'books open. Pointto and elicitthe numbers. The pupilthrowsthe ballbackto you whilesayingthe
-: r up your book and pointto the pictureof Masid
next number.Demonstrate this yourselffirst.Aftera
whileask a pupilto take your placeand resumethe
=-,: ris sister,Bibi. Say:Look! Ihis is Masid and his
game.Keepchangingthe pupilin the centre.
: ::er. Bibi. They'redoing the jive! Read the song, a
e.g. Teacher: (throwingthe ballto a pupil) Five!
: -'ase at a time.The pupilsrepeatafteryou.
Pupil: (throwingthe ball back to the teache)
: ar the cassette/CD. The pupilslistenand followin Sx/
:-: r books. Play the song again.The pupils listen Teacher: (throwing the ball to another pupil)
:^: singalong. Nine!
Pupil: (throwingthe ball back to the teacher)
Extension Ten! etc
l:rronstrate the followingactionswith a pupil.
:'e. two,me and you! (pointto yourself,then to your
: alner)
3^e. fwo, three,you and me! (point to your partner
r^C then to yourself)
- r<50n 5 Optionalprojectwork
lmrr; .iiooucffde the languageof the unit. To Ask the pupilsto draw and colourthe flag of their
lilhltttt*&mm gr$ with Britishculture(to learnabout country.Helpthemwiththecoloursif necessary. Ask
lth flffiq fui- To developwriting skills through them to spot the differencesin coloursand shapes
I rumtmmrm mlilr ilhrili'ls abouttheir favouritecolou). betweenthe UKflagand theirownflag.Allowsome
- Eu : This is the UnionJack. lt's the useof Ll if necessary.
I lhllllffifffill@;
lUftthrcrite colour is yellow. Then,theycan presenttheirdrawingin class.They
canalsousethetextin theirbooksas a modeltotalk
. llll[ldEy The UnionJack,flag,favourite.
llh A piece of canvas(Follow-up).
4f,-M-UP (Ape rsonali sation activity.
ltffi rofiQ b revFuwthe language taught in Lesson4.)
. Read.Then,write aboutgou.
fuEsnedthe projects(Follow-up:My House)the Referthe pupilsto the projecton page 10 and
- commenton the pictures.Ask the pupils,in L1 if
;ut firre rnade in the previous lesson without
ffidng tnh names. Ask the pupils to identify their necessary,what other items in yellow they can
,lrom- thinkof.
d outfrom the Cecil Mouse episode.
Explainto thepupilsthattheyhaveto do thesamefor
- theirfavouritecolouron page 11.Alternatively,
I[ttm a iFge 10 on the board. Point to it, mime and canaskthe pupilsto producetheirprojecton a piece
ry' fui pur books at page ten. of paper.Theycan usethe picturesyou haveasked
themto bringor makedrawings andcolourthem.Go
f, m-{COME TO BRITAIN! roundthe classas the pupilsworkon theirprojects
andprovideanynecessary help.
lflurlsres b familiarisepupils with Britishcuftureand
Fil tljr own.)

[E boolts open. Hold up your book and pointto
tmE ild its colours as you read outthe text. Read
M 4a!n with pauses.The pupils repeat,chorally
. rrrrc r6*Adly. Check the pupils' intonation and
onotrurcatbn. Then, pupils read the text aloud.

4 l -e! s a n 1 . (Ex.2) Listen.Find the number.Tolk with
iln mW'S.Fe numberS 11-20.
gour Jriend.(Tapescript
(An activityto reviseand consolidatenumbers1-20.)
lbtls; What'stwelveplustwo? Fourteen.
Pupils' books closed. Write the following on the
-lMuqptmfrf Numbers11-20.
board: 12 + 2. Underlinethe + symboland say p/us.
fiunmm The pupils repeatafteryou. Then, say twelve plustwo.
The pupilsrepeatafteryou.Then,write12 + 2 = ? and
ask Whaf'stwelve plustwo?The pupils repeat,chorally
and individually.Write anotheradditionon the board
and invitethe pupilsto ask and answerchorallyand/or
individually.Erasethe model questionfrom the board
r'$dth= d@r and greet the pupils as they arrive.
and repeatthe procedurewith some moreadditions.
Mfls,'dtiw rstiew the language taught in Unit 1.)
Pupils' books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
lre :r-+*Lsto presenttheir projectfrom Lesson5 pupils listen to the exchange.Play the cassette/CD
"ll ,&skindMdual pupils to tell the class what
l"rnnnr again with pauses for the pupils to repeat chorally
iimilcLrte colour
rflilllr[iflllil is. and individually. Ask the pupilsto do the additions.
*r;r,,i,i ls;; What's your favourite colour, Mary? Go round the class to provide any necessaryhelp.
Wy My favourite colour is) red! Checkthe pupils'answers.Then, the pupilsask and
answerin pairs.
A: What'sten plus one?
fi s-r'r€y about the class'favourite colour. B: Eleven!
A: What'stwelveplus six?
I ;.::,:'.TATION& PRACTICE B: Eighteen!
A: What'seight plus eight?
tu presentand activate the vocabularyof the
B: Sixteen!
A: What'sthirteenplus two?
iE!" 1l f{rite. Listen and repeat. B: Fifteen!
"lwmrript 11)
A: What'sseventeenplus three?
ndr" books closed. Write on the board the B: Twenty!
lr!ilrilTm 'l 1-20,one at a time. Pointto, read and say
'lf,,rprr--r'rbers.The pupils repeat, chorally and
rmdilurum-all$.Say a number.Ask a pupilto come to the
ie. F*LLOW-UF ffilNG*J
mmm. rornt to and say the correct word.
ffef*re gisi$F€r
Draw a grid, three squares across and two squares
eurrm:ca numberon the boardand say the word.Ask down (6 squaresaltogether)and photocopyone grid
eucris to call out yes or no. per pupil.
* g -acfrer: (pointingto number 18)Eighteen.
Dugls: Yes/
o Hand out the grids. Ask the pupils to write any six
-=cher: (pointingto number 12) Twenty.
numbersfrom 11-20in randomorder.Callout numbers
Fr-rpils:No/ etc 11-20 in random order. The pupils cross out the
numbersas they hearthem.Thefirstpupilto crossout
inmrwa ierge 12 on the board. Pointto it, mime and all the numberscalls out Bingo and is the winner.
3c,erl yOUrbOOkSat page twelve.
Note: Tell the pupils to bring the headband they
ormifis'books open. Hold up your book and pointto
made as a project in Unit 1 Lesson 2 for the next
1-rnrbersand words in Ex. 1. Explainthe task to
:L6':l's.Allowthem some time to fill in the missing
in the spaces provided.Go round the class ff you wish, the pupils can do the My Numbers!
mnr ::-eck their answers. activity at the StickerSfop (p. 63). Explain to the
pupilsthat they haveto find the missingnumbers.
4 'i 19
DIB*ne cassette/CD.The pupils listen and look in
tmeraooks. Playthe cassette/CDa second time with
lm sF-s for the pupils to repeat chorally and
Checktheir pronunciationand intonation.

{ -e s s on 3 Pupils' books open. Play the cassette/CD. The
pupilslisten,pointin theirbooksandrepeat.
rtod.rce school objects. To distinguish
f. ard.€/.
@uuuTr@ o Now, draw and talk with gour Jriend.
trqrqt rocts: What'sthis? lt's a pen.
Hand out a sheetof paperto each pupil.Ask them to
tF q*k!l: Book,pencil,eraser,sharpener, draw any classroomobjectthey like from the ones in
smob€gL pencilcase.
'rilluilm Ex. 5. Read out the exchangein Ex. 5. The pupils
repeatchorally.Then, pupils in pairs,act out similar
4nn ut:rialg Flashcards of the classroom
lluuurtu$rE€lsd paper,one per pupil (Ex.5). Slips exchangesabout their drawings. Demonstratethis
ffir &tewordsof the lesson(Follow-up).
e.g. Teacher: What'sthis?
Pupil: /t's a (uler). elc

1 ; \I U P . Gx. 6) Readand sag.Then,write.

(An activity to identify the sounds il and /0/.)
furnc ay fc door and greet the pupils as they
f,tlnmm, Say and write the numbers, two, three, ten and
lfl/fur thirteen on the board. Have the pupils listen and
diry b EUiew the language taught in Lesson2.)
repeata coupleof times.Elicitthe differencebetween
@r'Blre srp from Lesson2 (l-apescript13) and ask the soundsltl and/0/.Then,ask the pupilsto writethe
llttnG@!sfs b sing and do the actions. Play it as many words in the correctcolumn.
flltrlmws@ you feel is necessary.
t /t/ th tel
4m mduidral pupils to come to the front and mime two three
tur miiEa The class must guess what the pupil is ten thirteen

: ;:SE NTA T I O&


P[r ffilury to present and activate the vocabulary of B*fare gofrigrin{c cf,=ss
Writethe words of the lessonon slips of paper.

o Hand out the slips of paperwith the words to various

. pupils.Pin up the flashcardswith the school itemson
El- 5) Listen.Point. Repeat.(Tapescript14)
the board.Pointto a flashcardand ask the pupil who
hF boolrs closed. Pin the following flashcards has the correspondingword to come to the board
.llc Jr the board: pen, book, pencil, eraser, and stick their slip of paper next to the flashcard.
sllueE4 ruler, schoolbag,pencilcase. Point to the Repeatthe activitywith as many pupilsas you think is
.M, one at a time, and say the corresponding necessary.
,ron:s- The pupils repeat after you. Hand out the
Mtovarious pupils.Askthe pupilstocometo Note: lf you wish, the pupils can do the At School!
tjre !€d, one at a time, show their flashcardand say activityfrom the SfickerSfop (p. 64). Ask the pupils to
lte sresponding word. Ask the rest of the class for show you the stickers before sticking them on the
usnfrcailion. correspondingsquare.

-ane a flashcard (e.9. schoolbag) and partly cover it.
$or it to the pupils. Ask: What's this? Elicit: lt's a
ffi)thag. Repeatthe procedurewith the rest of the
srml objects.
lrar a large 14 on the board. Pointto it, mime and
sa1"Openyour booksat page fourteen.

-{ EO,n 5 lr $=i]#_:-
;,/)hrTlf,o@ the languageof the unit.To
I rilr British culture (learn about (A pe rsonali sationactivity.)
.dfiffi;c*hrtl-To dwelop writing skillsthrough
1 rord ffig ahut their schoolday). Read.Then,write aboutgou.
Refer the pupils to the project on page 16 and
Tnttrilnffil' [rqscfrcolbag there is ... comment on the pictures.Ask the pupils, in L1 if
necessary,what other items can be found in a
Scfroolitems. schoolbag.
lilme. Explainto the pupilsthat they haveto do the samefor
their school items on page 17.Alternatively,you can
ask the pupilsto producetheir projecton a pieceof
paper.They can do drawingsand colourthem in. Go
roundthe classas the pupilswork on their projects
HEwtE languagebught in Lesson4.) and provideany necessaryhelp.
r .Hpilsbtte pupils.Ask them to read and act
Lir@rl1hffigr.r fom Lesson 4.
haQe 16 m the board. Pointto it, mime and
ry:rffilurDoorrs at page sxfeen.

Sbldliafise pupils with Britishculture and

-H .
tF E open. Referthe pupilsto the picture
rilrdl-H. Readthete)ilagainwithpausesfor
rhF$b leped, chorallyand individually.
lhrmrrifim and intonation.Then,pupilsread

i lluFctwork
,ffi ilF Ffas to draw and colour in their school.
llh, $l an present their drawing in class. They
cr&tsethe text in their books as a model and
.ry&f teiown school.

