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of Printed Pages : 8 MTE-06


Term-End Examination
June, 2019



Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Question no. 7 is compulsory. Answer any

four questions from questions no. 1 to 6. Use of
calculators is not allowed.

1. (a) Let G be the set of all 3 x 3 nbn-singular

matrices with entries from Q. Let X be a
fixed matrix in G. Prove that the operation *
defined by : A * B = X-1 ABX, is a binary
operation on G. Also check whether or not G
is a group with respect to this binary
operation. 3

MTE-06 1 P.T.O.
(b) Consider the matrix ring M 3(Z), the ring of
all 3 x 3 matrices with entries from the set of
integers Z.
(i) Give an example, with justification, of
an element of M3(Z) that is a unit but
not the identity element.
(ii) Give a non-zero element of M 3(Z) that
is a zero divisor but not nilpotent, with
(iii) Write a non-zero nilpotent element of
M3(Z), with justification.
(iv) Give a non-zero function from M 3(Z)
to Z.

2. (a) Prove that every element of the group Q/Z is

of finite order. 4

(b) Show that if f : Q —> Q is a ring

homomorphism, then f(x) = x for all x E Q. 6

3. (a) Let R be a commutative ring with identity.

Let I and J be ideals of R such that I + J = R.
Show that IJ = I n J. 4
(b) Find the number of normal subgroups
of order 25 and of order 50 of a group of
order 75. 3
(c) Decide if x4 + 5 is irreducible in Q[x] or not.
Further, check whether x 4 + 5 is irreducible
in Z5 [x] or not. 3
MTE-06 2
4. (a) Consider the ideal
I = ( x2 — 4x + 3, x3 + 3x2 — x — 3 ) of the
ring Q[xl.

Find a polynomial p such that I = ( p ). Is

Q[x]/I a field ? Give reasons for your answer. 3

(b) Write the permutation (3 5 7) (1 3 5) (5 7)

as a product of disjoint cycles. Is this
permutation even ? Give reasons for your
answer. 3
(c) Show that if G is a non-cyclic group of order
n, then G has no element of order n. Further,
give an example, with justification, of a
non-cyclic group all of whose proper
subgroups are cyclic. 4

5. (a) Show that

d : Q[x] \ {0} N U (0) : d(f) = 2deg f
is a Euclidean valuation on Q[x]. 4
(b) Prove that R 5/R2 -= R3 . 6

6. (a) Give an example each, with justification, to

show that : 4
(i) The cartesian product of two integral
domains need not be an integral
(ii) All finite fields are not isomorphic.

MTE-06 3 P.T.O.
(b) Let G be a group and H be a non-empty
finite subset of G. If ab E H V a, b E H, prove
that H is a subgroup of G. Will the result be
true if H is not finite ? Justify your answer. 6

7. State whether the following statements are

true or false. Further, give reasons for your
answers in the form of a short proof or a
counter-example. 10

(i) If A and B are two sets such that A c B, then

A U B = B.

(ii) Any cyclic group is of prime order.

(iii) The cosets of ( (1 2) ) in S3 form a group

with respect to multiplication of cosets.

(iv) If I = 4Z and J = 6Z, then I + J = 10Z.

(v) ( x2 ) is a prime ideal of the polynomial

ring Z [x].

MTE-06 4
*I Inch 441 c01 0144 .
Trliff trft6IT

1, 2019

q.s+ch 1 Kr' :

MP/ 2 EPS'
: 361Wdx i-r :50
(5c-/ 1: 70%)

WZ: YR 7 c*ii 31/4-4Tif / r/ '4'74. 1 c 6 TT

wn. N777 3W -1- ef4V / cle-35e?ej TR7 - T 14 4?

ariva 07*1

1. () 174 #trA7 G, 39' litit 3 x 3 ogcstgi u alTRO

-criq fi 3Afklri Q 4 rxrrq #1f4R
X, G fC 'POT 3TT31TRkgt I f#4 *6* f*
A * B = X-1 ABX 4 tribufim Ift4TT *, G
tartmet t I RNTt, *a *ri*
f AFT italrirt G too t zIT

