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SCIA Manual

Basic SCIA Guide



October 2017

Campbell Reith Hill LLP

Raven House
29 Linkfield Lane

T: +44(0)1737 784500
F: +44(0)1737 784501
SCIA Manual

Document History and Status

Revision Date Purpose/Status File Ref Author Check Review

P1 October 17 Information SCIA TW


This document has been prepared in accordance with the scope of Campbell Reith Hill LLP’s
(CampbellReith) appointment with its client and is subject to the terms of the appointment. It is
addressed to and for the sole use and reliance of CampbellReith’s client. CampbellReith accepts no
liability for any use of this document other than by its client and only for the purposes, stated in the
document, for which it was prepared and provided. No person other than the client may copy (in whole
or in part) use or rely on the contents of this document, without the prior written permission of Campbell
Reith Hill LLP. Any advice, opinions, or recommendations within this document should be read and relied
upon only in the context of the document as a whole. The contents of this document are not to be
construed as providing legal, business or tax advice or opinion.

© Campbell Reith Hill LLP 2015

Document Details

Last saved 25/10/2017 10:08

Path SCIA Manual.doc

Author Thomas Wycherley

Project Partner N/A

Project Number N/A

Project Name N/A

Structural  Civil  Environmental  Geotechnical  Transportation

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1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 File Setup ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Licence Manager/Protection Setup................................................................................... 2
2.2. Creating a File..................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Project Setup ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Saving the File .................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Interface .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. GUI ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Navigation/View ................................................................................................................ 10
4.0 Basic Tools and Commands ......................................................................................................... 14
5.0 Model Setup ............................................................................................................................... 15
5.1. Layers .................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2. Loading Setup ..................................................................................................................... 17
6.0 Importing Drawings .................................................................................................................... 25
7.0 Creating the Model ...................................................................................................................... 32
7.1. Initial Element Sizing ......................................................................................................... 32
7.2. Floor Slab Modelling ........................................................................................................... 33
7.3. Applying Loads ................................................................................................................... 47
7.4. Column and Wall Modelling ............................................................................................... 59
7.5. Beam Modelling .................................................................................................................. 73
7.6. Connecting Elements (Columns, Walls and Slabs) ........................................................... 76
7.7. Connecting Elements (Beams as Ribs) ............................................................................. 79
7.8. Supports .............................................................................................................................. 82
7.9. Pinned Joints ...................................................................................................................... 88
8.0 Calculation Setup ........................................................................................................................ 91
8.1. Mesh Setup ......................................................................................................................... 91
8.2. Concrete Setup ................................................................................................................... 94
9.0 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 96
10.0 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 99
10.1. Deflection............................................................................................................................ 99
10.2. Bending Moments............................................................................................................... 109
10.3. Support Reactions .............................................................................................................. 114
11.0 Design ....................................................................................................................................... 120
11.1. 2D Plate Design .................................................................................................................. 120
11.2. Beam Design ....................................................................................................................... 128
11.3. Column Design.................................................................................................................... 131
11.4. Punching Shear .................................................................................................................. 132
12.0 Further Reading .......................................................................................................................... 133

Appendix 1: Licence Edition Features
Appendix 2: Beam Design Output
Appendix 3: Column Design Spreadsheet
Appendix 4: Punching Shear Spreadsheet

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1.1. This guide is intended to provide an introduction to using the SCIA software and will take you
through a step by step process of how to create a working model for a small concrete frame.

1.2. The skills and techniques demonstrated in this guide only cover a small portion of the capability
of SCIA but these skills can be extrapolated onto any of the other features of SCIA. Many of the
menus, displays and methods are identical for different tools.

1.3. An example model was created while compiling this guide and has been used as a reference. It
can be found under within the containing folder of this document.

1.4. The example model has been based on a previous CampbellReith project. 11775 Regents Park
Estate – Newlands. This is a single block that is part of a larger development.

1.5. Whilst this guide aims to help those new to SCIA it should be noted that generally the SCIA
documentation is very good and help can be found by highlighting any part of SCIA and
pressing F1. This will bring up the SCIA Help website which has a useful search function. Below
is a link to the SCIA Help page:

Expand guide by adding on example model. I.e. remove column create transfer
structure, add ribs, add steel plant frame to roof. Different loading. Import new
drawing. New layers. Etc etc.

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2.1. Licence Manager/Protection Setup

The first thing to do before opening SCIA is to make sure you have the correct licences for your
intended model purpose. There are a number of licences available for SCIA but most of the
functions that will be required for a basic model are included in the two key licences.

The licence manager can be found within the programme folder for SCIA. This should be
located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Scia\Engineer16.1.

It can also be accessed by right clicking on the SCIA shortcut and selecting open containing

The licence manager is called: LockMan.exe.

Once opened you should be presented with the following window:

Type: Only floating (this should always remain the same)

Software floating protection: 7182@lic-scia (this is the server path and may change)

The list of all the available modules is then shown below once the correct server path and
licence type are selected and the Apply / Refresh button is pressed.

There are two basic licence types that are required. Firstly an edition licence is required. These
are the top two:

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The first one is the BAsic and the second is the PRofessional. A full list explaining the difference
between these two modules can be found within Appendix 1. One of these modules is
required for basic operation.

Secondly a version licence is required. These are the SCIA year versions and the latest should
always be used.

As can be seen in the above image the Professional edition licence and the 2016 version
licences are selected.

The numbers to the right show the availability of the licences, for example:

ESA.ED.PR_ENG_EC – 4 / 0 indicates there are 4 licences in total and 0 currently available.

However, due to the fact that the licence is selected and the Apply / Refresh button has been
pressed one of these licences has been assigned to this user.

To see who is currently using any licence simply right click and select show list of users.

Here we can see that Christina S, Etelka S, Don T and Thomas W are using the selected licence.

With the two basic licences selected SCIA has the capability to perform most calculations to
Eurocode and contains most of the available functions. There are additional licences available
for British Standard concrete and steel code checks as well as composite design to EC and soil
interaction calculations.

For a full list of available licences and their functions refer to the SCIA website.

To open SCIA simply ensure that the Apply / Refresh button has been pressed and the
licences required are selected, then press OK and open SCIA from the desktop shortcut.

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To check which licences are selected while using SCIA simply select Setup -> Options ->
Protection -> Open protection setup

2.2. Creating a File

Once SCIA has been opened you should be greeted with the following screen. This is the
Project Manager:

This screen shows you the recent files that have been opened and allows you to access a
number of tools for creating new projects as well as some resources from the SCIA website etc.

To create a new model simply select New project and then double click Analysis:

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2.3. Project Setup

Once a new file has been created the Project Data screen will appear.

It is important to correctly select the options in this window.

Firstly fill out the Data form to help others identify the model and its use.

Secondly the Structure form should be completed. For most applications the top box should
be left as General XYZ. Other options can be used for modelling single elements such as

The second box should be left as One.

Thirdly the Material form should be completed by selecting the materials that are relevant to
your project.

Lastly the Code form should be completed by selecting the applicable code.

The below form has been completed for the example model:

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Within the Functionality tab a series of additional features can be added to the file. These can
be added at any point.

Under the Actions tab a series of default values can be changed. These should remain as
default unless you are working on a building for another planet.

2.4. Saving the File

All files should be saved in a clear and easy to find location as per CampbellReith guidelines and
should have clear file nomenclature. See Company Instruction 048-2016 for the latest guidance.

SCIA files should be saved on the Q drive (Technical Data) and within the project folder under a
SCIA sub-folder.

Names should be as follows:


Project – Project Number – (i.e. 12373)

CRH – This remains the same always. Stands for CampbellReithHill LLP.

Zone – If there are multiple sites on a project use two character code to identify (i.e. B1 for
Building 1). If there is only one site use Z1.

Level – If the model refers to one level only then refer to the level. If it refers to multiple levels
then use the code ZZ.

M3 – This should always remain the same. Stands for 3D Model.

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S – This should always remain the same. Stands for Structural.

0100 – This is the model number. Start at 0100 and for new models increase the number (i.e.

Rev – This is the model revision. Start at P1 and increase. Change to C1 once model has been
finalised for construction.

Description – This is a key element of the model name and should accurate reflect the nature
of the model and include the author’s initials. For example:

TW – Example Model

Below is the name of the example model that accompanies this guide:

11775-CRH-NL-ZZ-M3-S-0100-P1-TW-Example Model

Expanded this becomes:

11775-CampbellReithHill LLP-Newlands-Multiple Levels-3D Model-Structural-0100-

P1-Thomas Wycherley-Example Model

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3.1. GUI

Above is the basic layout of the SCIA interface.

1) Tree View Menu

The Tree View Menu contains the majority of the tools that are used to create models, apply
loads and view results. There are ten basic menus which all expand to reveal further options.
Once one of the basic menus are opened further options are available. To go back to the top of
the Tree View Menu simply press Close at the bottom of the window or use the tabs at the
bottom of the window to navigate back and forward between menus.

