IP Address and MAC Address: Prepared By: Supervised by

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Kurdistan Region Government

University of Zakho
Faculty of Science
Department of General Science
First stage

IP Address and MAC Address

:Prepared by: Supervised by

Vian F. Ababakir Ayah M. Ahmad
Suzan H. Abdullah

 Definition
 Types of Ip address
 Change Mac Address
 Change Ip Address
 Hide Ip Address
 Deference between Ip and mac
 Reference

Definition of Mac Address

Address that uniquely defines a hardware interface is called MAC
(Media Access Control) Address. MAC address is purchased by
the manufacturer, producing interface hardware and assign the
MAC addresses sequentially to the interface hardware as they are
produced. MAC address is burned into the ROM of Network
Interface Card (NIC). NIC is an interface hardware that is used by
the computer to become a part of a network.

MAC address is a 48-bit hexadecimal address. The format of a

MAC address is MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS,  where MM:MM:MM is a
3-byte address of the manufacturer. On the other hand, SS:SS:SS
is a serial number of NIC card. MAC Address of each computer on
a network is unique. When you change or replace the NIC card of
your computer, your MAC address also gets changed.

MAC address is used at the data link layer of OSI/TCP/IP

model. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a protocol used to
receive MAC address of a device.

Definition of IP Address
The address provided to a connection in a network is called IP
(Internet Protocol) address. IP address does not uniquely identify a
device on a network but, it specifies a particular connection in a
network. IP address is provided by the administrator of the network
or by Internet Service Provider (ISP).

IP address identifies both a network and the host on that network.

IP address is used while routing as it specifically identifies a
network connection. If your computer is on two networks so, it will
have two IP addresses.

IPv4 address is 32-bit address whereas IPv6 is 128-bit address.

Your IP address will get changed each time you connect to the
network as it is dynamically allocated to your device when it
participates in the network. IP address for a particular connection
in a network can be retrieved by RARP (Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol).

The IP addresses are divided into three different

types, based on their operational characteristics:
1. unicast IP addresses – an address of a single interface. The IP
addresses of this type are used for one-to-one communication.
Unicast IP addresses are used to direct packets to a specific host.
Here is an example:

In the picture above you can see that the host wants to
communicate with the server. It uses the (unicast) IP address of
.the server ( to do so

multicast IP addresses – used for one-to-many .2

communication. Multicast messages are sent to IP multicast group
addresses. Routers forward copies of the packet out to every
interface that has hosts subscribed to that group address. Only the
hosts that need to receive the message will process the packets.
:All other hosts on the LAN will discard them. Here is an example
R1 has sent a multicast packet destined for This is an
RIPv2 packet, and only routers on the network should read it. R2
will receive the packet and read it. All other hosts on the LAN will
.discard the packet

broadcast IP addresses – used to send data to all possible .3

destinations in the broadcast domain (the one-to-everybody
communication). The broadcast address for a network has all host
bits on. For example, for the network the broadcast address would be*.
Also, the IP address of all 1’s ( can be used for
:local broadcast. Here’s an example

R1 wants to communicate with all hosts on the network and has

sent a broadcast packet to the broadcast IP address of All hosts in the same broadcast domain will
.receive and process the packet

How do I change my MAC address?

Although physical MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are
permanent by design, several mechanisms allow modification, or
"spoofing", of the MAC address that is reported by the operating
system. This can be useful for privacy reasons, for instance when
connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot, or to ensure interoperability. Some
internet service providers bind their service to a specific MAC
address; if the user then changes their network card or intends to
install a router, the service won't work anymore. Changing the
MAC address of the new interface will solve the problem. Similarly,
some software licenses are bound to a specific MAC address.
Changing the MAC address in this way is not permanent: after a
reboot, it will revert to the MAC address physically stored in the
card. A MAC address is 48 bits in length.