MTE-06 5 P.T.O.
(Tif) alTaT 404 M3(Z), Zq ti' 3 x 3 311akt
4(14 , -NR-4t AReii IturN ti -ecim Z 4 t, Ott
AtrA 7
(i) M3 (Z) i -cr- 44 3T-444 wr,
dqw 1 trA7 1-11/41 t "R. nmiia-,
31-444 Ref t
M3(Z) T46T 3T-444 w, 3-R
kOcf, 3q1u1 tr-A7
4P*7 i9Tr4t Tel t I
(iii) M3(Z) 0-d1 7L 114T4t 33-444 ,
(iv) M3(Z) Z tr4R

2. RTZ fl iv cez .wr5A.- 31 444 trik-k-d

tI 4

(V) tgifF -zTR f : Q -> Q 4(14 Wil4gikdi t,

Rift x f(x) = x. 6

3. () 1:19. "dli* R "cr- sni-ifdPA4 ortii41 clot' t

TER #trA7 I att J, R' 441 TFritafeir
i+J.R.tztuftm=inJ. 4

cAP. 75 Tc Qia 25 air1 att ct)

50 lic-) 51t11 4-11.-0-1 71We *I *VW Tff *Ii* I 3

(7) 4W-47 x4 + 5, Q[x] 4 3w1irs44 t

Ref I aTr4, dttP4R -% x4 + 5 Z5 [x] ,

apaug-tzt zrr TefI 3

MTE-06 6
4. () A—d4 Q[x] *1 1JU Iqua rf
I = ( x2 — 4x + 3, x3 + 3x2 — x — 3 ) 7 T.fti
*ri* I
ATI< p TffF i* I = (P ). 4irr
Q[x]/I ? 3174 TffK * f cmtui
-04‘ I
NI) stooiti (3 5 7) (1 3 5) (5 7) .0 37FiT4Tf -um)
±.1u114,(4 Vg 4 foikg rwr vg smiler ITIT
? 3ltr4 zuK* Rit; chRui t.N7
(ii) taw i* z G 'Ara n ard-Alzr
(11,6 t, G ct.))Q n 410i 4;ii lit 3-T4'44 Ter
trrr al*, C wr, 3-R
iQcf, dqwut ti4g ft:rk Tit dRict dtovig
-4 t I

5. () REIM 1*
d : Q[30 {0} —> N U 101 : d(f) = 2deg f
Q[x] 7 ILWritzi t 4
No fi44 *1-P4R f R5/R2 =R3. 6

6. fAHICIRgn fR 3-R ti sicWul

04‘q Ifni l f : 4
(i) 71K 71(.41 R-ef t .1* t 71-4rzi
cniciTti !jui-itt)ci gftTIMM via. *
littritfird 0-1 .pmft Tef
MTE-06 7 P.T.O.
NO TIB #tNR G -1+.0t 3k H,G

aTit4Tr Tifft dgkitv:Iti t I el

ab e HVa,b e Ht, IiH,G

err 7RTI:0 t I zrg trituIPT 'ff4 4 TEM 'if,
?;rR HiT f1 e ? 3T:A ttaR Afif* I 6

7. fffF cr, zrr 3/F/R/ 374,

aTIA3 1k1 i Riv, 7g-7M% 71T lit-o.jqwut -1:1 A
cbitui tN7 I 10

(i) zit A at B ktTdef t A c B,

A U B = B.

(ii) ct)i =i9A4

•■ 3111-mr t

(iii) S3 -A- (( ( 1 2) ) kWi -ccitii Tii kt-041,

k.W.1-0461 tI

(iv) ek =4Z J = 6Z, I + J = 10Z.

(v) ( x2 ) ATK .404 Z(x) -cr* ap-Trwi TN' iqd-j


MTE-06 8 6,500

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