1 Gx 2) Listen.Drow.Talkwith gour
3E-r ?rriliy members. trlend. (Tapescript17)
-*1s s n'ny (Activitiesto practise family members.)
Mfimr qmrllllt|e'
-'rs s my mummy and these are Playthe cassette/CD.The pupilslistenand followthe
firrr!4s exchangein their books. Playthe cassette/CDagain
with pauses. The pupils repeat, chorally and
Checktheir pronunciationand intonation.
3c.-re of a family (Ex. 1), a
riltfilrllllltr, Referthe pupils to the pictureand explainthe task.
lll,ilrlllil'-.ernber (Follow-up).
Ask the pupils to draw members of their family
(mummy, daddy, brother andlor slsfer). Allow some
r1l ,rtli r- time for the pupilsto do so. Then,the pupilsin pairs,
nilfili il _. lF,
presenttheir familyto their partner.Check round the
class. Then, ask some pupils to report back to the
lll#fiil: md greet the pupils as they arrive. class.
@ iare# the language taught in Unit 2.)
tirnr, rl1rm ouc* m p{esenttheir projectfrom Lesson5 PRoFTLES
,m rndrqd.lalpupilsto tell the classwhat is in

A' ON & PRACTICE Preparea posterwith a simplesketchof a memberof
your family with some drawings that show e.g. their
rtkurnmfG .-seft & activate the vocabular of the favouritefood, etc.

o Show the pupils the poster you have prepared.

[* '"' rjsEn ond repeat. Drow lines.
Present the family member to the class. Ask the
pupilsto do the samefor one memberof theirfamily.
miludl G do6ed. Show the pupils the picture of e.g. Teacher: (showing the poster) This is my
irmllrillu present the words mummy, daddy, mummy and these are her favourite
ii,nmlttmmr ilmrffiyrcfier.
-E The pupils repeat after you. things.
'illllllMmmEdlllrrt5crErfl on the board simple sketches of a
lunnmlru llllc Esent the family members.

trie ri€nbers of the family you have drawn on
'filrilrilri rr Grrdom order. The pupils say the family
mrrrurrrlrlrw SEd up the activity to make it fun for the

a mge 20 on the board. Pointto it, mime and
fo .lanr books at page twenty!

miludb bds open. Play the cassetteiOD. The

i"#ri and repeat, chorally and individually.
trie a+lb'pronunciation and intonation.Then,
lods to draw lineStO match the wOrdsto the
rnrlnre!@Erting people in the picture. Check the

{r 3 Drawa large22 on the board.Pointto it, mimeand
tu qr rf. say: Openyour booksat page twenty-two!
To give gifts and express
Puplls' books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
pupils listen and write the number.Pausethe
l$t Elirtday! This is for you!
cassette/CD if youthinkthe pupilsneedmoretimeto
do so. Checkthe pupils'answers.Then,play the
Tdy, ball,car,doll,radio,CD. cassette/GDagain with pauses for the pupils to
Fffi repeat. Check their pronunciationand intonation.
of the followingitems:
c= fl d Individualpupilsreadthewords.
and CD. Photocopiesof
JQ (tur*up). 1 acar 3 ateddy 5 a doll
2 aball 4 aCD 6 a radio

'ffif,5rH-l.P . (Ex5) Listen.Tclk with uour friend.

,ffiffiilqh'@ ad greetthe pupilsas theyarrive. (An activityto consolidatetoys,give giftsand express
,lpnpp tlb Ea hniu members.) thanks.)
Play the cassette/CD.Pupils listen and repeat,
rmm',fl[ sre lettersmissing.Askthe pupilsto chorallyand individually.
Checktheir pronunciation
W' 1trF ito their notebooksand complete and intonation.
llllhil ffi t: pr.rfiils'answers. Pinup thetoy flashcardson the board.Invitea pairof
pupilsto cometo the front of the class.The pupil
qF=arfTAnoN & PMcTtcE chooses a toy flashcardand gives it to his/her
partner,practisingthe pattern.Repeattheactivitywith
,,ffibprgserrt to'4s.) as manypupilsas youwish.

{t ,&t S fisEn and number. Sag.

rmfuipt 19) lc. Follow-up(rxrsrsronvour)
. Photocopyand hand out the toy cards.The pupils
colourthemin andgivethemto theirclassmates.
;n# E dosed. Pin up on the board the e.g.Pupil1: Ihis isforyou!
d ffiy, ball, car, doll, radio and C4 one Pupil2: A car. Thankyou!etc
io n h. R*rt to and say the words. The pupils Note:lf youwish,you canaskthe pupilsto do theMy
mEt ffiy and individually.Point to the toys in Things!activityfromtheStickerStop(p. 65).lf you do
flumr@mader and ask the pupils to say the
so, ask the pupils to show you the stickersfor
beforestickingthemon the corresponding

:lirm ilrE Ey flashcardson your desk. Ask a pupil to

ilmrr E! te front of the class and have the following
rorrlgewith him/her:
gl$ Ti* fer (giving the flashcard of the doll) Ihls is
for you!
Prpil: A doll! Thankyou!
fri@the activitywith as many pupils as you wish.

{ J.cngon 5 TIME
ic. PRoJEcT
lillllfto,ffide the language of the unit. To
(Ape rsonali sation activitY.)
umtrrrflSure mls with British culture: to learn about
rynd Fdter's Day.To developwriting
pr*d work: writingaboutwhat gifts
. Recd.Then,write aboutgou.
b nsrbers of their familY. Referthe pupilsto the projecton page twenty-four
- s-: This doll is for mY sister.This andcommenton the pictures. Askthe pupils,in Ll if
lturnmyldrer. necessary,what gifts they would give to which
membersof theirfamily.
Explainto thepupilsthattheyhaveto do thesarneon
None. page 25. Alternatively,you can ask the pupilsto
producetheirprojecton a pieceof paper.Theycan
use picturesor drawings. Go roundthe classas the
,W$,ill8,{gFgP pupils work on their projects and provide any
necessary help.
rilffiniirufflyblwievt thelanguagetaughtin Lesson4.)
I ffuuMllh d qrt the CecilMouseepisode.
D l@tenn rEge 24 on the board.Pointto it, mimeand
nm' r@anyorrbooksat pagetwenty-four!

rffi b hmiliarisepupilswith Britishcultureand
,nr,rffiwAEi At*n.)

mmilmrbtre pupilsthattherearesomespecial
tmnrmmumrrband daddies.They'recalledMofher's
iMmdrirl ffis Day. Ask them if they have such
Mf,frmEs h theircountryandwhattheyusuallydo.
,mffiirfirEnb the picturesthatshowgiftspreparedby
rM b trdr motherand father.Readthe text.The
mrW En and followthe lines.Readthe textagain
lnffitnmesbrthe pupilsto repeatafteryou.Then,the
mumilD ild the textaloud.

prolect work
,qil ilte pupilsto draw and colour a card for their
ad/or dad. They can write Happy Mothelsl
Iiililffs oay!on it and giveiVthemto theirparents'

i --: s 5 0 n 1 . (ExD Listen.Talk wlth gour Iriend.
:: :ialk about food items. To express food
riilfll]urffi (Topescript
. to pnctise food itemsand food preferences.)
lbcus: I like fish, yummy! | don't like w'

ebularry: cake, chicken,eggs, biscuits, Pupils' books closed. Point to a food item on the
' )irll;lmE poster (e.9. cake), rub your stomach,say and write
-dbs, on the board: I like cake, yummy!The pupils repeat
rEGriCs: My Food poster,a smiley and a after you. Point to anotherfood item (e.9. carrots),
r-llnw ffollow-up). make a face, say and write on the board: I don't like
carrots, yuk! The pupils repeat after you. Ask
individualpupilsto makesimilarsentencesabout the
: ; ,. . . UP food itemsthey have learnedin this lesson.

l$rMrlli Puplls' books open. Playthe cassette/CD. The pupils

tril fie door and greet the pupils as they arrive.
listenand followthe exchangein theirbooks.Playthe
affiril4 tu review the language taught in Unit 3.)
',!!lili cassette/CDagain makingpauses.The pupilsrepeat,
chorally and individually.Check their pronunciation
rrlrL lFe 3-rFtbto presenttheir projectfrom Lesson5
and intonation. Then, the pupils make similar
,.mi I, ls< rdMdual pupilsto tell the class aboutthe
exchangesaboutthe food itemsin Ex. 1. Checkround
ier rave drawn for membersof their family.
the class.Ask some pairsto reportback to the class.

iill; ;i:: :'.TATION & PRACTICE

/rF-,trn present & activate the vocabulary of the

m X-
Listenond circle.Sog. (Tapescript22) Preparea smileyface (Yummy)and a frowning (Yuk)
one on two stripsof paper.

o Pin up on the boardthe two facesyou haveprepared.

r.,uda;" closed. Pin up on the board the My
Invitethe pupils to come to the board, write a food
:d:b1!efand present the food items (cake,
':rrr]'rllrn item they like and don't like under the corresponding
eggS, blSCUitS, ChOCOlate, appleS, fiSh,
faces and presentthem to the class.As an extension,
,ilwr-:G;:r€ at a time. The pupils repeat after you.
;rulmrr tre food items in random order. Individual you can have a survey on which food item is mosfly
:cnne to the board, read and say the
e.g. Pupil 1: I like chicken, yummy! I don't like fish,
imrl'wcrdrng word.
yuk! etc
tr-Ebod items On the board. Allow the pupils
iilirr'rwrre to look at them. Then, ask the pupils to
;llrrsefer eyes. Erase one of the words. Ask the
E coen their eyes and tell you which food item
ttt nrssrrE Hepeat the activity with the other food

ltrau a a,ge I on the board. Pointto it, mime and

iliiirur-:,c:Er-lrrur books at page twenty-Six!
illu@lr books open. Play the cassette/CD. The
;;uu,mrrrrs isen and circle the items heard. Check the
nunrw :rsters by asking pupils to say the itemsthey
llilrwr :r the cassette/CD. Play the cassette/CD
lilmMilllT -re pupils listen and repeat, chorally and
Check the pupils' pronunciation and

{ruc The item not heard on the cassette/CDis


. (Ex.O Listen.Tolk with Vourfrlend.
lrl ri rtlenrfir icod items. To express food
tqilflliiili}il1,'llll; (An activity to consolidate food items and expless
dimuqF r@G Jo pu like ice-cream?Yes,ldo!/ food preferences.)
Itt)r llllll:tt' "'
il$ffimrilndul&nnF lce cream, chips, milk, cheese,
ii'lT1ffi,,, illlil8]flE
Pupils' books closed. Ask, then write on the board:
Do you like piza? The pupils repeat after you. Nod,
ilu!fiilrr,ilrilmMfiG.1t+t'Fmd poster. say and write: Yeg I do!The pupils repeatafter you.
Next,shakeyour head,say and write:No, I don't!The
pupilsrepeatafteryou. Pointto a food item on the My
ilii,,,', -rr
) Food poster. Invite a pupil to ask you if you like it.
Answer the question. Repeat the procedure with
Lhmm and greet the pupils as they arrive. some morefood items.
e.g. Pupil 1: Do you like bread?
t .r=fEry food items.)
,",x ruu,mrilrflit0r
Teacher: No,ldon't!
Pupil2: Do you like milk?
I rr,; "';:r-.,.
li'*-lTlON & PRACTICE Teacher: Yes,I do!
Pupils' books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
:f-=set7t food items.) pupils listen and repeat, chorally and individually.
Checktheir pronunciationand intonation.The pupils,
iik 5 --saenond number. Sag. in pairs,usethe food itemsin Ex.5 to ask and answer
- umrrogc:sr
25) questions.Check round the class.Ask some pairsto
reportback to the class.

