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Amos O. Dare, M.D. OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Experience with the management of juvenile naso-
Department of Neurosurgery, pharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) by gamma knife radiosurgery is limited. We report
School of Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences, University at
control of the disease in two patients with advanced-stage JNA treated with primary
Buffalo, State University of New resection followed by gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery of residual disease.
York, Buffalo, New York CLINICAL PRESENTATION: An 18-year-old man presented with chronic sinusitis,
worsening headaches, diplopia, and left-sided facial numbness. A second patient, a
Kevin J. Gibbons, M.D.
19-year-old man, presented with recurrent epistaxis and nasal congestion. Magnetic
Department of Neurosurgery,
School of Medicine and
resonance imaging findings and endoscopic evaluation in each patient were consistent
Biomedical Sciences, University at with advanced-stage JNA.
Buffalo, State University of New
York, Buffalo, New York
INTERVENTION: One patient underwent craniofacial resection with approximately
3.0 cm3 of residual tumor in the region of the cavernous sinus. The other patient
Gary M. Proulx, M.D. underwent preoperative embolization followed by a lateral rhinotomy for tumor
Gamma Knife Center, Roswell Park resection with approximately 4.7 cm3 of residual tumor in the right infratemporal fossa.
Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New In an attempt to limit radiation to surrounding normal brain, residual tumor in both
York patients was treated with gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery. Control of disease
was documented by magnetic resonance imaging more than 24 months after
Robert A. Fenstermaker,
Department of Neurosurgery,
CONCLUSION: Short-term control of late-stage JNA was achieved by use of a strategy
School of Medicine and of primary surgical resection followed by gamma knife radiosurgery of residual tumor
Biomedical Sciences, University at in two patients. Establishing the effectiveness and safety of this strategy over conven-
Buffalo, State University of New
York, and Gamma Knife Center,
tional methods of managing advanced JNA will require future prospective studies.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, KEY WORDS: Angiofibroma, Gamma knife radiosurgery, Surgery
Buffalo, New York
Neurosurgery 52:1207-1211, 2003 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000058022.97390.7A
Reprint requests:
Amos O. Dare, M.D., Department
of Neurosurgery, School of

Medicine and Biomedical uvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma tactic radiosurgery in the management of
Sciences, University at Buffalo,
(JNA) is a tumor arising from cells in pediatric head and neck tumors has been
State University of New York, 3
Gates Circle, Buffalo, NY the region of the sphenopalatine fora- documented (3, 5). However, experience
14209-1194. men (25). Although histologically benign, with the management of JNA by gamma
Email: the tumor may develop an aggressive knife radiosurgery is limited. We report two
growth pattern and has therefore been man- cases of late-stage JNA treated by primary
Received, April 2, 2002. surgical resection and gamma knife stereo-
aged by various protocols, including sur-
Accepted, January 8, 2003. tactic radiosurgery of residual tumor, with
gery (2, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16–18, 21, 22, 25, 29),
radiation therapy (4, 7, 10, 27, 30), or a com- control of disease at follow-up evaluation 3
bination of the two (9, 12, 19, 28). Most years later.
authors agree that surgery is the primary
and exclusive treatment of early-stage dis- CASE REPORTS
ease when gross total resection can be
achieved (1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 18, 21, 22). However, Patient 1
because of a higher rate of tumor recurrence An 18-year-old man presented with wors-
associated with advanced-stage lesions, con- ening headaches, double vision, and left-sided
troversy surrounds the optimal manage- facial numbness. He had been treated for
ment of disease with widespread cranial chronic sinusitis in the past. Evaluation with
base extension or intracranial involvement. computed tomographic and magnetic reso-
The relative safety of gamma knife stereo- nance imaging (MRI) studies revealed a left