2) Modelling Area

This is the 3D environment and where the model will be created.

3) Property Window

The Property Window displays the properties of the currently selected element. To switch
between different items when two or more are selected simply use the drop down menu at the
top of the window. To select all items with a certain property simply select the desired property

and then use the Select elements by property button.

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4) Command Line

The Command Line displays the currently selected process or tool. It can also be used to
select a tool simply by typing the name of the tool. For example: Move or Copy.

Some tools allow the use of coordinates and will prompt you to enter them into the Command
Bar or to use the cursor to select points within the modelling area.

5) Viewing Options

These options refine the current view of the model and allow the user to display certain aspects
of the model. The two most commonly used are the Show / hide surfaces which shows the
3D profile of elements and the Render geometry button which shades surfaces. There are
also buttons to show / hide supports, loads, model data, node numbers etc. These are fairly
well explained by hovering over the button.

6) Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains all of the available functions within SCIA as well as menus where all
aspects of the settings can be altered.

SCIA is a complex 3D modelling and analysis tool and there are thousands of functions. Some
basic tools are shown in the following section and any tools required to complete the design of
the example model are shown during this process.

Some tools are not covered by this guide as they are outside the scope of a basic manual. Most
tools within SCIA are fairly self-explanatory and the Command Line will always prompt the
user for the next required input.

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3.2. Navigation/View

This section will highlight some methods of manipulation within SCIA as well as some key

3.2.1. Changing the View

There are a number of ways the alter or change the view in SCIA. The most basic option is to
use the pre-set view angles in the Menu Bar. These allow the user to change the view into a
number of set angles.

The view toolbar is shown in the below figure:

The first three buttons allow the user to switch the view to along an axis. The fourth button
changes the view to an axonomentric (3D) viewing angle and the fifth button opens a further
menu for a number of other view types.

Also within this menu are buttons for changing the perspective type from Orthogonal to
Perspective. The shadow and lighting details can also be changed from this menu as well as
the zoom by cutout tool.

There are also a series of sliders around the edge of the modelling area which allow the user to
change the view. The third and most user friendly of the viewing options is to use the cursor.
By holding down the middle mouse button whilst the cursor is within the modelling area the
user will be able to pan across the model.

If the user is to hold down the CTRL key at the same time as the right mouse button the
user will be able to orbit around the model.

It is also worth nothing that all view changes are selection sensitive. This means that when no
element is selected the view will orbit around the extent of the model. If however, a certain
element is selected the view will orbit around the selected element(s).

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3.2.2. Coordinate System

There are three different coordinate systems within SCIA. These systems work together to
enable the user to reference points within the 3D modelling space.

Global Coordinate System (GCS)

The GCS is the most basic level of the coordinate system and never changes in terms of
position or orientation.

User Coordinate System (UCS)

The UCS is a copy of the GCS that can be modified in a number of ways, by default the UCS is
in the same position as the GCS. The Setting of UCS for active view button which can be

found in the Menu Bar and is used to manipulate the UCS. It has the following icon:

This can be helpful when moving elements on a set grid at an angle to the GCS. The user can
simply move the UCS to the require position and angle, and then simply type in the grid
coordinates without manipulating the figures to account for the angle.

Local Coordinate System (LCS)

The LCS is an element based coordinate system. Each individual element has its own LCS
which relates to its direction and orientation.

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3.2.3. Clipping Box

The Clipping Box tool allows the user to refine the view and hide objects based on a volume
known as the Clipping Box. The Clipping Box tool can be found in the Menu Bar with the

following icon:

By pressing the clipping box (on/off) button within the Clipping Box menu the Clipping
Box can be turned on and off. Once on the user can adjust the volume to be displayed by
selecting the Clipping Box and dragging the cylinders located on each face. The volume can
also be adjusted by angle on plane by dragging the spheres on each face. The below figure
shows the clipping box in use:

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3.2.4. Update Property Dialog

When selecting elements in SCIA the programme will automatically keep the Property
Window updated with the current selection. However, if the user selects over 500 entities of
the same type the Property Window will no longer automatically update. This is most
commonly encountered when importing and moving drawings.

To manually update the Property Window simply press the Update Property Dialog button

which can be found at the top of the Property Window with the following icon:

The figures below show a comparison of before and after:

As can be seen in the figures above once the Update Property Dialog button is pressed the
element proerties can then be viewed. As the selected Lines in the figure above are positioned
on different layers the Layer property box remains blank.

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The following table describes a series of basic tools which provide a good starting point for
navigating and creating models within SCIA.

Tool/Command Location Icon Description

Menu Bar

Or Displays information about coordinates. Simply open the

tool and click on one coordinate after another to see
Coordinate Info Right click
distances between points in terms of axis and straight
line distances.

Command Customises the snap settings for the cursor in the

modelling area. There are 11 options for snap as well as
Or an on/off snapped points only tool. By selecting and
Cursor Snap Right click deselecting different options the user can refine how
in the snap settings function.
modelling It can also be accessed by right clicking in the modelling
area area.

Menu Bar Set view parameters is a tool which allows the user to
> View refine how and what of model is displayed. It hosts a
myriad of options and is split into several tabs. From
Or here the user can change the view type of the model,
View Parameters show or hide the FE mesh etc. It is best for the user to
Right click
in explore this section themselves.
modelling It can also be accessed by right clicking in the modelling
area area.

Activity by layers Menu Bar See section 5.

Activity by This tool will hide any elements that are not currently
Menu Bar
selection selected. The tool to the right of this does the inverse.

The sel command allows the user to select any element

sel N/A based on its name. For example, typing sel N871 will
select Node 871.

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Before drawings are imported or any part of the model is created it is good practice to setup
some supporting information. This chapter covers the creation and setup of layers as well as
loading information.

5.1. Layers

Layers are an essential tool within SCIA and enable greater control of the view and how
elements are displayed. It also leads to a more user friendly model if elements are grouped into

To access the layer menu simply click the layer button in the Menu Bar:

The following window will appear:

By default only one layer is created: Layer1.

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There are many ways to lay out the appropriate layers for a project. The method included in
this guide aims to separate elements into logical and clear groups.

Elements are separated into categories based on their use and form. Drawings are held on their
own layers with floor slabs on another. Columns and Walls are grouped into their own layers
with beams included in floor slab layers. The following figure shows the layers menu with a
basic selection of layers created:

The Structural Model is a feature of SCIA that allows elements to be created but not considered
in the analysis. This box should be left unticked if the layer contains elements that SHOULD be
included in the analysis.

To utilise the layers that have been created the user can use the Activity by layers tool. This

menu can be opened from the Menu Bar using the following icon:

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This tool allows the user to select certain layers and filter the view by elements that are
contained within these layers. In the same way layers can be set up layer groups can also be
defined. By default only One layer activity and Settings_2 are available. The following
image shows several groups set up:

The currently selected layer group will show the structure of the building without any of the
imported drawings. The group above (Structure + DWG) will show the structure as well as the
imported drawings.

Individual layer groups can also be created for each floor of a structure to easily isolate floors.
This can also be done via the Activity by selection tool by changing the model view to an
elevation and selecting the floor in question.

5.2. Loading Setup

Loads in SCIA need to be grouped into appropriate categories so that SCIA can apply the
correct load factors and combinations as per the code in use. In order to define these loads
there are several steps that need to be taken. The first it to create Load Groups.

5.2.1. Load Groups

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To open the Load Groups menu simply expand the Load cases, Combinations menu in the
tree view, then double click on Load Groups. The following window will appear:

Three basic groups need to be created: Dead, Live and Wind.

For this guide Equivalent Horizontal Loads (EHL) have been grouped together with the wind
loads having been calculated by the engineer separately. For more complicated, taller buildings
it is recommended to follow the SCIA guidance on this subject.

Dead Loads

This group is simple as the only option is to select Permanent from the drop down list.

Live Loads

Once Variable has been selected there are two more options that need to be defined. The
Relation and the Load type. The relation depends on the type of live load. As this load group
will be used for our gravity induced live loads this should be set to Standard which allows the

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user to further define how the load cases are combined later on. The Load type will depend on
the usage of the structure and it may be necessary to create several load groups for the live
load the building plays host to multiple uses. This example is a residential building do Cat A:
Domestic has been selected.

Horizontal Loads

For this group we have selected Wind from the Load type list and have set the Relation to
Exclusive. This is due to the fact that two wind directions cannot be applied at the same time.

If this were to be left as Standard and we were to combine two wind cases in our
combinations section then the model could potentially load the building with wind loads
opposing each other.

The figure below shows a completed Load Group page for the example model with the
Horizontal group selected:

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5.2.2. Load Cases

Now that the Load Groups have been created we can create Load Cases in order to separate
our loads. As per the layers of the model there are several ways of splitting up the loads. The
method shown below splits the loads firstly by group and then by application (i.e. dead load
then point load).