r@ closed. Pin up the My Food poster on

'!il lmmrt ro resent the words (ice cream, chips, [c. FoLLOW-UP(sHoPPtNG
.riu,.'lrsw-a, bread),one at a time.Pointto and
'rfriri Dividethe classinto groups.Ask them to work together
lrw rlTs. The pupils repeat, chorally and
and decide on the food itemsthey all like and make a
fuint tO the fOOd itemS in fandOm Ofdef
shopping list with those food items.Then, the groups
rie r*ib to say the appropriate words.
read out their shopping list to the rest of the class.
ff you wish, you can ask the pupils to do the Yummy!
activityfrom the StickerStop (p. 66). lf you do so, ask
fiE rcd ftems on the board. Allow the pupils the pupils to show you the stickers for verification
ill|flllf|IiltfltiB ktok at them. Then, ask the pupils to
illtrlrrE beforestickingthem on the correspondingsquares.
ruiuuuri lFEr {€s. fy6ss one of the words. Ask the
:cen feir eyes and tell you which food item
rmuluwilrlrrc e€peat the activity with the other food

,llrmw: itr:e 28 on the board. Pointto it, mime and

)aw rzr books atpagetwenty-eight!
mots open. Play the cassette/CD. The
rr<F.fland Write the nUmbef. PaUSe the
,rffimumrmff you think the pupils need more time to
riilrilc. >ed( the pupils' answers. Then, play the
;runuuirmm@, D again with pauses for the pupils to
]ecfi their pronunciation and intonation.
e.,EilS read the wOfdS.

ilfr JIETI 3 bread 5 pizza

!'[rc3 4 chips 6 milk

- 1 ,-e s s on 5 lc. PRoJEcT
-: :onsolidate the language of the unit. To
rnfriiiiir*rs€:upils with Britishculture:to learn about (A personal
iii a-rc ?rips, a popular meal in Britain. To
rillring skills through project work: writing . Recd.Then,write aboutgou.
il ,,'i:-Er ravouritefood. Referthe pupilsto the projecton p. 30 andcomment
lrtltrqruryr focus: My favourite food is pizza! onthepicture.Askthepupils,in L1if necessary,what
l lrll lll*'jil theirfavourite
- tlllrn@rdulary: Explain to thepupilsthattheyhaveto do thesameon
p. 31.Alternatively,
youcanaskthepupilsto produce
lirumrmn@rials: Pictures of dishes from around their projecton a piece of paper.They can use
'a' yrrr-lE'nllow_up).
pictures or drawings.Goroundtheclassasthepupils
work on their projectsand provideany necessary
:;_ ,, 1_Up
mrdy to review the language taught in Lesson4.)
;.nuned otrt the Cecil Mouseepisode.
' n arge 30 on the board. Point to it, mime and
It&ur"' t your booksat page thifi!

to tamiliarisepupils with Britishculture and
tidr own.)

"' flw@,
nu* bo*s open. Pointto the pictureand explainto
rulrulisftat peoplein the UK likefish and chips.Ask
ntnnmr frfey eatthis mealin their country.Readthe text.
rlEt'rs listen and follow the lines. Read the text
ffih pauses for the pupils to repeat after you. pupilsread the text aloud.

1m*m{ prolect wOrk

tE ryils to draw and colour in a popular dish in

Pupils' Books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
rrriiflIluil pupilslistenand followthe exchangein theirbooks,
:" aooutClOtheS.
Play the cassette/CDagain with pauses.The pupils
ltltl1 {o'eus: Who's got a shirt? Milly Jo.
i*iiitriitre repeat, chorally and individually. Check their
pronunciationand intonation.Then,ask the pupilsto
,rrrrlrrrrllllllllli ShOftS, tfOUSefS, a Shift, a T-
"'Et{:ia$b'{JJaly: look at the picturesin Ex. 1 againfor some time. Get
.i '. : -1 rA cc
the pupils into pairs.One pupil holds his/herbook
;rililrii'riii My ClOtheS pOSter. SlipS Of paper without letting the other pupil see the picture and
- -1-s cf clothing (Follow-up). asks questions.The other pupil has to remember
who's got which item of clothing. Demonstratethis
yourselffirst. Check round the class.Ask some pairs
to reportback to the class.

rri : :-e door and greetthe pupilsas they arrive. :i ' i ' -' i
r.--r"-, ro review the languagetaughtin Unit 4.)
iiiri-; :rrpilsto presenttheirprojectfrom Lesson5 .
, r r-<rrndividualpupilsto tellthe classwhattheir I '-
r .'1.=,:,cd is. Prepareslipsof paperwiththe itemsof clothing(shorts,
trousers,a shirt,a T-shirt,a skirt,a dress).
;r ,' .r ;1 ,.-

, ,rr .r( := present& activatethe vocabularyof the the class.Giveeach pupil a slip of paperwith an item
rrriiirr" of clothing.The pupilsshow their slip of paper and
read aloudthe word writtenon it. Then.ask the class
' Lsten.
Repeot. 28)
Ask individual pupils who has got which item of
rril,ril,r,$ clothing'Repeatthe activitywith other pupils'
Bo*okscrosed. pin up theMy ctothesposter
i :"* :':ard and present the clothes (shorfs,
-:r litirr,: a shirt,a T-shirt,a skirt, a dress,)one at a
',,i --: :"tpils repeatafteryou. Pointto the itemsof
r,: r^ randomorder.Individualpupilscome to
; :,a,:: readand say the correspondingword.


' r'- - --3'nsof clothingworn by pupils. Elicitwhat

N ills -e, ed in English.

i. ia'ge 34 on the board. Pointto it, mime and
ilirl :E€,- v,ourbooksat page thifi-four!

books open. Point to the heads of Milly Jo
, " ri e \ray and readtheir names.The pupilsrepeat
:'- ray the cassette/CD.The pupilslistenand
riir-T:'e* :he cassette/CDagain. The pupils listen
l 'roe.a'i.chorally and individually.Check the
itiltt) :r:'r'tLlnciation
and intonation,

;: l,-sten. Tolkwith gourfriend.

" uas,spt 29)
'Pei :: oracfise clothes.)

Sooks closed. Point to a pupil who is

" - shirt and say: Who'sgot a shirt?Elicitthe
r : --artr€from the class.Repeatwith sonie other
, utI riii

€ Less*mS (Ex5) Listen.Tolk with Vourfriend.
{*ms:To identifyitemsof clothing. (Topescript
(An activityto consolidateitem$of clothing.)
-mguage focus: Have you got a coat? No, I
Haveyou got boots?Yes, I have.You're Play the cassette/CD.The pupils listen and repeat,
-:'"r! chorally and individually.Check their pronunciation
ier'g€tvocabulary: Coat,jacket,scarf,hat, shoes, and intonation.The pupils work in pairs. One pupil
thinksof a teddy from the ones in Ex. 4 and the other
has to find who that teddy is by asking questions.
irta materials:My Clothesposter.Slips of paper Then, the pupils change roles and resume the
a tablewith itemsof clothing.(Follow-up). activity.Check round the class. Ask some pairs to
report back to the class.

Waitby the doorandgreetthe pupilsas theyarrive.
(AnactiviUto reviewclothesitems.)
$m$e* s
30). Prepareslips of paper with items of clothing and the
Thepupilslistenandsingalong. followingtable:

Findsomeonewho has got:

& ffffiS.{T$4tr
(Activitiesto presentclothes.)

I (Ex.4) Listenand circle.Sag.(Topescript32)

Puplls'booksclosed.Pinup theMy Clothesposter
on the board and presentthe words (coat, jacket,
scart,hat,shoes,boots),one at a time. Pointto and
say the words. The pupils repeat,chorallyand
Pointto the itemsof clothingin random
order and ask the pupilsto say the appropriate
Giveeach pupila slip of paperwith an itemof clothing
as well as a photocopy of the table. Explain the
activity.The pupils go round askingtheir classmates
what item of clothing they have got and fill in their
Writethe itemsof clothingon the board.Allowthe table.Then,the pupilsreportback to the class.
pupilssometimeto lookatthem.Then,askthepupils lf you wish, the pupils can do the My C/ofhesactivity
to closetheireyes.Eraseone of the words.Askthe from the StickerSfop (p. 67). lf you do so, ask the
pupilsto opentheireyesand tell you whichitemof pupils to show them to you for verificationbefore
clothingis missing.Repeatthe activitywiththe other stickingthem on the correspondingsquares.

Drawa large36 on the board.Pointto it, mimeand

say:Openyour booksat page thifi-six!
Pupils' books open. Play the cassette/CD. The
pupilslistenand circlethe correctword.Pausethe
cassefte/CD if youthinkthepupilsneedmoretimeto
do so. Checkthe pupils'answers.Then,play the
cassette/CDagain with pauses for the pupils to
repeat.Ghecktheir pronunciation and intonation.
Sam- coat Bob- jacket Torn- boots
Dan- hat Ken- scarf Jim- shoes

i L*smmm
S 1e. FaoiEeTFSMF
To consolidatethe languageof the unit. To
tulnniiarisepupilswith Britishcultureto learnabout (Ape rsonali sation activity.)
-ra-ds, Britain'smost populardepartmentstore.
-: ierelop writing skills through project work: . Recd.Then,wrlte oboutgou.
llilnirgabouttheir favouriteclothes. Referthe pupilsto the projecton p. 38 andcomment
focus: My favourite clothes are: My on thepicture.Askthepupils,in L1if necessary,
ruur,cw theirfavouriteclothesare.
T-shiftand my bluetrousers.
lrrget vocabulary:Consolidation. Explain to thepupilsthattheyhaveto do thesameon
youcanaskthepupilsto produce
p. 39.Alternatively,
rl@amaterlals:None. their project on a piece of paper. They can use
pictures or drawings.Goroundtheclassasthepupils
work on their projectsand provideany necessary
..A€fu4-HP help.

,tu activityto reviewthelanguagetaughtin Lesson4.)

>.rpilsreadoutthe CecilMouseepisode.
lrrawa large38 on the board.Pointto it, mimeand
say:Openyour booksat page thifi-eight!
,4cturtlesto familiarisepupilswith Britishcultureand
qlore theirown.)

I Read.
Ftrpils'booksopen.Pointto the pictureandexplain
n the pupilsthat this is a very big shop in Britain,
rianods.Askthemif theyhavesuchbig shopsin their
lnes.Readthetert againwithpausesfor the pupibto
epeatafteryou.Then,the pupilsreadoutthetext,

rsk the pupilsto drawandcolourin a big department
*ore in theircountry.

