ERP Selection

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Chapter 8

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Enterprise Resource Planning Selection

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

ERP Solution and Vendor Selection

• Gather information about the vendors and their products using

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available channels and resources.
• Preliminary filtering
 Demonstration by the vendors
 Filtering using high-level parameter
 Decide selection parameters
• Prepare and release RFP (request for proposal) using the business
blueprint prepared during the requirements engineering phase
• Analyse and select the vendor
 Evaluate vendor’s ERP system on certain parameters
 Analysis of financial terms and conditions
 Detailed demonstration by the vendors
Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Gather Information

• Analyse the prototypes and demonstration versions that are

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• Many consultancy companies study ERP solutions and release
reports every year. These reports are expensive but very rich in
• The vendors can be invited to make presentations.
• IT magazines, exhibitions and Internet sites also provide
information about ERP solutions and vendors.
• If there is no in house IT competence, a consultant can be hired to
gather information about ERP solutions.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Preliminary Filtering

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High-level Parameters That Can Be Used for Initial Filtering of the

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Ways of Selecting a Vendor

• Competitive bidding: The vendors bid and the most competitive

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one is awarded the contract provided he fulfills the requirements.
• Two-phase acquisition: The selected bidders are asked to do
some additional work on which they are evaluated and awarded
the contract.
• ERP vendors are generally selected through competitive bidding

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Parameters for ERP Selection

1. Business Process Support or Functionality

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• ERP fit with business processes. Factors that capture the process
 The organizational processes flow
 The business practices
 The organizational processes

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Parameters for ERP Selection

2. Data Fit

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• Three functions associated with the data: creation, storage,

• End users: who create and use the data.

• Properties important for the end users:

 The name and meaning data items used in the company.
 The form and format of data items of documents .
 The output data items of the documents .
 The input data items of the documents

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Parameters for ERP Selection

3. User Interface Fit

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• It has three components:
 User interface structures.
 User capabilities required to use interface of the ERP.
 Sufficient user interface to meet the business needs.

• The look and feel, structure and capabilities required should

remain just about the same. Otherwise, significant effort may
be required to either adapt ERP or adapt the organization.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal


• An ERP solution that fits well would result in the following:

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 Lower resistance from the users

 Reduced training needs

 Less organizational adaptation

• Gap analysis is done for figuring out the gap between the
process, data and user interface requirements and ERP offering.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Parameters for ERP Selection

4. Implementation Time

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 Implementation time depends on the following parameters:
 Number of sites where ERP has to be implemented.
 Number of modules or functions to be implemented.
 Maturity level of organizations.
 Customization.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Parameters for ERP Selection

5. Total cost

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6. Platform independence
7. Process improvement
8. Reliability
9. Flexibility and scalability
10. User friendliness
11. Market position of the vendor

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

GAP Analysis (Discussion)

• Assess the gap between the offering and the requirements.

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• The gap analysis will involve the vendor as well the selection
• There are two ways to perform the gap analysis:
 Vendor makes a presentation of their ERP system.
 The vendor makes a prototype available to experiment with.
• The selection team asks questions and based on the answers of
the vendor, gap is established.
• Vendor may be provided with a detail requirements document
and the vendor submits a response to all requirements.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Gap Analysis Report for Sales Process of RetailS

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
AHP for ERP Selection

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• AHP transforms a subjective problem into an objective one.
• A hierarchy is created by putting the objective or the decision at Level 1.
• Put sub-objectives at Level 2 of hierarchy.
• At Level 3, put parameters.
• Put components of parameters at Level 4.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

AHP for ERP Selection

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• Level 1: Select the most suitable ERP system.
• Level 2: Sub-objectives are to pick most suitable ERP system (or vendor) and
implementation partner.
• Level 3: Put parameters for selecting ERP system.
• Level 4: Put components of parameters

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Possible Parameters

• • Cost

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• Reliability • No customization
• Implementation time • Platform independence
• No process modification • Running cost
• Maintenance • Software cost
• Consultancy cost • Infrastructure cost
• Hardware cost • Availability of trained manpower
• Training required • Total cost
• Payment terms • Flexibility
• Total time

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

More Parameters

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• Which RDBMS? Cost sub-parameter
• Uploading the legacy data: Cost sub-parameter
• MRP: Functional fit sub-parameter
• Security: Functional fit sub-parameter

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Try These Possible Parameters

• Hardware support

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• Upgrade support for the software
• Documentation
• Web-enabled access
• Will the software be implemented in modules?
• Will the software be purchased in modules?
• Year-ending accounting
• Posting of transaction online
• Business rules
• Data entry screens
• Report generation
• Master data preparation
• Is the customization cost included in the ERP cost?