To open the Load Cases menu simply double click Load Cases within the Load cases,
Combinations menu in the Tree View Menu.

The Self Weight case will already be created and this has been re-named to SW in the example

To create new Load Cases simply press New and fill out the form on the right hand side. The
user will need to select the Action Type, Load Group, Load Type and other factors. For more
information please see the SCIA help page.

Below is a completed Load Case page:

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As can be seen above the gravity loads have been split into Dead and Live, then into Point
Loads, Line Loads and Area Loads. The horizontal loads have been split by the four primary

5.2.3. Combinations

Once the Load Groups and Cases have been set up the Combinations tab becomes
available. By double clicking on this menu the following window will appear:

As there are no existing combinations this window will appears prompting the user to create the
first load case. As per the layers and load cases there are several ways of setting up the
combinations but there are several basic combinations that will need to be created.

These are as follows: Dead + Live ULS, Dead + Live SLS, Dead + Live + Horizontal ULS
and Dead + Live + Horizontal SLS. Further combinations can be helpful but are optional.

To create a combination simply select the desired cases that are to be included and press Add.
Then name the combination and select an appropriate Type. The two basic Types that should
be used on a EC project are EN-ULS (STR/GEO) Set B for ULS design and EN-SLS
Characteristic for SLS designs.

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The settings for creating a Dead + Live SLS combination are shown below:

The Coeff (Coefficient) value should always be set to 1 unless an additional safety factor is

The figure below shows a completed Combinations table highlighting the D+L+H SLS

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At this stage no factors will have been added to the cases showing values of 1.00 for all cases.
The factors and combinations are only added during the calculation and analysis process
automatically by SCIA.

In order to review these factors before the calculation process simply press the Explode to
envelopes button. This will create several combinations from the user inputted combinations.

Below the D+L ULS6 combination has been highlighted showing the applied factors:

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These additional combinations can be deleted once viewed as SCIA will automatically generate
these before each calculation (although they will be hidden from the user).

If so desired the user can also apply coefficients to individual load cases within a combination
by ticking the Active coefficients box.

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When importing drawings it is important to not include superfluous information such as toilet
layouts or furniture. It is best to ask a technician to remove unnecessary information and
reduce the file size before importing into SCIA.

It is important to note that SCIA will only read 2007 and earlier AutoCAD formats.
Drawings can be converted by using Autodesk True View or similar.

Once a drawing has been selected, stripped of unnecessary information and converted it can
then be imported. The Drawing Import tool can be found within the Tree View Menu under
Structure -> Modelling/Drawing -> Import DWG, DXF, VRML97 and with the following


The drawing that will be imported for the example model contains all floor plans within one file,
however, multiple drawing can be imported if they are in split files.

Once the import button has been pressed the user will be prompted to select the drawing file
from a browser. Select the file required and press Open. If the file contains more than 2000
entities the user will be notified and the drawing will open with all layers turned off. Simply
press the Enable all button for both Layers and Entity types to display the drawing within
the import window. The initial view is shown below:

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The user can then further refine what is to be imported by turning off layers or entity types.

Once the user is happy with the reduced selection the scale will need to be altered to change
the dimensions of the plans from mm to m. This is due to the fact that AutoCAD works in mm
while SCIA works in m. A conversion factor of 0.001 will need to be used. The user can the
select the required parts of the drawing that are to be imported and press the Import
selected or Import all button. The below figure shows the selection for the example project:

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Once the import process has completed the user will be prompted to select a layer to place the
drawing onto. In the example project the plans are all within one file so they will need to be
separated onto different layers once imported.

The user will then be prompted to choose an import location. This can be down by either
clicking within the model area or by entering coordinates. For the example model coordinates of
0,0,0 were entered. After the coordinates were entered simply press the ENTER key to finish
the Command Line entry.

If the user wishes to insert multiple versions of the drawing they can keep clicking or entering
coordinates. Once finished either press the ESCAPE key or right click and press End.

The drawings should then be imported as shown below:

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At this stage the drawings need to be organised and placed in an appropriate position within
the model. For the example model the plans were moved so that the Ground Floor plan was to
the right of the GCS axis. The GCS axis is shown by the green, blue and red axis in the centre
of the image above. By moving the Ground Floor plan to this position it ensures that all future
node coordinates have positive values making shifting of these points easier.

This was completed using the Move tool and by clicking in the model area. Firstly the drawings
are selected by dragging the cursor from one corner to another. Then Move was typed in the
Command Line and that start and end points were selected by the cursor in the model area.

The drawing was imported onto the Ground DWG layer so the Ground Floor plan is currently
correct. The other plans now need to be moved onto their corresponding layers. A duplicate
drawing as also imported and this needs to be deleted.

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To change the layer of a drawing simply select the drawing and change the layer by using the
Property Window:

(The pink colour shows the currently selected element(s)).

Now that the drawing has been moved the colour of the drawing has changed to match the
layer colour. This is because in View Parameters, Style + colour is set to colour by layers.
The layer colour can be changed via the layers menu. Often layers are given a light colour by
default which can be hard to see on a white background.

This same process is then carried out for the other drawings.

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In order to utilise these drawings they need to be moved to the correct location in the 3D
model space. This can be achieved via the Move tool.

1. Select the floor plan to be moved.

2. Move the floor plan to overlay the Ground Floor plan.

3. Use the Move tool to move the plan along the Z axis by the required floor to floor height.

It is essential to make sure that when moving upper floor plans onto the Ground Floor that an
easy to identify common point is used to align the plans. This is easiest when common grid
lines have been drawn by the architect but stair and lift walls are also good points to use if no
grid lines exist.

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To move the floor plan to the correct height the following string was entered into the
Command Line: Move (ENTER) 0,0,0 (ENTER) 0,0,3 (ENTER)

This string tells SCIA to move the selected elements by 3m in the Z direction. 0,0,0 can be used
as a reference point when moving objects from any position within SCIA.

Once this has been completed for all drawings the file should look like the following figure:

Note that a gap between Third Floor and the Roof has been left to allow duplicated of the Third
Floor to create Fourth Floor as they are identical. Once the loads and openings have been
applied the entire floor can be copied up to replicated an identical floor.

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Once the drawings have been imported the model can be created by using the drawings as a
reference layer. The first element to create will be the floor slabs. If any floors are identical or
share similar features it is good practice to create one floor and edit it as appropriate for each
level. In the example model we will start by modelling the First Floor.

7.1. Initial Element Sizing

Before any elements are inserted into the model it is best practice to try to determine their
appropriate sizes. This is best done using a guide or typical span to depth rations for the
material in question. For this manual we will be using Economic concrete frame elements to
Eurocode 2 by The Concrete Centre. This guide contains a series of tables which give different
structural element depts. Based on span and applied loadings.

Using the above guide we have elected to use a 250mm flat slab.

It should be noted that using plates for elements that have a span to depth ratio of less than 10
is not appropriate.

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7.2. Floor Slab Modelling

Firstly the First Floor drawing is isolated by using the Activity by selection tool.

Secondly a floor slab is created by using the Plate tool. This can be found in the Tree View
Menu under Structure -> 2D Member -> Plate.

Once selected the following dialog box will appear:

Within this window the user can specify project detail for the floor plate. Below is the completed
dialog box for the First Floor of the example model:

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Once the settings have been determined press OK and the user will be prompted to define the
start point of a new polygon. Simply use the cursor snap settings to help pick out points on the
reference drawing for the location of the floor slab. A red line will appear highlighting the
outline of the slab that the user has already input. When finished simply press ESCAPE or right
click and press End.

Whilst drawing the slab outline several other tools will appear in the Command Line. These
tools can be used to draw complicated shapes with curves etc. but is outside the scope of the

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Now that an element has been inserted the Render geometry button can be pressed to show
the slab area:

The same task must now be completed for the balconies:

The balconies were input as 225mm slabs (25mm thinner than the main slab) to accommodate
a step between the main slab and the balcony slabs.

By default slabs are input with the mass evenly distributed either side of the system line. This
can be seen by the figure below which shows the 3D solids:

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The balcony slab is selected showing the outline in pink in the figure above. In the current case
the 25mm difference in slab thickness is split between the bottom and top faces of the slabs. In
order to push this difference to the top of the slab two options are available. Firstly the slabs
could be shifted to have the system plane at the bottom. This will make the soffit of the slabs
flush. Secondly the balcony slab could be offset by -12.5mm whilst keeping the system plane
central on the members. For the example model the balcony slabs were offset by -12.5mm:

The -12.5mm offset can be seen in the Eccentricity z [mm] property in the Property
Window. (It has been rounded to 13mm here but has an actual value of 12.5mm).

Next floor openings are cut for lift shafts, stairs and service risers as per the reference drawing.