{ Lesssn1 o (Ex2) Listen.Tatkwith gour friend.
To talk about seasons.
lung&r€gefocus: What's my favourite season? (Activitiesto consolidateseasons.)
r- i@{=LEgf{GAm*S
vocabulary: Spring, summer, autumn,
Pupils' books closed. Pin up the seasonsflashcards.
Askthe pupilsto guesswhichis yourfavouriteseason.
rillma rmaterials:
Flashcardsof the followingitems: e,g. Teacher: (thinks of autumn) What's my
;il":'., summer,autumn,winter. favouriteseasonZ
Pupil1: (ls it) winter?
Teacher: No.
u .'qARM-{JF Pupil2: (ls it) autumn?
Teacher: Yes/
by the door and greetthe pupilsas they arrive. Pupils' books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
h' activity to review the language taught in Unit 5.) pupilslistenand followthe exchangein their books.
Play the cassette/CDagain with pauses.The pupils
the pupilsto presenttheir projectfrom Lesson
"tr.'li'-e repeat, chorally and individually. Check their
; "..!nit5). Ask individualpupilsto tell the classwhat pronunciationand intonation.Then,the pupilsworkin
:er fiavouriteclothes are. pairs.One pupil tracesthe name of his/herfavourite
seasonon his/herpartner'spdm and the other pupil
& pRACTICF tries to guess which season it is. Then, the pupils
change roles and resumethe activity.Check round
,tciivities to present& activatethe vocabularyof the the class.Ask some pairsto reportback to the class.

Fx. 1) Listenand repeat.Draw. 6-q*lreEf,Br:::

35) o Dividethe class into four groups.Assigna seasonto
each group. The pupils work togetherto produce a
collagewith drawingsthat illustratethe season (e.9.
Purpils'books closed. Pin up the seasonsflashcards Winter:snowman,snow,scarf,sled, etc). Makesure
:r the board, one at a time. Point to and say the you displaytheirwork somewherein the classroom
$€Bsons.The pupils repeat after you. Point to the
;€ssons in random order. Individualpupils say the
lnaw a large 40 on the board. Pointto it, mime and
say:Open your booksat page forty!
Al4rils' books open. Playthe cassette/CD.The pupils
ilslenand repeat.Check the pupils' pronunciationand
renation. Refer the pupils to the pictures. Ask the
lruoilsto match them to the correspondingseason.
--en, allow the pupils some time to draw similar
f,(irres in the spacesprovided.
a flowerfor spring,a sun for summer,a leaf
Er autumn,a snowmanfor winter.

:=s#geff . (Ex6) Listen.Tolk with gour Jriend.
, rFE To talk aboutthe weather. (Tapescript
,,.m,',:rage (An activityto consolidateweather.)
focus: What'sthe weatherlike? lt's
F i" -,1;ciF I,l,lF i:i t) iri
vocabulary:lt's's sunny. lt's
Pupils' books closed. Pin up the weatherflashcards.
' -: lt''scold. Think of a weather condition and mime an
r*': 'naterials:Flashcards of the followingitems: appropriateaction.Invitethe pupilsto guesswhich
: ^ .9. lt'''shot. lt's cold. weatherconditionit is.
e.g. Teacher: (thinking of lt's cold. and miming
shivering and hugging himlherself)
ie""ffip What'sthe weatherlike?
Pupil1: lt'scold!
1t by the door and greetthe pupilsas they arrive. Teacher: Yes,ft's cold! etc
-' activityto reviewfood items.) Repeatwith the rest of the weatherconditions.
Pupils' Books open. Play the cassette/CD.The
& fi$${AffiT$fril pupils listen and repeat,chorallyand individually.
Checktheirpronunciation The pupils
and intonation.
: --:';'ltlesto presentweather.) work in pairs.One pupilmimesan actionand his/her
partner guesses the weather condition. Then, the
ix. 5) Readond match. Listenand pupilschangerolesand resumethe activity.Check
38) roundthe class.Ask some pairsto reportback to the
I :i:'tFti:I*]
:rpifs' books closed. Pin up theweatherflashcards !.1;i;1 r1r'
l- il.,r",-li-
i*:. h{"}LL{}\,'',,i-{-f 'r '
: - 'i'reboard and presentthe weatherconditions(/t's
z ',19. lt'''shot. lt's cold.), one
:: : time.Pointto and say the sentences. The pupils {. 'hffmfmrmW##il?illflu,mfr:li,r,
m,l;itr,,,rri I

':eat, chorallyand individually.

Point to the weather II Preparea chart with the days of the week and
: : -ditionsin randomorderand ask the pupilsto say
- = appropriatesentences. I some slips of paper with weather symbols (for
I rain,snow,hot,cold and sunny).
a' Dividethe classintogroups.Askthemto worktogether
!-cw the weather flashcards,one at a time,
and decideon the seasonsthey all likeand makea list
.:-etimes saying the correct weather condition
with the kind of weathereach seasonhas. Then.the
netimesnot.Ask the classfor verification.
': groupsreadtheirweatherliststo the restof the class.
: : Teacher: (showing the 'lt's raining.' flashcard)
lf you wish,you can ask the pupilsto do the Seasons
It's raining. & Weatheractivityfrom the StickerSfop (p. 68). lf you
Class: Yes. do so, ask the pupils to show them to you for
Teacher: (showingthe 'lt's hot.' flashcard)lt's verificationbeforestickingthem on the corresponding
cold. squares.
Class: No. etc
I'arv a large42 on the board,Pointto it, mime and
,=, Open your booksat page forty-two!

;upils' books open. Readthe sentences.Havethe

:-pils match the sentencesto the corresponding
: :iures. Check the pupils' answers. Play the
The pupilslistenand repeat.Checktheir
:'cnunciationand intonation.
2c 3a 4d 5b

€ E-esson
5 i€. Pre#JECT
tq,r*s:To consolidatethe languageof the unit.To
riru*arisepupilswith Britishculture:to learnabout (A pe rsonali sation activi$.)
"'"* in Britain.To developwriting skills
"':,,9h o Read.Then,write cbout gou.
Referthe pupilsto the projecton p. 44 and comment
;1pqu?gefocus: My favouriteseason is winter on the picture.Ask the pupils,in L1 if necessary,what
::;auseI likesnow! theirfavouriteseasonis and why they like it.
vocabulary:Bring,anyway. Explainto the pupilsthat they haveto do the sameon
p. 45. Alternatively,
you can ask the pupilsto produce
materials:None. their project on a piece of paper. They can use
picturesor drawings.Go roundthe classas the pupils
work on their projeets and provide any necessary
,,/ARM*ilJP help.

-n activityto review the language taught in Lesson4.)

>upilsreadout the CecilMouseepisode.
lraw a large 44 on the board. Pointto it, mime and
=ay:Open your booksat page fofi-faur!

lctivities to familiarisepupils with Britishculture and
2.tploretheir own.)

* Read.
Fupils' books open. Pointto the pictureand elicitthe
ilieather.Explain that the weather in Britain is
-rpredictableand that it rains throughoutthe year.
lsk the pupils if it is the same in their country.Read
-:retext. The pupils listenand follow the lines. Read
:le text again with pauses for the pupils to repeat
:fter you. Then,the pupilsread the text aloud.

I Reodand colour.
EllieMay hosgof a pink T-shirt,o blue skirtondpink boots.
Cecilhos got o greenshirt,yellowtrousersond blue shoes.

Lookand write.



-:ck- read and drow line

1 lt's rolnlng
2 lt'ssunng.
3 lt's snowlngl
4 lt's hot.
// /
5 lt's co[d:

r:ite. Then,colour
:' rg 2 A utumn 3 Summer 4 Winter

*,1 -$z
., ii

,, >

: s' c o plctures.)


il 'il ,/ {---l
Excettent Verggood Go o d

(Activitiesto presentand practisea Christmassong.)

. (Ex. 1) Sing olong! (Tapescript41)

Pupils' books open. Read the lyrics, line by line,
inviting the pupils to repeat after you. Play the
cassette/CDas many times as you wish. The pupils
listenand sing along.

- s unit is is designedto be taught

,|lr 'lNlNG THELEssON

r rirrres to presentChristmas.)

Beforegoing into class

,ir,i : Ohristmastree out of green paper,a big
:rianglewill do.

-r :ire big Christmastree you have preparedand

- lrnstmas free.The pupilsrepeatchorally.Tell
,,r'-:Bt you will all be decorating the class
"'iilr:-astree. Ask the pupilsto draw a pictureand
-E cn the classChristmastree.

;F a,--T\YO
RK (Optionat)
,: r'sh, we can photocopyp.87f and hang out
* :rr:iocopv per pupil.Allowthe pupilssome time
r::,:,-rafld decoratetheir Christmastrees.

(Ex.2) Listen.Tatkwith gour Jriend. F*Lt*1.V-iii'
Play the cassette/CD.The pupils listen and repeat, Play some Christmascarols and let the pupils sltr
Then,the pupilsexchange
chorallyand individually. along,

Tell pupils they are going to make an angel for the
Christmastree at home. Explainthat in the UK they
usuallyput an angel on top of their Christmastree.
Ask the pupils if they do the same in their country.
Photocopythe templateon p. 88T and hand out one
to eachpupil.Showthemyourmodeland guidethem
through the cutting, drawing and colouring of their
angel. Go round the class as the pupils do the
craftworkand ask questionsabout the colour(s)the

HaFpy Eastert
To read and talk about Easter.To sing an
song.To makean Easterbunnyrabbit.
focus: Here'smy Easterbunny rabbit.
a funny rabbit!He jumps here, he jumbs
Bunny rabbit,where'syour egg? Bunny
guess!Haveyou got my egg? No!
tmterials:Easteregg (Let'splay!). Photocopies

ttllMe:This unit is is designedto be taught

lS before Easter.

*lcfvrtresto presentEaster.)
on the boardthe dateEasteris on and say:/t's
=sfer/ HappyEaster, everyone!Have the pupilswish
:re anotherHappyEaster.Havea discussion, in L1if
rrecessary, as to what Eastermeansto them and
unattheyusuallydo at Easter.

,.lcfnztlesto presentand practise an Easter song.)

.Ex.1) Sing and dol (Tapescript43)

4,tpiis' books open. Explain what an Easfer bunny
aobrf is. Pointto the rabbitin the pictureand present
1-ewords littletail and long ears. Mime jumping and
:r'mentthe word jump. Read the lyrics,line by line,
rviting the pupils to repeat after you. Play the
=ssette/CDas many times as you wish. The pupils
ustenand sing along.

o (Ex.2) Let'sptog! F#LE"*F14J-#F
Explainthe game. A pupil sits in the centrewith the *A*EETE]
restof the pupilsin a circlearoundhim/her.The pupil o Play the song (TaPescriPt43). The PuPils n-r:lrlti
in the centrehas an Easteregg behindhim/her.The around holdingtheir Easterbunny rabbit and snql
pupilcloseshis/hereyes.Ask a pupil in the circleto along.
standup, takethe egg and put it behindhim/her'The
pupil in the centrethen opens his/hereyes and asks
the pupilswho has got the egg. The pupil who has
got the egg comes to the centreand the game is
continued.Leadthe activityby repeatingthe following
rhymeeverytime the pupilin the centrechanges:
Teacher: Bunnyrabbit, where's your egg?
BunnYrabbit, guess/
Askwho's got it, bunnYrabbit!
Seewho answersYes!

