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Ruantun Feld Thtovy 4 Luteoduchou * You keow Gow ats, The yor 's Gerat forte of tee fouclamentel Ane. Classically rs only a perhicular bind e Fes , I pachicelar cl amay. fee C Sack oe Eee) , Biz). Ay Ge t)), We a fur clamental pavt of vee bly = Le Bbsolately veer a gu austen, theovg of Fie ° OBbuious by , Hee plhotou Ls wlvechous will b¢ dhe of the Wars prachica€ 9p Gcahous * less obvious (Ord see Glev): Ate He Cactrou. orl Cmerge as a quanti of ate aprepricte "eleclon fre" ll *T fect , all particles of hee Sta (SheuHler ol Model) ave aescubek by GET. At slficiell, fou Clan gies (wl, 's 4@6 we leno of prceerd), ever Hoe graviton fits perfectly tno the frame srovke of QFT. iz © Thus: @FT ¢s the fandamental teor of Hels worl Cad ic ts pou- relofirstee Ciuit) ° RET Is ahso tHe most Pier’ tested Keay Ue lave * Factlecmove : "Clfective . frelils ave. ceuntrae th Oudeuseo (ette Thro (cat): (L) Spi. fheeot ROD PA HAREO = x (2) Disp Ca ceurent feeol C Phouous) 2 0 02 © @ © © 6 9 i eee eo / MGGuettosoreieneimtiedusactteni Uift of atous m Gthce ° a?) * Most Mytevaies of these Aes 15 ta fire ubn, hepime => needs QFT aesenjotion => * QET i the moolew Gauguege of CUT Cuclidiug “cold atow phasics") | Wee Heoush id ts past ou eflechire descriphou of the Un cli tying Maatiy - Booty — QUA 2 Sgmumetnes (Potucave Luvervouce ) 0 As in ell f san Unite star clip the Sommebres of © sy stin We shud, will be CSSeuhel * Cw stage ts “space - fime “ R's (6,8) = {xr} [2 9433 *% Sepia, feces outy Ou Space 1 2 {Ky 2423 Syirates: fp of Treust. & Rotations Km we Ol Ke Rows dé ft potetio. metnx * To situ Coby Hatigs furllae , focus (ast Ow lolehous ad asl ih Wretrces R eve “hho bredt “ * early , We sant lang ts of vectors Cag. Atstawces } to be wyenank : (zl? = Ez &)e = we EG (=a t « Guclcleau meluc on RR?" ‘ ! tee ° Tees, ied Jie = «ied d., ov Clk ps ye ae J Rie RIX ad by x «i Vx 2 "Ch utc t oleimeugl Sy RR = See (RR 4), fudisg , as we of Course Knew, R€ Ce), Seuaunery : Space tr IR? csclle eucl neha Chi in np pr ae systenn ), Syuums. eve tiene? Eels" arth the "vota tious" ae hiol &% reg acing leven Ghee of Hee pnelne : sere UR “he a ee "Tle frerebrehon fo Spree- fire anol the Potncare fee S tow Hilt forcrard: Re tK¥ —» Ros txl3~ feu} 5, (443) pene te eee aeeeeeeeeee =-[o- e ood uy ic: Ue go-A¢ o° 41 uw Mote: The ovevell Sips of Hae isleorash= teeta % ‘pure Couvention, One Cou 1p lace 4 = olieg (4-4,-4,-4) & 4 = A644, 4 4) ie th lid fect roles move Dose Wace the RE pert ‘5 un chaurped, Hower, mock ET Gooles use He “e---" cougendion. Moke: The pelabin Sigu Cette, tine Bp5¢€ pat hy a Heep (eg sica fe. Lf you Ok , cL os ‘Ob stvvaboue@ ata" (gl? = wield —> Kr. xhyMy = ORF ie! Cau be pes hime-Lilee sepore fo, Oa beg. —~> Space- ike Sepavch on, ) Re 003) if A € O(43) iff dy Rg Ry * ee Te AOA‘. = se xh 5 yet = A“ x dt’ The Powucave few is the fey of pairs (Ad) with A€ O43) £ de R* wd oi tl Compo shor lacy Poincave. Weds: (At) Nye) = (Arde, Aras at, ) é © This wil & our most impovkant sy inte, Sep for t's Course. Xe ue “fe fo iR* cil thes Sytum as PRA: Mi, keowsber - yore 7 Beary , votahiaus area. % bpvoup of lovate -trfs.: A= Ce wit, Re S03) 6 a rotation «&m O43) * The suBpvoup of peerae lovete- tafe" & Abie by Chuncudinp af (A) = 4 Cod . © it Soh. A? , > 0, Ibis abate heuhty eeu ° fer Rie Ais enous [ot a 22 wretne Gad le CH, 6e ey expGierd « A- cosh 7 e Sota a) Sik ok Cosh xk is He fovek fo clam tes, ’ (} a-(£) i cee Kok e + tile Is cbviousty & Eoost cll [B= Were cosh eo = —Z Tisai np n-a* 43 Syuumetnies acting on febols © Qusicle Some Scalar pelo Cou hpucativn , (ucla Olhing its (classical) evoCnhon in hime. (Mate abicetly , Mas is foe &q a fet a Ri —s IR felis do a te aac CO, * for sup Gcity , Gdt fist rep Gce R *6, R (eg. for « A-chiw. Lovet of ficcd bine ), Cousiolar a (eel Con fipurabon “Coca Leo" luav O: tx) Per baru @ brews Ce b’ou, % of (Nachice potint of view" ust coovel tf |) of td Ceer%y , Le lreeol & Atma teat for x =k! = x+ of : ety! ve pet PRY = lx) ov g ((x+4) = PUK ov EC) = ¢ (x-d) © Tlic males stuse: if ¢ Look ty Vir exridarte at x20 : y! nue trove ts trex, ek x= Tlucs | yg ‘s Hefiinrk G orp Gg the tase Spt, operation bo te uprated. + fuer case: C(R47 , Powe, eer? Fov go Ae /we have: Ot) = PCR) gl(Axed) = Ox) eee ‘Oxted)= D(A) x-d} lol us chkto Loole at the tol oY he vectr Oe (itd CO 3 = Can tS Lie POM (fv SiupGicrty lol f= 0 here.) — 2 -4 _ = 2 E IF Sp C9)" 3 CON) BEY) =“) A eMOS) Stimp@ meth. cursos Dac@ vector space «.. a woyse metne (ef KA fax On} be a turert of RF 2 Vv leh He elemumle of U* Ge fies oy Yo pore? suck, thot xy 2 xa. The metn'e 4 Prouces a uaturel Map Vm eet Ko p> ye Thus (nop & its moerve ave frqusnté prefered fo as "Covering /' Vasing tnotices" oth 4 pw ad ids Inotice a = ahag (4-4-4, -4) . ! ve fit (Ole Uys fe 4,8) Wow ve luoer lat Tye AMA. 7 ‘ee => Aly A = 4 > yy = At DOT GO Dey 7 tM ates A with Lowevet/ |-—> [veused tWolices A,t Thus: REC) = Ne AY (Ae) Devira hve trous fPorws es eferadt of (att (bike Xn > Ap *xv), 2 Fre salar fete ae 24 Bassiaé Llceovy - Zprorepioen _frewantobin, * You (shout) lready kaory fom elec fio olynawnes: Se $ fle Gu EO taille Fan Ay BA, * Luaubhration af thas theov is Coumplicatert 4 the feet tool An has Y Counpouents 4 the achou it Gauge Mmavariard CAp > Apr a4) ° Hence, lis stark with a fog mote€ (coluct, is lower , ahr selvad fov Higes & pious): Ay ky —> oxy s We [rrvaudete fae Heocy in ena logy fo meckames: Abin) Woechanies scalar ET x: bee Kle/ Yi x— Ox) (x eR) S= SOI [atl ogy) S= SbpT (Hell Ge] oe] ° Crucially , wt assume Hat Lis “alia Nee 7 7 1é l - [te & (G64, POY, Poly), PEW) ~) ; / bith onl Give kety many lipher Bounce hives “We cout sey fool we ftcbre the Coca bly SKI Hb bo Gocabity wm RW a » Met te te Bne Vig) = - X Cpe couck.) aud assume tol V les a mininua of 0 > Yo. WLOG. Ct Yo= 0 cu Wy) =0 Dud, Hot i Voy) 7 fu? eee * Cuce we ave frist in kerested in syne excctohions of ke [ered atate ar ya cuuls Yr 2, DE aSShte ? fo be Seale Murs ip kouig heiple- torus nm He (29 Gv ep cbs br oo), i: Movevec , we sleoukol elo w foe SOme Hey Co kbonce Ou ? . Leh lac & htdunce of Potuc. the. | Ue Uust be, fv 3. fo appear (fa ® 0-3). : Siiup € fact: Gyre) i hhe lowest -ovdte jnveneuf Mitr (in f2eees ofp) > | S= fee = fos (Hamepy- 2p s the ungue Ug?) Piuc~tv action | lids is ebro a Cunos tl) Nk si Cle prox, to Me puree, locse ty beraching es : a2 & To Poin Some mtartion | Cts Sepavete time & space Cee) = @(48)) aed oliscvehie te ee fo Ce > € Xe 3dlim. Callice with = £(0,2 0) , 4004 . a-Wo-4 f / Cthice Prcieg. * This Grrerpauds to “ - (rd » [ee (her EG yl Sot) I e Le Zf fous" té (Cee ee ad NE Tr Coese ted, => Ch have a'med. seglem’ wilh thflinctely mong atest of ftom” Cyr) "2 on™) The fe Mgnewics sinpty tel of ¢ seb of Coupe Gorm oscrClabous, Tt wit & try fe couple Hen - se belo, + Eguchion of proton: of SS = 5 [ty (£6) #2) - [Bp ry (a8) - m* 9 dp) =~ file (yh ad g + m9) Sy — | (0% “ly =0 Ks.- fordon - 6 *Labous ave plee waves ep. PO] = Fo Sia kx oh ker meso, *Keve le= (le? &) Cowrerpouda to the ¢-momatun of e pov (fee Gle-) iF Boonig le m, kez0 cow. to a povbcle / pevhicles ef uot, Me will Zo out Ay be he pevhele Wars, 22. Bescicak Howy - Mam Chow ion Brunt hon * oswed: LG.§) > Kg, m)ezniel wilh 7 = ALG, G/ 2% ° ET om Glhce: L - +2 —_ Geli = ¢ gC) te ft p@ s he we of eolky, %(R) = ot = P(e) 66) UY " Ez 7E)RCE) -f. 7 E Enc? — i ¥ wy . Cu hint FT: *tk heed fo purarelire a 6 Ke Case live Clesmos coublaeors ,0e, Lika LchOua€, Matlem. tabla: lef F: [i> ® be a [chone€ , The [urebions€ Atuirahirx is debiud Y ofG) Flfeel- FEET = fats Sa Eo) + OC + Of ve uw edihion , use Ke raturae [Merete ation ET —= (a, ROGER) beet we aurive af he foGu Couhiuteuia VOrGon of the Cagrospran / hav € hoe itn traanhon: x Z l G 2 Pe a D _ E(K/ = ip Lleol : Al¢, r] = Me pe - © * th fk geccotly, P= [obe ACL 6) sup Eee SE SHAee | fe Ld aaa [Check