nasal and nasopharyngeal mass with extension into the infra-

temporal fossa, the apex of the left orbit, and the left cavernous
sinus (Fig. 1, A and B). Signal characteristics of the mass were
consistent with Stage IV JNA (6). The patient underwent
craniofacial resection, with residual tumor in the region of the
cavernous sinus that measured approximately 3.0 cm3 (Fig.
2A). His preoperative symptoms of headaches, facial numb-
ness, and diplopia improved significantly. The final pathology
report confirmed the diagnosis of JNA. Four months after
surgery, the patient underwent gamma knife treatment and
received 20 Gy to the tumor margin (45% isodose line) (Fig.
3A). The patient tolerated treatment without complications. A
follow-up evaluation at 2 years revealed no change in the size
of the tumor (Fig. 2B). The patient is highly functional, with no FIGURE 2. Gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted postoperative MRI scans
neurological deficits. in Patient 1. A, axial view, showing residual tumor in the region of the
left cavernous sinus (arrow) measuring approximately 3.0 cm3. B, axial
Patient 2 view, obtained at follow-up examination 2 years after gamma knife radio-
surgery, revealing stable disease (arrow, left cavernous sinus).
A 19-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of recur-
rent episodes of epistaxis associated with progressive right
nasal congestion. After failed treatment for presumed sinus-
itis, the patient was evaluated by computed tomography and
MRI studies. A densely enhancing mass occupying the right
nasal and nasopharyngeal space with extension into the infra-
temporal fossa was discovered (Fig. 4, A and B). With a pre-
sumed diagnosis of Stage III JNA, the patient underwent
preoperative embolization, followed by a lateral rhinotomy
for tumor resection. Pathology results confirmed the diagnosis
of JNA. Immediate and follow-up postoperative MRI studies
revealed residual tumor that measured approximately 4.7 cm3
located in the right infratemporal fossa (Fig. 5A). Seven
months after surgery, the patient was treated with gamma
knife radiosurgery. A dose of 20 Gy was delivered to the
tumor margin (55% isodose line) (Fig. 3B). The patient toler- FIGURE 3. Gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted MRI scans, showing dose
ated treatment without complications. A follow-up MRI study distribution for radiosurgery. A, Patient 1 (axial view). A dose of 20 Gy
2 years later revealed no change in the size of the residual was delivered to the 45% isodose line. B, Patient 2 (axial view). A dose of
tumor (Fig. 5B). Clinically, the patient has had no further 20 Gy was delivered to the 55% isodose line.
episodes of epistaxis and is without neurological deficit.

JNA is most commonly diagnosed in adolescent males.
Histologically, the tumor is benign. Clinically, it may develop
an aggressive growth pattern. Tumor may be confined to the

FIGURE 4. Gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted MRI scans in Patient 2

(A, sagittal view; B, coronal view), showing a densely enhancing mass
occupying the right nasal cavity and nasopharynx with extension into the
infratemporal fossa.

nasopharynx (Stage I); extend into the nasal cavity and/or

sphenoid sinus (Stage II); extend into the antrum, ethmoid
FIGURE 1. Gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted MRI scans in Patient 1.
A, coronal view, showing left nasal and nasopharyngeal mass with exten-
sinus, pterygomaxillary and infratemporal fossae, orbit,
sion into the infratemporal fossa and the apex of the left orbit. B, axial and/or cheek (Stage III); or even extend intracranially (Stage
view, showing invasion of the left cavernous sinus. IV) (6).