Tell pupils they are going to make an Easterbunny
rabbit. Photocopythe templateon p. 89T and hand
one out to each pupil.Show them your model and
guidethemthroughthe cutting,gluingand colouring
of their Easterbunny rabbit.Go roundthe classas the
pupils do the craftworkand ask questionsabout the

5 lT
& Stage Directions}
The Ehrec €ilty Ssats Grilff! {GuideEices

-ess* n t le" ilNilrhrcTfrELrssor{

, : rsolidation
of languagetaughtthroughout
(An activity for children's language development.)
".. -

o Play the song on page 61. Teach the pupils the

followingactionsto accompanythe song:
TFiT$SsQN The ugly troll runs far away, (mime running)
Far, tar away. (put hand over brow as thoughsearching)
'-"-:",'Tlesto explorethe theme of the story.) The ugly troll runs lar away, (mime running)
:" :'e pupilsin a circleand explainto them that in Oh, ft's a happy day! (wavehands in the air)
::iis essonthey are going to listento the story of The Happy day, happy day, (join hands and skip around
-'-=e Billy Goats Gruff. Show them pages 55/56 of
in a circle)
*: sioryand invitethemto tell you who'swho. Point
The troll is lar away!
:: r'e 'greengrass'and'woodenbridge'and ask the Happy day, happy day,
;,-: s io repeatafteryou.Ask if anyonehas heardthe Let's all shout HOORAY!(stretcharms in the ai]
ir:'/ in their mother tongue. Inviteguessesas to
The Billy Goafs come out to play, (join hands and
' - at they think the story is about.
::,' the song on page 52. Teach the pupils the skip around in a circle)
Play, play all day! (mime trotting along the road)
': owingactionsto accompanythe song: The Billy Goats come out to play,
-nree Billy Goats Grutf, (mimetroftingalong the road)
Oh, it's a happy day! (wavearms in the air)
'hree Billy Goats Gruft,
- y wantto eatthe green, green,grass. (rubtummy) . Encouragethe pupils to join in with the words and
-,tree Billy Goats Gruft! actionsof the song.

3lippety CIop, Clippety CIop, (mimetroftingalong the

=ad) Lesson2
rhey're going to the mauntain.
}tippety Clop, Clippety Clop,
ihe ugly troll starts shouting! (grimace and make
: awed hands)
lhree Billy Goats Grdf, (mime trottingalong the road) (An activityto review the vocabularyof the story.)
Three Billy Goats Gruft, o Ask the pupils to turn to the picturedictionaryof the
rhey want to cross the wooden bridge, story (p. 62). Ask them to point to the corresponding
Three Billy Goafs Grutt! pictureas you call out the words. The action words
o lncouragethe pupilsto join in with the words and could be done separately;call out the actionand the
pupils respondby doing a mime of the action.
actionsof the song. Dividethe classinto groupsof
o Reviewthe firstsongand actionspractisedin Lesson1.
i 'our and have each group performit to the other.

& PRACTICE ls, ppacrtce
o Play the story on the cassette/CD.This time, pause
and ask questionsaftereach picture.
(Anactivityto reviewand presentthe vocabularyof the
story.) Page 52153

, Referthe pupilsto the picturedictionaryon page 62. 1 Who's this? (pointto the troll)
Pointto each pictureand say the appropriateword. 2 Who's this? (pointto each BillyGoat in turn)
The pupilsrepeat,chorallyand individually. 3 Whereare they going?
. Ask the pupils to turn to page 52. Play the story on
cassette/CDfFapescript44). Pauseaftereach picture Page 54
to give the pupilstime to turn their page. (Thereis a 1 What'sthis?(pointto woodenbridge)
naturalpauseaccompaniedby a tone on the cassetfe 2 Who's crossingthe bridge?
indicatinga turn of page.) 3 Where'sthe troll?
I Playthe story again,this time askingthe pupilsto
point to the characterwho is speakingas they are Page 55
1 What does the troll want to do? (pointto inset) i
2 What does Baby BillVGoat say?

Page 56 jlilj'1L;;I :L ryL5:jry
ifl ry:
Who's this? (pointto BrotherBillyGoat)

2 ls he happy? (An activity to promote autonomy.)

3 What does the troll say? o Conducta class surveyto find out which song 'i
the storythe pupilsenjoyedmost. Playthe song :
Page 57 was the most popular.Alternatively,divide the
1 What does brotherBillyGoat say? in half and have each group sing one of the songls
2 ls the troll happy? o Game: Mr Troll, May I?
Appoint a pupil to be the troll. The rest of the
Page 58 are goats.The goatsand troll standat opposites
1 Who's this? (pointto Daddy BillyGoat) of the room. The goats, in turn, ask if they may
2 ls the troll happy now? so many steps forward. i.e. "Mr Troll, please rnat,
take 3 baby steps forward?"The teacher says er:
Page 59 'Yes,you may", or "No, you may not." The winner-
the goat who reachesthe troll first. Encourage:
1 What does Daddy BillyGoat say? use of descriptivewords,such as liftle,big and g';
2 Whereis the troll?
Ask the pupilsif they enjoyedthe story.Invitethe-
Page 60 put a sticker at the bottom of the last page of
ls the troll scared?(pointto the troll)
^- What are Baby and BrotherBillyGoat doing?
3 Are they happy?
4 Can they eat the grass now?

Reviewthe second song and actions practised in

ln pairs,the pupilsact out the storywhile listeningto
the cassette/CD.They can do this either by using
mime and gesturesand/or joining in with as many
words from the dialogue as they can. Alternatively,
narratethe story as the pupilsact it out.

:r:riptand StageEirections

f iEiacters Narrator Daddy Goat Baby Goat

Troll Brother Goat

; st

=ins open. The Goatsenter stageleft: TheNarrator

-:s tc each one as they enter.Baby Gaatskrpsonfo Narrator: This is the story of the Billy Goats
'i siage,carryinga basket,thencomesBrother,and Grufi.
,t,:1yfollows,swinginga stlck and whistling.Babyand Just look at them- one,two, three!
:it:--lerskiparound stageleft,humminga tuneand Baby,his brotherand daddy
it:.:1ing;Daddygoes fo lie undera tree upstagecentre As happy as can be!
,r --z//s asleep.Baby and brothercollect flowersand
' - tom the ground and put them in the basket.

:k-r',tQ661gefsto the bridge, looksover to the other

'i,:=,and scratcheshis head,thinking.Baby Goat Narrator Baby BillyGoat goes acrossthe
r.:s fo skrp across the bridge. bridge,
:Cenlya Trolljumpsout, shouting,from underthe Clippety,clippety,clop.
':ge. Baby Goafis surprised. An ugly troll jumps out at him:

Trall: Hey BillyGoat- now STOP!

' You can't cross my bridge,Baby
-i is shouting.
BillyGoat Gruff!
I can eat you, don't you know?

i=:y Goathesltafes,thinksthenspeaks slyly.The Troll Baby Goat: But my brotheris much bigger.
r -'cnfusedand sfepsback scratchinghishead,while Eat him and let me go!
i-:y Gaatskips past him to the other side of the
'rya The Troll goes back under the bridge,
. zplaining. Whenthe Trollis not watching,Baby Goat
=":konsto Brother fo cross the bridge.

i ,-iherGoafstartsto skipacrossthe bridge. Narrator: BrotherBillyGoat goes across

the bridge,
The uglytrolljumpsout at him:
-ldenly the Trolljumps out, shouting.from under the
: - Cge.BrotherGoatis surprised. Trall: Hey BillyGoat - now STOP!
'-e You can'tcrossmy bridge,
BrotherBillyGoat Grufi!
I can eat you, don't you know?

lpther Goat hesiktes,fhlnks,then speatssslyfy.The Brother: But my daddy is much bigger.

-'tll is confusedand steps back scratchinghishead, Eat him and let me go!
",ileBrother Goat skrps pasthim to the other side of
-e bridgeand joinsBaby Goat.The Tral!goes back
.'Cer the bridge,complaining.
- addyGoatwakesup, then geis up and looksaround
:r his kids"Whenhe sees fhem an ihe other sideof Narrator: Daddy BillyGoat goes acrossthe
'e river,he sfarfsto sttollacrossthe bndge whistlinga bridge,
-ne. Clippety,clippety,clop. ,
The uglytrolljumpsout at him:

lilts resourcebank you willfind the followingmaterial: The Certificateof Achievementceremony
' Instructions for lhe Certificate of Achievement
C,eremonyat the end of the course. Praise and The aim of this certificateis to give the pupilsa sense
encouragement are an integralpartof teachingyoung of achievementin the target language. During the
learners:the aim of this ceremonyis to givethe pupils penultimatelesson explainto the pupils that in the
a senseof achievementin the target language. followinglessonyou are goingto havea'Certificateof
Photocopiable material that can be used to During the last lesson, call each child to the front
consolidatethe language in each module. This individually and hand them their certificates.
materialincludestemplates,etc. Thereare guidelines Encouragethe pupils to colour and decorate their
in the lessonplansas to whereand how to use them. awards.
PhotocopiableModule lests, in two versions. As an extension,conduct a survey to choose the
pupils'favouritesong(s).Playthe song(s)as an end
Photocopiable instrumentsfor evaluafion:Evaluation to your lesson.
is an integral part of the learningprocess and it is
most successfulwhen done through the systematic
observationof pupilsduringthe course.





7 8T @Express








80T pubtishing




@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE 8l





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8 57
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@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPTABLE 877

B8T @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE


ffi_ Reqd ond colour.20 morks)


1 a bl.ueheart 2 a yetlowsquare 3 a red trLongLe

4 a pink cLrcl.e 5 a greenstar

(30 morksJ

I t's...

1 2 3

a book a pencil a schooLbag

a bog a pen a pencilcase

907 @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE

a robot
a lemon
a ruler
an orange

B0 morksl

11 thirteen


19 14 13 sixteen


nine f_

16 nineteen


V Peadond write. (20 marksl

I lrlA favourite shapeis

I MA Javouriteschoolobject
I l-19Javourttecolour

@ ExpresspublishingPHorocoprABLE '

(Time:40 mtnutes)

Wi::{ t
W Reodond colour.120morksJ

1 a pink triangl,e 2 a green ctrcl,e 3 a redstar

4 a bLuesquore 5 a gel[owheart

(30 marksl

I t's...

1 2 3

a book a pencil a school,

a bog a pen a pencL[case

927 @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
4 6

a robot a lemon
a an orange

(30 morks)

15 twentg

10 etght

18 20 twetve

12 1 Jour
Jive eighteen one

M Reodond write. E0 morksl

1 MUJavourite
ft YlgJavouritenumberis
3 Mg Javourite

'q YlgJavourltecotour:[s

@ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE 937
DA T E : . . . . . . . .


(Time:40 minutes)

p0 morks)

robot radio dott
teddg book batt


AP ,Z Z A B c D E
CH fc K E N 0 R S
TC AR R o T s U v
wx YZ c H I P S A
BI SC U I T s s G

947 @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
3 Lookond write. 20 morks)

f'm Ke[tgand this is mg

2 This is mg dad
Harrgand mUmumAli,ce.
And [ook!Thisis mg slster
Sueond mg brotherRon!

4 How old ore ou? Drow. The (20 morks)

'T1 Uearsotd.

(Time:40 minutes)

(20 morksl

robot batt radto CD

teddg dott car bo o k

W_Look ond find. (40 marks)

T CA KE o T su v
B ,scP I Z ZAG

967 @ ExpressPubtishingPHOTOCOP|ABLE
20 morksl

a f'm Sam and this is mg

n 2
This is mg dad Jim
and mUmum Fiona.And
[ook!Thisis mg brother
Gargand mg slsterJeanf

How old ore ou? Drow. The write. (20 morksl


(Time:40 minutes)

El Reodond colour.B0 morks)

EttieMag has got a bl,ueT-shirt,a pink skirt andgreenboots.

Cecilhasgot o,red shirt,greentrousersand gettowshoes.

W Lookond write. (30 morks)

4 5 6

l8T @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
i3 Look,reod ond drow lines.120rnorks)

1 lt's hot.

2 lt's cotd.

3 lt'ssnowing.

4 ft'ssunng.

5 lt's ralnlng.