Hes Cbs hod obnous q + Hence, lz) = a = BO) emo liga] [ump L= [0% £ Cell nist) = AS = [WBC with 26 toe "hemithouian deat * 23 Cuanhrotion (Cauouical) + The usac€ poshteter: eT (ser 4 Ca fp dee Cry, wr; Here: + Bios footrlir chon to cue Coukutine Case: [eer wag] = 1 S0z-95) Cece), YG] = 0 Cre), 7(G)] = © © With Me fre £ (nt @el*+ in? p? ) the Simtbrvi'ty fo a cet of hovm. ose bls tove tt 0bdur Theta are Compa Aue bo "8" audl Con Hius be ail Aecopbd 64 Fourier tof: 7, (5S we a =O ee (aun alopousty eC > FGI) + The mumulahon re@houe pr GF ree: CPGI, FGI] « fax 6 P+ FF) Ce), rez] 21 fle NOT © OP Spaz) Ce@),GG!] = C&G), Ra] = O (bib) . of Ke 3 frwe i H ve ae check Me woel AE tubireshiop one! {ex @pr - fax [o {f acca (pie? e “goles CF): ot qintn => Or PPB F) Le PB =~ eaiie Tanger ~ [BB Fp wIRCe * serve Hot POR” =v by => epi eCPl. Tees tu cbeuchang abo Ke olla hyo lear, we Cave: H- [2 a £(e« peorige) fo &e teat ele Eleelly ov as Rt alopen ds Ou wketle we ave Cefave Ov “fle fuachsebon, J To wake the elty : a Sop kun, of Corn, ascbiehug ve is ft, Cott, wove per fee uy 8 [Fem Cosci Gabon, Abn € Careicak oy OC are a Gee aha = = 4, Ag ye DH [fe E (UR? 4 og Bl?) Rewinolee : ERO Cards | a+ Elser), ate. ~ - He w (ata+ Zt) i Caati=a4 AF ° Mohvated 4 tas : Gt us mcke the Mrcte P gig See Mole tok Oey pep 1EReay) fi A] Conmerts Tb is wot yet booby Oloor bet dais unite lrttle Se Ot By Lory ur bot perfect: Uke “a, 94 ur On ave uot eal aol Hey Qe wot Guile) Cousigete Vvowiabs : Sp 45) = Sp- CHM, ke Aa is eoupipete to Ep). Le Coutel heap “aarp” oo Class. Sepstetn ints ptrfeod aptteusend oh 4 sek of osckahis an oily Mer idoduce 2,44 Buf ve Lode h Par. much “bees th fortire bow. Ht & wsy bo device he coumatehon weAbons, l45, 95 1 bP sp-7) Cap, a4] + Lif af Jo. ad Far tle-move 7 ve have Gi) Frag Cat a5), Rpl=— if F (ay ~ az) auc lence H- ee g ws -at yet. 24 + f+ GnP 2 Ap SNE 45) of 205% G6} ‘ow 4 eae -- “Cvose terms Couceé ; an use po —P freo& oe 1 aes apes = erp (45% + £l4,.0¢]) CaP SG) [eece!* = Voe (e?)-V = [22 1, ate, v3 LBB + V fee te, Theis 's tary b olenive peers “ asing T? insleoot Rhee Stes : 1 Vbtve Ca ) Coames Sy. Lp dap: This ts tty tecperd of he Whi" 'S tadpoles ce ot 2 The VACOLM Ckeay ously Aicrapo due bo Soubibu hous ¢ bro-por.. f- Batogiias of O3c,Glolves' os fl arbitrarih, igh fhepteetso, Vacuum tuerpy ° Lwebvit pr CFT i. Re pince tL Cm Ge Brvribek ootree Ct.ston. ales of U. 2 felvent il OFT vs Coup @et be pravsty Abce ilten Cavers Spece- hme C Gsm. Custen.t prokor ”) De tore baal permebies Ce, Q6D vik Coudtuchs peter) hee Corr pies of be Cons hping nodes Ca, be Manigu le ted by moun Me peter, This Cal 4 a fiuile effect (force a he p@be) th ebpeceta tt, of hee nhee pisend Aieponce of HI co: RS P5/a's Chowne uf Uadlolee EBLe ts tovreot © CAstaic Gotrpy / Csi effect) So we, We have tno: -)_ ['@, 1BE PCE) = Gaines °* Ca) . KG) =... is ‘ coith ds = Visr4 me : C4, a5 J- Cr}? SG H = op ofa. eae “5 PP (we discard fhe vec erties) 2 AE ke moment, Has is juat a4 Gyerobor) alje bra OA che Hishioptarsheot perebr : &, ° Ply oer stavds foe eho prorat. a Ui Bel-spoce tgpstada hi of fais abpe bre 0 bb slid by poshilobip a CUrceutn') Stele 10> wbich obeys slo> = 0 lve.) * Mek we de fie “one -pavhcke sholes “ 45 o> (4p) Tt is toly bh ebelate the Ctigy of hase choker : + ale W3he Hag lo> = oa 02 85% 4 10> = one Oy $a § SE, pilo> > Hetlo> = w, attr P P ra Sikce 1p me ts he Guay fe pevbcle wih Yness ta Aol Mol dnhar. F, te uame of aud states poles Sttr se iA * Tao-pacheG shebe: azatior (Vp,4) Easy fo Cheek : tat - ee ¥ H azas o> (ap om) a5 45 (o> Cae Catipy of bso, toe Tolec: Qumute a hee tultrachig pavbeles. Qh Gr @ hoe operator by fee vot unhe ch luls be VO Cut, Eel fine it passes ‘ole d Me cvechdr, gptrabrs, piel “p he I fel nol Cotce he “ay 7 Theis ex badls b any btnbe- of povbicles Mol fer hee Pock ake. . Loaosing he Va ctu vormeéeetion |jo>|*= Solo>-4 we easily fino / (4 lor). (C19) = = GP? SF) Chfel. tavire Crcho, as me Ole of fs pube@ ) Th n@ & Courtnal fo use he wodabon & fort ff teh oy IP > = Y2ox % lo> IP. §> > Yet Yes azag o> ede a Stach thet eg. 8h = 205 CaP Fes), (The ubtily of tea bre fache Ue inl eerie en Ole- or. Some adhove fredit Courts, (Gut hy la frre a5 = Yeas O% Gu tok [p> = Blo, bade tye vrou'l do His. Be cul ola, ey formetee fou. Ue flortod books 1) 2.4 Guprr SAL Le aA YLO.