1208 | VOLUME 52 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2003


lesions (Stages III and IV) are considerably less likely to be

controlled by surgery alone. Even with aggressive cranial base
approaches, these lesions recur at a higher rate, in the range of
5.5 to 39.5% (11, 16, 18). In a recent retrospective review of 44
patients treated primarily by surgery in which two-thirds of
the patients harbored Stage III lesions (according to the stag-
ing system proposed by Radkowski et al. [26]) or Stage IV
lesions (according to the scheme by Chandler et al. [6]), the
recurrence rate was 27.5% (16). More frequent recurrence was
correlated with higher stage of disease, which was character-
ized by widespread cranial base invasion of the infratemporal
fossa, sphenoid sinus, base of the pterygoids and clivus, me-
dial cavernous sinus, and anterior fossa. Recurrence in Stage
III disease was 39.5%, compared with a 7% recurrence in Stage
I and II disease (16). Similarly, in their review of 16 patients
managed primarily by surgery, Fagan et al. (11) concluded
FIGURE 5. Gadolinium-enhanced, T1-weighted postoperative MRI scans that the propensity for tumor recurrence is highest when
in Patient 2. A, coronal view, showing residual tumor in the right infra- tumor extends beyond the bony confines of the nose, ptery-
temporal fossa measuring approximately 4.7 cm3 (arrow). B, coronal view,
gopalatine fossa, and paranasal sinuses and invades the infra-
showing evidence of tumor necrosis 2 years after treatment with gamma
knife radiosurgery (arrow). temporal fossa, cavernous sinus, and brain. Consequently,
most authors agree that surgery is the primary and exclusive
Traditionally, surgery has been used exclusively in the man- treatment for early-stage JNA (1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 18, 21, 22).
agement of primary and recurrent lesions. Primary surgical However, controversy still revolves around the optimal man-
resection has been particularly effective in the control of early- agement of disease with widespread cranial base extension
stage disease (Stage I or II) and sometimes early Stage III (Stage III) and/or intracranial involvement (Stage IV).
disease (1, 2, 11, 16, 17, 29). Usually, a gross total resection is Alternatively, some authors have used conventional frac-
achieved with a lateral rhinotomy or a transpalatal approach. tionated radiation therapy as a first line of treatment and
Tumor extending into the pterygopalatine and infratemporal sometimes as an exclusive treatment modality in the control of
fossa may be resected with a LeFort I approach (11). More primary and recurrent JNA (4, 7). Others have advocated
recently, tumors confined to the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, radiation therapy for selected patients only. These patients
and paranasal sinuses have been removed by use of a purely include those with intracranial extension of disease (10, 15, 30,
transnasal endoscopic approach (11). Advanced-stage disease 31), recurrent disease (9, 12, 16, 19), and postoperative intra-
with variable cranial base involvement and intracranial exten- cranial disease or residual tumor in areas associated with a
sion requires more extensive surgery. Maxillectomy may be high morbidity for surgical resection (e.g., cavernous sinus) (9,
necessary through a lateral rhinotomy or a Weber-Ferguson or 21, 28). Unfortunately, case series are often reported with
a midfacial degloving incision. Frontotemporal and orbitozy- outcomes that have been combined for patients treated with
gomatic craniotomies and craniofacial approaches may be both primary and salvage radiation therapy. Also, few of these
used as indicated (11, 16, 18). Often, only a subtotal resection reports have used the staging schemes that are often used in
is achieved in extensive disease, with residual tumor involv- the surgical series. Therefore, not only is it difficult to deter-
ing the cavernous sinus, temporal fossa, and orbital apex (11, mine pure treatment outcome of specific radiation protocols
16, 18). In advanced disease, complications associated with for different disease stages, but also, the literature does not
resection include intraoperative blood loss requiring the trans- lend itself to direct comparison of outcomes after surgical
fusion of several units of blood (18). Other reported compli- therapy. Nevertheless, in one of the largest series of patients
cations include neuralgia attributable to sectioning of the Vth treated primarily with radiation therapy, Briant et al. (4) re-
cranial nerve, hearing loss, trismus related to lateral infratem- ported initial control rates of 78% in 45 patients treated with
poral approaches, meningitis, amaurosis, and ophthalmople- moderate-dose radiotherapy (3000–3500 rads). The follow-up
gia and hemiparesis with intracranial approaches (16, 18). Late period ranged from 2 to 20 years, but 10 of these patients were
complications include nasal crusting, infraorbital nerve dys- irradiated after surgical failure. This report was later updated
esthesia, lacrimal duct stenosis, otitis media, facial deformities, by Cummings et al. (7) in 55 patients (42 managed with
and ocular abnormalities requiring further corrective surgery primary radiation and 13 treated with radiation therapy for
(11, 16). Jafek et al. (18) reported a surgical mortality of 6.6% (1 recurrent disease after surgical excision), with similar control
of 15 patients) for advanced-stage disease with intracranial rates of 80% after initial therapy. More recently, Reddy et al.
extension. More recent series have reported no deaths (11, 16). (27) reported 15 patients with advanced-stage JNA treated
Recurrence after surgery seems to be influenced by disease with radiation (6 primarily and 9 after surgical resection) and
stage. Rates of 0 to 7% have been reported for early-stage reported an 85% rate of complete response. The total radiation
disease (Stages I and II) (1, 2, 11, 16, 17, 29). Advanced-stage dose was 20 to 30 Gy. A 2.5-year minimum follow-up was