4 Write. Then colour.20 morksJ

3S 4Au

B0 morksl

EttieMaghasgot a greenT-shirt,a redskirt andgettowboots.

Cecilhasgot a pinkshirt,bl,ue

Lookond write.B0 morks)

4 5 6

007 @ ExpressPublishingPHOTOCOPIABLE
',3 Look,reod ond drow lines.20 morksl

1 lt's sunng.

2 lt'ssnowing.

3 lt's co[d.

4 ft's rainlng"

5 lt's hot.

.t/, Write.Then colour,20 morks)

1S - m - - r 2 A u- u- 3 W -n t--

I 0l
@ ExpressPublishingPHorocoPrABLE T
ModuleTestsKey Test 28
Test 1A llrobot 2doll 3car 4CD
1 (Pupilscolourin the shapesaccordingly.) 2 (Pupils circle the words: pizza, biscuits, carrots
2 1 aboy 3 aschoolbag 5 ruler bread,chicken,cake, cheeseand chips)
2 apen 4 asharpener 6 anorange
3lFiona 2Jim 3Jean 4 Gary
3 2-two G-six 11-eleven 7-seven
19-nineteen14-fourteen 13-thirteen S-five 4 (Pupilswritetheir age.)
9-nine 16-sixteen

4 (Pupilscompletethe sentencesaboutthemselves.) Test 3A

1 (Pupilsreadand colourthe clothes.)

Test 18 21 scarf 3hat 5 shirt

1 (Pupilscolour in the shapesaccordingly.) 2 jacket 4 trousers 6 shoes
2 1 abook 3 apencilcase 5 arobot 31e 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a
2 apencil 4 aneraser 6 alemon
4l Winter 3Summer
3 "3-three 4-four S-five 1S_fifteen 2 Spring 4 Autumn
1O-ten 18-eighteen 2O-twenty 12_twelve
1-one 8-eight
Test 38
4 (Pupilscompletethe sentencesaboutthemselves.)
1 (Pupilsreadand colourthe clothes.)

Test 24 2l skirt 3coat 5T-shirt

2 dress 4 boots 6 hat
11CD 2teddy 3radio 4ball
31a 2 b gd 4 e 5c
2 (Pupils circle the words: pizza, biscuits, carrots,
bread,chicken,cake,cheeseand chips) 4lSummer3Winter
2 Autumn 4 Spring
3lAlice 2Harry 3Sue 4Ron

4 (Pupilswritetheirage.)

Photocopiableinstrumentsfor evaluation 'c' (competence- green); the pupil recognisesand
producesthe language
Evaluation plays an integral part in the learning 'w' (workingon - yellow); the pupil recognisesbut
process,and it is more efficientwhen based on the does not producethe languagecorrectly
systematicobservationof the pupils throughoutthe 'n' (non-competence- red): the pupil does not
course. lt furnishesvaluableinformationthat reflects recognisethe language
their progress in the acquisitionof receptive and
productiveskillsas well as their attitudetowardstheir Cumulativeevaluation
own also allows teachersto
reflecton the validityof their teaching practicesand In the Pupil'sBookthe lasttwo pagesof each Module
the types of materialbeing used. are used for cumulativeevaluation.However,in order
to obtainreliableinformation,the formativeevaluation
The processis basicallydividedintothree parts:initial marks,workdonethroughoutthe module,participation
evaluationat the beginningof the course, formative and attitudeshouldalso be takeninto account.
evaluationwhich is done on a daily basis, and In orderto completethe chart,writedown the pupils'
cumulativeevaluationupon finishinga Module. names and record the results using numbers or
ln Welcome Starter b the evaluation activities are lettersin the column of the correspondingtheme.
includedin the Teacher'sBook,the Pupil'sBookand The code for formativeevaluationcan also be used
the ActivityBook. here.

lnitial Evaluation
This evaluationcentresmainlyon the pupils' reports
from the previousschoolyear.

Any exercisea pupil does can be usedfor this type of
evaluation.The results are then recorded on the
pupils'formativeevaluationchaft (page 104T).
Make as many photocopies as you need and
completethe chartsas indicated.Writethe namesof
the activitiesyou are going to evaluate(for example,
the dialogues,card games,and so on) and writethe
marks obtainedwith the help of the following code
(usingcoloursif you wish):

I 037
chofi for gnmesondactMties(formotiveevaluotion)
Nameof game/activity:
Aim of game/activity:
Module: Lesson: Course:

Pu p i l s ' n a me s: Mark and comments

Evaluationcriteria: c (green) w (yellow) n (red)

I 04T @Express

= z
A x
-= o
Iq, o

{- =
o o
E c
E (E
s) =



-= o
rn Pup ils'n a m e s

id 0)
o !t
o F ot (f)

Publishing I 057
Aefivil* ffiomlc(K*y & Instructi*ns)

StarterModule them. Then say how many trianglesthere are in the

picture.Allow the pupils some time to completethe task
Ex. 1 (p.2) Then,checktheir answers.
Go throughthe picturesand elicitthe vocabulary. Explain 10 triangles,9 circles,7 squares,2 stars, t heaft
the activity.The pupilsmatchpicturesto the words.Then,
the pupilswritethe words in alphabeticalorder.Checkthe Ex.4 (p.7)
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task.Allowthe pupils
1 apple 3 cat 5 egg 7 gul 9 ink sometimeto completethe task.Then,askthemto tellyor
2 boy 4 dog 6 fly I hand 10 jam whatthe pictureshows(a boat).As an extension,the pupiis
can colour in the boat and name it.
Ex. 2 (p. 3)
Readthe instructions and explainthe activity.The pupils Unit 2
circle the odd letter. Do the first one together as an Ex. 1 (p.8)
example.Then,allowthe pupilssometime to completethe
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task.Allowthe pupils
task.Checkthe pupils'answers.
some time to complete the task. Check the pupils
lc 4i 7 d 101 13F answers.As an extension,write some numbers on the
2m 5p 8 o 11P 14S board as figuresand as writtenwords.Ask pupilsto come
3k 6q 9 c 12N to the board and matchthem.
214 311 420 512 615
Ex.3 (p. 3)
Go through the picturesand elicit the vocabulary.Read Ex.2 (p. e)
the instructionsand explain the task. Do the first one
Read the instructionsand explainthe task. The pupils
togetheras an example.Then,allowthe pupilssometime
haveto help Cecilfind his way to EllieMay by matching
to completethe task.Checkthe pupils'answers.
the picturesto the correspondingcommands.
1 umbrella 3 tree 5 robot 7 orange
2 woman 4 vase 6 queen I zebra Ex.3 (p. 10)
Read the instructionsand explainthe task. The pupils
count Cecil'sschool itemsand check if the phrasesare
Module1 corrector incorrect.Checkthe pupils'answers.

Unit 1 2no 4no 6no Eyes

3no 5yes Tyes
Ex. 1 (p. a)
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task.Allowthe pupils Ex.4 (p. 11)
some time to match and write the shapes.Check the and explainthe task.Allowthe pupils
Readthe instructions
pupils'answers. some time to completethe task. Check round the class
1c 2e 3a 4b 5d askingquestionsaboutthe colourof the itemsin the pictures
. Heart Star Circle Square Triangle Let's play!
Focusthe pupils'attentionon the double page. Pointto a
Ex.2 (p.5)
few trianglesand elicitthe word or answerin each one ir
Elicitthevocabularyand revisecolours.Readthe instructions order to demonstratehow the game is played. Next
and explainthe task.Allowthe pupilssometimeto colourin explainthe rules.The pupils play in pairsand each player
the itemsusingany of the givencolours.Then,theywritethe needsa counter(anysmallobjectwilldo).Theyplacetheir
colourand the item.Checkthe pupils'answers. counterson Stafi and the first pupil throws the dice. The
players move their countersthe appropriatenumber o'
(Suggestedanswers) trianglesand completethe task. lf they can't say a word or
1 a red apple 3 a bluevase 5 robot answera question,they missa turn.Go roundthe roomin
2 a yellowlemon 4 a white box 6 queen orderto monitorthe activity.
Ex.3 (p.6)
1 Pupilssingthe song,
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task.Do the firstitem 2 a read heart
togetheras an example.Pointto the trianglesas you count 3 Pupilscountfrom 1 to 10.

I 067
4 Pupilssay theirfavouritecolour. Unit4
5 Seventeen.
Ex. 1 (p.20)
6 a bluestar
7 a pencilsharpener Explainthe task. Elicitthe wordsfrom the pictures.Allow
I Pupilssay what'sin theirschoolbag. the pupils some time to completethe task' Check the
9 Pupilsstandup. pupils'answers.
10 Pupilssaytheirname. 1 ehocolate 3 biscuits 5 carrots
1'l a yellowsquare 2 cake 4 fish 6 chicken
12 a pencilcase
13 sixteen Ex. 2 (p.2r)
14 Pupilsput theirhandsuP.
'15 CecilMouse. Explainthe task. Elieitfrom the pictureswhat Masid likes
and what he doesn'tlike.Allow the pupilssome time to
16 a ruler
complete the task. Check the pupils' answers. As an
17 a greentriangle
extension,ask themto do somethingsimilarfor themselves
18 Pupilsclosetheirbooks.
in theirnotebooks.Then,theyswap notebooksand theytry
19 Pupilscountto twenty.
to find whattheirfriendlikes/doesn'tlike.
20 a pink circle
I I like fish and carrots.
2 | don't likeeggs and chiPs.
Ex. 3 (p.22)
Unit 3 Explainthe task. Elicitthe animalsand what they usually
Ex.1 (p.16) like eating.Allow the pupilssome time to completethe
task.Checkthe pupils'answers.
Readthe instructionsand explainthe task.Allowthe pupils
sometimeto completethe task.Checkthe pupils'answers. Cat: I likefish. Rabbit:I likecarrots.
Then,individualpupilsreadout from the text. Horse:I likeapples. Mouse:I likecheese.
Dog: I likeclficken,
Markella'sbrother:Roberto Ex. 4 (p.23)
Markella'ssister:Christiana Explainthe task.The pupilslook at the food itemsin the
shoppingtrolleyand tick the corresponding words in the
list. Allow the pupils some time to complete the task'
Ex.2 (p. 17)
Checkthe pupils'
Explainthe task. Elicitthe items.Allow the pupilssome
iime to write the words. Then, the pupils colour in the Itemsto be ticked: eggs,milk,bread,apples,carrots
iems.Checkthe pupils'answers.
Let's play!
1 doll 3CD 5car
2 teddy 4 radio 6 ball Focusthe pupils'attentionon the doublepage' Pointto a
few squaresand elicitthe word or answerin each one in
Ex.3 (p. 18) order to demonstratehow the game is played. Next'
explainthe rules.The pupilsplay in pairsand eachplayer
Explainthe task,The pupilsreadthe sentencesand match needsa counter(anysmallobjectwilldo).Theyplacetheir
themto the correspondingpiecesof cake.Allowthe pupils counterson Sfartand the first pupil throws the dice. The
sometimeto completethe task.Checkthe pupils'answers. playersmove their countersthe appropriatenumber of
1a 3e 5d squaresand completethe task. lf they can't say a word or
2c 4b 6 ball answera question,they missa turn.Go roundthe roomin
orderto monitorthe activitY.
Ex.4 (p. le) Key
Explainthe task.The pupilswritea HappyBirthdaycardfor 1 Mummy
oneof theirfriends,usingthe givencardas a model.Then, 2 Pupilssay how old theYare.
ihey colour it" Go around the class, providing any 3 teddy
lecessaryhelp. Check the pupils' answers'Then, ask 4 Pupilssay theirfavouritefood.
somepupilsto readtheircardsout loud' 5 Pupilssingthe song.
6 (a) cake
7 Pupilssay which of the food itemsthey like.