¢) - webe* ~ dl wr lGl Copy Bot widely ureol uotetion ) Mole Ke differed uovmebrebhlon Couvuh'ous Couporet fp He veo’ Se@r Wit b= (Arig WE thes for 20te tate peeisels fwice he Sco@r Loprongiew Wwe chesely letow. *Meowlhebess | ih & Ute fo’ hb gran bre Has bilhoul. firs “p foe Coup bx uoteton : (oe ee ap / XO.4) ° Teo big ¢, gtas nolig be oles we ge —meg* — ad*« 0 (a2 Aa) 22 * Doig he same wil, bt Co jak by Gy bx Corjusehon] ue obo Gove: (c+ w? ]B = 0. bere ee tee gee : ' ag Ce -30-¢ H = he eb & = Iles logis wtgl? *Duoubiectl: (bce), xlgi]= (B's) agi) = 13) ° Leak hel for Lhe Ha? sea: ve Lieve Success fe wh he aunsete el [a elF at - Ee 2 a IE Ce ties FT" fag Ge) + Kelly wes code th 9, & ot burp Cu iapste hb adr ole. lelte luce by & pelurcolise 4! _. Pdis pe Se (= [PF (ate. ge ?*® (Gs Co Che free: The d, x, Po n* Ours re Ghour mpl let ip G 5, Gf kepteted ho Seds of oly tact 1 osekla brs. 3 Bean Saeed H le “% (Ge, + $6) CAs we Wi@ se, this wodee tes a Grsevve ol charge duc bo ile Stat. d ves. “fb -pecbeler' are poifug cheryed) SF Woeller Theoren. a Sa PrruBhon uh Uvivrebon, fea Hatovy Wik totrg Bubiiuous St mnoebrg of te achou Comes & Couserveo Current oth (anol ltuce a cons, charge) Note: This 's Very siunlar to the Wpelle- theovtn. of Mechanics, The cme’ “ooeth ts Mee Cucvtecd, Devivehou, « G ersanphir. 1 er Lytita Ws Couhnuous Aut buce a mfiultsimed Sur, 1 can be defined: pe ——_> ee) = gore EK), ° Mur moat free Bow iy = pl ¢ ¢ ke [ie maluces A wodeprcohon of SL = £'- L= Gp! pl Lid i ‘ £1 P-L) of be gion. pots. le peo be fre Syme by Y 4 On Ata aaa SL - €QFlGy|. (In wove: L han 24 by the chistrgence Lf Solee yprpriste otehe fred Fr) * Ledtetdl, assume tet sehisfres Be COM tmol Lethe wlhellre doe so too; ‘Ve ueecl fo clack llol SS! 20 fr aay avie hte, dy a 2 Couto Mapa, Bal SS = KES) + FS = SCS) = - [@ SL) ~ [te € 2SFl ey =o & fuss Cau Diice Jy oud Lee SF Yaui'sl outaide 2 Comet be pion. ae "Moles be di woh mad Hoek 5,5 20 ov leek dee Dhowld Vtuicth abide o Coulee repiin. «lw a arnp@ Cheuke bo. Ceol 4 hae vetoed: Co ee _ Of 2 E ae lig la| fea — fy BF ap ef 2a dp] Pag] &. lbe he €oh a _ 5 a and dy -e% ap” hag? fo obfaii o OF. ae ae ¢ HAY) a] Ov , le Wap “FH. FC iF Gutervect Bylo * foe fatey few Coupe eivohiour (te pov Reulor if hey are socket Sovctec) Meow Pree olf afterall, fart at W1- 00. li jeu = Hix (CER) i be (ue Mot Hebinec a Conserve cbovpe : ate Lapa lapse it [aye i 4 se. LEA ZL ea eee a hoo tfracfe Spohel Gres. x1 [ZEEE COL . : ZZ Phobias: « Pron Bro Aivecly fe widest fect uflotlucing 4 Boule ab=b-t, hide yes (ind Lo Vous , WG he Bove. Aancako. of Mbekes Moyen, bo wehoucs Md Btmorstate , 29. Gutrey Coupircado. bv any Solem iboud tog Ger Ane Uptclice A it + The nelircnd Cyne, Ove WasCbeue a RT: xf a> Xe xh ch Chanel & "-e") (GY Gytiters. heer @ ' Yoecchy of ets‘) ee Ller = Leet) (Ve 0 uot tot uteot & bewges Specie way i, which Op Ol ot. Y, oe ond leeace on x] PIeL = Llwc)~ Loy ~ MAL = 2 (I,2) / 2 ©, (F¢,) U-+~ 7 bs Ciueae Sipacporihoe of % Coutsbr hous of fpe eg rt bbelld by v=0-3, a ad Fh EE oe [% = a¢ | 26 ole 4 oon Lenbrok fornute fru Anes, fy ur Coustrve Currents, Obcbted by ve ho. OF BL Ms FE WF t, ~ FE ag. st GY) Voy) Pek le lite Prac ol hel he “Gitvsy —Maotebirbats fraser ; j 7h = OL v way) Pfr is Coustrorel, QT = 0. *The leme is posh reat 4 lhe observoton [tT [* BE ¢-x)- WP f Ast Coupoutat of ke weche {Pr} of Gutegy — Worm. af be fee Aap fora, + lore fuer, ; ie ee (Wik Mok (P*S 6 a Hovelon te spite of rte ypenmll hou Covrerieut Ae fuhion, Th perkculer P* Shoes tot henge f he gpoce- Ele Fag ep Ane used ua vhs wep us ah eat = [We T??