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SOAL MID-Test Bahasa Inggris 1 STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Senin 2 November 2020

I. Choose the best reply ( a / b )

1. How’s everything?
a. Great!
b. Take care
2. Hello!
a. I’m fine
b. Good morning
3. How’s it going?
a. Not bad
b. I’m from Bali
4. Excuse me, what’s the time?
a. Twelve thirty
b. In two hours
5. Where are you from?
a. I’m Javanese
b. I’m from Semarang
6. How old are you?
a. 25 cm
b. I’m 31
7. What are your hobbies?
a. I like dancing and singing
b. I like reading a book
8. What is your occupation?
a. I’m studying geography
b. I’m a doctor
9. What is our lecture for tomorrow class?
a. It’s Mr. Ahmad
b. It’s English 1
10.What is your nickname?
a. You can call me Aisyah Rahmawati
b. You can call me Rio
II. Comple the dialogue with the following words:

Hello, well, who, I, very, you, good, she

Dika : ____ !

Alfie : ____ morning. How are you?

Dika : ____ am fine, thanks. And ____ ?

Alfie : ____ ! _____ is the little girl?

Dika : ____ is my sister.

III. Order the words to make sentences

1. is/who/?/she
2. are/John/very/and/i/ happy/./
3. is/a/it/table/blue/./
4. season/it/is/what/?/
5. are/thirty/old/years/we/./

IV. Add Many / Much

1. I see ______ students in the book store today.
2. He spend ______ money to buy that car.
3. How _____ times do you take to complete the test?
4. Amar has _____ jackets for several occasions.
5. We can see _____ animals in the zoo.
6. How ______ dark coffees do you drink today?
7. I can see _____ cars in the parking space.
8. How_____ soy sauce I have to put in the fried rice, to make it delicious?
9. She has so _______ love toward her newborn baby.
10._______ flights has been canceled due to a bad weather today.
V. Put the correct Ordinal / Cardinal number
1. I have breakfast at ___ o'clock. (6)
2. My brother is in the ____class. (6)
3. Jamie is ____ years old. (10)
4. Today is the ____ of April. (10)
5. It costs only ____ pound. (1)
6. I am so happy, that he won the ____ prize. ( 1)
7. It takes _____ hours to get from London to Cairo by air. (5)
8. It's the ____ day of our holiday in Bali. (5)
9. He scored _____ goals in ____ games. (3,2)
10.It was his _____ goal in the last _____ games.(3,2)

VI. Make a conversation/ dialogue using Expression of help/assistance based

on these situations below. (You may choose one)

Situation 1 : You are offering help to your neighbor to pick her children up from

Situation 2 : You are offering some foods and beverages to your classmate.

Situation 3 : You are offering help to look for your friend’s book/compact disc

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