I 077
ffic?$vifyffi**k (Kuy & Instructions)

I (a) car Unit6

9 Daddy
10 Pupilssay whichof the food itemsthey don't like. Ex. 1 (p.32)
11 fishand chips Explainthe task. Elicitthe seasons.The pupils read the
12 EllieMay speech bubblesand match them to the corresponding
13 milk pictures.Allowthe pupilssometime to completethe task
14 Mother'sDay 1 lt's winter! 3 lt'ssummer!
15 Pupilssingthe song. 2 lt's spring! 4 lt's autumn!
16 (a) radio
17 eight Ex. 2 (p. 33)
18 bread
19 Birthday Explainthe task. Elicit the seasonsfrom the symbols
20 chocolate Allowthe pupilssome time to writethe words underthe
correctseason.Checkthe pupils'answers.

Summer:sun, shorts,ice cream
Unit 5 Spring:Easterbunny,flowers,chocolateegg
Ex. 1 (p.28) Autumn:rain,coat,umbrella
Explainthe task.The pupilsreadthe sentencesand match
the clothes to the correspondingchildren.Then, they Ex. 3 (p. 34)
colourthe itemsof clothingaccordingly.Allowthe pupils
some time to complete the task. Check the pupils' Explainthe task.The pupilsreadthe sentencesand circle
answers. the correspondingweather symbols. Allow the pupils
some time to complete the task. Check the pupils
o Completa. answers.
Explainthe task.The pupilslook at the coloureditemsof 1a 2b 3a 4a 5b
clothingand completethe sentences.Allow the pupils
some time to complete the task. Check the pupils' Ex. 4 (p. 35)
answers. Explainthe task. Point to each picture and elicit the
2 Tony has got 4 Jennyhas got weather.Tell the pupilsthat the picturesare incomplete
3 Mark has got They have to 'complete' them by drawing the sun
snowflakes,raindrops, etc. Then, they complete the
Ex.2 (p. 29) sentences.Allow the pupilssome time to completethe
task.Checkthe pupils'answers.
Explainthe task.The pupilsread the sentencesand write
the namesof the teddy bears.Allowthe pupilssometimeto 1 lt's sunny. 2 lt's snowing. 3 lt's raining.
completethe task.Checkthe pupils'answers.
Let's play!
1 Tina 2 Tommy 3 Toby
Focusthe pupils'attentionon the doublepage.Pointto a
Ex.3 (p. 30) few circlesand elicitthe word or answerin each one in
Explainthe task. Elicitthe items of clothing.Allow the order to demonstratehow the game is played. Next
pupils some time to completethe crosswordpuzzle. explainthe rules.The pupilsplay in pairsand each player
needsa counter(anysmallobjectwilldo).Theyplacetheir
Checkthe pupils'answers.Then,ask the pupilsto saythe
hiddenphrase. counterson Sfarfand the first pupil throws the dice. The
players move their countersthe appropriatenumber o:
1 skirt 4 scarf 7 boots 10 shorts circlesand completethe task. lf they can't say a word or
2 trousers 5 coat 8 shirt answera question,they missa turn.Go roundthe roomin
3 dress 6 shoes 9 coat orderto monitorthe activitv.
Hidden phrase;superclothes

Acfivi?y ffioek {K*y & lnsrrue?Eonsl

1 (a) jacket
2 Pupilssingthe song.
3 Pupils say what they are wearing today.
4 (a) scarf
5 Pupils say what their favouritedothes are.
6 (a) skirt
7 (ln) London,(England)
8 lt's cold.
9 winter,spring,summer.autumn
10 boots
11 Pupilssingthe song.
12 flowers
13 lt's snowing.
14 Pupilssay their favouriteseason.
15 (a) T-shirt
16 lt's raining.
17 Pupilssay'summershowers'threetimesquickly.
18 (a) shirt
19 lt's sunny.
20 shoes

I 097
i' "5F*ry
{++. $S-i$#} ie= uNsEr{ffi
Aims: To consolidatecolours.To sing a song
aboutcolours.To explorethe subjectof rainbows. CraJtwork
Languagefocus: Rainbowpurple,Rainbowblue....
Rainbowshiningoverhead. ffimfmsm mw#m #ffi
Targetvocabularyzrainbow,shine,overhead. Rememberto bring in six sheetsof colouredsuigar
paperand a largesheetof whitepaper
Extramaterials:(Ex.1) Stripsof colouredpaper,
in six colours(fromthe song).(Endingthe lesson)
Sheetsof sugarpaperin samesix colours,large o Tell pupilsthey are goingto makea rainbowwith their
sheetof whitepaper. handprints.In the samegroupsas previously,provide
each groupwith a sheetof colouredsugarpaper.The
pupils draw round their hands and cut out their
Note:Thisspreadis a suggestedlesson.However,it colouredhandprints. The handprintswill then be stucl
is at the teacher'sdiscretionto decide how heishe onto a largesheetof paperto form a rainbow.Displar
wishesto approachthe materialdependingon the the rainbowin class,
needsof his/herclass.

| "'o"tjprq-, g;l)$,t
i_ti'bH; p"6;5

(Arractivityto revisecolours.)
Drawthe shapeof a rainbowon the board.Writeand
say Rainbowand ask the pupils to repeatafter you.
Havea generaldiscussionabout rainbowse"g. When
can you see a rainbow? Have yau ever seen a
rainbow?Whichcolourscan yau see rn a rainbow?etc.

& trry.&{Tg{€
(Activitiesto present and praetise a song about

(Ex.1) Listenond point.Then,singalong!

Pupils' books closed. Readthe lyries,line by line,
inviting the pupils to repeat after you. Play the
cassette/CDand ask the pupilsto pointto the correct
word/colouras they listen. On the word 'overhead',
make an arch with both arms above your head and
encouragethe pupilsto do likewise.Playthe songas
manytimesas you wish and encouragethe pupilsto
sing along.

Divide the pupils into six groups. Each group is
provided with coloured strips i.e a colour for each
group.Playthe song, invitingthe groupsto hold the
stripsabovetheir headsas they heartheir colour.

Gx. D Readogoinand colour.

Explain the task: pupils colour in the rainbow
accordingto the order in the song ie from purpleat
the bottom to red at the top. Walk around the class,
providingany necessaryhelp.

f',u+'ig:'j.==:. .",.'.",.
r*^*@ ffigmm., (Ex.2) Listenand wrltethe number.
(Tapescript 59)
i Aims: To consolidate
numbers.To sing a song
To raise awarenessof rhyming
; about numbers. Writethe words 1-10on the bc ;d in a columnon the
: words. left hanciside. On the right and side, in another
column in random order, wr rhe rhymingwords
i Languagefocus:One,two,bucklemy shoe...
from bcth songs.Go throughthe rhymingwordsthey
i Targetvocabulary:numbers1-10,buckle,shoe, are already farniliarwith from the first song (even
' knoek, door, pick, sflcks, lay, straight,again fun, numbers)i.e two-shoeand inviteindividualpupilsto
. come,dive,heaven. come to the board and draw linesto match.Thensay

i Extra materials: (Beginning the lesson) The the rhymingwordsfor the odd numbersand ask the
: numbers1-10written on piecesof papei". pupilsto repeatafteryou (fun,me...etc),mimingthe
actions for the worCs at the same time. Invite
individualpupilsto cometo the boardand draw lines
to match.Explainthe task: the pupils listento the
Note:Thisspreadis a suggestedlesson.However,it song and writethe correctnumber.Playthe song as
is at the teacher'sdiscretionto decide how he/she manytimesas you feel is necessary,encouragingthe
wishesto approachthe materialdependingon the pupilsto sing and mimethe actions.
needsof his/herclass.
=. =-+*+==+ t=*ssf=+"j
a. &f,ffiEruH','#$+JL_:
_:'== : :=
(Anactivityto revisenumbers1-10.) Game.Rhythmand Ehyme!

r Holdup the piecesof paperwiththe numbers1-10,in Divide the class into two groups. Keep a rhythm
going by clicking your fingers (you could use a
random order, and have the pupils shout out the
numberas a group.Speedup the processto makeit tambourine,etc if you wish) i.e two clicks/beatsfor
fun for the pupils. eachnumber/word. Thefirstgroupsaysthe numbers
l-10 and the second group says ihe corresponding
x. ryffi .,.1t::
.i. l.--r..-:_:
ffi'sfljr,,ffT"&TEa::= e.g. Group1: One!
Grouo2: Fun
(Activitiesto present and practise a song about

o (Ex. 1) Listenond point. Then,sing alongl

Pupils' books open. Read the lyrics,line by line,
invitingthe pupilsto repeatafteryou and mime the
actions.Playthe cassette/CDand ask the pupilsto
point to the correctpictureas they listen.Play the
song as manytimesas you wish and encouragethe
pupilsto sing alongand mimethe actions.

Divide the pupils into five groups. Each group
practisesa part of the song i.e the frrstgroup sings
One, Two, Bucklemy shoe, and so on. Then have
eachgroup,in the correctorder,sing and mimetheir
partof the song.

Aims: To consolidate
familymembers.To sing a Divide the pupils into two groups. Each group
songaboutfamilymembers. practisesone half of each sentence:
e.g. Group1: Ihis /s Mama,...
Languagefocus: Ihls /s Mama,kindand dear... .
Group 2: kind and dear!
Target vocabulary=Family,Mama,Papa,brother,
Thenhaveeachgroup,in the correctorder,sing and
sisfer,baby,kind, dear,near,tall,sweet,small,one mimetheirpartof the song.
and all.
Extramaterials:(Ex1)A largesheetof whitepaper . (Ex.2) CraJtwork
Explainto the pupilsthat they are going to make a
family banner - they will begin with their own
handprintand completethe bannerat homewiththeir
Note:Thisspreadis a suggested lesson.
However,it remainingfamilymembers'handprints. Provideeach
is at the teacher's to decidehow he/she
discretion pupilwitha largesheetof paper.Instructthe pupilsin
wishesto approach the material
dependingon the the drawingof theirhandprintsand the writingof the
needsof his/herclass. family members,includingthemselvesie Me. Walk
aroundthe class,checkingwith eachpupilas to how
many peoplethere are in theirfamily,ensuringthai
thereis a spacefor eachhandprintand thatthe name
is writtenunderneathi.e.Babvsister/brother.
(An activityto revisefamilymembers.)
Have a general discussionabout families'.Who are
the people in a family? How many people in your
family?What'syour familyname? efc Hold up each Askthe pupilsto drawand colourfaceson smallslips
digit in turn, say 'Mama' etc and have the pupils of paper.Then,the pupilsattachthemto theirfingers
repeatafteryou. Explainthe unknownwords - kind, withsellotape- you will needto assistthemwiththis
dear,near,tall,sweet,sma//,using mime and gesture Playthe song and havethe pupilsjoin in, usingtheir
or L1. fingerpuppets.