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Hierarchy Built Based on Objectives, Sub-objectives , Parameters
and Sub-parameters

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
AHP Process (Step 1)

• The team makes pair-wise comparison to answer questions of the form:

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 What is the relative importance of Parameter i with respect to Parameter j?
 We can use a scale of 1 to 5 (1: means equally important and 5 means that
Parameter i is 5 times more important than Parameter j).
 We will prepare matrices for each level of hierarchy and make pair-wise
comparisons for each level.
 Every member of the team will fill up these matrices.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Matrix for Pair-wise Comparison
of Parameters

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Pair-wise Comparison of the Parameters Filled by One
Team Member

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
AHP Process (Step 2)

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• Use Expertchoice to analyse the data and get a vector giving us relative
importance of parameters.
• W: <w1, w2, w3, …,wn> where wi is the relative importance or weight of
parameter i.
• This software also checks for the consistency of responses.

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Priority Vector

< Cost, Functionality, Reliability, Time, Platform Independence,

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Vendor, Flexibility, Scalability >
= <.119, .327, .10, .242, .035, .091, .052, .033>

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

AHP Process (Step 3)

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Evaluate ERP solution on the selected parameters.
• We create one matrix for each parameter.
• We compare every pair of ERP solutions on each parameter and fill the matrices.
• We would answer questions such as: Does ERP solution A meet our requirements
better than ERP solution B, Does solution A more reliable than solution B?

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Pair-wise Comparison of ERP Solutions
A, B, C and D on Functionality

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Pair-wise Comparison of ERP Solutions
A, B, C and D on Reliability

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Pair-wise Compare of ERP Solutions
A, B, C and D on Cost

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Pair-wise Comparison of ERP Solutions
A, B, C and D on Implementation Time

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
Pair-wise Comparison of ERP Solutions
A, B, C and D on Vendor

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
AHP Process (Step 4)

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Run these matrices through Expertchoice and get one vector for each parameter
that gives relative score of each ERP solution on each parameter.
 Param1: <score_ERPA, score_ERPB, ..., score_ERPD>
 Param2: <score_ERPA, score_ERPB, ..., score_ERPD>
 Param3: <score_ERPA, score_ERPB, ..., score_ERPD>
 Param4: <score_ERPA, score_ERPB, ..., score_ERPD>
 Param5: <score_ERPA, score_ERPB, ..., score_ERPD>

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Rating of Each ERP System on All Five Parameters

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal
AHP Process (Step 5)

Consolidate the scores by multiplying weight of each parameter with score of ERP

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and add them as follows:
• Score of ERPA = Σ weight of Parameteri *score of ERPA for Parameteri
• Score of ERPB = Σ weight of Parameteri *score of ERPB for Parameteri
• Score of ERPC = Σ weight of Parameteri *score of ERPC for Parameteri

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

AHP Process (Step 5)

 ERPA = 0.327 * 0.516 + .1*0.375 + 0.119* 0.056 + 0.242*0.069

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+ 0.091*0.653 = 0.289
 ERPB = 0.327 * 0.363 + .1*0.375 + 0.119* 0.131 + 0.242*0.121
+ 0.091*0.225 = 0.221
 ERPC = 0.327 * 0.061 + .1*0.125 + 0.119* 0.353 + 0.242*0.316
+ 0.091*0.076 = 0.158
 ERPD = 0.327 * 0.061 + .1*0.125 + 0.119* 0.46 + 0.242*0.495 +
0.091*0.047 = 0.211
 < ERPA, ERPB, ERPC, ERPD>=< 0.289, 0.221, 0.158, 0.211 >

Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

Hierarchy Built—Based on Objectives, Sub-objectives,
Parameters and Sub-parameters

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Enterprise Resource Planning: A Managerial Perspective Author: Veena Bansal

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