To create an opening simply use the Opening tool within Structure -> 2D Member -> 2D
Member Components -> Opening

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The following dialog box will appear once a slab has been selected:

Selecting the Panel option will create a load panel in the area of the opening that will transfer
the same area loads that are applied to the 2D member it is a part of to the edges of the
opening. This can be useful if creating a stair opening.

Openings are created in the same way that Plates are. Simply select the points that define the
area of the opening and press ESCAPE. Multiple openings can be input at the same time by
simply selecting more points and pressing ESCAPE between openings:

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By turning on the Show / hide surfaces button and turning to a 3D view the openings can be

This floor can then be copied up to the next level and modified to suit the Second Floor layout.

To perform this function the Copy tool is used in a similar manner to the Move tool was used
earlier. Before copying the slab the DWG layer was turned off by using the layer group tool.

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The copied slab has identical properties as the original that was input on the First Floor level.
The first step when modifying the copied slab is to change its layer to the Second Floor. This is
done by changing the view to an elevation, selecting the slab, and using the Property
Window to change the layer:

By right-clicking in the modelling area and selecting set view parameters for all we can
change the Style + colour to colour by layers to see which layers certain elements belong

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The Style + colour is then turned back to normal and the drawing layers are turned on. The
Second Floor slab with drawing is now selected and the activity by selection button is used
to hide the First Floor slab:

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Unfortunately during the import process the outline of the internal staircases was lost. By
referring to the original AutoCAD drawing we can draw in these areas into our SCIA model
using the Line tool. This can be found in the Tree View Menu under Structure ->
Modelling/Drawing -> Line -> Line.

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By referring to the original drawing we can draw in ourselves the lines required to create
openings for the internal stairs. In the above figure the Orthogonal cursor snap setting was
used to create the bottom right hand point. The below figure shows the completed outlines:

These lines were added to the Second DWG layer. The openings can then be added as per the
previous method:

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During the creation of these openings some of the previously inserted openings have been
expanded as per the figure below:

Other openings are close but not touching leaving a thin slither of slab between them. This will
lead to bad results and a strained FE mesh. To remove these bad results the openings should
be expanded to merge with each other as shown below:

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This is achieved by moving the nodes around the right hand opening. To do this simply select
the two left hand nodes and used the Move tool:

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By turning on the Show / hide surfaces button and turning to a 3D view we can see the
additional openings:

The Second Floor is then copied up to the Third Floor level and modified. There is no internal
stair openings on the Third Floor level so some openings are deleted once copied up:

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At this stage loads will be applied to the frame.

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7.3. Applying Loads

Once the loads that are to be applied have been determined they can be applied to the model.

To access the loading tools simply go to the Tree View Menu and select Load.

The following Tree View Menu will appear:

The drop down list at the top of this menu allows the user to switch between the load cases
that were initially created. By selecting a load case and using the tools available in the Tree
View Menu the user can then apply loads.

There are several types of loads in SCIA but they can be grouped into two categories: Applied
Loads and Free Loads.

 Applied Loads are loads that are directly applied to an element covering part or the
whole of that element. (i.e. Surface load: on 2D member).

 Free Loads are not applied directly to a member but to an area, line or point and then
applied to members based on further selection or rules. (i.e. Surface load: free).

This guide will demonstrate how to apply both of these types of loads but care should be taken
when using Free Loads as duplication of load is easy to achieve accidentally.

For the example model we will start by applying the dead floor area loads. We will be working
on the First Floor level to begin with. These are applied within the Dead (kN/m2) load case.

Once the Surface load: on 2D member tool has been selected the follow dialog window will

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This dialog window allows the user to define the load that is to be applied. The below figure
shows the completed dialog box for the dead area load that will be applied to the First Floor
level slab:

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Then simply select the 2D member that the load is to be applied to and finish by pressing

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The applied load is shown with a green outline as can be seen in the above figure.

A smaller load is then applied to the balcony slabs:

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The next set of loads to be applied are the line loads from the façade. These are applied in the
Dead (kN/m) load case.

Once the Line force: on 2D member edge tool has been selected the following dialog box
will appear:

The figure below shows a completed dialog box for the example model:

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Note that line loads on 2D member edges can be applied along the whole length of the edge or
along a proportion. This is defined in the Geometry section of the above dialog box. By
changing the Coord. Definition property the user can choose between a Relative or
Absolute definition. The Relative function will allow the user to specify a percentage of the
length that experiences the line load and the Absolute function will allow the user to specify
an exact distance that will be applied. The Origin property allows the user to define from which
end the percentage or distance starts from.

As the façade runs along the full length of the 2D member edge in the example model the
default settings are used.

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As per the area load a different load is applied to the edges of the balconies:

The same process is then replicated for the Live Loads.

In order to apply the wind loads the Line Load: on 2D member edge is used and the
direction of the force is changed to the horizontal axis.

The below figure shows the completed dialog box for the example model in the +X direction:

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The applied load is shown below:

This is then replicated for the remainder of the horizontal load direction.

An area of higher load needs to be applied to an area in the example model. To do this the user
can apply a Free Load. When combining loads in SCIA they are cumulative.

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The first step to applying a free load is to move the UCS from the GCS to the First Floor slab.
This is because Free Loads are applied as a reference point and then generated onto selected
elements. Free Loads are automatically positioned at the same Z axis height as the UCS. To

move the UCS simply press Move under the UCS button in the Menu Bar:

The below figure shows the UCS re-positioned at First Floor level:

To apply a Free Load go to the Load section of the Tree View Menu and select either a Line
or Area Free Load. The below figure shows the dialog box that will appear after an Area Free
Load has been selected:

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The below figure shows the complete dialog box for the example model. The area of higher
load is located within the communal corridor as this is an escape area. Therefore the load to be
applied is 4 kN/m2 as a Live Load. The example model already has 2.5 kN/m2 applied across
the slab so an additional 1.5 kN/m2 needs to be applied.

For the example model we will be selecting the slabs for this load to be applied to. To enable
this change the Select property to Select from Auto:

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The Free Load is applied in the same way the slabs are drawn. Simply customise the cursor
snap settings to suit the purpose and click the points that outline the area required and press
ESCAPE to finish:

With the Free Load selected the slabs that the load is applied to need to be selected. Simply
press the Update 2D members selection button in the Property Window. The user will

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then be prompted by the Command Line to select the required 2D members. Once finished
press ESCAPE.

With the Free Load still selected press Generate loads in the Property Window to generate
the loads from the free load:

The free loads can be seen in the figure above in orange. SCIA displays generated loads in
orange. The UCS can now be moved back to the GCS by pressing the GCS button in the
coordinate system menu in the Menu Bar. The below figure shows the UCS moved back to the
GCS position:

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7.4. Column and Wall Modelling

Before the columns and walls are created the remainder of the floor slabs in the example model
were completed by copying up the Third Floor to the Fourth Floor and copying and modifying
the Fourth Floor to the Roof Level to create the Roof slab. This was done using techniques
described previously in this document.

The below figure shows the example model at this stage:

To create the columns and walls we will model these elements at a typical floor and copy them
up and down. In most structures the column and wall arrangement will remain constant across

For the example model the Second Floor was chosen.

In the example model the architect’s drawing shows the location of the shear walls. However, it
only shows the outline of the shear walls and not the centreline. The Line tool must be used
here to plot out the wall locations. The below figures show the before and after of using the
line tool to map out the wall locations:

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The walls are then drawn by using the Wall tool. This can be found in the Tree View Menu
under Structure -> 2D Member -> Wall

The below figure shows the dialog box that will appear once this tool has been selected:

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Walls are input in a similar was to floor plates. However, with the wall tool the user defines the
wall height and insertion point (bottom or top). The wall is then drawn as a line and is extruded
to the specified height by SCIA.

The below figure shows the completed dialog box for the example model:

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The below figure shows the wall outlines after being input using the guide line created earlier:

Once finished press ESCAPE to finalise the wall positions:

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Columns are created in a similar manner by using the Column tool. This can be found in the
Tree View Menu under Structure -> 1D Member -> Column

Once the Column tool is selected the following dialog box will appear:

As this is the first time a 1D Member has been used the user will be promprted to choose a
cross-section. There is a library of cross-sections available as well as facilities to create custom
cross-sections. For the example model we will be creating a 250x500 rectangular concrete
column. Simply select the rectangle profile in the concrete section and press Add and the below
dialog box will appear:

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Here the user can define the properties of the cross-section. Once the desired properties have
been selected press OK and then Close on the next window to return to the cross section
library. The cross section library window is shown in the figure below:

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From the above window new cross-sections can be added and existing cross-sections edited. To
return to the Column dialog box simply press Close.