(Activitiesto present and practise a song about


(Ex. 1) Sing alongf (Tapescript

Pupils' books open. Read the lyrics,line by line,
inviting the pupils to repeat after you. Play the
cassette/CDand ask the pupilsto hold up eachdigit
in turnas they listen(Seeinstructions
song as manytimesas you wish and encouragethe
pupilsto sing alongand mimethe actions.
Ihis ls Mama,kind and dear (hold up thumb)
Ih,s is Papa,standingnear (keepthumb held up, hold
up indexfinger)
Ihls rs brother, see how tall (now hold up middle
fhls ls sister,not so tall (now hold up ring finger)
Ihls is baby, sweet and small (now hold up little
Ihls ls my family,one and a/// (wiggleall the fingers

-t San iohn ! (pp . 44-45)
Elr?y o (Ex.2) Aboutyout What do you wecr to
Aims: To consolidateclothes To s ng a song bed?Drawond cotour.
abouta boy and his clothes. Explainthe task: pupils draw and colour what they
Languagefocus: Diddlediddle c".,rnsr",.g.
my san wear to bed. Wdk aroundthe class,providingany
John... necessaryhelp.

Target vocabulary:son. beo. :foir',.efs-,
Extramaterials:Someiternsc' c:o:. ng rpyjamas, Game.AllChange!
Dividethe group in two and then havethem stand in
two lines,facing each other (each pupil should have
a partner- if the numbers are odd, play yourself).
Note:Thisspreadis a suggestedesson.However,it They haveto observeeach othercloselyfor a couple
is at the teacher'sdiscretionto decide how heishe of minutes.Then they turn their backs on each other
wishesto approachthe mater-iai cependingon the and change something about their appearance
needsof his/herclass. e.g. roll up their sleeves,put down a sock, take otf a
belt etc. Then,they face each other again and try to
]A- ffiEGEruruING
THELESSON find out what is different.Demonstratethis vourself
(An activityto reviseclothes.l
r Havea generaldiscussionabout bedtime and what
we usually wear, e.g. What do you wear for bed?
Teach them pyjamasand nightie.You could make it
more interestingby bringingin articlesof clothing
(pyjamas,nightie,trousers.socks.etc.).Putthem all
in a bag and take each item out one by one, asking
'What'sthis?Do you wear thisltheseto bed?

(Activitiesto presentand practisea song about a boy
and his clothes.)

o (Ex. 1) Sing atong! (Tapescript

Pupils' books open, Read the iyrics,line by line,
inviting the pupils to repeat afier you. Play the
cassette/CD and ask the pupils to point to the
picturesas they listen.Playthe song as manytimes
as you wish and encouragethe pupilsto sing along.

The pupils make up their own versionof the song
e.g. Diddle diddle dumpling,my friend Anne
Wentto bed with her T shirton
One shoeoff and one shoe on
Diddle diddle dumpling, my friend Anne.
Invitethe pupilsto sing theirsongsfor the class.

I t3T
Tea Ttmel {pp" 66-4F} . (Ex. 2) Read and draw.
Aims: To consolidate
food.To singa songabout Explainthe task:thepupilsreadaboutCeciland Ellie
a teapot. May and draw the food items on the plates.Then,
they write and draw about themselves.Walk around
Language focus: I'm a little teapot, short and
the class,providingany necessaryhelp.
Target vocabulary=teapot, short, stout,handle,
spout,steamedup, shout,tip over,pour out, cup of
Role Play
Dividethe class into groups of four. Explainthat they
aregoingto pretendto be in acat6.One pupilwillbe
the waiter/waitressand the other three will be
Note: This spreadis a suggestedlesson,However,it customers.The waiter/waitress is going to take their
is up at teacher'sdiscretionto decide how he/she orders (you could provide a.notepadand a pencilfor
wishesto approachthe materialdependingon the the waiter to pretend he's writing the order).The
needsof his/herclass. 'customers'ordera cup of tea and somethingto eat,
accordingto whatthey wrote in Ex.2. Teachthem the
LEssON followingexchange:
Waiter: Whatwould you like?
(An activityto revisefood.) Customer: l'd like a cup of tea and some (cake),
o Draw a teapot on the board. Write the word teapot, Waiter: Certainly.
then say. Ask the pupils to repeatafter you. Have a
discussionabouttea and tea time e.g. Do you know
how to make'tea? What do you take with your tea -
milk, lemon, sugar, honey? When do you drink tea?
Whatdo you have to eat with your tea?

(Activitiesto presentand practisea song about food.)

o (Ex.1) Listenond point.Then,singotongl

Pupils' books closed. Readthe lyrics,line by line,
invitingthe pupils to repeat after you. Explainthe
unknownvocabulary, usingmimeand gestureor L1.
Play the cassette/CDand demonstratethe actions.
(seebelow),Playthe songas manytimesas you wish
and encouragethe pupilsto singalongand mimethe
l'm a littleteapot,shortand sfout (bend kneesslightly
and curvearms at the side)
Here is my handleand here is my spout (make left arm
in shapeof spout,curveright arm and put hand on
When I get all steamedup hear me shout (ump up
and down)
Tip me over and pour me outl (Tiltto the left)

I t 4T
Ra3= "F , ain t( p p . 4 8 - 4 9 ) . (Ex.2) Write gour own song!
Tc s .g a song
Aims: To consolidaier,vearr'e'. The pupilswork in pairs.Explainthe task:pupilsfill in
about rain. their own name and their partner's name. Walk
around the class, providing any necessary help.
Languagefocus: Rain.rain.gc a",e,
Then, each pair practicessingingtheir song. Have
Target vocabulary: rain. outs,2€ o 1.u.: s sunny. them face each other and teach them a simple
it'sraining,it's cold,lf 's nol. ii s s1i,',,.E clapping routine to accompany the song ie clap
hands together,clap your partner'sright hand with
Extra materials:(Ex. 3t D ce for':re c:aro game
your own right hand,clap handstogether,then clap
(one per pair).
your partner'sleft hand with your own left hand. Give
them some time to practise, then invite pairs to
performtheirsongfor the class.
Note:Thisspreadis a suggesteo3sson.Holvever, it
:c c3. c3 nov/ he.she
is at the teacher'sciiscretion
wishesto approachthe maie-a cependingon the lc. Ef{prNGTHELESSON
needsof his/herclass.
. (Ex.3) Let's plag!
in. nnotn*F$EruG Gatherthe pupilsaroundyourdeskand demonstrate
how to playthe game:ln pairs,the pupilstaketurns
(An activityto revise weather.i to throw the dice. Whatevernumberthe dice shows,
they move the same number of squares along the
o Have a discussionabout u,'eather:What'syour
board.lf they land on a weathersquare,they must
favouritekind of weather?Hovi co J,oufeel when it's move forwards or backwards accordingly. Read
raining? What do you do wnet lt's raining and you through each instruction,explainingany unknown
can't go outside? vocabularyand ensuringthat pupilsunderstand what
to do, Then,in pairs,the pupilsplaythe game.Walk
iS. FRSSEf*FATIGTJ aroundthe class,providingany necessaryhelp.

(Activitiesto present and practise a song about


o (Ex. 1) Listenond point. Then,sing otong!

Pupils' books open. Readthe lyrics,line by line,
inviting the pupils to repeat after you. Play the
cassette/cD and ask the pupilsto listenand read.
Play the song as many times as you wish and
encourage the pupilsto singalong.

r t5T
My LanguogePorffolio

You can find useful informationregardingthe Language Putthe mousein the house!
Portfolioin the Introduction(p. Vl).
Read the instructionsand explain the activity.Ask the
The aim of the Language Portfolio is to develop the
pupilsto look at the T-shirtsthe micearewearingand write
learners'autonomy.However,they should be guided on
the corresponding numberof the houseon the keys.
how to organisetheir work, keep records,accesstheir
own information,etc. The learnersat this level are quite
young and are willingto experimentand try new things, My Bookmarks!
but at the same time, can be discouragedif they are not Read the instructionsand explainthe activity.The pupils
sure what is requiredof them. Once a routinehas been cut out and colour the bookmarks.They can write their
establishedand the learnersare beginningto develop nameson them and usethem with theirEnqlishbooks.
their autonomy, you can start giving them more
responsibility and freedom. The learners will still My Family Photo!
appreciateyour feedbackand appraisal,though,so it is
Readthe instructions and explainthe activity.The pupils
importantthat you monitorand facilitatetheir etforts.
cut out the pictureframe and stick on or draw a pictureof
their family.As an extension,the pupils can presenttheir
familymembersto the class.
First Steps
Aftera couple of monthsand once the pupils have made Yumometer!
some progressin the Englishlanguage,we suggestthat
Read the instructionsand explain the activity.Elicit the
you start working on the LanguagePortfolio.Beforeyour
food items.The pupils write the food items in order of
first session,send a letterhome to their parentsasking
preferencestartingfrom the one they likethe most (10).
them to read the letter on page 2 of the Language
Portfolio.Inform them that the pupils will need a folder,
plastic envelopes etc. At the beginning of your first
Let's pack!
session,ask the pupils to turn to page three of their Read the instructionsand explainthe activity.Elicitthe
LanguagePortfolio. Go throughthe instructionson how to itemsof clothing.The pupilscolourin the itemsof clothing
organisetheir Languageportfolio,making sure that the theywilltakewiththem on holiday.Then,they reportback
pupils have a thorough understandingof the concept of to the class.
the LanguagePortfolio.Encouragethem to ask questions
about anythingthey don't understand,Then, give the My weathersurvey!
pupils some time to arrange their portfolios.Go round,
Read the instructionsand explainthe activity.The pupils
providingany necessaryhelp.
ask their family and friendsabout their favouriteweather
Oncethe pupilshavearrangedtheirPortfolios, go through writetheirnamesand tick the corresponding column.
each page together, commentingon the layout and
pictures,and giving a brief explanationof what's on each Christmasquiz!
page. Duringthe next session,spend some time going
Readthe instructions and explainthe activity.Go through
through the All About mel section, providing any
the picturesand elicitthe vocabulary.The pupilsdo the
necessaryhelp. quiz and find out what they know about Christmas.
The activities have been designed to reinforce the
languagecoveredin each module.You can chooseto do HappyEaster!
them upon completionof each module or at a time
Read the instructionsand explainthe activity.The pupils
convenientto you, providedthat the pupils have covered
cut out and colour the Eastercard. As an extensionthey
the correspondingmodule. lt is suggested that you
writeHappy Easterand give it to theirfamilyor a friend.
participatein the activitiesby bringing in a completed
versionof an activityyou wish to present.The pupilsneed
to be motivatedand inspired.Beloware somesuggestions
on how to approach each activity. Every time a pupil
presentsyou with an activity,give them due praise and
artention,reward the pupil with stickers,etc. ln general,
make him/herfeel that they havedone somethingspecial;
in this way, all of your pupilswill be encouragedto do

I t 6T
'J , \ I I

sircr"is ccc-i @gglui+.i
its.i sllse$ f-sirjr'i


Welcome is a highlymotivatint course speciallydesignedfor young
learners.Throughthe adventuresof a liverygroup of charactersand their
mischievousgenie,the pupils havethe opportunity to experiencethe English
languageand culture in an effective and appealingway.

Welcome Starter b Key Features:

o A carefullygraded syllabusto exposeyoung rearnersto the essentialsof

the Englishlanguageat this level
Memorableand enjoyablepresentationof ranguage through flashcardsand
o Appealingsongsand chantsto present,practiseand consolidate
the key
o A cartoon in every unit following the derightfuradventures
of ceci! Mouse
and friends.
o Circle-time activities
o An introduction to the British way of life
o Craftwork, promoting hands-on approach
. Posterswith thematic picture dictionaries
o DetailedTeacher'sBook with a versatileResourceBank

Pupilb Book
My LanguagePortfolio
Activity Book
Audio cassette/CD

I S B N l , - 8 '1 5 5 8 - 0 s 3 - q

Publishing ,lluxl[ilult[[il[U

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