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CL-X Oral Questions

1. What devices are supported for Google Play Instant?

2. Do developers need to build two different Android apps?
3. Can users choose to install the app permanently?
4. How do permissions work in Google Play Instant?
5. Which permissions are available to an instant app?
6. What’s the difference between an implicit and an explicit intent?
7. When should you use a Fragment, rather than an Activity?
8. You’re replacing one Fragment with another — how do you ensure that the user can
return to the previous Fragment, by pressing the Back button?
9. How would you create a multi-threaded Android app without using the Thread class?
10. What is a ThreadPool? And is it more effective than using several separate Threads?
11. What is the relationship between the lifecycle of an AsyncTask and the lifecycle of an
Activity? What problems can this result in, and how can these problems be avoided?
12. Explain what is SQLite transactions?
13. List out the areas where SQLite works well?
14. What is the difference between SQL and SQLite?
15. Mention what is .dump command is used for?
16. Explain how Boolean values in SQLite are stored?
17. what is the maximum size of a VARCHAR in SQLite?
18. List out the advantages of SQLite?
19. What is the Google Maps Platform?
20. Can I put Google Maps on my site without using Google Maps Platform products?
21. How do I deliver Maps applications on mobile devices?
22. What is the purpose of a motion sensor?
23. What is a driveway motion detector?
24. Why is my motion sensor giving false detections?
25. What is LDR?
26. How LDR functions?
27. Is it possible to control different 2 different LEDs connected to different digital pins of
Arduino on the basis of different dark and bright conditions of LDR? If ‘yes’ how? If
‘no’ why?

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