The completed dialog box for the example model is shown in the figure below:

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Once columns have been inserted is the required positions the modelling area should be as per
the figure below:

Simply press ESCAPE to confirm the column positions and insert the columns:

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As can be seen in the above figure when the 3D surfaces of the columns are shown some parts
overhang the edge of the slab. Columns are also in the wrong orientation in some areas. To
change the orientation of a 1D Member simply select the member and change the LCS
Roations [deg] property to the desired value. In that case of the figure below that is 90

In order to move our columns back in line with the slab edge they will need to be moved. The
user should calculate the required offset and use the Move tool as per previous instruction.

The below figure shows a column that has been shifted to the correct position by using the
Move tool:

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The figure below shows the columns re-positioned to suit the slab edge:

The columns in the corner of the balconies are better suited to a square concrete column. In
order to change these columns toa square size first a square concrete cross-section needs to

be created. To do this open the Cross-sections tool in the Menu Bar

The below dialog box will appear:

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Simply press New and create a square cross section as before:

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For this example a 400x400 cross-section has been used.

To change the cross section of the required columns simply select them and change the
CrossSection property in the Property Window:

The below figures show the completed column and wall arrangement for the example model:

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Now that the columns and walls have been inserted they can be copied to the floors above and
below. This can be achieved by using the Copy tool. The below figure shows the frame after
the columns and walls have been copied:

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7.5. Beam Modelling

After the columns and walls have been copied to the rest of the frame any local alterations
should be made. In the example model a column needs to be removed on third floor level to
avoid a window opening. Removing this column will increase the span of the slab and require
support to be added for the levels above. The column that is to be removed is highlighted in
the figure below:

Simply press the DELETE key with the element selected to remove it:

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In order to insert a beam at fourth floor level the Member tool will be used. This can be found
within the Tree View Menu under Structure -> 1D Member -> Member. The following
dialog window will appear once this tool is selected:

The following settings were used in the example model:

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Simply press OK and insert the beam by selecting the two nodes with side of the column that
has been removed:

Press ESCAPE to insert the beam:

As can be seen the beam has been inserted in the centre of the slab. In this example the beam
is required to be below the slab acting as a downstand beam. The process of converting this
beam into a rib (downstand/upstand) will be covered in the following section.

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7.6. Connecting Elements (Columns, Walls and Slabs)

Elements in SCIA need to be connected before they will function together as a frame. To
connect elements the Connect members/nodes tool must be used. This tool can be found in

the Menu Bar with the following icon:

This tool is selection sensitive and so ensure that no elements are selected before opening the
tool if the user wishes for the full frame to be connected. If the user is wanting to connect two
or more specific elements simply select those elements and open the tool.

The below figure shows the dialog box for this tool:

If a model has been imported from another piece of software (Revit etc.) then the Align process
may be used to ensure that elements are correctly aligned with each other. This tool is outside
the scope of this document and will not be used here as the model was input by the user in the
example model.

The Geometrical tolerance section allows the user to specify the maximum distance between
elements that are to be connected. If this figure is too small then elements may not be
connected at all. If this figure is too large then elements which the user may not want
connected may be connected.

The recommended figure is 10mm (0.01m) for both options.

The Check structure data box should always remain ticked as this tool will clean up the

The below dialog box shows the completed form for the example model:

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Once the user presses OK SCIA will run the connection process and inform the user of how
many connection have been made, updated etc. It will then perform the structural data check
once the user presses Check on the next dialog box.

The below figure shows the model after this connection process has taken place. By turning on
the Show / hide other model data button within the Command Line SCIA will display the

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These are shown as small “ticks” on node to slab and slab to wall connections and as dashed
lines on beam to beam connections. A node to slab connection is shown below:

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7.7. Connecting Elements (Beams as Ribs)

When modelling downstand or upstand beams there are several methods. A ribbed slab can be
inserted in a single process, ribs can be directly inserted into an existing 2D plate or, as shown
in this guide, inserted as a 1D member and connected to the slab as a rib.

In section 7.5 a beam was inserted as a transfer structure, however, it was located in the
centre of slab and not connected to any other elements in section 7.6.

In order to connect this element as a downstand beam the Connect 1D members as ribs
tool must be used. This tool is part of the Connect members/nodes tool that can be found
within the Menu Bar.

Once selected the following dialog window will appear:

To connect 1D members as ribs simply tick the Connect 1D members as ribs box and press

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SCIA will then prompt the user with the following dialog window:

This tells the user that one beam has been connected as a rib. Ocne the structural data check
has been completed the model should look like the figure below:

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We can see that the beam has now been shifted to the bottom of the slab as a downstand. In
SCIA ribs are automatically assumed to be T-symmetric. This means that for the structural
analysis and design the rib will be considered as a “T” beam. In the example model the beam is
actually an “L” beam. To change this simply select the beam and change the Shape of rib
property from T symmetric to slab right or slab left depending on its location.

In the example model the beam was changed to slab right as per the figure below:

It is worth noting that the size of the cross-section is measured from the underside of the slab
with ribs in SCIA. This gives our 500x350 cross-section an overall size of 750x350 when
modelled as a rib.

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7.8. Supports

There are many options within SCIA for supporting a structure. Advanced functions include pad
and raft foundations with modelling of soil strata. This guide however will focus on the
application of point and line supports.

For the example model torsionally restrained pinned supports will be used for columns and
pinned line supports will be used for walls.

To add supports to the columns open the in node support tool which can be found under
Structure -> Model data -> Support -> in node. The best way to apply these supports to
the columns is to isolate the columns in the modelling area and apply the supports all at the
same time. To do this the Activity by layers tool will be used. This can be found in the Menu
Bar with the following icon:

Simply select one layer activity and select the Column layer that was created earlier.

Open the in node tool and the following dialog box will appear:

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By selecting the Constraint of support SCIA will display the default settings for certain types of
supports. By default a Fixed support is shown. For a torsionally restrained pinned support
simply select Hinged from the drop down menu and change the Rz value from Free to Rigid.

The figure below shows the completed dialog box for a torsionally restrained pinned support:

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Simply press OK and select the points required to have support. As we have only the columns
displayed we can change the view to an elevation and select all the column bases:

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The below figure shows a close up of a torsionally restrained pinned support:

The circles represent rigidity in the axis whilst the square represents the rotational rigidity
around the axis.

By looking at this support the user can tell that the support is rigid in the X, Y and Z directions
and rotationally rigid around the Z axis.

To provide support to the walls the walls have been isolated using the Activity by layers tools
in the same way the columns were isolated.

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Once the walls have been isolated line supports can be added to their bases. The line support
tool can be found under Structure -> Model data -> Support -> line on 2D member
edge in the Tree View Menu.

The dialog box for line supports is similar to the in node support but also contains elements
from the line load dialog used earlier. Line supports can be along the whole length or part
length of a 2D member edge.

The following figure shows the completed dialog box for the example model:

As per the column supports the view is changed to an elevation and applied to all the wall

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In some cases it may be preferable to use spring supports. Spring supports have a stiffness
value that allows the point to deflect under load in a certain direction. This can be useful when
designing piled rafts. If infinitely stiff supports are used the amount of load sharing across the
raft would be minimal.

Using spring supports allows the more heavily loaded areas to settle therefore spreading load
across the raft and into adjacent supports. It is essential to carry out a spring support model
when designing pile caps for list and stair cores as there may be a significant difference in the
loads when using infinitely stiff or spring supports.

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7.9. Pinned Joints

The example model is a concrete framed building that gains its stability from a series of
concrete shear walls. The columns in this example are considered pinned but are connected as
fixed by default in SCIA.

To apply pinned joints to the columns the Hinge on beam tool must be used. This can be
found under Structure -> Model data -> Hinge on beam.

Once the tool is selected the following dialog box will appear:

This dialog box shows the options available for inserting a hinge onto a beam or column. It is
important to note that the values and axis are based on the beam in the diagram. Therefore, to
create a hinge for a column fiy and fiz must both be set to Free. The Position is set to Both
as the pinned connection is required at both ends of the column. The below figure shows the
completed dialog box for the example model:

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This is then applied to all the columns within the frame:

The circles represent freedom of movement in the plane of the circle.

Due to the supports in the example model being pinned the columns at the base of the
structure must only have pins at their tops.

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Pinned joints can also be used on 2D member edges. This can be useful if creating dowelled
connections between slabs or construction joints. These are applied in a similar manner to the
method shown above but simply to 2D member edges.

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Before the model can be run there are several important steps that improve the usability of the
model and its results. This chapter will run through the Mesh Setup and Concrete Setup.

8.1. Mesh Setup

SCIA will automatically generate an FE mesh based on its default settings. However, these
default settings may not be appropriate for the model. The default settings used a 1m mesh
panel size for 2D members. If the user is creating a connection detail with stiffener plates a 1m
mesh would be inappropriate.

As a general rule the mesh of any 2D plate should be no larger than span/10.

For the example model the 2D mesh panel sizes will be reduced to 0.4m and the walls further
reduced to 0.2m.

To change the global settings for the panel sizes open the Mesh setup menu in the Tree
View Menu. This can be found under Calculation, mesh -> Mesh setup.

