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Discrete Mathematics Assignment-II Deadline: 17th, 18th of February


Course : Discrete Mathematics

Instructor : Dr . Nasir Touheed

Deadline :

17th of February (For Mon/ Wed Slot )

18th of February (For Tue/Thu Slot )

Note : Submit your assignment at the beginning of the class .

Nolate submission will be accepted .

Question No :1
i. Prove that n3 −n is divisible by 6 for any integer n.
ii. Prove that √ 5 is irrational.

Question No : 2
Prove that these four statements about the integer n are equivalent:
[Hint: Prove (i)→(ii)→(iii )→(iv )→(i) ]
(i) n2 is odd,
(ii)1− n is even,
(iii) n3 is odd,
(iv) n2 + 1 is even

Question No :3
i. Prove that n2 +1 ≥2 n when n is a positive integer with 1≤ n ≤4.
ii. An irrational elevated to an irrational power may be rational.

Question No :4

Discrete Mathematics Assignment-II Deadline: 17th, 18th of February

Prove ∀a , bϵ R ∀ ε >0(( a ≤ b ¿ →(a>b +ε ) ¿

[Hint: Start with b=b and use transitivity.]

Question No :5
For each of these relations on {1 , 2 ,3 , 4 },determine whether the following
relations are reflexive, transitive, symmetric or antisymmetric.

i. R1=( 2,2 ) , ( 2,3 ) , ( 2,4 ) , ( 3,2 ) , ( 3,3 ) , ( 3,4 )

ii. R2= (1,1 ) , ( 1,2 ) , ( 2,1 ) , ( 2,2 ) , ( 3,3 ) , ( 4,4 )
iii. R3={(1 , 2) ,(2 , 3), (3 , 4)}

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