= pe Py ope eile) Re nie fe oA fo “Il easy be evoke out: =< aaa HLT Zz SS 123 a7 i a aL, P [or » fem Eat, «Ia lop ° Rewwibisg me in fries of 4, 4% anol enyphen sing he Perabo — Ushare ¢ P 4 "A" we bave = [Ht grat s/t we 15% A PU Ip> = phip> ae so beuown as ferhee —wenber qperehy : hh Cu alto pe form Mac ove. Mel cis fr a Cortef le ScaGrs a pt fie Poa a Gab Cy 9) f luve qo [Fem : With tae fhe puhele inhepretahon of ou Facle-pece we [uly jakiple. if a r Lupovtoud Comme? : * Frou ls abel cue "uoucee” Th heeol uot $e Syaime tre + Wu ef hagpte s A be Y unehic fo He weal Scobe Ceeplicity ) fie Ao Ty - lL a this fait abrtady ti QED . However , Tl cau abbroys be mace Sy tunetnc % GON 1.9 Ov wnolipen cnt Courrrved Currtt lid ey hoes uot Mmetlify P™ ve °Le GR , ove uses he bef - Fite cease Ost Flee) uw oo (ulere Sts frruGleol will a puree mebn'c fpr (eee ean ay, = ng ltog- 4-41) ° This dhirec ty pies he Sywmebre fre £ aes eMaih ly feck is oreg aspovtoud because | ay. a ii a ree Corll qe = po + bw ) havacky(8ee he To) of a @FT t& fete 3.3 Uld]-Sq tne tig An Charge of be Cog Solar % = (5.9 |" wg Ud) - S$ munety : > fle eld - ¢ + (cgt~ gi» pe rt gee bie eben hole: As before, ve bet g, ft as thaliy. fhello Mav he Caleue Hou, Ths 1s yuck feo 4 fag stig an fi fe 2 yal hus: Lr CAG arr Ge ad plojech'g Ok he veal eas ye & al he ony Chol, 23 ° Cue faeneks Hee IL cl" le . J HA.y) Weel bes h “a 6 vi'dus wth. [eed Genirbraton fifa eters ae ye ee t Se ‘Lh ow Case Le L' =| Ele 0 and fe! C4, 673. eee ee J ag) * mag) © Mb Web Jos (ate) i¢« (6) (ib) = = (ets) (Connect tofohou: AXB = AdMe- a) Qe [i j? = 1 (0% gS b = (LP [ata Gt [i if #8 ee 4) ; acta (tis ( Pb cou Phil of la choke ceotet 4 a*/b* ax povbicles /uhperhicles urtle Sate wanes Gut oppotite Charge. 4 Heisenberg picewe, Gusahly omol Covariance a 44 Heiseebirg pichie . Coury Hairs we dol se fe wag ty tee Shesctispoe prctave: —Oue gptrahys GR, Key Carvy no hine- Rep end. Che Can Hutiuke of hen, os ee fou fet: id Zehio at fo) ethiour 4 we wot Cota aisplry tle fie top onnd) Cue states [o> , Peis 45 (o>= la> ete Woutel fave b tolve i. bine jn He Stamcech wey (P? = (Pom pe d= exp Erle) IPo> bo describe Aynawice, * lus ts wok Nehure€ va oe -lau. Heeory nince the €- dlpeudeuce ails te abales white he Xo Apa duce aids iy Yow optratus C9. pei). fi Thus , We ow Chane pow Schuéchiper pichure — 0 fie . Iyr= & to Mersenboerg picture - O77 y ler pe. The physical reguivensent of Unchouny ek Te We (¢> = will Hle>- Ely>: Hazly>= Exu,)ebly>= at Heu)p> sned oat cveeter a povbiele *Sace au exponen hel of au Optreby (6 ae fine e., 4 Me Toler Senes, we ees se He (Mose ind ‘Wess t e a, = Ge e a af = ate" os) * Since p> {p73 = fos. 63 for @ per hee “oy He wness- Slee iat ad piuce PX = PRY PR, we fed: ob ; Note: - De Gaia ng Oe) = (KX) analogous Gy One fis Aol rx) = poy et ha peribe Leved, - A&o ; (21+ te) Gx] = O Lofe fe the gpecebor Y. 42 Causabiby 7 Os abo our ninplert observable cud , rf “Goobity “ nk@e teoG Lhe guasheahon Ve eepect thet Measures of v at x Ry Bo uot tndecfoce (lo wed ts Ludwce Gch otlec) if bey) ?ao : Tate 1s tory check: oe [ponpoil » [Ses exe leq ci St Hg, 2 as wpe Pray + (45, % Je Ge — eee Peep ip Ory) hie en P 2p? Gcpsep? © [Zs Sipe ae —p (x-y/ - [ee S(t ote! pey) Recete: ee i) = 7 (4 oe Core eo Hise! ee d= Bl we ‘5 Eads @ of He tio lems is pani boty javrenoudt die S0*(43). Fact: Auy vechy 2 with 220 cm be hens- farwek bo -2 by Ne So*43). [of Problems] 3 Lebustrabiou: eae a (fer So(42}) . ‘we E=3 Thus , Ue Tau vep Goce bey) Ge ery) the, es., he Second berm bstloud late pip ls Value, Hluce Lhe kus Camceé -2 “A . “ Course cf Keegy? , te chain (Yl, Gl] =o inmnrediatel, fallous from Cauouicad tae Keateou, Lh ix thea, detup bin chain, He Same (or Penew'e wey othe be-yP< 2 Ue Casis ol Lorene [Paii-e, Overicnce of tee Keovy However, we kare Coles Ks tyun, w tds Manifest Ara, Hevirg geearharhin 7 Jf cud bol yet estbGsleot boo rt ve-cppears of hae GUOe hat ave’, lez ae Aol 4, P wale tems @hious “ Lads a4, Le eveady htt. these qpevaloes in QET ond Lace Uuor, thot exp CiPle, ) fpomeroter trucGhous on States (Y>. [Meth Ove By cout tHe Sige is he . Mow, ie we "votate" ovr stele by A Gud measure at Me votatlet prsihon xt s Alte” Wye musk heaely fivot he Same vesutt:

= EvtAd eax) (Aly>), (be dvop He tyanc@ hou pod for uctshoua€ sinap Cicily. ) * Thus, we heed te kevrouck [Agard = (Ax) | + This cau incleecl bce checkeol % eapiceciog Me, in aat Aue Using Contmund. veletious (The fiiwle Version f Gore ‘& Spovanhaton ‘)it is of Coucie alr true for tems hous, [> Fo Cloms | + Fh is usefal bo check Cusistoncy of the ebove with the " oup fan” Cmnd ho Comore With Me someriol bflerat yelobias far Classicat fretole : @ Fielel operabos. at bts Agorks = eax) {x Ae 4 4 : ve fee — AM Ged A, Ay e Ag (Ar)Ar - (AA x), Thuis ts Oe piace we Cae Alten G recovered fhe Dipiuel eG bio of Ax A,A,. © COowsicee [ica Ast of: Aye) oe) = (A) (Recele tel Ayy = ¢! is the class. Web Cou faptire how voteleot & A,, 7 Buck bt: (Ay Aupl) &) = App) (Ag) = (MA) = 0AM) +) Ade Ok , bul uote tha hffertnce0 nd don't pet Coulased : Fully , Ve Youll al» Clee to titre Coventurce of our Fock - space 6asi's Alp> = [el> ah phy AM, p” Due bo he uovrmakzehion am Cuil, (ow states ave abby Ce ae ond the Pie fc be of SPF) 15 ,m priccipte , ovbitvery ) we Cautt a prow be sure. bout. thee prefache uw tes befohon, 37 ° Que Can of course wovle Hus onl epliott, Sin 4,4. (- Pbloms J "Here , We WW meek; do a cousisfoney Cheol bo demouchole Hol ou Aoneckrehon Courtufor fils he “aire veAaboun save! = [alle Sept) 2p! Sp FY = do! Soltmy2p! Sxtay = [Ce 3 [Up mre! Fp) Be PSG) = St oy ° eae else (Le cpesripg) > 4 Moles ¢ tn parbeular the Gooles @ Tey sleon (2 bee (Seek 3-4-2 ] ctl Cheinb tes (WET, Sech 2). 3g es Sa The S-Metix elle have Jesh freot Ve) = Se 6 Tay bow Kerk, - +2 ot th vw CLT. We Te") Cemes/: @ le Couto 4o heap Le Syne, reguivredsend yr -e aad Gusik- uy = Ao, This is Some Ames Aste issek becouse of te stshrbik, ad yon, hut per. theory avoid te Local pwn. of geo is sh€e Ol. The vec€ veason for sloching with hss Kol eh fs sigh hy eante ty Hoe dle. ore euleol ole ute use He “Lndevechon Pichwe ' (68 keep de free fine erolahion of operrhers of the Hesse. berg Pichwe ak Cd the adlotibince bine Grobelion aol on slrdes: Schusctivgee eae Litevachin C'r"') i Hot rh, : ie “= — Oe Wer -e@ le> / BS seth foMips SI * Lvobchon fou t2 0b Eis her are pave ly Pit, io (ge > = ole He iy. » Thes: Inn > = Khe) ye> Ht (eee) _y; odueve Ute) = eit Pail ( Lhe (The gperetor KU bih you ploctol (urs fro bine ~olep, pork Mh. & Bhar doscu'ber the tanitory boo bahon of toler hy the taderaction picture. ) * Since [Begs > Spaz, a, |, Oe Specd Hol of 10 Our tadecochon unte ata aduce 2-2- scattenig Ctwo-fto-tu a -) | a Guciel Lh assume fle at ¢ aod E1 He foo ‘oy! prvhcter ove Sup evoke ol Io Sprce (Veo pockets alla teow pve ever ) (Woke: Ab byiplar oveber ts pevtdle ov call wave aaup licafedl derecho, tans Wwe Could ory Love 2 Cu 2)) ° Jo wowhk Hits out | el us firct pet fhe hime evotukon flow £ bof! nto 4 Sm steps : Sy eee “ wt See Heving Ui y= UE! tha) (tha thea) ~ Ulead) * Fardlecmove, i(4a,¢} et Mo lbrs) oHHa Mot = pilot Mea Ma tht (Wot -Hey Met ee ee ee Me + Oe?) = ont Hag le] Moe = @ Hing (E] - Oa’) oleve UF Yee! Ves tot Is tHe jheachon Coun Clyuien Hy Wars frureot tle ile ak * Tews, achow piehwe yt Lick) = eh ti (et the el Min a insta T esp [i fae Min Ce) | Line- ordlevig “opershy" (Geller: ‘sy. Ge") Aelhucdl by“ ' ! Cela) £ eh Te Qe) « C peages) fee, 7 ExpGcl , ue fore ty. it Dy tet _ Hi(t}= e [et wale = [ie Bein : 4 ttevechou pithuve freee = Hes-piel fert of free Beovy ow tle now the fine the S-waln'y : S = ‘a Uy = Te ifOMn le 7, Pe Lib to- eo See thy +00 Gud the SF tuehie - element : evi iiee nf Py fo Chle stads be fice Jinihee) ° Fi tev mmove ae He fle the Honsihion mots or 7 taotix Clo vol coufise ail bine ovdenig!) & S-4-iT & Sat