Mac OS X

Under Mac OS X, the MAC address can be altered in a fashion

similar to the Linux and FreeBSD methods:


Under Windows XP, the MAC address can be changed in the

Ethernet adapter's Properties menu, in the Advanced tab, as "MAC
Address", "Locally Administered Address", "Ethernet Address" or
"Network Address". The exact name depends on the Ethernet
driver used; not all drivers support changing the MAC address in
this way.


The method to change the MAC address of a router varies with the
router. Not all routers have the ability to change their MAC
address. The feature is often referred to as "clone MAC address".

How to change your IP address

If you want to change your IP address on your home computer,
there are few ways that might work for you—some simple, some
not. Before trying more complicated/technical methods described
below, you can try something that's very easy.

 Simply turn off or unplug your modem for about five

minutes. (You don't have to turn your computer off.) In
many cases this alone will change your IP address when
you go back online.
 If that doesn't work, try unplugging your modem overnight
and checking your IP address the next morning.
To check the IP address you're currently using, simply click find ip.
Hopefully one of these simpler steps will give you the result you

Have laptop, go mobile

If you have a laptop, you can switch to a new IP address very

easily, if only temporarily—but you can do it anytime you want.
Just go to any coffee shop, bookstore or other place that offers
free wireless Internet (Wi-Fi®). Your IP address will automatically
change because you'll be using a different Internet connection to
send email or join chat rooms.

How to Hide Your IP Address

Borrow a different IP address to go anywhere online and stay
The reasons why you might want to mask your IP address may
include: Hiding your geographical location, preventing Web
tracking, avoiding a digital footprint, or to bypass any content
filters, bans or blacklisting.

Four ways to hide your IP address:

 Use a VPN Service

 Use Tor
 Use a Proxy Server
 Use Free/Public WiFi
Difference Between MAC Address and IP Address

MAC and IP are the addresses that uniquely defines a device and
a connection in a network. A MAC address is a number assigned
to the NIC card by the manufacturer. IP address is a number
assigned to the connection in a network. The basic difference
between MAC address and IP address is that a MAC address
.uniquely identifies a device that wants to take part in a network

On the other hand, an IP address uniquely defines a connection of

a network with an interface of a device. Let us study some other
differences between MAC address and IP address with the help of
.comparison chart shown below

Full Form Media Access Control Internet Protocol Address.


Purpose It identifies the physical It identifies connection of a

address of a computer computer on the internet.

on the internet.

Bits It is 48 bits (6 bytes) IPv4 is a 32-bit (4 bytes)

hexadecimal address. address, and IPv6 is a 128-

bits (16 bytes) address.

Address MAC address is assigned IP address is assigned by the

by the manufacturer of network administrator or

NIC card. Internet Service Provider.

Retrieve Address ARP protocol can retrieve RARP protocol can retrieve IP

MAC address of a device. address of a device.

1.  "MAC Address Block Small (MA-S)". Retrieved 2019-02-24.
2. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e "Guidelines for Use of Extended Unique
Identifier (EUI), Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), and
Company ID (CID)" (PDF). IEEE Standards Association.
IEEE. Retrieved 5 August 2018.
3. ^ IEEE Std 802-2001 (PDF). The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). 2002-02-07.
p. 19. ISBN 978-0-7381-2941-9. Retrieved 2011-09-
08. The universal administration of LAN MAC addresses
began with the Xerox Corporation administering Block
Identifiers (Block IDs) for Ethernet addresses.
4.  RFC 760, DOD Standard Internet Protocol, DARPA,
Information Sciences Institute (January 1980).
5. ^ Jump up to:a b c d J. Postel, ed. (September 1981). Internet
Protocol, DARPA Internet Program Protocol
Specification. IETF. doi:10.17487/RFC0791. RFC 791. Upd
ated by RFC 1349, 2474, 6864.
6. ^ Jump up to:a b S. Deering; R. Hinden (December
1995). Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification.
Network Working
Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1883. RFC 1883.
7. ^ Jump up to:a b S. Deering; R. Hinden (December
1998). Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification.
Network Working
Group. doi:10.17487/RFC2460. RFC 2460.

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