The figure below shows the Mesh setup dialog window:

To change the 2D member mesh size simply change Average size of 2d elemnt/curved
element from 1m to 0.4m.

Confirm this change by pressing OK.

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To refine the wall elements to a 0.2m mesh use the Surface mesh refinement tool. This can
be found under Calculation, mesh -> Local mesh refinement -> Surface mesh

The figure below shows the dialog box:

Simply press OK and select the required members:

The yellow regions in the figure below indicate the local mesh refinement:

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8.2. Concrete Setup

To access the Concrete Setup menu use the Tree View Menu under Concrete -> Design

The Design defaults menu allows the user to customise a series of defaults that used in the
design of concrete and its reinforcement. For the example model the concrete cover and default
bar sizes were changed.

SCIA by default will calculate a concrete cover based on the exposure class and design life etc.
For the example model we want greater control over the cover used in the design and will
therefore set the concrete cover to a custom value.

The below figure shows the Concrete setup dialog box:

To apply a custom concrete cover value simply untick the Use min concrete cover box and
exapnd the element boxes below.

The below figure shows the completed dialog box for the example model. The reinforcement
design is based on 16mm bars:

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It is also important to turn off the default sway type for columns and beams. The figure below
shows these options turned off in the example model:

To confirm these changes press OK.

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When the frame has been completed, loads have been applied, model data inserted (supports
etc.) and the setup has been completed the model can be analysed.

To run the analysis simply press the Calculation button. This can be found in the Menu Bar

and has the following icon:

The Calculation dialog box is as follows:

For the example calculation only a Linear calculation will be used. In more complicated
models and for different types of structures Nonlinear calculation and Modal analysis may
be used, these features however, are outside the scope of this guide.

To carry out the calculation press OK.

SCIA will then analyse the model and provide results based on a Linear calculation. If the
model is not correct or has errors which do not allow the calculation to proceed SCIA will
provide a warning and a hint as to the problem. This will need to be further investigated by the
user and corrected before the calculation can proceed.

Once the calculation has completed the following dialog box will appear:

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This dialog box indicates that the calculation was successful and provides some basic
information on the results.

The Results tab will now be available in the Tree View Menu.

The 2D data viewer also becomes available. This can be found in the Tree View Menu
under Calculation, mesh -> 2D data viewer.

This tool can be used to verify the applied loading. In the example model the Surface loads
tool can be used to verify that the applied free load in the communal area has been applied

Once the Surface loads tool has been selected the results options will need to be modified to
display the Live (kN/m2) load case.

The display Values was also changed to qz to display the vertical forces applied to the slab.

The below figure shows the output on the Third Floor:

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As can be seen in the above figure the red areas indicate a value of 2.5 kN/m 2 whilst the purple
areas indicate a value of 4 kN/m2. This means that the application of the Free Load in the
example model was successful.

The above check has shown that the intended loading has been correctly applied into the
model. There are also a series of other validation checks that should be carried out when
analysing a model. For example, the floor slab moments should be checked by comparing them
to a simple hand calculation. The same is true for column loads as these should be compared to
a load takedown.

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There are a large number of different results available to view within SCIA once the analysis
has been completed. This section will focus on demonstrating how to view deflections,
bending moments and support reactions. The methods used in this section are
transferrable across most of the further results displays and many of the design elements.

10.1. Deflection

There are several ways to display deflection is SCIA. The following tools all show different types
of deflection:

 Displacement of nodes

 Deformed Structure

 3D displacement

 Beams – Deformations on beam

 Beams – Relative deformation

 2D Members – Displacement of nodes

This section will cover the use of 2D Members – Displacement of nodes, Displacement of
nodes and 3D displacement.

It is worth noting that the values gained from these results will need to be factored to take into
account creep etc as only a Linear analysis has been carried out. If the user were to carry out
a non-linear analysis then most realistic creep values can be attained. Typically values from a
Linear analysis should be multiplied by 2-3 times to get equivalent non-linear values.

10.1.1. 2D Members – Displacement of nodes

This tool will show the displacement of the nodes within the FE mesh of a 2D member in any of
the three axis directions, rotation around any of the three axis and in terms of the deformed

This tool can be found within the Tree View Menu under Results -> 2D Members ->
Displacement of nodes.

Once the tool has been selected the following dialog form will be shown in the Property

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To view the vertical deflection of the frame we will need to change several of the values.

Ensure that the Selection is set to All. This controls which parts of the frame have their
deflection values displayed. If the user wishes to only display a certain part of the frame simply
select those areas and use the Current selection.

Change the Type of loads from Load cases to Combinations. This will enable the user to
select from the previously created Combinations. This will also change the next option from
Load cases to Combinations.

From the Combinations drop down menu choose the D+L SLS combination that was created
earlier. Deflection results are always read from serviceability combinations.

The Envelope setting allows the user to display either the Minimum or Maximum set of
results. As a vertical deflection will be against the direction of the Z axis we need to choose the
Minimum Envelope. If we were looking at a short span cantilever with a large backspan that
had a potential to deflect upwards then the Maximum Envelope should be used.

The Values option should then be set to Uz as we wish to display the vertical deflection.

The Refresh button at the bottom of the Property Window can now be pressed to display
the results:

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The figure above shows the results that are displayed with the current settings. The isobars
indicate that we have a maximum deflection value of 8.1mm. However, it can be difficult
sometimes to determine where this value is located. In order to help find these values point
values can be turned on.

To turn on point values the Drawing setup 2D settings need to be altered. Once the
Drawing setup 2D has been selected the following dialog box will appear:

To display point values simply change the settings in the Local extrems box from None to
Local minimum and maximum and tick the Show only sharp extrems box. Then press
OK and then Refresh.

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Local point values can be seen in the figure above and below:

To increase the size of these fonts simply go to the Menu Bar and select Setup -> Fonts ->
Results and Results (axis) and change the Size value:

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10.1.2. Displacement of nodes

The Displacement of nodes tool will allow the user to see numerical deflection values in each
of the three axis for each structural node. Values will not be displayed for FE nodes.

The tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results -> Displacement of nodes.

The settings for this tool are fairly similar to the previous tool with the exception that the
Maximum and Minimum results are displayed simultaneously.

For this tool we will be looking at the horizontal deflection. Therefore the D+L+H SLS
combination will be used. The figure below shows the settings used in the example model:

The figure below shows the results displayed from these settings:

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To further refine these results by only displaying the worst case the Extreme property can be
set to Global rather than Node:

From these results we can see that the worst case deflection for this frame under the selected
Combination is 16.3mm in the X direction:

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10.1.3. 3D Displacement

The 3D displacement tool allows the user to visualise the deflection pattern on a 3D frame. It
will also show rotational deflection in combination with direction deflection. This can be helpful
when problem solving on steel frames.

The 3D displacement tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results -> 3D
displacement. Once the tool is selected the following form will appear in the Property

The above figure shows the settings that were used for the example model:

The below figure shows the results that were displayed in the example model:

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It can be seen that the original shape of the frame is displayed with a black outline in the above

The Scale tool can be used to amplify the results. This can be found within the Menu Bar with

the following icon:

By changing the right hand figure to 8 the results are more easily seen:

Here we can see that due to the offset core the frame does not have a huge amount of
torsional stiffness. This leads to the frame rotating around the core as seen in the figure above.

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10.2. Bending Moments

Bending moments on 2D members are displayed in a similar way to the deflections look at
earlier in this section and bending moment on 1D members are also displayed in a similar way.

This section will cover displaying bending moments on 2D members using the 2D Members –
Member 2D – Internal Forces tool and the Beams – Internal forces on beam tool.

10.2.1. 2D Members – Member 2D – Internal Forces

This tool can be found within the Tree View Menu under Results -> 2D Members ->
Member 2D – Internal Forces.

The following dialog form will appear within the Property Window once the tool is selected:

As per the previous results some of the default setting will need to be altered in order to display
the required results.

The Type of loads should be changed to Combinations with the required settings being

Averaging of peak should be turned on.

The Location setting should be changed to In nodes, avg. The differences between the
Location setting can be found here:

The figure below shows the setting used in the example model:

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The figure below shows the results obtained from these settings:

As per the deflection results the Maximum or Minimum results can be displayed sepreately.
Hogging moments are displayed using the Minimum option and sagging moments are

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displayed using the Maximum option. The above figure shows the Minimum results and
therefore the greatest hogging moment.

The below figure shows the Maximum results and therefore the greatest sagging moments:

Note that other than the Envelope setting no other options have been changed between these
two figures.

The results shown above are using the Mx result. This displays bending moments along the X

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10.2.2. Beams – Internal forces on beam

This tool can be found within the Tree View Menu under Results -> Beams -> Internal
forces on beam.

Once selected the following dialog form will appear in the Property Window:

In the example model all of the columns are pinned and therefore do not experience high
bending moments. We will therefore use the axial force on the columns as an example.
However, bending moments can be viewed in a similar manner.