Spee iT ° 76 tle Hers uf (Fill 6@ Guveniead to awge afar —torurebaotion, Suel av fo Chap loorive Coverr'Guce tell throw be Cavireje- osc Glebe Mabosy; CB as * plea oe er (95,43 J 2p° Con Hp) p> = 4% lo» Vth = Sire Ge oh ate ae °At loi 4 ve hen fave (le = ir) [os pel az a ae */o> “2 * The Cyucie€ pored of ote He previous M1 cuipe @ boos yas the CAPES OL of Mee trate element i, fe (iets Trased on te Gsk 2 Cines BL ASy “Co Mtn felov - sly Ce! ca Cou€hor ges Csee PFs): , a . wot MH FB OWS Crepe pleat), : Gao He above "Mromedsim,- eiserehds, - J- fel ‘ abrays arises te Suck, Hbohous ve debe the wt iq 1 “ wveviaed Wrobix e€eu.ets Ly, & Erie [ Si- 4 + Clog | bolore i fv 22 Setlevicg i “Ap Ltovg" we fovd: oe - Tles ( Obe fick “Fequonan wee": oo ee” Sp o 2. (ue Ce. tow ‘pacer obg dye Heowy Louk be Ligh lly have. Cotspbicatert: a . 2 2 ~ 4K De) + Lol Supp singly Clue b foe Cinil to - vo /t!> +0) Our vend vs Srepaloe 0 5%.)), The Courespouching n- ke Ged ad fyi ihe geran hh, is fhe : 8 2 Scallens Cvoss Sectou ° Qusie a “Pred tauge L aca vill the ean, Cousishes Llepubebs of om B) i Spiel oud Over 4 Se ovee Fad bile 4 fevged Cousi'shing of One parhice of type A: E — ‘ tevged Mi, fa 7a 7 Uy fe ) < “le Wil used Boobleed slater transverse bean, Gud “luce tyave pacteets: Meu sity lf.> = bk Uk) |e > love dle 2 Wk fr J ff (ea)? eke? £. (0) 5 poled wear kag , 2g. fel) ~ ep (ale) Mbvnotection ; tucker Coca lred th e? he a apprpniate choice of he fucker f. : Ti deen , using dhe 4 hows vteag favibior ep Keesie. f& pba Is fetos 6 4,9" Che easily cluckn fool at = ~ [b's e@ ~ tee 2 pe Ip. > [@ fel) ag [o> - [ts {aie («4 pt2)- igh) fel Nous , oth, &@ & kg le) a aie Locabreed ii Z, Hair Pour ier tras forme ie lee 2 4 ne. [@ gle) ; te te, —- he a oe, (pe? & flee Creek eo & ore) aehiy HW K a Locbrecc tepion | War =e, 7 oe [Oat Pe Calle thy |g > dascuibes tee sites bi ese leas BD ~ CAD ham ai Hace ad verk (pe prpricte Pa, P ac sud thel the A/B veploes Dore lap e€ &. o) * Fore telisheo thy 1 VE kelewk te Hscnbe a sifre hoe of th Cotelag porketes Great oye a Cw dais tia cver fe vepide Ce wit, tupact povanolnr b ) + > “ Lr eat CE>- 7 4 CAD a x? sae x’ Gy 0} ee i Rha he pershy Pp (of Waele, LLoovens ) forroks stifle, Teas, Me in moun forbces wf Mde-Veo ave Pvt % : ; 2 lakh, (& lq > 2» Siuce P/t,> 7 bey lk, > / & ihe adade WA lpact prrametor b reeds pS re ~ ee /%> [64 fp (late lle * Uhh > ° Le stort vif Leis shale Ob bx-o" (olen ABR ove fw gpert ) tvatre fuvcod ta Ame (AEB tel “pb Bob bso), God project om te desired Sco Moved slate ‘al b=t60 ti The probit foe hiis scablrred ede (Sy wilh momenta Piped & [ Ae * Stetmvaing Cote 4 ted of pecbicles with olifficel 6 ploes Mauls ~ 2 Kppisle>l’ o fea Leavteop eeoes thaws veute by by bo bio L Mp pechoOr : 6 (6 an aver F Le Gate apptoxinole he Star 4 a, wfagine « XM; 7 2 Nornde = 2 [ts [[- ©The cour espoudbing Cvoss Sechou te Sep, 2p = Nectele as p ZL : 2 se : Ceo, Huis tr fro taive aluce VC Cor vol ark fe ee fe nel Stok toda p, ifr (This abo laslas ilk boc fuck pleetsio of ory doleebe) Lastiak tie tefie © for a fruite vepion of plare Spec’ Ro? & mt 3 ‘ oe (Vp) = foggore (it |f° “% J ° The see of fee eee measure of Os (lies Manse roll fow aoe tiabeg he flee Mery (£4) Mh tilptebiy ow fhe hn plese oe 4* et lpe titel” ot lf GY pc! (asstomig for SlagGerty MUisbnguishabe probes vu ALP) o Ad of Meds ptucebiver bo a fot odate pevbcles hoor llroricts prea Gare fhe achiol Wleprokon pe fo as Gpg ap pres ccol fable eboul, Aiffitelpe evoss Sechous (leh): k a ‘ Zz aS = Lp fo [<-plsiy>[? a7 ° Mow plig in lis > as Giotn above mx Use 5% ia pe (Gr Spy PDA, . An bess fF et % the y ~pak Cont Gute, Thus: de = 14 [ots falas A aM (ha) le MG ho") eb & aeg e's%y 63) Gr} E(ay-ki) colere Pp =p 1 Kn b+ ky ; hi = bes be * The vel is a fry stragld ferret Calubalion: > [tse Ge) © ey 3 (oe (peipendien b-) > [bt Sop) 8b) ~ [A Me) 5 9-089) si98-42') 2 bousby | hee by = key, fou M00 Ot » &e borousty, aby ly > la, fron de) Oh (Tis Phos fom SOc het leg) by Sy lara) ? 