reported. Using radiation therapy to manage recurrent dis- secondary malignancies, which are rarely described after ra-
ease, Kasper et al. (19) reported 100% local control of disease diosurgery. The strategy of surgery followed by adjuvant
in seven patients treated for recurrent advanced-stage disease treatment with radiation for residual tumor in areas associated
after primary resection. The follow-up period was 3 to 15 with high morbidity of resection has been recommended pre-
years, and 3000 cGy was used. Fields et al. (12) reported viously, albeit with external-beam radiation therapy (9, 18, 21,
results of megavolt radiation (3600–5200 cGy) in 13 patients. 28). Surgery reduces the tumor to a size amenable to treatment
Disease was controlled in 9 (82%) of 11 patients treated for with gamma knife radiosurgery. Typically, JNA recurs within
recurrent disease after primary surgical resection. The median 6 to 36 months (mean, 17 mo) after primary therapy (23). We
duration of follow-up was 136 months. Using radiation ther- have observed both patients for more than 24 months after
apy primarily to manage patients with intracranial extension radiosurgery, with control of disease in one patient and radio-
of disease (Stage IV), Economou et al. (10) reported asymp- graphic evidence of early tumor regression in the second.
tomatic control in 10 (71%) of 14 patients. A 25-year experience Others have advocated the use of postoperative radiation
was reported; no follow-up period was mentioned. Wiatrak et therapy for residual tumor only at the time of disease progres-
al. (30) reported symptomatic control of disease in a series of sion (11, 16). In the case of a delayed diagnosis of recurrence
three patients with intracranial extension of disease treated or the loss of a patient to follow-up, a recurrent lesion may no
with primary radiation (3660–5040 cGy), with a follow-up longer be treatable with gamma knife radiosurgery. This re-
period of 1.7 to 5 years. In summary, the current literature port documents short-term control of postoperative residual
would suggest that long-term control of recurrent and tumor in the infratemporal fossa and lateral cavernous sinus
advanced-stage disease may be achieved with radiation ther- after gamma knife radiosurgery in two patients. Long-term
apy; however, a recurrence rate of 20 to 33% may be expected control of advanced-stage JNA with this strategy and estab-
from primary treatment with radiation alone (4, 7, 19, 27, 30). lishing the safety and effectiveness of gamma knife radiosur-
The use of conventional radiotherapy in the management of gery over conventional radiation in the management of ad-
JNA in the adolescent has been criticized for its potential long- vanced JNA will require further prospective studies.
term adverse effects. Cummings et al. (7) reported secondary
malignancies within the radiation portal in 2 of 55 patients
treated with primary radiation therapy; one patient developed ADDENDUM
basal cell carcinoma of the face, and the second developed a
During the period of review of this manuscript for publi-
well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Reddy et al. (27) reported
cation, we have had the opportunity to evaluate both patients
basal cell carcinoma in 1 of 15 patients. Others have documented
at 36 months after treatment with radiosurgery, and we have
malignant transformation of JNA after conventional radiother-
detected no clinical or imaging evidence of disease recurrence.
apy. Adverse reactions include cataracts and hypopituitarism (7,
27), glaucoma and optic atrophy (30), xerostomia, and caries (12).
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COMMENTS palsy, bone and soft tissue necrosis, and second malignancy,
especially in children. A potentially safer and equally effective
T he authors report two patients treated with resection fol-
lowed by gamma knife radiosurgery for juvenile nasopha-
ryngeal angiofibromas (JNAs). Many of these tumors can be
alternative may be the use of other highly conformal radiation
technologies with fractionation, such as fractionated stereotactic
radiosurgery and intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
effectively treated with resection and radiation therapy. How-
ever, as the authors note, this is associated with the possibility Suzanne L. Wolden
of delayed secondary tumor formation years after the fraction- Pediatric Radiation Oncologist
ated radiation regimen. In an attempt to restrict the radiation Philip H. Gutin
dose precisely to the tumor, they performed radiosurgery. For New York, New York


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