The following settings were used to view the axial force within member B54:

The below figure shows the results from the above settings:

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As the Extreme property has been set to Member the worst case axial force is displayed per
member. In this case it is at the bottom of the member as the self weight of the column is
added as you go down.

To display the results along the full length of the member simply select Section in the
Extreme property:

In the above figure we can see the load increase down the member as the self weight is added.

Bending moments and other internal forces can be displayed in a similar fashion.

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10.3. Support Reactions

There are several ways to display support reactions in SCIA. This section will cover the usage of
the Reactions tool, the Intensity tool and the Resultant of reactions tool.

10.3.1. Reactions

This tool will only show reactions from point supports (i.e. from under the columns).

The Reactions tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results -> Supports ->

Once selected the following dialog form will appear in the Property Window:

The following setting were used in the example model:

These setting displayed the following results:

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10.3.2. Intensity

This tool will only show reactions from line supports (i.e. from under the walls).

The Intensirty tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results -> Supports ->

Once selected the following dialog form will appear in the Property Window:

The following settings were used in the example model:

These settings displayed the following results:

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These values are shown in kN/m. Whilst designing the shear walls it is important to use line
supports as they will accuarately represent the support scenario for the wall. However, when
carrying out pile design it is important to use point supports under the walls as these will
provide accurate vertical load results.

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10.3.3. Resultant of reactions

This tool will show the resultant of all the support reactions.

The Resultant of reactions tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results ->
Supports -> Resultant of reactions.

Once selected the following dialog form will appear in the Property Window:

The following settings were used in the example model:

These settings displayed the following result:

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SCIA has the tools for the full design of concrete elements built in as features. This chapter will
however, use a variety of other software, as well as SCIA itself, to demonstrate the design

The design of reinforcement within flat plates in SCIA will be covered using the 2D member –
Member design – Member design ULS tool. The design of columns and punching shear
reinforcement will be carried out using the Concrete Centre’s RC Spreadsheets.

11.1. 2D Plate Design

Before the design of the reinforcement can be completed the floor plate will need to be isolated
and averaging strips applied. Averaging strips are used to smooth peaks over areas where
unrealistic concentrations occur. For example; hogging reinforcement over columns can be
disproportionate due to columns being considered as 1D in SCIA. In reality the column has a
much larger contact area on the slab and therefore the hogging moment is reduced.

The Averaging strip tool can be found within the Tree View Menu under Construction ->
2D member -> Averaging strip. Once selected the following dialog window will appear:

The default value of the Averaging strip will be used as 1m is appropriate for this use. As we
are using a multi direction flat slab the results will need to be averaged in both directions. To
change this simply change the Direction property from longitudinal to both. Then press OK.

The Command Line will then prompt the user to select the slab in question. For the example
model we will be using the 2nd floor slab.

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Then the user will be prompted to enter points for the Averaging strips. These will most
commonly be lcoated over the columns but can also be located around walls and other
elements such a point load positions.

The figure below shows several applied Averaging strips:

Now that the Averaging strips have been applied the reinforcement design can be carried

The Member design ULS tool can be found in the Tree View Menu under Concrete -> 2D
member -> Member design -> Member design ULS.

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Before selecting this tool it is reccomended to select the 2D member that is to be designed and
use the Current setting.

Once the Member design ULS tool has been selected the following dialog form will appear in
the Property Window:

In order to view the reinforcement design for the required slab the following settings need to
be adjusted:

Selection – Current

Type of loads – Combinations

Combinations – D+L ULS

Show warning – untick

Print explanation of errors and warnings – tick

Averaging of peak – tick

Location – In nodes, avg.

The figure below shows these settings altered in the example model:

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The Values property alters the position of the reinforcement being displayed. The options have
a coded system telling the user where their reinforcement is located. This system is as follows:

As1- X Direction Bottom

As2- Y Direction Bottom

As1+ X Direction Top

As2+ Y Direction Top

1=X 2=Y - = Bottom + = Top

These directions all relate the the elements LCS. Top being on the positive side of the Z axis
and Bottom on the negative. The X and Y directions of the element are matched to 1 and 2

Once the desired settings have been adjusted simply press the Refresh button to calculate the
required reinforcement.

The below figure shows the output in the example model:

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By default SCIA will show these results by rounded isobands. Whilst these isobands are helpful
an easier way of displaying these results is as per typical reinforcement combinations. The most
typical reinforcement layouts are with 150-200mm c/c spacing and between 10 and 25mm bars.
In this example we will use the 150mm range to display the results.

To change the results press the Drawing setup 2D button within the Property Window. The
below figure shows the dialog box for these settings:

The drop down list below the Advanced settings button should be opened and the User-
adjustable palette values option selected. Then press Advanced settings. The following
dialog box should appear:

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This dialog will allow the user to alter the isobands to suit the reinforcement type.

For the 150mm range we will change the settings to 6 isobands and then provide a range of
reinforcement bars from B10-150 (524mm2) to a high peak value. The figure below shows the
adjusted settings:

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Simply press OK twice and return to the main screen, then press Refresh. The results are now
displayed as per the following figure:

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From the figure above it is now easy to read off the appropriate reinforcement values and we
can see that in the X direction bottom (sagging) reinforcement B10-150 with additional local
reinforcement would be appropriate.

This can then be repated for the remainder of the directions.

To determine the amount of additional reinforcement the user will need to take a peak reading
and subtract the base mesh reinforcement value. The local minimum and maximum values
were turned on in the bellow figure:

A value of 1193 mm2 is read from the peak around this opening. By subtracting the base mesh
that will be used (B10-150 524mm2/m) the user needs to cover an additional 669 mm2.
Therefore B12-150 bars should be added in addition to the base mesh. To determine how many
bars should be used and how long these bars should be simply use the coordinate information
tool to measure the width of elevated requirement.

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11.2. Beam Design

In this guide a rough estimation of reinforcement requirement will be calculated by viewing the
results within SCIA. Firstly, the moment within the beam will be viewed using the Internal
forces on beam tool. This can be found in the Tree View Menu under Results -> Beams -
> Internal forces on beam. In order to view the forces on the rib the Rib / Integration
strip box will need to be ticked:

Simply press the Refresh button to view the results. The clipping box has been used to restrict
the view:

From the results above it can be seen that the maximum moment on the rib is 373.34 kNm.

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To view the reinforcement requirement we will be using the Member design – Design tool.
This can be found in the Tree View Menu under Concrete -> 1D member -> Member
design – Design. The following dialog form will appear in the Property Window:

The following settings were used in the example model:

After the design process was completed the following results were displayed:

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From these results it can be seen that 1563 mm 2 of reinforcement are required in the bottom of
the beam at mid span and that 884 mm 2 are required in the top of the beam at the supports. It
can also be seen that Warning 65 (W65) has appeared over the support positions. By using the
Calculation info button within the Property Window we can see that W65 represents “The
abr distance for the upper reinforcement is too big.”.

This warning simply means that there is too much space between bars in the upper section of
the beam. This can be easily corrected during detailing by adding further reinforcement.

These forces can then be extracted and used in separate software to calculate the required

Within the recent versions of SCIA a developed concrete section design package has been
included. Within the Concrete 15 section in the Tree View Menu a 1D members ->
Reinforcement design tool can be used to design the required reinforcement in the element.
The below figure shows a graphical output of this design:

A full print out of the member design is

available within Appendix 2.

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11.3. Column Design

In this guide the column design will be carried out using the Concrete Centre’s RC Spreadsheets.
The forces will be extracted from SCIA and then input in the spreadsheet.

To extract the forces from SCIA we need to return to the results menu. This can be found
within the Tree View Menu. We will be using the Internal forces on beam tool which can
be found under Results -> Beams -> Internal forces on beam.

To display the largest axial forces on each cross-section type the user will need to set the
display settings as per the figure below. This will use the Extreme property to show the largest
value by Cross-section:

By displaying these results it can be seen that members B57 and B61 carry the greatest axial
load. B57 is a 400x400 square section and B61 is a 500x250 rectangular section.

The column design spreadsheet for these members can be found within Appendix 2 (TCC53).

From the design of member B61 it was discovered that the section size needed to be increased.
Therefore the cross-section library was edited and the section was increased by 100mm.

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11.4. Punching Shear

The design of the punching shear reinforcement will be carried out via the Concrete Centre’s RC
Spreadsheets. To extract the required information the user will need to use the Internal
forces on beam tool to calculate the load applied from each floor to the column. This is done
by taking the axial load in a column and subtracting the load in the column above. This will give
the user the load applied from a specific floor into the column.

The below figure shows the Internal forces on beam tool displaying these results for
members B54 and B33. By displaying Extreme – Section we can see the axial force in the
column above and below the column. I

These results show 178.35 kN transferred into B54.

See Appendix 3 for the punching shear design spreadsheet (TCC13).