3 ° oO ot a [Gi 066-64!) - ° rou hy, 4s Co bs a = (UG) 8 (efor Suga) 48 wie Gal Lys b+ Ge Bi? xX XX i! Beer oe See ete | cae | [2-] (Gg jae have We use hey a Fae as Gprrielly Heap Crvenka 4 fe al; tpg) ble: ke ballad boul pred torped” Wifi, Cad Mo bap ty Ont Wnollys i's Hip teal On Y= 0. & we May os Well keep iL feners 2 Lb tow toe Cote @ bel auwitd oof be ky okptobons in Moe process Ha platiea. big he ie hye hay : hg = ko, ; kis Ly = pe fogedlre uk of 40 ° ; 22, 2. yee eae eat eee 6 lla op be MGR RE MEP lave 2le Cod, Yeu he Geol tuo of hese ¢Yreehous |r hoo “97. fr be ho Canker uy aa ; colricf ave Lite (ex lnan 6 (ftcouG o Since hese bio $e oe ee fe his, lg dhe fe ha (vol yet tere) Sel. S"pp-leg lee), (90 Cove: jl - —1 i J Co aA * Teas Sutanenery ve Gave amveol of ae Is [4% IE GN Ube légil NS (pla) Ve ke | -4&l le Gt, ow “Ly fee kvo (PU os effech oe fern Cssuvieg kn? hy & ky = Pp, Mus as = 2 J, y,,./2 6459 “ d'p. ph ng lye (ug Ap) 1 a LAP AVE yet x) 2p eI ENIE ND = . °; Thuis pi feche De repae eect Uncle. boos}s aloug x? aol Cour be imbler. as a 2w CS, HK, vag’) eee a pawkic Ce plore ppoee elie LAK ye) aft Vurilny -2e Wye * Ook Ss = (pepe )™ Ceoherof-tta > pobluns Pa Pe) ftuers 6 pe ws) ay) » for us, ab ee aromat Me highly wlabashe Cs. Url be most thevewr! Thue, Cf pl=ty , i -0 /G-@l-~ l@l-=c-4, CR if ZR * pe) = 2s SHEP H Steet eee So i fo the 6 de = eo (Me Pot 1 | nok on ‘ Chace A « EJS Co) ale ob y #3 2-povhicls pore pe & spe exruge Be eee ie eet 7 Ip berg » fous J wth Ob pliose spece frisd: a 2 ox - Jea'Seopten) Aloe ore ty oi mtn fs Co SR pe 15, GI lane te a ee (pl P eR SBE Ap = AR Ip, Polpi/ fo aN 0 Ale = dp sod ( - : KW > [4a5 2p, (-¥e)- eR (Lihapediy (apt) AA = ob eer: 1ohprr hon) 5 (Me / AG dh bares Sages 2 Chik « a Lould Cow Cet erpuek unfloud any Cola lobrion! RL b LSe- forrane bree Clelean aver, Syanacarle, Cromer ave 7 Wao Ginento, 4 C55) p, zos) ~ Ky pleseadebos intl follow Pesle [Schiele (lath re Sine be beikes T), bat Alle fou. wsty oll. boder (Grhe Lhayleson [%Bec ) Ok thy of seupl. ~ feeecet Fatee: Sf polix-canuts <> freer fale ol ry (Pa Pa >: => dol TPC) & peal > hecckeof fo Seal, any ovabee tu peel #. (ep foe Fey npc. vas ) 6A Specha€ ktusily 8 2-feche > abandon Lidcechion Piclire £ such f He:senBes Picuwe (eon fe he whacky Heovg) Hes, the fine clyptudtence of itl tu cbudle be ub stase burn Ayroruics: poole, iets Un bei Uy i [Y> = ly, t0)> - hime mnctepbuctat » Cousidee the "Covrebehon fel : (Me Mead, ancountived bbe free- fred Uvsion of Mar th Oe HisCussion of Couse bly, Pov x? ye, (x-y)%0 ; / Le Gn. iakcpecl Mae as Cup litucte tf pobicke Pepefetion fou. G a€ bine go h x od Hime xe] *fov a free_(heedt fr ww ness iy We Cave eee S2

    = [GG Z
      ae all states, tic€ Weth'-povhice (The stam is Spr Ox » jf jn laches todas hoe cute the Cubuous inchces present @ f- because of Goorde & rofotous. ) Use Yo) = ei “goa” ; er iy> eh hes Doe ZEREY | cy geye>|* = 4 FET |colponer| 8G pe) = fal%y 9 x-y) ant © 1 $G) oleve SG) = &x/* < 56-pa)|
        cu | = [og Ip> = S4 ie - fay 1p ey) 2 aes [" + --- cs D4, a ° Tleus fino by : = 2264 na) + fdtses (ur) Dey ue) hye *Sblyacl Me same e coil xey ad use he Achuiho, A (x-y ne) = , OClahe:
          = 2 Ale Wy) fetes) sty) a < see i : © Siece par, PPG aye Ippous to Bolle Siotes of ter &. we get CE G2), roe QT] = iS 6z-g), ant He some on doe ul. site (fe te free Heovy ) Ketce 1-24 f Mes (uy, ee PZ ed mol BEAM llaoy vol fhe. The sive of 4-2 aecouts for fhe ove Ly of Poy lo> wth, wae th pavete stoter, . Fina lly | te ono Copy Ao ow taworbon Poeg) > Ce opal] , ve Can abo couric TROY)! SOIT GIG) OD = 2D. Gung, mt) [ows or)d, Oyen) Mae The Fegan Prpepobe f nS cle be especvelly iinprvtaut below. 5S &2 LSE vectuchou formula "Mow we will rele bme-ovdtrect Cowcl fol. fo Sablenig Qty Cibucles, We stat % Cousicler inp he Kuri tf dive P™
            qn i 7 Cae CT

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