250kN has been used as an axial force in the spreadsheet as no links were required for
178.35kN. This is purely to display the use of the spreadsheet.

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While this document aims to provide the reader with a basic knowledge of SCIA and its
functions it does not cover a wide range of topics. There are a series of documents that should
be considered as further reading to this document as well as reference documents for more
advanced aspects of design. The following list is not exhaustive as there are too many
documents to list here:

 Economic concrete frame elements to Eurocode 2, The Concrete Centre.

 How to design reinforced concrete flat slabs using Finite Element Analysis, The Concrete

 Technical Report 64 (TR64) Guide to the design and construction of reinforced concrete
flat slabs, Concrete Society.

 The SCIA Help website (as listed at the start of this document).

 The SCIA tutorials and guides. These can be found on the CRH system.

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Appendix 1: Licence Edition Features

SCIA Manual.doc Appendix

Concept Professional Expert


Modeller, Productivity toolbox with active document, IFC, DWG, DXF, VRML x x x

BIM engineering toolbox, parametric modelling, general cross-section,

x x
Allplan, Tekla, ETABS interface

Link to Revit Structures; Free-form modeller

Load generators

Load generator: wind, snow, plane load generator x x x

3D wind load generator, Mobile load x x

Advanced mobile loads, Train loads x


Linear static analysis x x x

Non-linear static analysis (tension only members, pressure only supports),

x x x
Geometrical non-linearity

Advanced non-linear static analysis (springs and gaps for beams, pressure
only slabs), Stability analysis, Dynamic analysis (eigenmodes, harmonic, x x
seismic, general dynamic load)

Advanced calculations: Soil interaction, Cables, Non-linear stability,

Membranes, Sequential analysis, Friction springs

Linear and non-linear construction stages x

Pre-stressed structures, Time Dependent Analysis x

Steel designer
Concept Professional Expert

Steel code check - incl. optimisation of cross-sections x x x

Fire resistance check, Cold-formed sections check, Plastic analysis x x

Steel connections modeller x x

Steel connections checks x x

Concrete designer

RC design and check, Punching shear check, Code dependent deformations x x x

Input of practical reinforcement x x x

Fire resistance check for RC beams x x

Pre- and post-tensioned members: design and check; Input of prestressing



Automated General Arrangement Drawings x x

Detailed connections drawings x x


Pad foundations x x
SCIA Manual

Appendix 2: Beam Design Output

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Overall Design (ULS)
Linear calculation
Combination: D+L ULS
Extreme 1D: Global
Selection: B106
SCIA Manual

Appendix 3: Column Design Spreadsheet

SCIA Manual.doc Appendix

Project SCIA Manual The Concrete Centre
Client CampbellReith Made by Date Page
Location B57 TW 30-Oct-17
AXES TO EN 1992-1 : 2004 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC53.xls v4.15 on CD © 2000-17 TCC -

fck 30 N/mm² γs 1.15 Cover to link, Cnom 30 mm
fyk 500 N/mm² γc 1.5 dg 20 mm Fire period
φ 2.2 φef 1.21 Δc,dev 10 mm R 60
SECTION Steel class B
h 400 mm .
b 400 mm .
with 3 bars per 400 face Y Y
and 3 bars per 400 face
ie. 400 x 400 columns with 8 bars
height (mm) Condition Condition Braced ? b (mm) h (mm) L (m) (F) or (P)
on Y-AXIS 3000 P P Y Top West 1000 250 5 P
on Z-AXIS 3000 P P Y Top East 1000 250 5 P
Top North 1000 250 5 P
Top South 1000 250 5 P
L (mm) L0 (mm) h0 (mm) Bottom West
about Y-AXIS 2750 2750 200 Bottom East
about Z-AXIS 2750 2750 Bottom North
Bottom South
Beam stiffnesses are 70% of uncracked stiffness
Column above? Y Col below? Y
Bar Ø Asc % Link Ø 400 Face 400 Face Nuz (kN) Checks
B 25 2.45 8 150 150 4028 ok
B 20 1.57 8 152 152 3557 ok
B 16 1.01 8 154 154 3256 ok
B 12 0.57 8 156 156 3021 ok
B 10 8 157 157 As or Ø < minimum
B8 8 158 158 As or Ø < minimum


N (kN) m0y m0z m0y m0z
1 1986.12 25.0 25.0
2 Moments m 0 at top and bottom of column
(from analysis) are combined to find m 0e . The
moment due to imperfections (e 1 N) and the
4 second order moment (M 2 ) are then added to
5 obtain M Ed In the table below.

DESIGN Y AXIS Z AXIS Critical Biaxial Check

MOMENTS MEd y MRd y MEd z MRd z axis Equation (5.39) REBAR Fire
1 39.7 146.0 25.0 146.0 Y 0.229 8 B12 ok
2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
3 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
4 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
5 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
6 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
Project SCIA Manual The Concrete Centre
Client CampbellReith Made by Date Page
Location B61 TW 30-Oct-17
EN 1992-1 : 2004 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC53.xls v4.15 on CD © 2000-17 TCC -

fck 30 N/mm² γs 1.15 Cover to link, Cnom 30 mm
fyk 500 N/mm² γc 1.5 dg 20 mm Fire period
φ 2.2 φef 1.21 Δc,dev 10 mm R 60
SECTION Steel class B
h 500 mm .
b 350 mm .
with 3 bars per 350 face Y Y
and 4 bars per 500 face
ie. 500 x 350 columns with 10 bars
height (mm) Condition Condition Braced ? b (mm) h (mm) L (m) (F) or (P)
on Y-AXIS 3000 P P Y Top West 1000 250 5 P
on Z-AXIS 3000 P P Y Top East 1000 250 5 P
Top North 1000 250 5 P
Top South 1000 250 5 P
L (mm) L0 (mm) h0 (mm) Bottom West
about Y-AXIS 2750 2750 206 Bottom East
about Z-AXIS 2750 2750 Bottom North
Bottom South
Beam stiffnesses are 70% of uncracked stiffness
Column above? Y Col below? Y
Bar Ø Asc % Link Ø 350 Face 500 Face Nuz (kN) Checks
B 25 2.80 8 125 133 4610 ok
B 20 1.80 8 127 135 4021 ok
B 16 1.15 8 129 136 3645 ok
B 12 0.65 8 131 137 3352 ok
B 10 8 132 138 As or Ø < minimum
B8 8 133 139 As or Ø < minimum


N (kN) m0y m0z m0y m0z
1 2705 25.0 25.0
Moments m 0 at top and bottom of column
(from analysis) are combined to find m 0e . The
moment due to imperfections (e 1 N) and the
second order moment (M 2 ) are then added to
5 obtain M Ed In the table below.

DESIGN Y AXIS Z AXIS Critical Biaxial Check

MOMENTS MEd y MRd y MEd z MRd z axis Equation (5.39) REBAR Fire
1 25.0 144.1 54.1 100.4 Z 0.421 10 B12 ok
2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
3 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
4 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
5 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
6 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! N=0 No Fit #N/A
SCIA Manual

Appendix 4: Punching Shear Spreadsheet

SCIA Manual.doc Appendix

Project SCIA Manual The Concrete Centre
Client CampbellReith Made by Date Page

Location B54 TW 30-Oct-2017 1

PUNCHING SHEAR to BS EN 1992-1: 2004 EDGE Checked Revision Job No
Originated from TCC13.xls v4.1 on CD © 2003-17 TCC COLUMN 0 - 0

fyk N/mm 500 VALID DESIGN
Steel class B .

DIMENSIONS A mm 500 E mm 0
B mm 350 F mm 0
G mm 0
D mm 0 H mm 0

LOADING VEd kN 250 Mtz = kNm 0.0

ult UDL kN/m2 0.00 Mty = kNm 8.5
ß = 1.169 to expression (6.44)

SLAB dz mm 205 Asz mm2/m 524 in B + 3d+D ρx = 0.256

h mm 250 dy mm 185 Asy mm /m 524 in A + 6d ρy = 0.283
d mm 195 100ρL % = 0.269

RESULTS βVEd = 292.2 kN vRd,c = 0.6022 N/mm Equation (6.47)
2 2
At col. face, vEd = 1.381 N/mm At 2d perimeter, vEd,red = 0.6178 N/mm 0.512976
Uout required = 2488 (≈ See Fig 6.22B) Equation (6.54)

SOLUTION Fig 6.22 (B)

9 link spurs of 3B8 @ 145 27 links
St (average) = 213.3 mm Sr = 145 mm
Asw/Sr req = 0.899 (6.52) & (9.11)

Asw/Sr prov = 3.120 mm

First link perimeter 95 mm from column face
Outer links at 385 mm from column face
Uout = 3058.9 mm > 2,488 mm SPUR
See GEOMETRY page for link locations. PLAN
Some links shown may need to be re-located to avoid holes.
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